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Werke von George H. McVey



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The twist in this Mail Order Bride series is that a pastor from the Sanctuary area (west) contacts other pastors he knows (in the east) to ask if any women in their congregations would be interested in marrying Christian men. The pastor encloses letters from men (whom he vouches for) for any congregants interested to peruse and answer. If the correspondence goes well, the women will have a ticket to Sanctuary paid for as well as a guarantee of a return trip if the engagement/marriage doesn't work out. The female in this book picks out a letter written by the mother of the man who supposedly wants a bride--the man is supposedly painfully shy but he does agree to write any woman who responds. The two seem to get along well in letters, and the trip is made--but when she gets there, she finds that her intended hasn't even come to meet her--though his brother has returned home unexpectedly and is there. The brother is much more social and knows ways to make a woman feel special. He struggles mightily with whether he should follow his heart and ask this woman who has impacted him ever since he saw her (before he knew she was his brother's intended) or step aside and let his brother honor his agreement. He even tries to coach his brother in ways to make her feel special, though the brother doesn't really get it. In the end, he declares his love and the first brother, seeing how they feel about each other, steps aside to let true love win.… (mehr)
JenniferRobb | Nov 27, 2017 |

Pastor Joshua Bryce has a problem in The Pastor's Replacement Bride. The deacons of the church want him married and settled. With Mayor's Lyman's daughter determined to become his wife, he needs a suitable bride quickly. Joshua knows Ernestine Lyman's totally unsuitable for a pastor's wife as she's selfish, without a helper's heart, and looking for the prestige of his pastoral office.

Meanwhile the churches Ladies Aid Society, led by Myrtle, come to him with a proposal to provide brides for the eligible, up standing, church going bachelors in Sanctuary, Montana Territory. With brides scarce in the west, and only 2 eligible women in Sanctuary, they suggest sending to church pastors back east for good Christian women to correspond; hoping to obtain Christian brides. After prayer and counsel with God, Joshua agrees and adds he will be one of the participating bachelors.

In Chicago, Hattie Long's an orphan; raised in a local orphanage. Indentured in service to the orphanage and sent to a local brothel as a cook and servant, when she turns twenty-one the orphanage will release her from bondage. However, the brothel owner, Papa John, has plans to use Hattie in his brothel as soon as she turns twenty-one?. Unable to find a job, Hattie approaches Pastor Long and his daughter, Haddie, explaining her situation. She and Haddie share almost the same first name and the same last name; they have a very close relationship of friends and almost sisters.

Haddie corresponded with Joshua as a potential bride; she and Hattie will go west before the nefarious brothel owner, Papa John, can do his worse. Joshua decides he can not let this young innocent be used in such a way. With monies Nugget Nate, famous rescuer of indigent and down on their luck women left him, he pays her way west; monies left with instructions he would know when to use it. However, Haddie, sick with scarlet fever's unable to make the trip; she sends Hattie on to safety.

When his potential bride doesn't arrive, Joshua decides to court Hattie instead of a forced marriage to Ernestine by the deacons. How will all this work out? When Haddie finally arrives, what will she say about Hattie stealing her beau? Will Hattie's past follow her to Sanctuary? Who would have thought a few brides could cause all this trouble! My Christian romance book review of The Pastor's Replacement Bride follows.


George McVey crafted a wonderful book full of emotion. McVey's writing's vivid and the story heart warming. Including a variety of characters, McVey developed each to their full potential. I found Hattie's story heart breaking, yet, McVey shows how Hattie with faith in God, is determined to better her circumstances. With strength of character, a humble heart, and compassion, Hattie's a character you will love.

Joshua feels guilt for a past he can not change. A strong man of faith with absolute faith in God's goodness, McVey shows that no one is past redemption. Joshua has a heart for people and love for God which made him a wonderful pastor. Prayer and counsel with God leads his life and his life choices. Joshua's perfect for Hattie.

McVey created a really obnoxious character in Ernestine, I wanted to spank her bottom. What a spoiled young woman! Nothing of Christ-like characteristics are seen in this woman. Self-centered, jealous, vengeful, spoiled, and self-important, Ernestine's rivalry with Hattie's skillfully plotted by McVey.

Mcvey conveys without pushing or preaching, faith In God, Christian values and morals, and the Christ message; faith's part of his characters characteristics and part of their lives. We would do well today to adapt the values of this wonderful town of people. Creating a small town with small town values, McVey shows the closeness of small town life and their dependence on God and his goodness. He skillfully shows the faith this country was founded upon.

With a plot which has twist and turns, pacing perfect for the length of book, and well-developed characters, I found I could not put this book down; I finally had to close my E reader at 11:00 p.m.and get some sleep. McVey's scenes transition smoothly and his writing flows well. Although the romance is sweet and clean, the emotions felt by the characters is intense. McVey eloquently shows you do not need sex or crude language to convey strong and intense attraction. I loved his inclusion of Paul's message from I Corinthians Chapter 7; a message concerning desire.

A perfect read for a lazy afternoon, I loved this story. I plan to read the next book in this series immediately as McVey set the stage for additional book. I would not hesitate to buy this sweet clean Christian romance for myself or a friend.


Additionally, I purchased this book from Amazon when free. I chose to voluntarily review the book with honest Christian romance book reviews of The Pastor's Replacement Bride. Lastly, book reviews of any novel are dependent on the book review author’s opinion. Consequently, all book reviews on-line and on my blog, are my opinions. NO one influenced my voluntary Christian romance book reviews of The Pastor's Replacement Bride.
… (mehr)
vera_mallard | Aug 15, 2017 |


½ 3.5