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{My thoughts} – Tessa isn’t your average tween. She has a job working with her Aunt on her Aunt’s food truck. This causes her to have a daily power struggle with her self, because she always wants to cook or work on coming up with new recipes instead of doing her homework.

She has a best friend named Mei and they both go through a sort of fight within their friendship brought on by Mei’s new interest in boys. Tessa doesn’t totally get it until she starts working on the food truck with another peer named Asher. All of the sudden boys start making more sense to her, although still very much confusing.

This whole book is based on whether or not the food truck they work on is going to be able to take part in the yearly Flavorfest. This is a friendly competition where all the food trucks compete to see who has the best food and get awarded as well. Anyways, Asher’s mom is dating the business tycoon that wants to put an end to Flavorfest and it is up to Tessa and Asher to try and save the day kind of thing.

I think that any child that has a dream of making a difference can relate to this book. I highly recommend it for children that have an interest in cooking. In the back of the book is a list of the recipes talked about within the pages of the book.

I really enjoyed reading this book, although it took me longer to read it then I would have liked. I look forward to reading the next book in the series very soon!
Zapkode | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – Dacey is and interesting girl. Her mom owns Pies N’ Prattle and it’s said to be a very famous or well known pie shop in Texas. However, even though the shop has been in the family for generations, it doesn’t mean that all members of the family have the ability to bake such wonderful pies. Dacey doesn’t seem to have inherited the family pie baking gene and it shows every time she tries to bake a pie and fails miserably at it.

A few years back a classmate of hers Chayton had moved away. She kind of liked him and kind of didn’t. His mom became the star of a television show and she has dragged him along for the ride. Her show seems to be losing ratings so now she is back to her hometown and Dacey and Chayton are back in school together. It takes some time but they find common ground to become mutual friends in a sense.

Dacey’s great-grandma had a famous pie she use to bake that everyone loved. Chayton’s mom wants that recipe so that she can use it as a means to try and save her show. Dacey wants it so she can try and save the family pie shop. Chayton’s mom ends up getting her hands on it, however, things don’t play out the way one would expect in a situation such as this one.

I really enjoyed reading this book. It’s a soft boy/girl crush book with limited disaster in the relationship aspect. It isn’t difficult or awkward to read in terms of understanding the characters and their feelings. It shows more or less what most children their age might be feeling and I think that’s a good thing.

I also like that how at the end of each of the books are some of the recipes that are mentioned within the pages of the book. This allows children the opportunity to try and be like the character within the pages of the book. My daughter has often asked me if we could recreate some of the recipes within the pages of the books. I really do think that it could be fun! I just don’t have to cooking/baking desire my daughter does!

I look forward to reading the next book in the series Shake it Off very soon!
Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – Emery is a sweet girl that is having problems seeing what the big deal about Christmas is. She lost her Grandma and once she lost her she stopped believing in the Christmas Magic, so as to say. Her parents kept trying to help bring her back into the spirit by carrying on with family traditions and such, but she appeared to be stuck on staying, for lack of better wording a Grinch.

Her parents force her to help them with their Holiday photo set up at the mall. While she is helping them, she gets to know a boy named Alex that is working at the local Cocoa shop across the way. They start to become really good friends. He seems to be interested in her as more then friends, but she has her sights set on another boy named Sawyer that she is convinced is perfect for her.

As the story starts to unwind she has to figure out which boy she really does like in that way. She also has to figure out if she is going to be anti-Christmas indefinitely or if she is going to have a change of heart.

I really enjoyed this book. It was everything that you’d expect in a soft crush novel such as it is. I think that any child struggling to be happy with the Holiday’s could benefit from reading this book. As for myself, I’m going to start the next book in the series.
Zapkode | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – Lise is a typical girl that is having issues with being dropped in her father’s lap, while her mother is in another country for a couple of months. It’s really hard on her because her father has a whole other family and she doesn’t really feel like she belongs. Her step-sister is a year older then she is and treats her like dirt. She doesn’t have any friends and she clings to the one’s she had while she was living with her mother. She isn’t getting along well with either her father or her step-mother because she chooses to make the worst out of her situation for the most part.

When the book begins she is sent to a party with her step-sister. She leaves the party and ends up at a taste testing at a local bakery. That taste testing helps to change her perspective on everything that is currently going on in her life. She meets an incredible boy, but she didn’t get his name and he didn’t get hers so they don’t know if they will see each other again.

