
Iddo Netanyahu

Autor von Entebbe

1+ Werk 88 Mitglieder 4 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Beinhaltet die Namen: Ido Netanyahu, Iddo Netanyahu

Werke von Iddo Netanyahu

Entebbe (2001) 88 Exemplare

Zugehörige Werke

Self-Portrait of a Hero (1980) — Notes and Afterword — 142 Exemplare





This book is a much-appreciated companion to "The Letters of Jonathan Netanyahu" which is one of my favorite and inspiring books. I've long had a fascination with the events surrounding the daring rescue at Entebbe, and this book satisfies, both by providing ample detail and perspective, as well as by creating an immersive experience. It is all the more poignant that it was written by Yoni's brother, Iddo. The sensitivity to what the Netanyahu family and the Israeli state lost permeates this authoritative volume.… (mehr)
solanum | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 22, 2014 |
This is an astonishing memoir written by Iddo Netanyahu about his brother Jonathan Netanyahu. Jonathan, also known as Yoni, led the rescue operation at Entebbe in July, 1976. He was the commander of the operation and was killed during the successful rescue of the hostages at the Uganda airport. Sadly, he was only 30 years old and was a brilliant soldier and very accomplished scholar. His death was tragic and a significant loss for Israel's military. If you are unfamiliar with the story, Arab terrorists hijacked a plane heading from Tel Aviv to Paris and took most of the passengers on board as hostages flying them to Entebbe airport in Uganda. Iddi Amin, dictator of Uganda aligned himself with the terrorists doing nothing to free or protect the hostages. It was then up to Israel to decide to either give in to the terrorists demands to release many Arab prisoners from Israeli jails or to try to rescue the hostages. It was always the principle of Israel's government not to give in to the demands of terrorists but to lose this many innocent people woud be devastating. The author explains how this dilemma was resolved.

The book is well written and keeps the reader interested while it tells in detail how the rescue operation was designed and how it was put into action. We get to know Yoni as a person and as a military leader. I totally enjoyed this book and was so impressed by the poignant storytelling abilities of its author, the hero's brother. It reminds us that men like Yoni have to be respected and their memory honored and kept alive in the retelling of their story. Yoni was a man of integrity, intelligence and devotion to his country and to the Jewish people. Today, so many years later, his story is told over and over again to children and military personnel in Israel. This book will keep Yoni's memory and deeds alive in a way that is important. Just realizing that this entire military operation was prepared in less than 48 hours and that it succeeded in saving over one hundred lives, makes the reader aware of just how daring and hazardous this rescue attempt was for those involved. It also makes us realize what a special person Yoni Netanyahu was and what a tragedy it was that he died at such a young age.

This book is a must read. It is a memorial in manuscript to a man who will always be held in high esteem not only by the Jewish population of Israel but by Jews throughout the entire world. The author says it best when he writes in his foreward section of his book, "To the general public, Yoni was virtually unknown during his lifetime because of the secret nature of his work in the army. In less than 24 hours after the safe landing of the hostages and soldiers in Israel, Yoni's name would become a household word throughout his country; his life and person would take their hold on the imagination of countless Israelis."

The Netanyahu family has much to be proud of in all their sons. Not only is the author Iddo an accomplished writer, but he is also a physician. His brother Benjamin is the present Prime Minister of Israel. Yoni represents the kind of spirit that has made possible the country of Israel...a tiny speck of a country compared to its Arab enemies that surround it but just like Yoni, Israel and its Jewish population will sacrifice whatever it takes to make sure Judaism survives.
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barb302 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 12, 2010 |
Yoni’s Last Battle: The Rescue at Entebbe, 1976
By Iddo Netanyahu

After reading A Voice Called by Yossi Katz and visiting the Golan Heights in Israel, I set out to learn more about Yoni Netanyahu. I picked up this book as well as Self-Portrait of a Hero: The Letters of Jonathan Netanyahu (1963-1976) with an introduction and afterword by Benjamin and Iddo Netanyahu and proceeded to read both books at the same time. The 34th anniversary of the Rescue at Entebbe took place when I was reading these two books.

This book was written by his younger brother, Iddo and was extensively researched to verify events, meetings, conversations, orders, and documentation.

