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Four Weddings and a Duke by Michelle McLean

Communication is the foundation of a good marriage and assumptions…well, you know what they say happens when you “assume” instead of verifying issues…

What I liked:
* Lavinia Wynnburn: wellborn middle daughter, quiet, reserved, feels overlooked, reader, artist, sees better with her eyeglasses than her lorgnette, wise, mature, caring, does her best, thrilled to have been seen and chosen…
* Alexander Reddington, Duke of Beaubrooke: the second son now the heir, prefers botany to duking, a bit of a recluse, avoids social events, has been working on a project for decades, is a good man but definitely a bit clueless
* The family dynamics within both the Wynnburn and Reddington family – they seemed real and caring of one another
* Nigel Bainbridge: friend of the Wynnburn family, classmate of Alexander’s, interested in the same research as Alexander but in competition rather than working together, has a sense of humor and likes to rile some people up.
* The meet-cute at the wedding that led to who Alexander chose to marry
* How Lavinia was there for her husband and family
* Wondering who Nigel and Kitty might end up with in the future
* All of it really…don’t want to give the story away…it made me think, care, and root for the couple to make it work

What I didn’t like:
* No people to really dislike but did with that Lavinia and Alexander had managed to communicate a bit more honestly and openly…or at all…as it would have saved them a great deal of angst…although as pivotal in the story, it was nice when they realized the difference talking rather than assuming could make.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
CathyGeha | May 25, 2023 |
Adam Brady is running from trouble, which always seems to find him. Luck is not his friend. He is trying to avoid the sherif and the target on his head and simply enjoy a quiet, simple life.

Nora Schumacher is seen as ‘one of the guys’ in her small town and deals with her drunken father every day. She is desperate to keep her father from selling her grandfathers land, so she can inherit it when she turns 30 or get married. With her father getting worse, she decides marriage is the way to go.

When Adam and Nora stumble upon each other at the town meeting, they inadvertently get married! Nora is relieved as it solves her problem, but Adam is mortified and refuses to acknowledge the marriage. So, per town rules, he must find a job within 30 days. However that proves difficult when Nora’s friends are determined to make it hard for Adam so he will keep the marriage with Nora and help her save her farm.

I had a really hard time with this book because I just could not get behind the plot. The accidental marriage, setting Adam up to fail at every job, the manipulation from both to them…it was just too much and I couldn’t enjoy the story. I didn’t believe the feelings between Nora & Adam which didn’t help matters. It just all felt so silly. I’ve heard that the first book was better, but maybe I’m just not a ‘western romance’ type of reader…I’ll have to revisit that genre another time.

Historical Romance, Western America, Criminal Hero, Gamma Hero, Damaged/Tortured Heroine, Independent Heroine, Virgin Heroine, Working Heroine, Forced Proximity, Three Star, Two Flame
Silcottfamily | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 27, 2023 |
Arabella is desperate to restore her family’s name in society after her oldest sister ran away with the stable boy! She has no interest in marriage and has always planned on living as a spinster surrounded by her books. But her younger sister is desperate to be married and have a family, so Arabella has come up with a plan. She decides to make a bargain with the most eligible bachelor in London the Duke of …….!

Silas is enjoying his bachelor status and has no plans to change that! But when Arabella shows up at his door proposing a partnership of sorts, he is intrigued by her and her crazy idea! Arabella and Silas come up with 10 rules for their marriage of convenience, but mostly that he will help restore her family name and find a husband for her sister and Arabella will give him an heir. After they accomplish those goals, she will abscond to the country and he can return to his independence.

But neither one of them planned on enjoying marriage or falling in love! This was such a cute book and I loved the premise. I do not, however, like the miscommunication trope. It grates on my nerves and I just want to strangle the MCs! If I can get past that annoyance, their banter was so so good and funny! Silas is a jokester and tends to make light of himself, but Arabella doesn’t let him and he starts to mature and grow in their relationship. Watching them develop as a couple and as individuals, embracing their marriage and adulthood together was the sweetest thing I’ve read in a long time!

