
Shannon Morgan

Autor von Her Little Flowers

3 Werke 140 Mitglieder 12 Rezensionen

Werke von Shannon Morgan

Her Little Flowers (2023) 128 Exemplare
In the Lonely Hours (2024) 11 Exemplare



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4.5 Stars
This author has successfully done it again, written an entrancing and mystical gothic ghost story that's part historical fiction and part social commentary. The plot is chilling (and sad, especially the historical treatment of people with autism), the setting is a character unto itself (I still love you Scotland), and rife with familial trauma. The story gradually builds and intensifies exponentially for the last third of the novel. I'm extremely selective with reading choices for ghost stories/horror, but I'll keep this writer in my "must read" group. If you liked Her Little Flowers, you'll want to pick this one up as well.

Net Galley Feedback
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LibStaff2 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | May 3, 2024 |
Once again Shannon Morgan has worked her magic, this time transporting us to an ancient castle on a rugged, remote Scottish island entangled in a complex web of legends, ghosts and bitter hatreds. The story is told across two time frames which are woven together seamlessly, a specialty of this author.

Edie Nunn is a widow with a full time job and a young, teenage daughter entering into a rebelious phase. Of course, she still suffers greatly from the loss of her beloved husband. In the opening scene we find Edie and Neve in a lawyer's office, where they receive the jolting news that Edie is the sole heir to a remote Scottish castle, an island and a very small village attached to it; bequeathed to her by one Percy Maundrell. Edie is still trying to allow this news to sink in, when daughter Neve takes over the reins and insists they are heading directly to their newly acquired castle.

And so begins a journey of both distance and time as they delve into the past and the twisted, tormented lives of the Maundrells. The castle is populated with a multitude of ghosts, likely real and some seemingly imaginary. The few residents of the island, a caretaker and a questionable squatter add to the aura, mystery and danger surrounding the Nunns. Between ghostly communications, journals and diaries and locals they start to piece together the tragic events of the past generations, all of which occurred on Samhain (Halloween), which also happens to be Edie's birthday. Edie, who was raised in an orphanage where she was found abandoned as an infant, is coming to the realization that one of her parents was a Maundrell. She is determined to discover which one and what caused them to abandon her.

The plot is intricately woven together and completely absorbing. The gothic air and sense of history, some dating back to prehistoric times, is fascinating. The characters are exteremely well developed and we get to know them and feel close to them, or repulsed by them in some cases. I found it hard to put down this book once I had started reading it.

I am quickly becoming a very big Shannon Morgan fan!
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shirfire218 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 16, 2024 |
If you like a haunted house tale, then this is the book for you. There were all the makings for a great spooky, gothic tale - desolate setting, ancient castle, snowstorm, and ghosts - and all of those elements provided for a great read. Added to that was a family curse, truly evil family members and the horrific medical 'treatments' of times just not that long ago. Great descriptive writing provided for an immersive read. Many thanks to NetGalley and Kennsington Books for allowing me to read an advanced copy.… (mehr)
Kathl33n | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 22, 2024 |
This book came to my attention through the Goodreads Giveaway program. I am so glad I won a copy, or I might never have discovered this gem.

In fact, Her Little Flowers, drew me in from the first page, as few books do. I found it hard to put down. It ended up taking a position on my Favorite Books of All Time list. I loved this book! It hits the mark for me on many levels--favorite genre, atmosphere, geographic location, and other elements. In fact it added a new element to my favorites: the language of flowers and plants in general. I had no idea of the extent to which this flower language could be and was, historically, used. I now want to read further into that and the author has provided some supplementary information at the end of the book to help me get started.

I found the atmosphere in Her Little Flowers to be much like that in Jane Eyre, my all time favorite book. It is Gothic and Victorian, while somehow managing to take place in dual timeframes. It seamlessly weaves together scenes from fifty years ago with current events. The five hundred year old manor is a key player in the drama, portrayed as a living, breathing entity holding its own secrets. The wonderful descriptiveness of everything from the plants in the garden and what they do and mean, to architectural details of the manor; the centuries old Thwaite family cemetery with its generations of Thwaites and their secrets, to the former mental asylum on the grounds of the Thwaite family property. The author's writing style is superb and I found her use of language compelling and lyrical.

The story we are drawn into is fascinating, dark and tragic. It is peopled with ghosts, yet the ghosts belong to the story every bit as much as the living people. The mystery builds and our heart breaks again and again as the tragedy builds with it. Yet there is a silver lining we can glimpse, an element of hope built in throughout the story as well, to prop us up and not give in to the despair.

For me, this story had everything I want in a book and I soaked it up from cover to cover.
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shirfire218 | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 21, 2024 |




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