Beginning on July 1, 1976 the story outlines all the decisions made by the government, the military and Yoni as the Commander of the Unit in planning the rescue of all the passengers of the Air France plane that was hijacked on a flight from Tel Aviv to Paris. When the plane was moved from Athens, Greece to Entebbe, Uganda; the four hijackers made a demand that forty terrorists were to be released from Israeli prisons. Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and his cabinet decided to deny the request.

In the course of three days, the rescue plan was designed and reworked until the time of the landing in Entebbe. Yoni is very detailed orientated and never leaves anything to fate; he checks and double checks. Every aspect of the mission is analyzed and anticipated.

After landing at the Ugandan airport at night, Yoni leads his men in a quick operation to bring all the Israeli hostages to safety. As a natural leader he gets his men to follow him into battle and to continue the assignment even when he is fatally wounded.

The description of bringing Yoni Netanyahu’s body back to Israel after the successful rescue of the Israeli passengers is a very poignant account. To this day, this man is considered a hero to the people of Israel as well as to the rest of the world.

An exceptional man who is remembered for serving his country and who put his life on the line for the benefit of its people. If you want to read about an extraordinary man who loved his country so much that he was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, then please read this book.
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memasmb | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 17, 2010 |
L’autore- ufficiale israeliano- narra con un ritmo incalzante la liberazione degli ostaggi del volo Air France nel 1976 da parte della unità antiterroristica israeliana comandata dal fratello Jonathan Netanyahu.Come è noto,nel luglio del 1976 il Fronte di Liberazione palestineseWadi’a Haddad prese in ostaggio un centinaio di cittadini israeliani dirottando l’Air France,proveniente da Parigi e diretto a Tel Aviv,all’aeroporto di Entebbe in Uguanda chiedendo al governo israeliano la liberazione immediata e senza condizioni dei propri compagni palestinesi-detenuti nelle prigioni israeliane- in cambio della liberazione degli ostaggi.L’azione del primo ministro Rabin si svolse lungo due direttrici complementari:la negoziazione e la liberazione degli ostaggi attraverso un atto di forza efficacemente coordinato.La riuscita della operazione di liberazione-affidata alla Sayeret Matkal - la punta di diamante dell’antiterrorismo israeliano fondata nel 1957 dall’ufficiale di intelligence Arnam-avrebbe rivestito un ruolo politico di enorme portata mentre il l’eventuale fallimento avrebbe determinato sia“ il collasso della politica israeliana”(p.40) sia “un effetto devastante sullo spirito del paese”(p.51).Sotto il profilo strategico fu necessario il lavoro sinergico del primo ministro,del ministro della Difesa-Peres-,del Mossad-a capo del quale vi era Hofi-del Servizio Informazioni Militare coordinato da Gazit e soprattutto della professionalità della Sayeret comandata da Netanyahu.Sotto il profilo tattico le difficoltà della sua esecuzione dipendevano sia dalle scarse informazioni sull’obiettivo primario, sia dalla necessità di salvaguardare l’effetto sorpresa sia infine dalla esigenza di prendere “rapidamente il controllo dell’area tenuta dai terroristi e dagli ugandesi prima che avessero la possibilità di eliminare gli ostaggi”(p.70).Operativamente la liberazione degli ostaggi e l’eliminazione dei nemici si svolse in un arco temporale brevissimo-un ora circa-e implicò il coinvolgimento di un centinaio di uomini suddivisi tra otto squadre di assalto della Sayeret,da squadre di difesa periferica coadiuvate dai paracadutisti e dalle brigate Golam in funzione di truppe di supporto. Quanto alla fasi della sua realizzazione, queste si articolarono in tre momenti:l’atterraggio degli Hercules e lo sbarco dei parà in attesa di attaccare il terminal dell’aeroporto di Entebbe,l’assalto e l’eliminazione da parte della Sayeret delle sentinelle ugandesi e infine l’irruzione nel terminal allo scopo di liberare gli ostaggi-alloggiati nella hall principale-,di eliminare i terroristi-collocati al primo piano-e i soldati ugandesi alloggiati nel secondo piano.Il successo dell’operazione-nonostante la morte sul campo del comandante Netanyahu- rappresentò un esempio paradigmatico per tutte le unità di élite antiterroristiche del mondo .
Gagliano Giuseppe
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gagliano | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 12, 2010 |

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