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Getting a chance to experience the storytelling of an author I have never read before is always a treat for me. I enjoy opening a book for the first time and not knowing what to expect. Summer in Snow Valley was one of those reads for me. Each author took me on a new journey and left me anticipating the next story. This anthology is full of cheating boyfriends, unexpected love stories, strong characters and fun reading. Take a trip to the small town of Snow Valley Montana where the unexpected is just around the corner and each story leaves you wanting more. I received this anthology for an honest review.
Lashea677 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 16, 2019 |
Spring in Snow Valley is good clean fun that is inspirational and entertaining. I received an ARC of this anthology in exchange for an honest review and found myself impressed with how well this group of authors carried out the central theme of listening to what you feel and not to what others think. Wisdom, love, faith and heart bring me back to Snow Valley every time. A sweet quick read.
Lashea677 | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 16, 2019 |
3.5 Stars

A family wedding/social event and a potential jewelry heist mean professional bridesmaid Chloe Romano is going to need to utilize all of her skills.

There is lots of history between Chloe and her handler (and a very fine line between love and hate). Add in the high tension and emotions surrounding the big event and the possibility the groom is a criminal, and there is no shortage of Drama (yes, with a capital D).

Chloe is intelligent, strong, and more fearless than she gives herself credit for. Her main focus is on giving her cousin the perfect day, and if that means protecting the diamonds she’ll be wearing, so be it. And while Chloe aims for a great wedding for the bride, the bride is set on matching Chloe up (because what’s a wedding without someone trying to match up the single gal).

While I had a pretty good inkling of who the villain was, there was definitely more to it than I imagined which made the story that much sweeter. With plenty of family staying at the house, there is no shortage of suspects, and Kimberley Montpetit keeps the reader guessing until the very end.

A sweet read with plenty of romance and a good mystery to keep me reading quickly and those last couple chapters are so worth the wait!

Disclosure statement:
I receive complimentary books from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including NetGalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
Suzie27 | Aug 29, 2018 |
Spring in Snow Valley is an enjoyable Inspirational romance anthology collection that will tug at the heartstrings. Set in the small town of Snow Valley, Montana, the reader is easily swept away by these six lighthearted novellas that features hunky guys, sweet girls, and clean romance.

I really enjoyed reading Christmas in Snow Valley and Summer in Snow Valley, the first two anthology collections in this series, so I was excited to read the third anthology collection, Spring in Snow Valley. The authors provide the readers with another delightful collection of romantic stories that features characters from the previous collections while adding in new characters. These inspirational stories flow easily from one to another with a variety of different life and relationship situations, the continuity of these stories easily kept me engaged and turning the pages.

Spring in Snow Valley is the perfect romantic anthology collection that the reader can enjoy reading on a lazy spring day.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the publisher / authors in exchange for my honest review and participation in a Book Review Program hosted by I Am A Reader Book Blasts and Virtual Book Tours.
JerseyGirlBookReview | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 31, 2016 |
It is my pleasure to review Summer in Snow Valley and offer my review. I was provided a copy of this anthology in exchange for an honest review.

Together as an anthology, this is a selection of six of the sweetest novellas I've had the pleasure to read in a very long time and had I realized what a treat it would be, I would have made sure these six authors were on the top of my TBR stack with every book they've written.

What a breath of fresh air to find that there is still romance and sweetness to be found. Snow Valley sounds like the wonderful small town I first remember from growing up, where the neighbors all knew each other, and always seemed to be meddling in the lives of their children and the myriad of other characters that exist in these wonderful towns.

Snow Valley offers a place where brokenness can be mended, where differences are ignored, and love abounds. The authors of the Snow Valley novellas have reached into the heart of every person and found their need for love and acceptance and allowed them to find that love and acceptance within themselves and the community at large. They offer a great look in to love that builds from adversity and the challenges of learning to love ourselves as well as each other.

It was an absolute pleasure to read Summer in Snow Valley. I highly recommend it and I give Summer in Snow Valley five steaming hot cups of Room With Books coffee!

© June 6, 2015
Patricia, Room With Books
roomwithbooks | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 31, 2015 |
I loved the way that Jace and Caytie started off their relationship with a couple of frustrating run-ins with each other before finding out they were staying in the same home. That made for some great interpersonal tension.

I don’t blame Caytie from running away from her father and her boyfriend at all. I would have done the same thing. It’s obvious that marriage doesn’t mean much to her father or her boyfriend.