She starts to make friends. They help her to find her place. They help her to find the boy. They help her to realize that things aren’t as terrible as she’d let herself believe.

I really enjoyed this book. It’s a sweet little story about how love can first blossom and how the events of one night can alter a persons perspective. I think that any tween or teen could fall in love with this book as much as I did. I can’t wait to see if my own teenaged daughter falls in love with it as much as I did.
Zapkode | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – Sheyda is definitely the kind of character in a book I’d love for my own children to idolize. I think she is brilliantly written and because of that, I absolutely loved reading this book. She’s this sweet awkward girl that has to discover who she is before she can become who she really is deep down inside. She’s a people pleaser and extremely shy when it comes to needing to speak her mind. She does everything she can to lessen the burden of parenting on her parents since her sister chooses to be a rebel and cause a lot of trouble on a regular basis. She lets people more or less walk all over her throughout most of the book, but eventually she finds her voice.

The part where she finds her voice is what I think makes her an incredible role model for children. She shows that just because she is able to make it through day upon day trying to make sure everyone is happy but herself, doesn’t mean that she isn’t hurting inside, it doesn’t mean that things don’t bother her, and it doesn’t mean that she isn’t overwhelmed. Eventually, once she finds her voice she makes all these things known and she does it in such a way that it just leaves you thinking how incredibly awesome she is for all she does.

Her best friend isn’t really much of a best friend through most of the book. It eventually comes down to friendship or a boy. Which direction does it go? I don’t know, it looks like you’ll need to read the book to find out. The boy in question is Cabe, he’s a teen heartthrob and he is shooting a new movie at the donut shop that both girls work. Does he have the power to break or save the friendship between these two girls?

I really liked reading this book. It was a light read and it was a fun read at the same time. I really thank that any young twee/ teen would be able to enjoy this book and that it would make a great addition to their bookshelf.
Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – “Say It With Flour” is a small family run bakery that is located in the small town in which Alicia lives. Her dad runs the place and she and her Grandmother and friends help out. Her family has owned the small bakery for a very long time.

A new bakery like place called “Perk-Up” moves into town and is a part of a mass chain of places. The son of the owner Dane seems to be stealing idea from “Say It With Flour” or more specifically Alicia. Alicia keeps trying to come up with new ways to save her families bakery from having to close the doors.

I really enjoyed this book. It helps to show children that hard work and persistence can lead to a really good outcome. That you have to be willing to work a lot in order to succeed and that not everything is always going to be handed to you. I really think that in todays society most children think that everything should be handed to them and that they shouldn’t have to work for anything. This book helps to show that you have to work hard in order to succeed and it’s a great lesson for any child to learn.

This book also shows that you shouldn’t judge a person without fully getting to know them. I Think that happens all to often these days. People would rather see the worst in someone, rather then get to know someone for how wonderful they can be.

This book will make a great addition to any child’s bookshelf.
Zapkode | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – Malie is a sweet girl that aspires to be an incredible ballet dancer. She has goals, and she has so many dreams of how she’d like to see herself in the future. She also has a job helping her mom at the local ice cream shop called Once Upon a Scoop. She has a boyfriend named Ethan that she is more or less just comfortable with, but he doesn’t seem to be anymore then just a friend when it all comes down to it.

Things get a bit shook up in her world when her ballet teacher steps down and the school she attends hires a new instructor. The new instructor causes the school to double the tuition prices as well as a new student at her school to appear.

Malie goes through a series of events in the book that would break and make any child at her age. I enjoyed reading about her determination and her desire to do more, to do better. Her desire to prove just how much dance meant to her as well as her desire to help her mom with the ice cream shop. However, throughout most of the book Malie has to make a number of important choices and some of them end up not being the best. This book helps to show that even though you make bad choices that your parents will still be there to love and support you and that your friends will still be your friends. Sometimes, it’s best just to wait things out and have faith.

I think that any child that is struggling with too much on their plate could benefit from reading this. Also any child that desires to be good at dance or any extracurricular activity could also benefit from reading this book. I think it could make a nice addition to any child’s bookshelf.
Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – Emery is a sweet girl that is having problems seeing what the big deal about Christmas is. She lost her Grandma and once she lost her she stopped believing in the Christmas Magic, so as to say. Her parents kept trying to help bring her back into the spirit by carrying on with family traditions and such, but she appeared to be stuck on staying, for lack of better wording a Grinch.