Historical Romance, Regency Era, Season/Marriage Mart, Ton Society, Beta/Cinnamon Hero, Titled Hero, Bookworm Heroine, Shy Heroine, Virgin Heroine, Wallflower Heroine, Fake Relationship, Marriage of Convenience/Arranged Marriage, Miscommunication Issues, Secrets & Lies, Five Star, Three Steam
Silcottfamily | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 27, 2023 |
When the King decides that the best way to find peace between the MacGregor and Campbell clans is to marry them together, Malcolm and Sorcha find themselves married two hours later! Although there is definitely attraction between them, they are centuries old enemies and both are trying to make the other miserable. Malcolm tries bad manners and indifference, while Sorcha tries being rude and annoying. But, since they are both stubborn Scots, neither won concedes and they find themselves enjoying each other’s company and getting past their family feud. But when their castle is attacked, it will put their love and trust to the ultimate test.

Tropes: Steam warm, Scotland highlands, Titled Hero, Beta Hero, Virgin heroine, New Girl in Town, Enemies to Lovers, Marriage of Convenience, Stuck Together, Scotland, Highland Warrior

The Plot : The plot was really well done; the circumstances were believable and the characters played into it perfectly. I didn’t get annoyed with either Malcolm or Sorcha with their many attempts to push the other away. There were enough secondary characters to move the story along, some of which became integral parts in the overall plot! Having Malcolm and Sorcha, unknowingly, kiss the night before their forced wedding allowed them to both realize they were attracted to each other regardless of their feud which made it harder for them to hate each other!

The Heroine : Sorcha Campbell is Scottish, buy grew up in the British court, so after being married and journeying far away to the Scottish highlands with no friends or family to an unfamiliar place, she is rightfully nervous. She adapts quickly and finds she enjoys a simpler life and their traditions and she starts to see it as her home. She has been so brainwashed by her fathers hate for the MacGregors that she is even slower to trust him than Malcolm is of her!

The Hero : Malcolm MacGregor is a typical Scot, tall, muscular and red-haired, feared by everyone, but he is an honest, gentleman who has a sweet side once you get past his exterior. Even being forced to marry, he promises Sorcha’s father to look after her safety which he does on several occasions. His admiration and care for Sorcha is just so sweet and he truly does want their marriage to work because he would love to have a family and she also softens him.

The Steam : There is one bedroom scene but, honestly, the romance and adventure was so well written and swoon that I didn’t mind at all!

Stand Out Moment : Several scenes come to mind, but when Malcolm canes back from fighting and she stitches him up is probably my favorite!

Who Would Like This : If you are looking for a romantic adventure set in the Scottish highlands, you can’t go wrong picking this gem up!

Final Thoughts : I love when I am sad at the end of a book such as this one, so I am going to immediately start on book two!
Silcottfamily | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 27, 2023 |
Lady Elizabet Harding is an only child to Lord and Lady Dawsey who only see her as their biggest financial asset and promise her to Ferguson Ramsey who ‘purchases her’ to help her parents financially. Laird John MacGregor is a Scottish Highlander, who secretly spends his nights as the Highland Highwayman stealing from corrupt gentry to give back to others.

Their paths cross when he rescues her from her runaway horse and again when he holds up her carriage. When Elizabet is accidentally shot during the encounter, John takes her with him to treat her wound which turns into a month of them getting closer and falling for each other. But knowing that Elizabet is the daughter of Johns enemy and practically engaged to another, she is the one person he can’t get close to to, even if that’s all he wants.

After recovering in the Highlands, John reluctantly returns her home to her parents. But when he sees her in a London ballroom, he can’t stay away. Desperate to get out of her impending marriage, she blackmails John into asking the king for her hand in marriage. The King refuses and, when Elizabet and John try to run away, John is shot and presumed dead. Days later, when she finds out he is still alive, she does whatever she can to go to him.

Just like the previous book in this series, I thoroughly enjoyed it! I don’t mind low steam as long as there is an interesting plot with lots of swoony looks exchanged and romantic phrases whispered, which Ms. McLean definitely delivers in her books!