I liked the compassion that Caytie had for Kellen and how she tried to help him see that he was just as valuable now as he was before his accident. I thought her personality appeared realistic. I found Jace to be quite amusing and wanted to laugh with him at some of the things that made him laugh about Caytie. I did think he should have spoken up to Victoria though instead of letting her keep hoping that maybe there still might be some hope for a relationship.

One flaw I found in the book was when Caytie disappeared saying she went back to California was that her car was actually still at the ranch. Why didn’t anyone notice that? It should have been a big clue that something was wrong.

There were quite a number of interesting twists and turns in this story that kept it fresh and interesting with a touch of suspense and danger. I was surprised by the actions of one of the characters that brought the danger to Caytie. I would never have pegged this person to do something like that given how thoughtful and kind this person was throughout the rest of the book.

I enjoyed this clean contemporary romance quite a bit and would recommend it to anyone who likes romance stories. This novel complements the other Snow Valley novels in that some of the characters from the other stories appear from time to time. I gave Catching Caytie 4 atars out of 5.

Thank you to the publishers for providing a copy of the book in exchange for a fair and honest review. A positive opinion was not required. All thoughts are my own.

To see my complete review, visit Shelf Full of Books
KathrynSvendsen | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 11, 2015 |
Catching Caytie by Cindy Roland Anderson

I loved the ending chapters. Catching Caytie has humor, likeable characters, fun romance and a clean read. I wanted to get to know the characters more.

Caytie Holbrook at 24 has runaway from home. I don't blame her. She has left the high life in Ca and come to her forgotten Uncle at his ranch in Montana. She hopes he will let her stay for two months. Caytie finds love welcoming her.

Tin Foil Tiaras by Jeanette Lewis

Was cute but dealed with a few serious problems amid a small town beauty pageant.
Cameron Elliott has flown in too coach one of the contestants for Snow Valley pageant. Cameron gets a rocky start.

Kyle does not want his sister to win the pageant. He watches and makes light of the job Cameron does. Kyle is a good brother.

A Touch of Love by Cami Checketts

Annie Stirland has moved to Snow Valley Montana to open her own business. Annie does not like to speak to people. She has been put down a lot in her life.

Luke Wilson comes into Annie's business to buy his sister a good birthday gift and is intrigued by Annie. Luke is ranching and working for Boeing too. Shares the ranchers point of view with the wolves and ranching.

First Love; Love First by Taylor Hart

Janet Snow has recovered from cancer and now owns her own flower shop. Her first wedding is her brother's. Her first boyfriend has come back to Snow Valley.

Michael Hamilton has come to spend one day with his father. He has not seen Janet for 10 years. They connect right off again. They live totally different lives now.. He has to learn to forgive his father and open his heart again.

I love the ending. It was really good.

Romancing Rebecca by Kimberley Montpetit

Rebecca wants to write romances but she has never been kissed. She comes every summer to work for her Aunts bed and breakfast in Snow Valley.
Like the ending.

Love in Light and Shadow by Lucy McConnell

Mercedes O’Shay comes from Boston to Snow Valley. They plan to fix up there old house. She has given up on good looking guys. She also wants to paint more and save up for a show.

There is a rancher next door that they meet as soon as they pull into there driveway.

The only problem with these stories is that they are too short. But that is also on the plus side if you don't have a lot of time these can be read one at a time.
We see some miner characters from the first set of Snow Valley books, back. But they totally can stand alone from them.
They are all clean reads.

I was given these books to read and in return agreed to give honest review and be part of Summer in Snow Valley book tours.
rhonda1111 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 7, 2015 |
Summer in Snow Valley is an enjoyable Inspirational romance anthology collection that will tug at the heartstrings. Set in the small town of Snow Valley, Montana, the reader is easily swept away by these six lighthearted novellas that features hunky guys, sweet girls, and clean romance.

I really enjoyed reading Christmas in Snow Valley, the first anthology collection, so I was pleased to see that Summer in Snow Valley brings the readers up-to-date on the characters featured in the first collection, plus adding new characters and new romantic stories to enjoy. What I enjoyed most about this anthology collection is that these delightful stories flowed easily from one to another, the continuity kept me engaged and turning the pages.

