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Über den Autor

Joseph Mercola was born in Chicago, Illinois on July 8, 1954. He graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago and Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine - Midwestern University. He works as a physician and created, a natural health website in 1997. He is the author of numerous mehr anzeigen books including The No Grain Diet: Conquer Carbohydrate Addiction and Stay Slim for Life, The Great Bird Flu Hoax: The Truth They Don't Want You to Know about the Next Big Pandemic, Effortless Healing: 9 Simple Ways to Sidestep Illness, Shed Excess Weight, and Help Your Body Fix Itself, and Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your Energy. (Bowker Author Biography) weniger anzeigen

Werke von Joseph Mercola

The No-Grain Diet (2003) 87 Exemplare
Take Control of Your Health (2007) 36 Exemplare

Zugehörige Werke



Land (für Karte)
Hoffman Estates, Illinois, USA
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, Midwestern University
For over 20 years, osteopathic physician (DO) Dr. Joseph Mercola has treated thousands of patients using a “whole person” approach that focuses on preventive care. He founded The Natural Health Center, which focused on whole-body approaches to medicine, and treated thousands of patients.

In his first years of private practice, he treated many symptoms by using prescription drugs and was a paid speaker of drug companies. He later on realized the flaws of the conventional system and switched to holistic approaches.

Dr. Mercola is motivated to provide natural health information and resources that will help you take control of your health. In 1997, he founded, one of the world’s leading online resources of natural health information. At present, has over a million subscribers.
Through his website, he provides practical and holistic health solutions, as well as news and updates that expose the failures of conventional medicine.

Dr. Mercola has written two New York Times bestsellers, The No-Grain Diet and The Great Bird Flu Hoax. He has also been featured in major media sources like TIME magazine, LA Times, CNN, and Fox News.

In November 2009, he was given the title “Top Ultimate Wellness Game Changer” by Huffington Post. This honor pays tribute to 100 innovators, visionaries, and leaders who make a difference in the world by using the power of new media.



If you eat, you should read this book. Dr. Mercola goes on about the history and industry of artificial sweetners and the FDA. You may or may not agree with his worries over artificial sweetners, but you should at least peek under the hood and see who the FDA actually protects and how it operates.

wellington299 | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 19, 2022 |
I had been looking forward to reading this, Dr. Mercola’s new book, but am somewhat disappointed.

Basically, the book informs us of the importance of “eating plenty of high-quality fats and activating the body’s natural ability to burn fat for its primary fuel instead of glucose”.

The author tells us that cancer and most chronic diseases are caused by defective metabolic processes in the mitochondria; he explains that mitochondria are “tiny energy factories” within our cells that convert our food and air into energy.

He presents a programme called Mitochondrial Metabolic Therapy (MMT).

MMT is a system of eating that will help shift our metabolism from burning glucose as our primary fuel to burn fat instead. Making this shift optimizes our mitochondrial function and protects our mitochondrial DNA from potential damage that could lead to disease.

MMT is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carb diet, whereas most of us eat “excessive refined grains, sugars and low quality fats”.

MMT also includes (short) regular periods of fasting, which improve mitochondrial function and accelerate the transition from burning sugar to burning fat.

MMT is for people who either have serious health conditions such as cancers, type 2 diabetes, neurodegenerative disease including Alzheimer’s, or are keen on optimizing their health while also slowing down the aging process.

Ketosis is the state you achieve when you enter a fat-burning state, and it is “an exceptionally healthy way to create the conditions your body needs to stay healthy and age well”. This is not to be confused with ketoacidosis, the dangerous condition which occurs in type 1 diabetes.

The author provides us with a chapter listing the foods you can eat on MMT. We need to limit our carbs to 50 g per day and some will need to keep their net carb intake as low as 10-15 g a day in order to enter and stay in the fat-burning state.

Though I find the book to be highly interesting, it is also somewhat difficult to understand.

Moreover, you will need to test your blood glucose level several times a day, purchase ketone monitoring devices and accessories, lancets and a lancet-holding device to draw drops of blood, a digital food scale for weighing your food, and measuring spoons.

You will need to take blood tests to check our Vitamin D and iron levels, test your fasting insulin and a “fasting lipid panel” is recommended with no explanation of what it is, together with HS-CRP, which measures blood protein.

Then there are a host of practically incomprehensible body measurements to take and something called that we need to use. There are pages of complex information about devices, analyses x-rays, etc etc.

