
Alexis NoelleRezensionen

Autor von Keeping Her

35+ Werke 159 Mitglieder 12 Rezensionen


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3.5 stars

This is a new author to me. I enjoyed parts of this story and others not as much (and no, none of it was because of the triggers). It was the writing style. The bones were there but something didn't connect with me no matter how much I wanted it to click. However, I can see the potential. I will definitely look for more from this author in the future because she is so close.
MagicalRi | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 22, 2019 |
This is a cute, sappy, angsty read. If you enjoy a book like that every once in awhile, this is a great one! It was a pretty quick read too. I liked Maddy and Carter. Carter was almost too good to be true (I know it's fiction and maybe I am just jaded!). I loved Carters friends and Maddys friend Nicole! I know this will continue into a series and we will get to know them all a bit better.
The only reason I felt this wasn't a 5 star for me was the end. My kindle said I had 6 minutes left and there was still a lot that I knew was gonna happen. It felt like the whole book had been building to this inevitable encounter and it was over in a page!
thebookdisciple | Oct 9, 2018 |
I loved book one. I had high hopes for book 2. I was disappointed. Jason and Nicole's relationship was entirely based on sex and games to get each others attention. It was just not good. I gave it 3 stars because I still want to know whats up with Shawn and I am interested in Holly and Christen's story as well. I hope book 3 and 4 aren't disappointing!
thebookdisciple | Oct 9, 2018 |
3.5 stars
Heat rating: 3
What I liked: Shawn has been the character I have been really wanting to know more about since book one. It was great to get more insight into his life. Christen is a great character as well and I thought they made a great pair.
What I didn't like: I really felt that the major point of the story could have been fleshed out more. I mean, that was a MAJOR event and you hardly get any information. It just sort of happens in like 10 pages and then the book is over. I have felt that way about all the books in the series. They are more like novellas which is fine, but so much happens that they really should be give more.
thebookdisciple | Oct 9, 2018 |
Amazing story of coming back from the bottom! Alexis Noelle has written a beautiful story of heartache and courage. What starts as horrible abuse soon turns into growth and love where you least expect it.

Jasmine is locked into a marriage of abuse and pain with a husband that treats her like garbage. She needs to find a way out and fast or she will self-destruct. When she finally gets that chance, she runs with it.

As soon as he meets her, he is drawn to her. He needs to have her, to help her, but will he be able to handle all that comes with her?

The emotions that you feel throughout this book are like a rollercoaster. I need to go back and read the rest of the series now.
pcorrea3 | May 30, 2018 |
This story is raw, gritty, violent and erotic. It presents themes of hypocrisy and no one group is either all good or all evil. This is an heartbreaking yet exciting read and I would suggest it to anyone that doesn’t have triggers. Alexis Noelle knows how to catch you up in her characters so that you never want it to end. The only down fall I had with this one is I wish it was longer but I will be buying book two so I can continue reading more from this author.
JHaney | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 29, 2017 |
This was a great story, I loved it. Ryder has returned to his old town and his MC has given him the job of dealing with the club accounts. He's happy to be given such an important task, it gives him a chance to prove his worth....and it also takes his mind of Megan, a woman he really doesn't want to bump into, a woman who broke his heart.
Megan is finally getting her life back on track, she's got a good job and she can forget about the time her life was torn apart by a man who left her with a broken heart.
Until fate rears it's ugly head and they meet again. Ryder is determined to discover the reasons for Megan's behaviour all those years ago and why, and what he finds out angers him more, Megan is equally surprised and angered to find out she had also been duped.
What do they do after they realize both of them had been wrong all this time, and what they had been told was untrue? This story is a must read, I highly recommend it!
JulieD2 | Apr 17, 2017 |
4 "Her Biker Savior" Stars and 4.5 Narration Stars!

MC Romance alpha hero lovers will not want to miss Heinous. Featuring a feisty heroine who decides to indulge in a decadent fling before she succumbs to her inevitable, terrible plight, Heinous presents us with a worthy heroine who inadvertently finds her biker in shining (or, perhaps in this case, leather) armor.

The true background of the heroine, Nikki, is kept a secret throughout most of the story both from the hero and the reader/listener. The one thing we do know is that Nikki is trying to enjoy her last few days of freedom. Although she is looking forward to making the most of these last few days, she is equally resigned that there is no way out for her, so she decides to keep this fact hidden even from the one man who makes her wish her future were different.

A chance encounter brings MC member "Twist" and Nikki together. But one time is not enough for Twist and he finds himself wanting more from this unique and self-confident woman, even if he can tell she is keeping something secret. But Twist has his own secrets and he's perfectly happy giving her the time Nikki needs to get comfortable enough to reveal what she has been hiding.