Summer in Snow Valley is the perfect romantic anthology collection that the reader can enjoy reading on a lazy summer day.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the boxed set from the authors / publisher in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour hosted by I Am A Reader Book Blasts and Blog Tours.
JerseyGirlBookReview | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 6, 2015 |
This was a cute story but I had a hard time getting through it. It wasn't a particularly compelling read and was easy to put down. I found most of the book to be unbelievable and there were some pretty major plot holes. The only redeeming part of it was the romance between Chloe and Jean-Paul and the day they spent sightseeing in Paris. Also, I was looking forward to the relationship talk Chloe was supposed to have with Mathew when she returned to New York and was disappointed in her apparent acceptance of the new relationship between her ex with the other woman. Maybe the character was just much more mature than I was at that age, but I can't imagine being genuinely happy for a guy who cheated on me, lied about it, and continued the affair after promising to end it while I'm in Europe.
cwhisenant11 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 6, 2015 |
Jessica finally returns to Snow Valley after almost three years away after her boyfriend’s death. She’s been in New Orleans on a ballet scholarship. She doesn’t want to be in Snow Valley because everything reminds her of Michael and she can’t forgive herself for her part in his death. She is angry at God and herself that Michael is gone.

I thought that Risking It All really showed the way that some people do deal with unexpected death. They turn away from God and won’t let themselves move on from that point in their lives. They need to learn the same lesson that Jessica learned, you have to forgive yourself.

I loved how James Douglas displays faith the way faith was meant to be displayed. He is a pastor who is not stuffy, but a man of action, who does what he preaches and dresses like an ordinary person.

I thought that the people in this story and the story itself were very plausible in this cute little town of Snow Valley. This was an excellent clean romance.

I gave Risking It All for Love 5 stars out of 5.

Thank you to the publishers for providing a copy of the book in exchange for a fair and honest review. A positive opinion is not required. All thoughts are my own.

This review was published on my blog Shelf Full of Books
KathrynSvendsen | Dec 19, 2014 |
4 stars
I loved the unexpected Kiss. It makes me want to start thinking of doing something to help others. It was fun romance that shared
the Christmas spirit.

In Feels Like Love I was surprised at how the romance was going. I have had baby goats in the house before, but I would not like to wrestle one. I wanted a longer ending just because I wanted to see more of the characters.

Full court devotion a was sweet romance. Not the way I thought would end but better way by far.

Christmas Eve kiss so far has been the most emotional story for me.

Risking it all brought tears of joy, mourning and hope.

Blue Christmas is fun.

I enjoyed reading all these novellas and look forward to read other books by these authors in the future. All these were good and clean romances. It sounds like a fun Christmas town I would love to enjoy visiting myself.

I was given these ebooks to read so I could give a honest review of them and be a part of of Christmas in Snow Valley blog tours.
rhonda1111 | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 11, 2014 |
Snow Valley, Montana is a small town with big spirit, especially during the holiday season. In these six stories, people are forced to face their past, present, and future in different ways. However, these stories prove that romance can be found in unlikely places. When Christmas cheer abounds, love is also spread around. Snow Valley will feel like home, and everyone knows there's no place like home.

If you're looking for a group of fun, clean romances all wrapped up in a pretty package, look no further. This group of stories takes varying approaches to love, but they all have one things in common- the town of Snow Valley, Montana. Here they love Christmas and everything that goes along with it. The town often feels like a character on it's own, and you start to feel like a welcome citizen there as well. The stories are sometimes fun, sometimes sad, but they are always entertaining.

The weather cooled down just in time for me to enjoy these stories. You'll want to snuggle and get cozy before you start, because you won't want to stop once you start reading. I particularly enjoyed the first story, about a girl who grabs a random stranger in the airport to play boyfriend for her. While the ploy seems to work to get the unwanted attention from an old acquaintance off her, it also complicates things when she can't stop thinking about that kiss. All these stories have a happy ending, so you won't have to worry about losing your holiday cheer here. If you want fun romance for the Christmas season, then check these out. They will lift your spirits.

Book provided for review.
l_manning | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 10, 2014 |
So much fun! I absolutely recommend this. I was craving something swoony and frothy, and I loved ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS and Gayle Forman's JUST ONE DAY series--there aren't nearly enough books like that! So I dove head first into this one, and by the time I came up for air I'd lost more sleep than I could afford. But it was worth it. Not only is this a lovely romance with heart and humor, but there's a lot of hidden depth to it that elevates it beyond what I initially thought it was going to be. I went in with high hopes and great expectations, and I came out feeling joyfully surprised!
MABoone | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 10, 2014 |
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