I realized quite soon that because of all this apparatus and necessity for weighing, tracking etc everything one eats, not to mention taking innumerable blood glucose and ketosis readings, this was not for me.

I also had difficulty in keeping track of the many abbreviations used. To sum up, for immensely practical, scientifically gifted readers who are top motivated to find out what this MMT is all about, go for it! Dr. Mercola describes everything in detail. There was just too much detail for me, and too many practical obligations. The food changes themselves didn’t seem too difficult since to a great extent I’m already following the diet.
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IonaS | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 26, 2017 |
Lots of things to challenge the status quo of the western approach to health. I wish it were effortless - but that part I attribute to salesmanship. I think discipline and much planning are required - both of which require effort. Otherwise a valuable resource in the quest for better health!
TerryLewis | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 12, 2017 |
I have long appreciated Dr. Mercola and receive his daily newsletter. He is perhaps the world’s foremost physician. My only reservation about him is that he still advises us to eat animal and dairy products, whereas I am moving towards veganism, both out of consideration for the animals and for my own health.

The author begins by informing us about the atrocious state of most Americans’ health and about how they fill themselves with vast quantities of exceedingly harmful pharmaceuticals. “One to four senior citizens take ten to nineteen pills a day.” As a junior doctor Dr. Mercola himself was “a paid shill”, receiving money to recommend pharmaceuticals, so he knows the system.

The poor health of Americans, and many of us others too, is due to our intake of GMOs, “pesticide-laden” fruits and vegetables, and processed foods with no nutritional value. Most processed foods are filled with sugar, and high levels of sugar consumption are linked with obesity, diabetes and cancer.

The author tells us: “If you supply your body with an optimal diet and avoid exposure to the ever-increasing threats of toxins, then your body, following its design, will move toward health and away from disease without any conscious effort.”

Our bodies are “on autopilot to self-heal”.

One of the many excellent aspects of this book is that Dr. Mercola has tackled and presented to us many/all aspects of self-healing.

He presents nine Healing Principles.

1) Drink Pure Water

We need to eliminate all soda, diet soda, commercial fruit juices and sports drinks. Tap water is generally contaminated with toxins. Filtered water is recommended together with a water filter for our shower. The newest research points to the advisability of using structured water, (Personally, I drink a lot of coconut water, which Dr. Mercola also recommends.)

Bottled water is filled with pollutants/chemicals, including Tylenol, industrial chemicals and arsenic. The plastic bottles themselves contain phthalates and BPA, which mimics hormones in your body.

Chronic low-grade dehydration is common – major symptoms are thirst, dry skin, dark-coloured urine and fatigue.

Fluoride in Americans’ water supply causes lowered IQ, dementia, bone deformations and fractures, genetic damage and cell death, increased tumour rate and severe tooth enamel fluorosis, etc., etc., etc.

2) Eat your veggies (I hate that word – for me it sounds like a word one might use when speaking to kindergarten children.)

We need to add organic and locally grown vegetables and healthy fats to our diet. They should mostly be eaten raw, juiced, fermented or sprouted.

He gives us advice about juicing, fermenting and sprouting.

3) Burn fat for fuel

This is the subject of Dr. Mercola’s latest book, which I will soon be purchasing.

Our body can burn either sugar or fat for fuel. One way we can teach our body to start burning fat is to eat substantially more healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, olives, butter, eggs, avocados and nuts.

We should skip breakfast and instead practise what he calls “intermittent fasting”, eating all our food in an eight-to-ten-hour window.

4) Exercise less and gain more benefits

Reducing the length of time we sit each day is even more important than getting regular exercise. Short bursts of high-intensity interval exercise several times a week “offer powerful rewards that conventional cardio doesn’t”.

The author believes not only in intermittent fasting but also in intermittent movement. Frequently interrupting your sitting by merely standing up can eliminate most of the negative side-effects of excessive sitting.

Dr. Mercola educates us about what he terms “Peak Fitness”, where you exercise only for 20 minutes, only exercising hard for four intense minutes.

Peak Fitness lowers body fat, boosts HGH (Human Growth Hormone) – the fitness hormone, and improves our insulin sensitivity by nearly 25 percent with a time investment of less than a few hours a month.

The author explains in detail how to do the Peak Fitness exercises. I had never heard of the benefits of high intensity training before reading this, so I am grateful to him for this information, which I have begun to implement in the gym.

