
Tucker Malarkey

Autor von Resurrection

7 Werke 416 Mitglieder 13 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Grew up in San Francisco and lived for two years in Africa. She won the Michener Grant at the Iowa Writers' Workshop and is a senior editor at Tin House, based in Portland. This is her first book. (Bowker Author Biography)

Werke von Tucker Malarkey

Resurrection (2006) 260 Exemplare
An Obvious Enchantment (2000) 72 Exemplare
Das afrikanische Amulett. (2003) 5 Exemplare
Le Sacrifice des Sables (2009) 2 Exemplare
Manifiesta magia (2003) 1 Exemplar
Una màgia molt clara (2002) 1 Exemplar



Georgetown University



Gemma Bastian es una enfermera inglesa que acaba de vivir los terribles bombardeos en el Londres de la segunda guerra mundial. Cuando recibe la noticia de la muerte de su padre, arqueólogo, en El Cairo, vuela a Egipto y allí advierte que nada es lo que parece.
Su último proyecto, un grandioso y revelador hallazgo arqueológico, la lleva a pensar que su muerte no ha sido natural. Consternada, halla consuelo en la hospitalidad de un amigo de su padre y sus dos hijos, Michael y Anthony. Pronto, Gemma se siente atraída por ambos, aunque será Anthony quien le ayudará a investigar lo ocurrido.
Charles Bastian buscaba nada menos que los evangelios gnósticos: preciosos documentos históricos tachados de heréticos, y teóricamente destruidos por la jerarquía eclesiástica en el siglo IV. ¿Llegó a encontrarlos? ¿Son estos textos sagrados la clave del misterio?
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Natt90 | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 27, 2023 |
I started to skim after about the 1/3 mark, and I'm back and forth between two stars and three. Incidentally, I picked this book because of the conservation story and I'm fascinated with eastern Russia, but the parts I actually liked were the most personal parts of Guido's story. I don't need a bunch of, "and then this happened, and then this happened, and then this happened" with the cast of dozens of people in the latter 2/3 of the book.

The logistics of getting to a remote area can be interesting, especially clunkily-organized transit areas like Russia where there's always misadventure. But those segments are few and far between. Before I knew it, twenty years of the story went by. Other than marital issues and a few sentences about the kids, the story was just a bunch of back and forths between fly fishing trips in Kamchatka and U.S. fundraising.

I needed more glue to keep me in the story. Maybe zooming in and focusing on a few key points in Guido's journey would've worked better. I feel like I know nothing about the quest to save wild salmon other than the most generic view: fundraising, and fly fishing trips to encourage wealthy elites to support the cause. Most of the time the salmon weren't in the picture, just that theoretically they were in the same rivers they were catching other fish in.
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leah_markum | Oct 28, 2022 |
This book really did not live up to my expectations. It has been in my sitting on TBR-shelf for a long time, probably because of the previous opinions about it that I read.
To be honest, I have to say that I used it as a 'bedside table book', so that the trouble I had getting fascinated by the story, I initially blamed on the time of reading. But even when I read at a different time, things didn't really go smoothly.
The romantic storyline could have been deleted as far as I am concerned. I'm generally not a fan of that, but this was really something. Start a relationship with an addict who has mood swings? And if he then commits heroic suicide just move on to his brother, as if they are one and the same? That Anthony Ifound a strange guy.
Anyway, enough about the 'romance'. Much more interesting I would have found a more elaborated story on the Gospels, Gnostics. After reading this book I have the feeling that I have not become much wiser.
And then the thriller part .. Just as half-baked as the romance. Yes, some people are dying, but I never found the book worth the denomination thriller.
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BoekenTrol71 | 10 weitere Rezensionen | May 15, 2021 |
Growing up in an Irish Catholic family in the 1960s and 70s was an experience steeped in church-every-Sunday, frilly white communion dresses, tiny silver crucifixes on delicate little chains, nuns enveloped in billowing habits, and don’t-you-dare-lean-your-behind-on-the-pew-when-you’re-kneeling instructions from Mom & Dad. I can tell you with much certainty that the Catholic Catechism I used in Sr. Paul Regina’s religion class sure didn’t have anything in it about the Gnostic Gospels.

As I’ve aged, I, like many of my contemporaries, have lost a little faith in the teachings of the Catholic Church. It’s not so much a loss of faith but a real questioning of the things I was taught so many years ago. So I naturally gravitate to books that deal with themes that question the same things I question. In this case, that questioning involves the authority of the four gospels of the New Testament, and the place in history and faith of the Gnostic Gospels, or New Testament apocrypha.

Resurrection is a fictionalized account of the discovery of the Nag Hammadi gospels in post World War II Egypt. Gemma Bastian, our intrepid heroine, is a war-damaged nurse who lived through the Blitz in London which killed her mother and destroyed her home. Shortly after the war ends, her father, a Biblical archaeologist, is found in his Cairo office, dead of an apparent heart attack. Shortly after being informed of his death, Gemma receives a mysterious letter from him that sends her to Cairo on a mission. As she discovers more about her father’s work, it becomes clear that he had discovered something that would rewrite the history of Christianity. The story follows Gemma as she slowly pieces together the last days of her father’s life and culminates in her possession of the Nag Hammadi gospels.

This reminded me very much of early Elizabeth Peters fiction, which owes a lot to the gothic romances so popular in the 1960s and 70s, and which evolved into the inimitable Amelia Peabody series. The three primary characters — Gemma, Michael and Anthony (the two brothers who vie for her attention) are colorful and well drawn, but the real action in the story involves the discovery of the gospels, what they contain, and what happens to them. Malarkey’s story whet my appetite enough that I’m currently reading the scholarly works on the Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels. I realize that my father, who spent the first part of his young adulthood in the seminary, is probably spinning in his grave, but I have to say that what I’m reading is making me re-connect with the basis of my Christian belief. And that’s not a bad thing.
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patriciau | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 27, 2018 |



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