Will Nikki finally reveal her secret before it is too late? What is she keeping from Twist? And will Twist, and the Deathstalkers MC, be able to save Nikki from her bad fortune before it's too late?

Meghan Kelly delivers a talented narration in Heinous. I loved that she gave each character a personality specific voice that helped me easily envision the character and brought the story to life. From the tough sounding Twist, who I could totally see as a rough and yet sexy biker, to the spunky Nikki, Ms. Kelly nails each character. Ms. Kelly even managed to impart a more vulnerable sounding tone to Nikki's voice when she is facing the more action and danger filled scenes in this book.

Ms. Kelly also paces her delivery optimally, which allows the listener to sit back and enjoy the story, and sets each scene with the appropriate mood by convincingly varying her pace to match the emotion being conveyed in the scene.

Perhaps my only observation is that there were a number of places in the audiobook where the volume seems to lessen for a few seconds--almost like in the editing of the story a small portion may have been overlayed into an existing segment. I didn't factor this into the narration grade, as I believe it is more of a production effect.

All in all, I enjoyed Heinous and look forward to more of the Deathstalkers MC series. I also really liked Ms. Kelly's pleasing voice, and thought she did a great job in telling this story. I can't wait to listen to more of Ms. Kelly's narrations.

Source: Review copy provided in exchange for an honest review.
B.J.O. | Sep 18, 2016 |
4 stars! Once I started it I couldn't put it down!!

ARC provided to G the Book Diva blog in exchange for an honest review!

Holly is trying to mentally recover from a recent horrible first date gone deadly & dangerous. She goes decides to enjoy a fun night out with friends by going to a concert and has a hot chance encounter with a mysterious man just outside the venue. Guess who hot guy ends up being...

Ever since the deadly date incident Holly can't bear being touched by anyone except for Drew. She's quickly swept into a whirlwind lifestyle with a rock star and barely has time to analyze why he is different from the rest. All she knows is that she wants to be with him, bad attitude and all.

I liked this story and read it in one sitting. The story flowed effortlessly and I enjoyed it all especially the emotions and attraction between Holly and Drew. I love intense insta-attraction and these two had plenty of it.

Why not 5 stars?

Two reasons...

#1- The story could have been a little longer, a few more chapters would have been nice.

#2- The OMG incident towards the end could have been executed a little differently. I got the point but it was kind of an angry WTF moment for me and I didn't buy it.

Even still it's a good quick hot read and I recommend it.
GwendolynGrace | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 15, 2015 |
♣♣♣♣ I received an arc in exchange for an honest review ♣♣♣♣

♥♥♥♥♥ This book is one hell of a read, I found it be a quick read and I really didnt wand to put it down, the plot is fantastic and the character easily lovable. Alexis does write some fantastic books and I'll love to see what the next book is like ♥♥♥♥

Obsessed-by-Books | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 7, 2014 |
♣♣♣♣ I received an arc in exchange for an honest review ♣♣♣♣

♥♥♥♥♥ This book is one hell of a read, I found it be a quick read and I really didnt wand to put it down, the plot is fantastic and the character easily lovable. Alexis does write some fantastic books and I'll love to see what the next book is like ♥♥♥♥

Obsessed-by-Books | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 7, 2014 |
4 ½ of 5 Stars

Holly James cannot stand to be touched by anyone ever since she was kidnapped. That is until she meets the arrogant and bossy rock star, Drew Walker.

When I first started reading this book, I was not sure if I was going to like it. Holly and Drew’s relationship took off so quickly I didn’t feel it was realistic. However, there was a very wise statement made in the book: you can’t put a timeline on love; it happens differently for everyone. Upon further thought, I feel that the speed of their relationship and my initial reaction was a totally success. Holly’s brother and friends also had a difficult time accepting their relationship, heck even Holly questions her sanity. I ended up adoring this book. I became more engrossed with every page. The emotion and passion are noteworthy.

I admired that Holly followed her feelings instead of wallowing in her fear. I also respected that she stood up for herself to her brother and friends.

Drew is a self-proclaimed control freak; a result of a tragedy in his youth. He knew what he wanted Holly right away. He is the definition of alpha male and extremely swoon worthy.

Both Holly and Drew have scars in their past that need healing. They are stronger as a couple and help to heal each other. That is of course when they are not upsetting the other.

I enjoyed the plot and reading about Drew’s lifestyle. Breaking Free is a wonderful novel that I am very happy to have read. If you enjoy contemporary romances with bad-boy rock stars, you won’t want to pass up Breaking Free.

Complimentary copy provided by author in exchange for an honest review.
dlynch | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 7, 2014 |
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