Her parents force her to help them with their Holiday photo set up at the mall. While she is helping them, she gets to know a boy named Alex that is working at the local Cocoa shop across the way. They start to become really good friends. He seems to be interested in her as more then friends, but she has her sights set on another boy named Sawyer that she is convinced is perfect for her.

As the story starts to unwind she has to figure out which boy she really does like in that way. She also has to figure out if she is going to be anti-Christmas indefinitely or if she is going to have a change of heart.

I really enjoyed this book. It was everything that you’d expect in a soft crush novel such as it is. I think that any child struggling to be happy with the Holiday’s could benefit from reading this book. As for myself, I’m going to start the next book in the series.
CrimsonSoul | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 1, 2024 |
This book is so good! I have read and reread it so many times! It is a great romance book, and is the perfect book to get comfortable in a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate!½
TheBestJen | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 28, 2024 |
Emery, the main character, hates Christmas, but is unfortunate enough to have been born in a family that is Christmas obsessed. While she is pretending to be an elf in the mall for her parents, she ends up meeting Alex, a boy in her school who loves Christmas and helps out at his grandfather’s hot cocoa shop. She doesn’t really like him at first and is adamant that Christmas isn’t for her, but Alex is determined to change her mind about sweetness of hot cocoa and the holiday season. He helps her with her Secret Santa problems and, to Emery’s surprise, she actually starts to like him. As Emery gets to know more about the people she never thought she’d be friends with (Alex, Nessa), and gets to know more about her crush, Sawyer, she starts realizing that maybe things aren’t the way she thought they were. And maybe, just maybe… the person she really wants isn’t Sawyer after all.
This is a very cute story about a Christmas loving boy reintroducing a Christmas hating girl to the magic of Christmas, learning that you may have more things in common with the people you thought were completely different from you, and learning not to judge a book by its cover. Emery and Alex’s relationship is very cute and this is by far my favorite book in this series. So cute!
That_Crazy_Fangirl | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 3, 2024 |
This was adorable, and I even learned a word reading it (triumvirate).

But there's no way she would have mixed up baking powder and flour. Different textures, different packaging...
whakaora | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 5, 2023 |
1 (Thankfully Discussed Rather Than Demonstrated) Mopey Teenager with First World Problems, including
Deliberate Grade Sabotage
Cold Shoulder to Perfectly Nice Stepparent
Refusal to Do The Things She Loves to Punish Parents, which results in:

1 Parental Guilt Manipulated Study Abroad Program
1 Community Project
1 Snotty Host Sister
Delicious Surprise!Fried Grasshoppers
Environment/Cultural Enrichment Trips

1 Neglectful Best Friend, Too Busy With
1 Irritating Player "Boyfriend" (Sleazy Variety)
1 Down-To-Earth Adorable NOT!Dating NOT!Boyfriend
1 Nerdy Troubadour with Aspirations of Don Juan (Sweet not Sleazy Variety)
Salsa Dancing
Caramellunacy | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 10, 2021 |
It was such a cute story!! ❤️
Islam_A | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 16, 2020 |
This is beautifully written story with a rich vocabulary. Nitty is an orphan on the run from her home, when she encounters a gentleman with these special green beans. While she is taking the beans she sees an elephant being hung in the middle of town. She and the elephant, Mags, have a very special bond and run from the town. They run into a dust storm and seek shelter in an old barn. This is where their adventure truly begins. A creative story that has mystery, magic beans, life lessons, and new love. While i enjoyed the story there were moments that I believe a younger child may not understand fully. There is also many words i believe will have children looking into the dictionary to find the meaning. Overall a great book with some mature detail that may be best suited for older children or for reading along with an adult and discussing your point of views throughout.
SWONclear | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 20, 2020 |
Nitty Luce runs away from Grimsgate orphanage, steals a pouch of magically green seeds, and steals/rescues an elephant that's about to be hanged, before escaping in a dust storm. Girl and elephant (Mag, short for Magnolious) wind up in Windle Homes' barn, and he grudgingly allows them to stay. But the town of Fortune's Bluff is suffering from ever-worsening "dusters," even as the dust storms die out elsewhere, and Nitty's new neighbor Twitch believes the mayor is the villain at the heart of the mystery and misfortune. A Depression-era, Dust Bowl tale laced with magic (the green seeds bear "froozle fruit," the mayor has invented a machine that sends targeted dusters, Nitty and Mag communicate almost telepathically) makes for a unique read - with a delightful, delicious vocabulary (Nitty gets many of her words from newspapers).

