
A. E. Moorat

Autor von Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter

2 Werke 494 Mitglieder 25 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Werke von A. E. Moorat

Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter (2009) 408 Exemplare
Henry VIII: Wolfman (2010) 86 Exemplare



Rechtmäßiger Name
Holmes, Andrew Mark



I'm disappointed. I was expecting the sort of humour that I found in "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies", and it simply couldn't compare. There were a lot of reasons for the book being underwhelming, including the necessity of the reader knowing something about 19th century politics, and the ability of the reader to stomach some seriously awful gore, scenes of dismemberment, torture, and to put up with frequent descriptions of the smell of burst bowels and body organs torn asunder. i really did not find this book the light read I had hoped it would be.… (mehr)
ahef1963 | 22 weitere Rezensionen | May 9, 2024 |
There are a couple of superficial reasons why Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter appealed to me: I’ve always been a fan of her Maj, and zombies are a great way to get to my heart. The cover artist of my copy, Robert Parada, blended the fantastical zombie decapitations seamlessly with the original portrait done by Franz Xaver Winterhalter in 1859. The cover also encapsulates my feelings about the book itself perfectly. I can gratefully say that Moorat doesn’t treat this like a satire or parody of Victoria’s life–which isn’t to say it’s not an amusing book full of one-liners and zingers, either.

The book follows several different threads of narrative that weave together and draw apart as the story progresses. Because of this splintering, several chapters will often be running con-currently time-wise, and each chapter will dedicate itself to examining the characters’ actions during that time. Victoria’s adventures from moments before learning she is now the new Queen to after the birth of her children are chronicled faithfully, but with the addition of demons, zombies, and succubi. At times the shifting narrative focus annoyed me, since it always seemed to crop up just as something big was going to happen, but by the end of the book I appreciated it for the added layer.

Some of the twists and bumps are shocking–learning who was and wasn’t a demon certainly gave me pause while I considered the ramifications. Knowing historical data on Victoria’s real life, readers will know how some events play out just because they are historical fact, but watching the paranormal twist unfold alongside it was entertaining. Victoria is shown as a strong young woman, certain that she wants something better for all her people–not just the rich and titled–and understanding that actions have consequences. She came into the title at only 18 years old, but her quick wit, strong educational background, and sharp questions are what helped her the most. She’s not perfect; she feels the weight of the mistakes she made and the tainted legacy of her forebears (she admits at one point that she has several distinct advantages over the previous monarchs in recent history–she’s neither mad, nor a womanizer, nor prone to excessive displays of wealth).

A note for the squeamish: Moorat displays a knack for the gruesome, particularly in Chapter 8 during a zombie fight. Apparently reading about intestines and gnawed off pieces of flesh is an entirely different affair from watching it on screen for me, because I found myself fighting the urge to skip the chapter altogether, when normally I’m morbidly fascinated by that sort of thing in a movie. Quimby provides an odd sort of humor; he takes a lot of things in a stride and still manages to be offended in a way that only the born-to-title can be. For example, he’s more annoyed that Perkins won’t clean the library without getting a quick snack then he is over what Perkins’ quick snack becomes.

In the end, Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter was a rollicking good read. A companion novel is in the works about King Henry VIII, a book I’m eagerly awaiting!
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lexilewords | 22 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 28, 2023 |
Henry is anticipating the birth of what he hopes will finally be a son and heir. Queen Katherine has so far delivered nothing but a daughter and miscarriages, so when a son arrives, Henry's joy is shared throughout the court, which leaves the castle open to infiltration by a pack of werewolves. Destroying the happy occasion, the organized pack also permanently changes the royal bloodline, turning the King into a suffering creature who tears his prey apart when the moon is right.
Attempting to hold things together, Sir Thomas More's plans are ruined when he is caught among werewolves and handed over to the Witchfinders, who are currently burning werewolves, while foul-mouthed Cardinal Wolsey plots with a demon and Lady Jane Seymour rides around the country as a secret agent.
I had expected this to be a more humorous story, and there is some, but overall it's treated as a historical horror story. There's quite a bit of gore and some too graphic torture. I think over 400 pages is on the long side for a story of this genre.
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mstrust | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 1, 2020 |
I don’t even know how long I’ve been wanting to read this book. All I know is that it’s been years and I can’t believe I have finally read it. After reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies when it came out, and loving it. Then reading Romeo & Juliet & Vampires a couple years ago and not liking it, I wasn’t sure how I would feel about this one. I was hoping I would enjoy it, but I wasn’t going into with the expectations I had for it when I first found out about it and added it to my wish list.

It was so good. I didn’t want to put it down. I lost track of time while reading it and stayed up until 2 AM. I can’t even remember the last time that happened. It was so funny and had great action. There were so many times I was laughing out loud. There were times when I just had to go read bits of it to my dad. I couldn’t wait to see how it would end, but at the same time, I didn’t want it to end.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I can’t wait to read more by this author. I’ve had Henry VIII, Wolfman on my wish list for years as well. I might need to pick that one up soon.

If you want a fast, funny read, with strong female characters and you enjoyed books like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, you should check this one out.
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TheTreeReader | 22 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 25, 2017 |


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