4 Werke 1,529 Mitglieder 5 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Will Metzger has been a campus minister at the University of Delaware since 1965. His evangelism ministry has taken him to every continent, and he has witnessed to people from varied nationalities both on campus and through a church that he pastored. He and his wife, Suzanne (an artist and mehr anzeigen homemaker), have two sons, who, with their wives, are all graduates of the University of Delaware. Six grandchildren complete the family. weniger anzeigen

Werke von Will Metzger



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A very thorough treatment of the subject of evangelism. Metzger does not cut many corners in unpacking for us where we need to focus our conversation when the opportunity to present the Gospel is given to us.

This book comes complete with a breakdown of the essential elements of a Gospel presentation along with diagrams and an easy to remember approach to sharing Jesus. All this comes without sounding "canned".

Metzger does a good job of teaching us how to think about the lost and isolating the Biblical truths that speak to the lost state of mankind and what God in His grace has done to remedy these things and how we can be clear in communicating Christ to others.

One of the best books I have ever read on evangelism!
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Berachah | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 4, 2010 |
Tell the Truth is an excellent guide to God-centered evangelism, set out in four parts. Part one, "The Whole Gospel," defines the "content of our message." Part two, "To the Whole Person" focuses on "conversion of the total person." Part three, "Wholly by Grace," shows how God's gracious work in Christ is the "foundation for evangelism." And part four, "Offered by Whole People," discusses "character and communication in witnessing."

One of the strength's of Metzger's book is it's clarity on the gospel and it's contrast between God-centered and Me-centered evangelism. Here's a summary of the contrasts in regard to each one's views on God, humanity, Christ, and response to Christ. The language and wording of this summary is largely taken from Metzger, although somewhat paraphrased by me.

View of God

The point of contact with unbelievers for Me-centered evangelism is love ("God loves you") or friendship (Jesus wants to be your friend). But God's ownership and sovereignty are blunted. In God-centered evangelism, the point of contact is creation (God made you). God's ownership rights as creator are emphasized, as well as his love and grace. Justice and love are seen as equally important attributes of God. In Me-centered evangelism, God is impotent before the sinner's will. In God-centered evangelism, God is able to change and empower the sinner's will. The message is not "God is a friend who will help you," but "God is a king who will save you."

View of Humanity

In Me-centered evangelism, man is seen as fallen, yet with the ability or potential to choose what is good and to choose God. The sinner is one who seeks the truth, but lacks information. He needs love, friendship, and a new life. He makes mistakes and is imperfect, and needs forgiveness for specific sins. He needs salvation from the consequences of sin - unhappineness and hell. In God-centered evangelism, man is seen as fallen and unable to come to God by his own will-power. His mind is at enmity with God, and he does not seek after God. He needs a new nature (regeneration), not just information. He needs salvation from both the guilt of sin and the enslaving power of sin in his life. In Me-centered evangelism, man is seen as sick and ignorant. In God-centered evangelism, man is seen as dead and lost.

View of Christ

Me-centered evangelism views Christ as a Savior from failures, from sin, and from hell. He exists for man's benefit. The emphasis is on Christ's role as priest. God-centered evangelism emphasizes Christ's role as priest also, but also his kingly and prophetic roles. Jesus is viewed as Savior and Lord. His death is emphasized, but also is law-fulfilling life. In Me-centered evangelism, an attitude of submission to Christ's lordship is optional for salvation. In God-centered evangelism, submission is essential.

View of Response to Christ

Me-centered evangelism offers an invitation to be accepted. God-centered evangelism gives a command to be obeyed. In Me-centered evangelism, man's choice is the determining basis of salvation. God responds to our decision. Appeals are made to the desires of the sinner to escape hell. The sinner is saved by faith - repentance is not emphasized, and is thought of as "works." Assurance of salvation comes from a counselor using the promises of God and pronouncing the new believer as "saved." In God-centered evangelism, God's choice is the determining basis of salvation. We respond to God's initiative and grace from the whole person (mind, heart, and will). Truth is driven home into the conscience of the sinner. Man is saved by faith alone, but saving faith is always accompanied with repentance. Assurance of salvation comes from the Holy Spirit applying biblical promises to the conscience and effecting a changed life. In Me-centered evangelism, the sinner holds the key in his hands. In God-centered evangelism, God has the key in his hand.

Now, Metzger acknowledges that for most of us, our evangelism falls somewhere between these two positions. Most of us are not so extremely Me-centered as this contrast might indicate. I would even argue that many Arminians are not necessarily Me-centered in their approach (consider John Wesley or C. S. Lewis). Nevertheless, this Me-centeredness is latent in much of our witnessing, and Metzger has done us a favor by clarifying the God-centered content of the gospel.

This book is helpful in many ways, including much practical advice for personal witnessing and giving realistic expectations for it. I found the book encouraging. If you want to be a more effective witness for Jesus and the gospel, you should consider reading it.
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brianghedges | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 23, 2009 |
I'm recently studying reformed theology and Calvinism. I have been shocked to find that perhaps the gospel as I have learned it might not be accurate. I was at a loss as to how to present the gospel if you have Calvinist views and this book has been helpful. I'm not saying that I agree 100% with Calvinistic interpretation but I appreciate this book because it doesn't present the gospel of universalism.
julesnpebbles | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 20, 2007 |
I haven't read too many books outisde of the bible that I like. This one was truly both wonderful in content and helpfulness.
StevenAdkins | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 9, 2006 |

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