Recommended by a library patron.


"Who needs expertise when you have confidence?" (47)

"Limitations are as plentiful in this world as the air we breathe. You think you can beat them. We all do, at one time or another. But we can't." (Windle to Nitty, 60)

Dreams are forces in themselves, strong enough to leave footprints behind in the imagination. (62)

Understanding a place and its people...was the best way to stay out of mischief when you didn't want it and to find it when you did. (83)

To say that one mysterious happening was impossible meant that others were, too. (121)

"How do you make peace with certain sorts of cruelty?"
"Maybe you never do."
"Maybe you bury them with your own better doings." (Ferdinand, Twitch, and Nitty, 135)

The difference between wanting and the difference between a paintbrush and a masterpiece. (141)

"Well, you can't be prepared for everything all the time." (Nitty to Windle, 184)

"There are limits to what people can bear." (Windle to Nitty, 207)

"Fear blinds folks from lots of wrongs they should see." (Twitch to Nitty, 218)

"Why is it that caring for another soul means you want to do what's best for them, even when it's hurtful to you?" (Nitty to Twitch, 300)

"Each and every one of us has a say when it comes to what is right." (Nitty, 336)
JennyArch | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 30, 2019 |
The chapter book is an easy read. It would be good for fourth or fifth grade students. It is an interesting story about a girl named Emery. She has a crush on a boy at the hot cocoa shop, next to the Santa photo booth she works at. She used to hate the Christmas holiday, but begins to enjoy it as her romance with Alejandro progresses. The moral of the story is to go after what you want, without changing yourself. There aren't many chapters in the book, so it is a fairly short read.
CaitlinMorrell | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 4, 2017 |
I'm going to file this book in my library under sociology and reference it when discussing ways women sabotage their lives. The main character is filled with bad character traits. She is deceitful. She is cowardly. She is manipulative. I am appalled that this book has so many positive reviews on Amazon. I certainly hope that young women don't come away from this fantasy thinking the way to a good relationship is to act like Lise Santos! On top of the fact that I disliked the character I was supposed to be bonding with, the book had completely unbelievable moments. Two teenage girls painting a nursery get into a fight and decide to throw paint on one another's faces? A boy who has been hiding the fact he is an artist and never shows anyone his paintings is happy to see that someone hung a bunch of them on the wall of a public place without his knowledge? This was a bad book. Suzanne Nelson has written much better than this.
Merryann | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 26, 2017 |
Cat Wilcox has left chilly Boston for sunny Mexico and a summer of girl bonding with her best friend, Sabrina. But Sabrina has a surprise. She is accompanied by her boyfriend—a boyfriend Cat didn’t even know existed. So rather than Sabrina and Cat spending their study-abroad semester working together at the orphan school building site, Cat expects she’ll be hammering nails all by her lonesome. Then she meets Aidan. He’s cute, he’s smart, and he’s paying her a lot of attention. Cat can’t tell if he’s flirting or friendly, but she’s not sure it matters. Isn’t it easier to be just friends? But this is enchanted Mexico and, between hiking in the rain forest, diving off waterfalls, and finishing the orphan center, it’s going to take a little bit of salsa spirit, and a lot of heart, for Cat to make it through the summer unchanged.
mrsdanaalbasha | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 12, 2016 |
Siena Bernstein is leaving her yoga mat behind for a semester of study abroad in Munich. She’s thrilled with the prospect of a German adventure (her horoscope is encouraging as well), but she hopes to make more than just her dreams come true while she’s there. Siena’s dad, who passed away when she was a baby, kept a "Carpe Diem" list—sort of his top-ten adventurous things to do. He completed all but one of the tasks—going to Germany to thank the man who helped smuggle his family past the Berlin Wall. Amidst her adventures in biergartens, Alpine skiing, and a rigorous course load, Siena is on a quest to complete her father’s list. But she’s also set on having the best possible time while she tries. With the help of two new best buds and a handsome RA in her dorm, she’ll surely succeed.
mrsdanaalbasha | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 12, 2016 |
The ghoul next door
by: suzzan nielsen