Steam : There was lots of swoon and one steamy scene.

Tropes: Steam outdoors, Scotland highlanders, Titled hero, Protective alpha hero, Beta hero, Virgin heroine, Instant attraction, Forbidden romance, Suspense/danger, Revenge trope! Forced proximity, Secret identity,
Silcottfamily | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 27, 2023 |
Lady Alice achievers is spoiled and impulsive and she is determined to enjoy her last days of freedom. Doomed to marry the Earl of Woolsmere, an old man who is rumored to have killed his previous three wives when they failed to give him an heir, Alice sees very little hope in her future. That is until a large Highlander pulls her aside and gives her a letter from her dear friend Elizabet. She decides her best chance of escaping her unwanted marriage is to run away with the Highlanders help. She is persistent and blackmails him into taking her to Elizabet in Scotland.

Philip is shocked when he finds Alice in his cabin when he boards the ship! Not only was she able to get away and arrive in Dover, but she also told the captain she was sharing a cabin with her ‘brother!’ Once they land in Scotland, Philip tries to send her back to Scotland, but little does Philip know that she instead stows away in his wagon!

When they reach an inn for the night, Alice is discovered and Philip is forced to keep her with him once again. When she is assaulted in the hallway, Philip comes to her rescue and she declares that Philip is her husband, which in Scotland, declaring you are wed, is just as legal as actually being married!

Finally she is reunited with Elizabet! But the celebration is short lived as Ramses finds them a few days later and a battle ensues. Alice’s impulsiveness and Philip’s concern for making Alice happy, drive them apart, but friends intervene and Philip ends of racing off after the ship she has boarded headed for home.

This was a very enjoyable continuation of the MacGregor saga; I would recommend that you read them in order because there are many references to the previous books. Alice did rub my a little bit with her first attitude and goading Philip, but Philip was also a bit to ‘honorable’ for me! I loved being able to catch up with Sorcha/Malcolm and Elizabet/James.

Steam : Not a lot of steam, it was a slow burn.

Tropes : Historical Romance, Scotland Romance, Beta Hero, Starchy Hero, Highland Warrior, Virgin Heroine, Aggressive Heroine, Runaway Bride, Enemies to Lovers, Forbidden Romance, Married in Scandal, Class Difference, Forced Proximity
Silcottfamily | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 27, 2023 |
This is a fun romp in the old American West. Gray is a gunslinger looking to retire when he finds himself married through no fault of his own to Mercy, who's a bit of a harridan. The two need to adjust, especially as he's pretty laidback and she's a type A who can't cook. It's a quick read, very light and funny in places.
N.W.Moors | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 11, 2022 |
Just like Hitched to the Gunslinger the first book in this series, Michelle brings the same humor in this book. If you are starting this series, you are just fine as each book can be read as their own standalone novel. Historical romance fiction books used to be a favorite of mine. I can tell you that after having read these two books that Michelle is bringing my love back for this genre.

Nora and Adam shared great chemistry between them. Not to mention the witty banter as well. I love witty banter. It makes the story so entertaining. Plus, it adds to the romantic attraction between the two main leads. There are some really steamy moments shared between Nora and Adam. Just the way I like my romances. All I have to say about The Gunslinger's Guide to Avoiding Matrimony is take me away cowboy!
Cherylk | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 20, 2022 |
I've received a ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Even though Alice came from a great upbringing and was cater to all her life, her stubborn, selfish and childish behavior was a big turn off. Despite the huge flaw that is the main character, I did find the novel to be overall enjoyable.
ayoshina | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 31, 2022 |
Ten Rules for Marrying a Duke by Michelle McLean

Are you looking for historical fiction with that is weighty and philosophical? Not this book
Are you looking for a feel-good story that makes you smile? This book
Are you looking for characters and a plot that make you happy? This book
Do you want to dip into what does/doesn’t make a relationship work? This book

Well…that didn’t work…I was trying to make it short and pithy but really, even though this book may be short on pages, it is not short on plot, depth, character development and chemistry…not at all.