5) Enjoy the sun and get your Vitamin D

Like plants, we need sunlight to thrive. Sensible sun exposure dramatically lowers our risk of cancer and heart disease, and is the ideal way to get our vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency is common in ill children, and frail seniors with low levels of vitamin D have an increased risk of death. Breast cancer has been described as a “vitamin D deficiency syndrome”. Optimizing vitamin D levels can cut in half the risk of sixteen different types of cancer. Vitamin D may lower your risk of dying from any cause.

Sun exposure does not give skin cancer, “Melanoma mortality actually decreases with greater sun exposure.”

6) Let your gut flourish

Avoid processed foods, which are filled with sugar, refined grains and genetically engineered ingredients.

Eating a healthy diet helps the beneficial gut bacteria to flourish. Avoid antibiotics and flood your system with probiotics. Consume fermented foods such as natto, kefir, sauerkraut, etc. every day.

Autism is at least partially related to gut flora, see Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s book “Gut and psychology syndrome” or my review of it.

The author provides instructions for making our own fermented vegetables and kefir.

My favourite drink is Kombucha, a fermented beverage made from black tea, which is drunk cold and which is full of probiotics.

7) Clean your brain with sleep

Sleep is important for all health, particularly brain health.

The hormone melatonin is a great sleep regulator. We should protect our melatonin cycle by exposing ourselves to bright light during the day and avoiding blue light e.g. from computers prior to sleeping. (I have bought amber glasses to protect myself from this blue light – they should be used for a few hours before bedtime.)

Chronic lack of sleep is harmful – you need between six to eight hours every night.

Eliminate sources of night-time light in your bedroom. Dr. Mercola warns against taking sleeping pills.

8) Go barefoot – and other ways to stay grounded

Walking barefoot will keep you grounded. You can walk barefoot on sand, grass, bare soil, stone and rock, and concrete and rock, as long as it’s directly on the earth and not painted or sealed.

Asphalt, wood, rubber, plastic, vinyl, tar or tarmac will not ground you.

Swimming in the sea is also grounding. You can also purchase grounding/earthing shoes if you can find them.

I sleep on a grounding sheet which gives me a deep, sound sleep. I live on the ground floor and the sheet is connected to a cord which goes out the window where it then connects to a grounding pin stuck into the earth.

For some reason Dr. Mercola doesn’t seem to mention grounding sheets or mats.

Grounding reduces muscle stiffness and chronic pain, regulates the secretion of cortisol, thus promoting more restful sleep regulating blood sugar levels and appetite; it reduces the severity of the inflammatory response after workouts, raises heart variability and thins your blood.

9) Avoid these six “Health Foods”

Avoid “stealth ‘health foods’” such as whole grains like brown rice, natural sweeteners such as agave, unfermented soy products, including tofu and soymilk, vegetable oil, most types of fish and conventional yoghurt.

You need to get your blood insulin level measured to check whether or not you are insulin or leptin resistant. If you are, the grain carbohydrates in your diet not only make you fat but make you stay fat.

There is a section about the perils of gluten.

Use Stevia or Lo Han (new to me) instead of sugar and other sugar substitutes.

Nearly all conventional soybeans grown in the US are genetically modified and doused in Roundup. Unfermented soy contains goitrogens, which hinder thyroid function; it also contains plant oestrogens, which are linked to breast cancer, kidney stones, and impaired memory in the elderly.

Eat instead tempeh, miso, natto, and tamari, which are safe, fermented soy products.

Vegetable oils increase your risk of cancer and heart disease; processed foods are full of them. Use instead coconut oil (for cooking), avocado oil (unheated), walnut oil (unheated) and raw, “pastured” organic butter. (I can’t find out what he means by “pastured”, unless he means that it is the cows that are pastured.) Personally, I would add hemp oil to the list, since apparently it has the correct ratio of omega 3, omega 6, and omega 9.

Avoid farmed fish, which are toxic, and tuna/swordfish, which are full of mercury. Eat instead small fish such as sardines. I would say avoid all fish except special “organic” fish (farmed under optimal conditions with more room, no antibiotics and fed organic food), if you can get it. Since all the oceans of the world are now polluted with radiation following the accident at the Japanese nuclear plant (recently it completely fell into the sea, increasing the radiation/pollution even more drastically).

Krill oil is superior to fish oils.

Replace yoghurt with homemade kefir.

I really must praise this comprehensive, all-embracing, excellent book to the skies. If you follow Dr. Mercola’s precepts, it could increase the length of your life by decades. I can’t wait to read his next work “Fat for fuel”.
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IonaS | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 10, 2017 |


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