
Robert McCarty

Autor von Planet Of The Dogs

3+ Werke 20 Mitglieder 4 Rezensionen

Werke von Robert McCarty

Zugehörige Werke



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McCarty, R.J. (2007). Planet of the Dogs. Barking Planet Productions.


Planet of the Dogs shares the story of a human world consumed by greed. To save the Earth, volunteer dogs leave their own planet and begin to improve humanity by befriending children, beginning with Daisy and Bean.

This book has the feel and language of a creation myth. Individual characters are not introduced for several chapters. All of this lends itself for the book to be read aloud.

The illustrations were detailed, but did not always match the images that I personally wanted to create for the worlds described.

The book is in moments choppy with the chapter transitions. It was also too didactic for my personal tastes. But more than anything, this book demonstrates a love for dogs and a metaphor for how they can improve people’s lives.

For more information on the book and series, you can visit

Activities to do with the book:

Since the book shares both examples of a distopia and a utopia, a teacher could encourage a discussion of what makes a society ‘good’ or ‘bad.’

Students could create their own stories in response, incorporating their own favorite species of animals as heroes.

The book could also be used to initiate a conversation on respecting dogs and other animals. Or could begin to consider how pets can help people feel happier.

Favorite Quotes:

“Our story begins, long, long ago, before there were dogs on Planet Earth” (p. 1).

“Our plan is to begin with the children. They are more open to trust, love and learning new ways than adults. We will go to Planet Earth and work with the children” (p. 6).

“We dogs are happy and help each other because love is the most important part of our lives. When you give love,” she said, “You bring out love in others. If we come to Planet Earth, and people spend time with us, there will be fewer lonely people and more happy people” (p. 10-11).

For more of my reviews, visit
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SJKessel | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 23, 2009 |
I love this series of books and this first, Planet of the Dogs, sets the stage for those works that follow. The earth, during the time this story takes place, is taken from a time past. It would be difficult to nail the exact era in which the story takes place, but medieval would probably be the closest call. Anyway, the people of earth at that time were without dogs. The people at that time were loosing the ability to love and to be loyal. This of course is where the dogs come in. The dogs of Planet of the Dogs live in complete harmony. They do not lie, cheat, steal or have any of the other bad traits we humans have. The dogs become aware of the problems on Earth and decide to take action.
This story boarders between reality, a dream world, fantasy, fiction, reality and wonderful imagination. People here on Earth are in trouble with many of the evils they create for themselves, and as in real life, dogs are much brighter about such things than we are. The author has done a wonderful job of weaving this tale, making it a first rate fantasy read, while at the same time addressing quite real problems and indeed, how to fix those problems.

This book can be, and should be, read on several different levels. First, it is completely appropriate for children from about the age of eight and up. While not a beginning reader by any means, the story could be read to children of a younger age and I feel there would be complete understanding with little explanation of the reader’s part. Secondly, this book is quite sneaky about throwing in wonderful facts about dogs, such as their ability and method of communication, life style, temperament and abilities. Thirdly; this book makes some very insightful observations of the general human condition; not only in the setting of the story, but are just as applicable now as then. Fourthly; these books are excellent motivators, not only for reading, but for generally living life as it should be led. Finally, the entire work is almost irritable to dog lovers.

The nine illustrations included in this work are brilliantly done. The artist (and note that I do use the term “artist” rather than illustrator in this case), has given us soft, charcoal type drawings which are extremely detailed, while at the same time having a misty surreal quality about them that is absolutely charming. This is not an easy fete to pull off, I know, I’ve tried, and it is perfectly done with this work. Stella Mustanoja McCarty knows her dogs and captures them beautifully. She also captures the feeling of the story perfectly and you can see it in each line she draws.

Robert J. McCarty seems to have the ability to write in a way that is quite attractive to children and at the same time is able to write and tell a story that will not numb the mind of the adult whom is reading the work to or with the child. Each chapter of this book is short, the story moves right along, and the young reader quickly becomes completely engrossed with the story line. This is an ideal book to read to a group of children and an ideal work to be read either by the individual child or with a parent or loved one. There are so many good lessons to be learned here!

Young readers, who love fantasy, dogs, history and simply a good, fast moving story, will love this one. This is a book that belongs on their shelves.

Don Blankenship
The Ozarks
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theancientreader | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 27, 2009 |
Planet of the Dogs is the first of a series of books that tell the story of how dogs first came to Earth from their own planet in order to help the human race. The Planet of the Dogs, on the other side of our sun, is a place where dogs have always lived in peace and happiness. It is a place where dogs have no worries, where they can play and sleep and eat the dog food that grows on trees. When the queen of the dogs, Miss Merrie, and her council learn that there are problems on the Earth, the Planet of the People, they decide that the dogs must send a mission to Earth to help the people there. In this time there weren’t yet any dogs on the Earth, so the humans there don’t have the benefit of the special love, loyalty and friendship that only dogs can give. Planet of the Dogs is the story of how the gentle farmers of Green Valley were threatened by the fierce warriors of Stone City, and how the first dogs to come to Earth brought peace to both sides.

This chapter book is appropriate for young children, and the short chapters and simple sentences make it especially appropriate for children who are just learning to read on their own. The story has just enough suspense to hold children’s interest without frightening them, and imparts an overall message about the power of unconditional love to change people’s hearts. And of course, this story will capture the heart of any child who loves dogs! Reviewed by Book Dads
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bookdads | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 18, 2009 |
In Planet of the Dogs we are introduced to the world long, long, ago, before there were dogs on earth. The dogs have their own planet, where they live in a healthy and helpful society which is presided over by the dog council. When they find out that the people in the peaceful villages of the earth are under threat of attack from the warriors of Stone City, the dogs all agree it is time to act. They have observed enough about the planet earth to know that the adults will not accept them very readily; but the children, who are more open, and can even understand the language of the dogs, should be approached first. Can the dogs win over the people of earth so that they will trust them and let them help, or will the dogs fail in their mission, and the fierce warriors overcome the village?

This is a great story, full of adventure, fun, and fantasy. What child could help but be delighted and enthralled by the thought of dog biscuit trees, and fields of flowers which unbelievably transport you to another world, a world inhabited only by dogs. There is a perfect amount of conflict in the book to keep the story moving along, and yet the kindness and love of the dogs is always there to counteract the encroaching danger.

The book also contains very detailed and stunning drawings, which add to the overall atmosphere of the book.

I would reccomend this book for children from ages four to twelve, and all dog lovers.
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lisalouhoo | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 17, 2009 |

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