So…a bit more about the book…

We learn that Arabella Bromley’s sister selfishly chose to do what was best for herself without giving much thought to how it would impact her younger sisters – she ran off with the groom…and he became HER groom/husband. Wanting to fix things for her family and younger sister, Arabella hatches a plan and then seeks to implement it. She could care less about the Ton but does want her younger sister to have a successful season and make an advantageous love match. She does her due diligence, finds the perfect Duke to further her goals and accosts him (yes…accosts him) to see if she can make her sister’s dreams come true. And from that point…from leaving the carriage and a singularly interesting meet-cute that leads to time with Silas and her friend in his parlor…well…I started chuckling and caring and thinking the couple could have a future…but I also knew they would definitely hit a few bumps in the road, have some stellar times with ascents to spectacular heights and some less fun time wallowing in lows.

And…with that…I will stop her and say…

I loved reading this book
I would gladly read another by this author
This book had me smiling more than once
It was witty and charming
And the characters definitely grew to be a couple I adored.

Would I recommend this story? Yes
Will all agree with my assertion? Probably not…but then…they are not me.
Would I read more by this author? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review

5 Stars
CathyGeha | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 14, 2022 |
Hitched to the Gunslinger by Michelle McLean

Not your usual historical old west romance, nope, this one has a tired wannabe retired gunslinger hero, a not so sweet very verbal heroine, and a small town more accepting than most…oh…and a bad guy to thwart. Romance is definitely in the air, but it comes in a rather unexpected way.

What I liked:
* Gray: a survivor, grumpy, sleepy, over forty, fast with a gun, orphaned early in life, looking for a place to retire, stumbles into an orchard near a town called Desperation…and…his life changed.
* Mercy: tenacious, independent, hard worker, has built her orchard and farm on her own, sassy, no longer a spring chicken, owns the orchard Gray stumbled into…her statement in the orchard when Gray appeared changed both of their lives.
* Birdie: an opinionated equine nag with a mind of her own
* Sunshine: young, wants respect, follower of Gray, smiling most of the time, has potential and is coming into his own – nice guy.
* The characters met that live in Desperation: The madam, preacher, doctor, Martha and perhaps a few more. There is potential for a series should the author decide to pursue it.
* The banter and dialogue between Gray and Mercy – at first it didn’t grab me but as I settled into the story…I was hooked.
* The softer/other sides of the H/h that came out over the story
* Slowly getting to know the characters as the story progressed
* The relationship that developed between Gray and Mercy – such fun!
* The daisy tie-in and why it was so important
* That the bad guys were thwarted
* Pondering the future of the main and other characters in the book.

What I didn’t like:
*Josiah Banff: entitled, ruthless, evil, aggressive, no good, dirty scoundrel
* I have to admit that at first I wasn’t sure this book was for me…labeled a rom-com it didn’t make me laugh….but further in I began to smile, enjoy, and care about the characters and thoroughly enjoyed the story.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing-Amara for the ARC – This is my honest review

4 Stars
CathyGeha | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 25, 2021 |
It has been a little bit since I have read a historical fiction romance like this. I used to read them all the time. So, glad that the first book I started with to get back into this genre was this book. So much fun and a quick read.

I have been a fan of westerns and gunslingers. Gray may be a feared for his reputation but underneath that tough exterior is a heart of gold. He is who I would want to have my back. Yet, Gray is not the only one in this book. Not to be missed is Mercy. She is a feisty, independent woman that stand toe to toe against Gray. Hitched to the Gunslinger is a rooting tooting good time!

Warning: You will find yourself laughing and smiling while reading this book.
Cherylk | Aug 23, 2021 |
5 stars, Retired Gunslinger?

by Michelle McLean

How does a gunslinger retire? Buy a spread and be able to take a nap anywhere, anytime? That's what notorious gunslinger Gray "Quick Shot" Woodson has in mind. Mercy is in an awkward position with some of the locals in the sleepy town of Desolation, and she invents a temporary engagement with Gray, to help herself out. She offers Gray a free place to stay, good meals, and a free place to keep his horse.

