30 Werke 607 Mitglieder 10 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern


Werke von P.J. Night

Truth or Dare . . . (You're invited to a Creepover) (2011) 149 Exemplare, 6 Rezensionen
Ready for a Scare? (You're invited to a Creepover) (2011) 59 Exemplare, 1 Rezension



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This fun, little book was about a girl named Abby who was having a sleepover with her closest friends. Just like most sleepovers go for girls her age, they watched romance movies, ate junk food, and giggled about boys. That same night, Abby confessed that she had a crush on a boy named Jake, who had a girlfriend named Sara but sadly passed away. Later on, Abby received a text from a number that was unknown threatening her to stay away from Jake or else... dun dun duuun! Abby felt frightened but she couldn't stay away from Jake any longer when he asked her to the dance! More scary things kept on happening. She spotted a girl with orange hair looking at her through her window once, her nice blouse that she happily modeled in her room ended being ripped, and she kept on getting threatening messages leading up to the day of the dance. At the end of the book, Abby and Jake found a girl that looked like Sara from behind because of her long orange hair and they thought she was a ghost but when they saw her up close they knew it wasn't her anymore. The girl was really named Samantha and she was Sara's cousin. She said that maybe because Jake liked Sara so much, he would like her too since they look so similar. She ended explaining that she was the one who followed Abby, sent her the threats, and ripped her blouse because Abby was interfering with her chances with Jake. In the end, Abby ended up forgiving her and invited her over for a sleepover! One week later, Abby held the sleepover with her besties and Samantha. During this fun time, Abby asked Samantha how she cut so much of her hair so beautifully and perfect but then Samantha said that the last time she cut her hair she was four years old! This was a shock because a lock of bright orange hair was left in her dresser with a note addressed to Jake! This left Abby thinking that Sara was the one who left the hair and the note!

If I'll be completely honest, I literally just found this book on a bookshelf in my house and I thought it would be enjoyable to read. I really don't know where this book came from and why it's here, but it gets me thinking... what if Sara left it here? No, just kidding that would be too crazy and weird obviously. Anyways, I enjoyed reading this book because it had the right amount of spook and just about everything in general. I'm kind of glad I found this random book laying at the top of my bookshelf because if I hadn't looked hard enough, I wouldn't have been able to read it or review it on librarything!
… (mehr)
HSanPedro.ELA5 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | May 26, 2020 |
Fun, cute and scary (but not too scary). Perfect for the MG audience!
roses7184 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 5, 2019 |
A little hard to read aloud due to the play sequences, but everyone was still alert and involved.
morbusiff | Sep 20, 2018 |

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