215 Werke 7,544 Mitglieder 33 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 3 Lesern


El carácter de uno se define por la forma en que uno vive la vida mientras participa en una existencia más común. Estos tiempos pueden prepararnos para cosas más grandes, como fue ejemplificado con la vida de Jesucristo. Publicado en 1898, Los años ocultos en Nazaret analiza el período de tiempo de la vida de Jesús que lo preparó para sus años de ministerio.

Escrito por uno de los clérigos más conocidos y respetados de Inglaterra de principios del siglo XX, G. Campbell Morgan tiene mucha sabiduría para ofrecernos a todos. Siendo pastor de la Capilla de Westminster en Londres por mucho tiempo y mentor de Martyn Lloyd-Jones, se propuso compartir su riqueza de conocimientos y años de investigación académica de la manera más sencilla posible. Sus palabras han inspirado y alentado a miles en el siglo pasado, y continuarán brindando una excelente esperanza basada en la Biblia a todos los que lean sus obras.
Rawderson_Rangel | Sep 16, 2023 |
The author makes 49 chosen chapters come alive with his eloquent interpretations.
MenoraChurch | Apr 25, 2023 |
A Series of 50 Studies - 50 men and women of the New Testament meet the great physician.
MenoraChurch | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 19, 2023 |
Dr. Morgan writes about his method of sermon preparation. This is a book of practical advise to preachers concerning the selection of the text, the construction of the sermon, the discovery of the message, and the manner of its presentation.
phoovermt | Apr 9, 2023 |
Morgan examines each element of the trinity thoughtfully and explains in clear and poetic language the role that each element of the trinity plays in enabling the ideal practice of prayer. He identifies a tantalising human emotionality in Christ, the capacity for mercy in God and the inspiration for prayer that he attributes to the Holy Spirit.
phoovermt | Mar 31, 2023 |
In this book, G. Campbell Morgan outlines God's formula of life. Included are discourses on Paul's estimate of life, as evidenced in Philippians, The life of power in Christ from John's Gospel, the new life as portrayed in the cleansing of Naaman and the controlled life in the Potters' hand.
phoovermt | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 31, 2023 |
In the messages of the twelve minor prophets--Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah, Malachi--G. Campbell Morgan finds a recurring theme. That theme is love.
phoovermt | Mar 23, 2023 |
This volume contains twelve meditations on the prophecy of Hosea. They were intended as an aid to an understanding of the abiding values of the Hebrew prophetic literature, as they are found in this particular prophecy.
phoovermt | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 23, 2023 |
Morgan prepared these expositions in the very spirit of the Gospel, while preaching frequently and moving rapidly, but with captured heart.
phoovermt | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 22, 2023 |
A penetrating view of the Christian Life and how that life can be gained and maintained.
MenoraChurch | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 19, 2022 |
MenoraChurch | Nov 13, 2022 |
: In Time: Past_ Present and Future
Gordon_C_Olson_Libr | Apr 5, 2022 |
El primer libro escrito por G. Morgan Campbell, Discipulado, es un recurso que no está dirigido a los teólogos, sino que está escrito con la intención de alentar a cualquiera en la búsqueda de una relación con Jesucristo. Definiendo “discípulos” como todos los que “se reúnen alrededor del Maestro y son entrenados por Él”, Campbell continúa diseccionando los orígenes bíblicos y las implicaciones de la palabra. Este libro, inmensamente práctico, cubre la cuestión de cómo ser un discípulo de Cristo en todas las circunstancias: en el hogar, en el trabajo, en relación con quienes nos rodean, en los buenos momentos y en las circunstancias menos ideales que la vida nos trae a todos.
Rawderson_Rangel | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 19, 2022 |
本書就約伯記中約伯的遭遇,引領讀者探索生命和尋求神。書中引用了不少新舊約相關的經文,使讀者認識神和明白受苦的真義,以至懂得去耐心等候和禱告, 並且能夠在苦難中歌唱和述說神的慈愛與大能。
CCCClibrary | Dec 6, 2021 |
G. Campbell Morgan is able to paint such a beautiful picture of God because he learns the brushstrokes from the Bible itself. In this book he will stretch your heart and stretch your theology as you see the suffering heart of God, longing to see his redeemed people walking in holiness, walking with him. But as always he exposits the Word with reverence and simplicity.

The first couple of sermons deal with Hosea's suffering as prophet. There are many in the middle dealing with the defection of the people and its causes and course. The last few sermons were in my opinion the best as he talks about the love of God for his people, how he cannot give them up to a life without Him, but sent His missionary Son to pursue His straying lover, His prodigal son--His people.
Shockleyy | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 6, 2021 |
GaryBrugger00 | Oct 29, 2018 |
GaryBrugger00 | Oct 29, 2018 |
GaryBrugger00 | Oct 29, 2018 |
GaryBrugger00 | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 29, 2018 |
An analysis of the Holy Spirit: His personality, His interactions with man from the beginning until the time of Christianity, and the role of the Spirit in Christianity.

The author's perspective is of value since he writes before the Pentecostal movement really got going in America; one can therefore perceive how a person interested in the Holy Spirit could seek to understand His work yet not in terms of speaking in tongues, modern day prophesying, and the like.

On the other hand, the author makes too clean a division between water baptism as the baptism of John and Holy Spirit baptism as the normative baptism of the NT; such is inconsistent with the evidence. The NT explicitly identifies only two events as the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2 and Acts 10; the baptism of the Spirit is something done by God and cannot be accomplished by man, and yet throughout the NT the examples of baptism are done by man. The author also maintains an early ecumenical perspective.
deusvitae | May 21, 2013 |
OCMCCP | Feb 29, 2012 |
OCMCCP | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 29, 2012 |
George Campbell Morgan was one of the truly great Bible scholars in his time. In How to Live, one of sixty books by the author, he outlines God's formula of life. Included are discourses on Paul's estimate of life, as evidenced in Philippians, the life of power in Christ from John's Gospel, the new life as portrayed in the cleansing of Nahaam, and the controlled life in the Potter's hand. A penetrating view of the Christian life and how that life can be gained and maintained.
BethanyBible | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 3, 2010 |
An outstanding commentary on the book of Acts. Perhaps the very best. I also recommend Lloyd-Jones' series on Acts, which is very thorough but incomplete.
stephendr | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 16, 2009 |
He avoids the overly technical; the book contains only a rare occurrence of Greek and Hebrew. Both layman and theologian would read this work with profit.
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pastorbookshelf | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 15, 2007 |