Gray's peace and quiet lasted about 5 minutes, then all sorts of trouble begin. Join up Gray and Mercy as they solve the mysteries of Desolation and find that they might just happen to like each other a little bit, as well.

I liked the fact that the book had disclaimers on the "naughty bits" and trigger warnings. Some vulgarity could have been worded better, it didn't appear to match with the story.

Thank you to #netgalley and #entangled for the complimentary copy of #hitchedtothegunsliger I was under no obligation to post a review.
HuberK | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 28, 2021 |
I love reading Campbell vs MacGregor stories so I jumped on this when it was offered and I wasn't disappointed.
In trying to end the present feud between Malcolm MacGregor and Angus Campbell, King Charles II orders Campbell"s daughter, Sorcha to Marry Malcolm. Calamity ensues because, of course, neither wants the marriage.
Thank goodness Malcolm has the patience of a saint because I was ready to choke Sorcha. Yes, she drove me nuts. Malcolm on the other hand, he is a hard working Laird trying to take care of his people and not upset the King in the process. I don't want to give too much away but Sorcha does redeem herself.
This is a fun, witty, and at times serious story. There is a lot of witty banter that is sometimes downright hilarious. It's also captivating, entertaining, and thoroughly enjoyable. I'm looking forward to the next installment of this series.

I received this book for review on Celtic Dragon Book Reviews. All opinions are my own.
HistoricalJunkie | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 17, 2019 |
** 3.5 Stars Rounded Up **

This was a fast-paced, action-filled read and I enjoyed it. I haven’t read any of the other books in the series and felt perfectly comfortable with this one. There was a bit of ‘repeat’ of things from previous books, but only to add to the context in this book. I don’t feel as if I missed anything by not having read the earlier books. One thing I have noticed from discussions of the series – the couples are all into bickering. This book takes place at the same time as book #3 – How To Blackmail A Highlander – and features the heroine’s lady’s maid and the cousin to the hero.

Rose Thatcher, lady’s maid to Lady Alice Chivers, loves her lady, England and her life in London. Her family is all there and she loves living in the Chivers household. Yet, she is standing on the dock in Dover watching a ship, with her lady on it, sail away. Her lady has a plan and now Rose has to carry out her part of it. She must return to the family’s lodgings and pretend that Lady Alice is in her room – indisposed. She has to do anything she can to prolong the discovery that Lady Alice is missing.

William MacGregor is also on the docks seeing off his cousin Philip. He has to be very careful not to let anyone see his face and recognize him because he has been deeply embedded in the camp of the MacGregor’s mortal enemy, Ramsey. He’s acting as a spy and feeding information back to the MacGregor’s. Ramsey also has spies everywhere and if one of them spotted him, his life would be forfeit and they would know that Philip had left the area.

As William is surveilling the dock area, he notices a woman – just standing – watching the ship on which Philip just sailed away. Can she be a spy for Ramsey? He can’t afford for anyone to report that Philip has left the area, so, the only option that William can see is to take the woman someplace where he can then question her. That gives Philip time to get further out to sea if she is a spy, and if she isn’t – well – no harm is done. Yes, we all know how that is going to end. In a set of blunders, one after the other, the woman ends up back at Ramsey’s camp with him. Now, he has to keep her protected from the lascivious hoodlums working for Ramsey.

As Ramsey gets word that Lady Alice has flown the coop, he announces that they’ll all be leaving the next day. William must now manage to glean information on Ramsey’s route, manpower and plans as well as keeping Rose protected. They have quite a journey – both on the trail to Scotland and to their HEA.

There were a couple of things that left me wondering. For instance, Will kept dispatching messengers – many of them. Where did he get messengers? He was in the middle of an enemy camp with no friends around anywhere. Also – why would they send for a ‘Reverend’ to perform a marriage ceremony when all of Scotland and England were Catholic at that time?