Libby’s BFF doesn’t have time for her her secret crush has no idea she exists and she’s in danger of failing science. She doesn’t think her life can possibly get any more complicated until a ghostly pale girl moves in next door. Every time Libby tries to talk to Julia she has a strange way of disappearing. And when Libby sees the words Help Me scrawled on Julia’s bedroom window, she starts to suspect that something creepy—supernatural even is going on. and without her best friend no one is going to believe her. And julia helps libby with those problems. and libby and julia were best friends.
I liked the book because libby and julia became best friends .
I did not like this book because her other friends aren't friends with her anymore so they won't believe her.
I think this is a really good book.
I say this book **** four star book.
And the age would be 5+
apet7466 | Dec 16, 2015 |
A gentle and enjoyable story about a girl and her friends. I will watch for more books from this author and look forward to reading them.
Merryann | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 18, 2015 |
Tessa likes working at the trendy food truck her aunt owns. They serve yummy BLT's to Tessa's schoolmates after school. Tessa feels like she is living her dream, but the dream is turns into a nightmare. The popular kid Asher starts working at the truck. He can't make a sandwich and Tessa thinks he is cute. When the food truck festival was canceled the food trucks future is in stake. Tessa and Asher have to put away their differences to save the truck.
You've bacon me crazy by Suzanne Nelson is a book like Cake Pop Crush. It has food, drama, and boys. It also has BACON !!! I recommend this book to people who like drama and bacon. The book is so good I was really into it. Suzanne Nelson had another book with really good plot and conclusion.
AlishaM.B3 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 2, 2015 |
Alicia has been baking since she was little. Her family owns a bakery called "Say it with flour". Ali loves making cake pops, but her life turns around when a modern coffee shop opened across the street. The bakery is running for it's money, but worst of all the new kid in school is the coffee shop owner's son, Dan McGuire. He also likes to bake. Ali and Dan start a baking contest to see who can cater a party. She didn't win but a week later Dan came to the bakery and said that Ali actually won. They counted the votes wrong. So Ali saved the bakery.
Cake Pop Crush by Suzanne Nelson is very creative. Suzanne does keep you hanging at the end of the book and there is no sequel to the book. I gave it a rating of 5 stars because she is really amazing in making a Drama book with food in it. When you read the story you get so sucked in to it you don't even notice you're almost done. I actually got done in one day. I recommend the book to kids who are into drama books. The books that Suzanne Nelson writes are awesome.
AlishaM.B3 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 14, 2014 |
Reviewed by Jocelyn Pearce for

This installment in the S.A.S.S. series features Caitlin Wilcox, a student who is spending her summer in Mexico with the Students Across the Seven Seas program. Cat can't wait to spend time in Mexico, with its sunshine and clear blue ocean, to reunite with her best friend Sabrina, after spending the past few months with her mom and new stepdad in Boston rather than her sunny former home of New Mexico, and to practice her Spanish, a language she loves. Nothing, however, turns out as planned.

Sabrina has brought along her boyfriend, Brian, whose existence Cat hadn't even known of, and it's more difficult than it should be for Cat to get some face time with her best friend. Luckily, Cat quickly begins to make new friends; Aidan, Rachel, and Pete are all friendly fellow students. Even Izzie, Cat's host sister with whom she gets off to a rather rocky start with, turns into a friend. Spending her days building a school for orphans in the hot, humid weather of Oaxaca will be tough, but it'll be a lot of fun, especially with great friends!

When they're not working on the school, the students are doing their learning by traveling to nearby rain forests and museums. Cat and her friends are having a lot of fun, but she can't help but wish she had more time with Sabrina. Cat's even starting to suspect that Brian isn't as great as he seems, but she couldn't raise that issue with Sabrina...right? Cat's got her own boy troubles as well. Are she and Aidan just friends, or is there more to it than Cat would like to admit?

HEART AND SALSA is a fun read that will have readers wishing to escape to sunny Mexico right along with Cat! It's full of adventure in a foreign country, likeable characters, and romance. Cat is a character to whom readers will be able to relate, especially anyone who has ever had to move away from friends and family. The only reason Cat's mother agreed to let her go to Mexico was because they had just moved to Boston from New Mexico a few months ago, and adjusting is tough for Cat. While Suzanne Nelson's book is an entertaining, quick read, it's not particularly remarkable; it won't earn a place on my favorites shelf, but it was certainly worth reading!
GeniusJen | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 11, 2009 |
supersam | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 9, 2009 |