
Devin O'Branagan

Autor von Witch Hunt

12 Werke 96 Mitglieder 28 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern

Über den Autor

Beinhaltet die Namen: Devin O'Branagan, Devin O'Branagan

Bildnachweis: Devin O'Branagan

Werke von Devin O'Branagan

Witch Hunt (1990) 44 Exemplare
Glory (2010) 18 Exemplare
Witch Hunt: Of the Blood (2012) 8 Exemplare
Red Hot Property (2008) 6 Exemplare
Red Hot Liberty (2011) 4 Exemplare
Show Dog Sings the Blues (2011) 4 Exemplare
Kinder des Feuers. Roman. (1992) 3 Exemplare
Threshold (2011) 3 Exemplare
Pretty Sacrifices (2012) 3 Exemplare
Hexenspur (1993) 1 Exemplar



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I was already a fan of the first book in the series that I read back in October on my family road trip. That book was one of my best reads of 2016; so needless to say, this collection of short stories that explore some of the secondary characters from that book was a must read for me. For the most part, it held true to its promise, but it lacks the magic (sorry for the pun LOL) of the original work.

I enjoyed exploring the background and personality quirks of some of the lesser characters from the original. I think Vivian especially benefited from a second look. In the original, she comes off as a bit of a bitch with little to recommend her. Yet, her tale in the collection gave us more of a look at why her personality developed as it did and why her distrust of non-witches is so strong. The actions that she takes in book one are more understandable after watching her core personality develop.

My favorite tale though, hands-down, is Madeline. The idea of exploring the Spanish flu and how witchcraft, or the illusion there of, might influence the actions of those in that time period was fascinating to explore. Madeline herself also made the story. I loved her dedication to her craft and her vulnerability when love finally found her. It was the end of that tale, though, that cemented my love. The author showed incredible bravery to go where she did, and this reader, at least, appreciated the journey. Definitely have a hanky handy for this story.

I also liked that the tales in this book, for the most part, followed in the footsteps of the original in their tone. The first book stood out in that it wasn't afraid to explore harsh and tragic themes in all their blaring light. The tales in this anthology follow suit. Not every story has a happy ending, and the one that does, isn't smooth sailing. We get to see an early modern version of a witchhunt, character death, and horrific pain. These tales will break your heart just as much as the original book does, so be forewarned on that point.

My one disappointment for this book, though, was that for some of the characters, I didn't feel as invested with their stories as others. Priscilla I actually found a bit boring. I guess compared to all the drama and tragedy of her other family members, her tale was fairly tame. I also had a hard time connecting to Julia's tale, even though it was loaded with as much drama and despair as Vivian’s.

Though not all the characters grabbed me as strongly as others, this collection of character pieces still stand as a worthy follow up to book one. Secondary characters are more fleshed out and the overall mythology of the witch world Devin's created is added to. If you liked book one, definitely check out this one!
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Sarah_Gruwell | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 3, 2017 |
I’ve had this book on my to-read list for a while, years even. I can’t recall how long it’s been sitting on my Kindle, but needless to say it’s been on my radar for a long time. I love the idea of family sagas that entail blessings or curses that follow the generations; this one also entailed the Salem Witch trials with all the drama and persecution that involves. This book please on all fronts. I feel I’m safe to say it’s one of best reads for me this year.

Engrossing as heck, this book grabs you by the throat and doesn’t let go. From the opening sequence of a fiery plane crash, everything is a break neck speed of worsening persecution and a family’s struggles to come out alive, not succeeding on all fronts. Boredom will not be an issue with this one.

Yet despite all that, every character comes alive. From the historical figures of the Hawthorne family to their modern counterparts, nobody suffers from two-dimensional characterization. I liked how the author made people on both sides of the divide (witch vs. Christian) both good and bad. There was no blanket generalization of either side being more right than the other.

I thought this was a tale in the modern world with some hearkening back to the Salem Witch trials. Instead, I got a family saga that flows over centuries. Traveling west via covered wagon, Indian captivity, WWII, and Irish immigration all play a role in this family saga. Family fortunes rise and fall with the centuries, never letting members get too comfortable before throwing the next challenge down.

I’ve got to give props to the author for where she was willing to go. This family goes through some truly awful events: murder, sudden death, torture, and persecution. Things start out grim, get worse, and end bleak. There’s no happily ever after here, folks. There’s a slight glimmer that things might turn around eventually, but it’ll be a long, uncertain road indeed.

The messages in this book also give pause for thought. The author talks about her inspiration for the tale in the beginning, and I can see where she’s coming from. In our modern world, the thought that such fundamentalist hate can rule the day seems far-fetched, given how society celebrates diversity nowadays. The thought that our modern society would believe in the evil of witchcraft and black magic also seems implausible.

However, all one has to do is look across the glove at such examples as ISIS, the KKK, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, or the Westboro church to see true evil at work. Organizations or bodies such as these control the minds and perceptions of adherents to a brain-washing level. Is it really so incredible that given the circumstances portrayed in this book that thought patterns like that might not gain more of a mainstream audience and body of people? Scary stuff…

A tale heavy with lessons to take to heart and characters to love, this book will stay with you for a long time. I was caught from scene one and was never let go. This book started me on a witch kick; I’ll be looking for more books on the subject matter and re-reading older loved ones. The collection of novellas that explores the lives of miscellaneous historical figures in the Hawthorne clan is already loaded on my Kindle. Check this one out; it’s a fantastic read no matter the genre you’re looking for.
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Sarah_Gruwell | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 20, 2016 |
The note Sofia received was clear. Her choices were to play the high stakes card game and win so all her debts would be forgiven, or play, lose, and her daughter would be taken and sold as payment. If she chooses not to play, then she will be killed and her precious Paloma taken away anyway. Left with no reasonable option, Sofia makes a shocking choice and takes a leap of faith with the hope that, by doing so, her daughter will remain safe. What happens next is truly a miracle of faith and love.

Free will is an immense power which gives us an advantage over this chaos we call life. Faith, love, tragedy, and sin all merge into one synchronized dance where we don't even know we are moving to the rhythm until the music stops. Happy endings are not guaranteed. Sometimes we fall, but if we have faith and love there will always be someone to help us up. In a skillful arrangement, this book makes you smile, laugh, and jump for joy. You will live, die, and pray with the characters who fly off the page and right into your heart. Above all this book is about the quest for faith and the power of belonging you find when you embrace faith completely. I highly recommend this book to everyone and look forward to the next installment.
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sallyawolf | May 7, 2015 |

I just finished reading Witch Hunt: Of the Blood and I have to say that even though it is written by five different authors, they seem to have written it with one brain. The stories flow into one another as if they were written together. This group of writers did a fantastic job capturing the characters and making them come to life in this wonderful historical fiction that will keep you turning pages well into the night until you devour all of them.
sallyawolf | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 6, 2014 |


½ 4.5

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