I think I had a love/hate relationship with the main characters. I loved that each could be protective and caring toward the other. But then… He had to have the lowest of low self-esteem. He blamed himself for everything that went wrong in the world whether he could have prevented or changed it or not. I really got tired of that. For Rose, the constant ‘I must be with my lady’ just drove me insane.

It is a nice read whether you’ve read the previous books or not.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
BarbaraRogers | Jun 30, 2019 |
I didn't know that this is part of a series when I requested and even though I was not lost I kind of wished I had read the other book first and will remedy that when I get a little time..So we meet Alice who ia spoiled pampered lady with money she understands the way her world works where you marry for position in society and she had no problem with that until it is her turn to marry and her parents pick a really old gentleman who has buried a couple of brides already and to some weird circumstances. Alice does not want that and can you blame her, she wishes she had her friend Elizabeth to help her, when she gets a letter from her from Phillip and she decides that she is going to get his help. When Philip insists he will not help she decides to blackmail him..These two fight and bicker all the time, they get married accidentally she causes all these mishaps and chaos..I wont tell you more so you can grab a copy and Enjoy! I liked Philip, Alice drove me crazy some time but the book was enjoyable..

Rcvd an ARC at no cost to author. (netgalley) Voluntarily reviewed with my own thoughts and opinions.
NelisPelusa | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 14, 2019 |
How to Blackmail a Highlander by Michelle McLean
The MacGregor Lairds #3

Miss Alice Cheevers is engaged to an old man and she is not happy about it. She is an obedient daughter who understands the value of marrying for wealth and social long is not her that has to do so. And, the idea that the old guy she is to marry has already buried more than one young bride has her nervous...nervous enough to blackmail the young Scotsman who arrives bearing a letter from her best friend Elizabet. Philip MacGregor has no intention of taking Alice along with him on his return to Scotland but before he knows it there she is and along she comes. How she manages to do so, their interactions on the way and after they arrive are the rest of the story AND how they find their HEA was interesting to read. I did find Alice impetuous, spoiled, headstrong and not always aware of the danger she set herself up for and I found Philip to be hardheaded and a bit dense at times when he looked at his own emotions and feelings.

This was a light fun easy read that was somewhat predictable but also thoroughly enjoyable...if not very deep.

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3-4 Stars½
CathyGeha | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 8, 2019 |
How to Ensnare a Highlander by Michelle McLean
The MacGregor Lairds #2

Robin Hood is a highlander in this book with Laird John MacGregor, sometimes highwayman, playing Robin’s part. His Maid Marian, Lady Elizabet Harding, is a woman he first encounters when he stops her runaway horse.

There are despicable villains that do not get their just desserts, good men trying to right wrongs, a woman trying to avoid a marriage, romance aplenty and eventually an ending that made me smile…but also wonder what will happen in the next book of the series.

For a short book this packed a punch. The dynamics between H/h were fun to read and made me hope they would be able to end up with a HEA together. The heroine was not a shrinking violet and the hero was oh so charming. The dialogue was witty and entertaining and the story fun to read. One scene had me worried (toward the end) and I wondered just how the author planned to make things work out for everyone in the end but that, to me, was great since so often I seem to KNOW how things are going to happen before the characters do ;) There is a hook for the next book in the series and since there is no real closure on the evildoers I am eager to find out when and how they will get their comeuppances.

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4.5 Stars½
CathyGeha | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 10, 2018 |
The Richardson sisters hadn't always been such gently-bred Society ladies. In the past - Brynne, Cylla and Lucy Richardson - as the legendary 'Blood Blade', had battled their corrupt half-brother - the sheriff of their small California town. Having successfully defeated him, the sisters claimed their family's gold mining inheritance, and settled quietly. 'Blood Blade' left the bandit's life behind - Cylla staying in California with her husband Leo, Brynne and Lucy moving to Boston, occasionally helping Brynne's husband Richard, a doctor, to run his clinic.

Lucy Richardson's bandit sisters may have taught her to sling a gun and pick a lock, but nothing prepared her for the agony of her first heartbreak - Finnegan Taggart - at age eighteen. After seven years spent wondering where he was, she finally has a clue where to begin her search. Her sisters taught her to fight like hell for what she wants...and Lucy wants Finn.

Finn Taggart is bad news. His dark and tortured past always finds a way to catch up with him, and Lucy deserves much better than to be tainted by his touch. He couldn't have her years ago, and he definitely can't have her now - no matter how enticing she is. If only he can convince her of that before the danger that follows him brings them both down.

Danger doesn't exactly scare a girl like Lucy, and she knows how to use all kinds of weapons...including her feminine wiles. Finn doesn't stand a chance. Lucy can certainly handle herself - but if trouble arises - the Blood Blade Sisters are never too far away...

I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. This the third story in the series, and while A Bandit's Betrayed Heart is basically a stand alone book, there where elements of the story that made me wish that I could read the first two books to find out Brynne's and Cylla's stories as well. I give this book an A! I certainly look forward to reading more from Michelle McLean very soon.½
rubyandthetwins | Jul 23, 2017 |
With a B.S. in History, M.A. in English, a sense of humor by a woman who loves a happy ever after, Author Michelle McLean pens an entertaining tale.

Taking a feud of long-standing between the Campbells and the MacGregors, she weaves a tale which will keep you laughing, if for nothing more than the heated banter between Sorcha Campbell and Malcolm MacGregor.

King Charles II is tired of this feud. He wants it to end, therefore commands this marriage to take place. Malcolm doesn’t want to displease the king, for he is a friend and he’s been good with the MacGregor clan. He cares not to have the king’s wrath and lose his standing. However, it isn’t below him to think of ways to get this marriage annulled, particularly since his new wife makes him wish he didn’t have ears. His plan is to have her proclaimed insane. He feels a bit guilty about it, but values his freedom above all.

As Malcolm wants his freedom, so does Sorcha Campbell. To be wedded to the enemy? Never!! She and her maid, Berta, work up a scheme which backfires a wee bit. Well, maybe a lot! Her plan is to ask for an annulment on the grounds of her new husband unable to consummate the union.

When I wasn’t laughing, I was rolling my eyes–scenes very cleverly written. These two totally deserve each other! Malcolm just wants to go back to the Highlands – alone. But it doesn’t work out that way. Sorcha’s duplicity very nearly gets herself imprisoned. Malcolm saves Sorcha from herself thereby sealing his fate — at least for the near future.

Malcolm is honorable to the end, although it may just kill him. Sorcha has a change of heart. Maybe she could live with Malcolm, but her maid has a poor influence on her, making her doubt Malcolm’s intentions. Malcolm has little faith in his new bride and easily thinks the worst of her. Can these two ever move forward, already? Outside forces create more havoc. This adds up to one fast-paced battle between Sorcha and Malcolm. Eventually, both hearts are ensnared, giving the reader a most satisfying happy ever after.

Review copy provided by the publisher and NetGalley for a fair review.
Eileen.Dandashi | 2 weitere Rezensionen | May 15, 2017 |
Title: Passionate Promises
Authors: Victoria Vane, Bronwen Evans, Ella Quinn, Collette Cameron, Maggi Anderson, Michelle McLean, Violetta Rand, Barbara Monajem & Christy Carlyle
Publishers: Vane Publishing LLC
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Passionate Promises" by:Victoria Vane, Bronwen Evans, Ella Quinn, Collette Cameron, Maggi Anderson, Michelle McLean, Violetta Rand, Barbara Monajem & Christy Caryle

My Thoughts....

All nine of these anthologies were simply good reading.


To Challenge the Earl of Cravenswood by Bronwen Evans
Will Henry St. Giles marry for love?

A Promise of Love by Ella Quinn
Will Genevieve McGowan find the husband she wants?

A Kiss for Miss Kingsley by Collette Cameron
How will this story pan out for Allen Wimpleton and Olivia Kingsley? Will
they get a second chance?

Stirring Passions by Maggi Andersen
Interesting read about Laurie and Kat...with lots of twist and turns and in
the end will there be romance for these two?

A Pledge of Passion by Victoria Vane
What will happen when Nicolas Needham falls for Lady Mariah Morehaven when
it seems like someone else may may be interested. What will happen with this romance
as fate plays a helping hand?

Never Tempt a Rogue by Christy Carlyle
What will happen when Alex and Felicity come together? What a interesting ending!

Wanted by the Warrior by Violetta Rand
This one has some paranormal in this romance ...part 1.

A Highwayman's Honor by Michelle McLean
This one is a good historical suspense romance with John and Elizabeth that will keep you on the
edge of your seat.


Lord Quickthorn's Bargain by Barbara Monajem....
This was a cute fairy tale story!

I found all of these stories well packed, well written and a fairly complete story leaving the reader wanting to read other stories written by these authors. I found many of the stories were different and so well told. Would I recommend "Passionate Promises?" Yes, especially if you like historical romances that have a little bit of it all. Truly they were all "Passionate Promises!"

Thank you to the author for a gift of the read and giving my honest my opinion of this novel.
arlenadean | Feb 16, 2016 |
2.5 stars

This is a short story about a second chance romance. It started a bit slow for me, but when they got into Ceri’s ex-husbands offices the action started and didn’t stop. The story basically revolves around Ceri and Jason trying to save her daughter during a zombie outbreak. While fighting their way up the building and back they both wonder what if? Do they try again?

Ceri hasn’t seen Jason for five years, ever since he called of their wedding. In those years she married a very crazy man and divorced him. Ceri is still tied to him through their daughter and that’s how she ends up in an office with her ex-husband and ex-fiancé. Yep, it’s as awkward as it sounds.

Overall it’s a fairly good short story full of action with a bit of romance. It’s well written and the characters are fully developed. My only issue with it is the ending. It just abruptly ended; it felt more like a HFN instead of a HEA. Without major spoilers I can’t explain it in detail, I just hope there is more to the story.

(Received a copy in exchange for an honest review.)

Darker Passions
Tala2cubs | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 3, 2014 |
I wish this book had included more Chicago Style examples. Otherwise, helpful book, quick refreshers in the different citing styles, and some good tips.
vonze | Feb 6, 2014 |
My first zombie read and I am hooked! I loved this novella! It may be short but by the time I was finished I felt as if I had read a full book. There was so much action packed into this story that there was no way I could set it down, even for a minute. The characters were great together and an ex gets what's coming to him. What's not to like? Will definitely be looking for more books from Michelle! A must read!!!! I received an ARC from the publisher for an honest review.
hcollins | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 5, 2013 |
A Bandit’s Broken Heart
Entangled Publishing
July 8, 2013
3 ½ stars

After losing her husband of only a month, Brynne Forrester and her three year old daughter move from California to Boston to be with Brynne’s in-laws. Brynne is content without a man in her life, and self-sufficient thanks to her life as a bandit in California. After moving in to her own home, Brynne decides she needs to fill her idle days and convinces the doctor at the clinic to let her assist him, even though she has no formal medical training. She never expected the feelings the doctor stirred deep within her.
Richard Oliver is a dedicated doctor running the clinic for those who may not be able to pay. His staff is efficient and his housekeeper doubles as his secretary. He allows Mrs. Forrester to volunteer, convinced she will be gone within a day, unable to handle the duties. He is pleasantly surprised when he is wrong. He isn’t so pleasantly surprised with her actions when his supplies are stolen. Brynne’s actions set off a chain of events that nearly costs them everything.
A Bandit’s Broken Heart is a sweet romance, focusing more on the building of the relationship between Brynne and Richard, which I find refreshing in this day and age. A strong woman, Brynne is very likable, especially with her devotion to her daughter and her ability to have fun with her. Richard takes a little warming up to but he is definitely a hero to dream about. A Bandit’s Broken Heart is a delightful read with action, romance and characters you will want to revist again.
ARC provided by Netgalley for review.
Cindy.Warner | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 16, 2013 |