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Nothing remarkable here nor are the stories long enough to accommodate any twists or surprises, but for those acquainted with the universe of Star Trek spin-offs this collection will be a pleasant diversion you can finish in a single sitting. For those not acquainted with the various series these stories, with their established characters and obscure references, will range from puzzling to outright baffling as in the case of D. W. Smith's "The Space Vortex of Doom" (HINT: google "Captain Proton/holodeck").
NurseBob | Dec 31, 2022 |
A Private Anecdotes
Pikes thoughts

The Last Trible
Cyrano Jones rounds up the last tribble.

The Lights in the Sky
Shahna acts ad ambassador for her people.

The Organians give Kirk a chance to see what would have happed without him.

What Went Through Data's Mind 0.68 Seconds Before the Satellite Hit
Data's thoughts.

The Naked Truth
Barclay leads an away mission.

The First
On a first contact Picard wrestles with his orders.

See Spot Run
Spot goes on an adventure.

Together Again for the First Time
Guinan's meetings with Picard.

Civil Disobedience
Q disobeys and interferes with the Earths Fate.

Of Cabbages and Kings
The Enterprise thinks for herself.

Life's Lessons
Nog takes Keiko on a trip to Bajor.

When I Fell Before My Enemy
Sisko meets the Gorn.

Good Night, Voyager
Voyager goes to sleep.

Ambassador at Large
Voyager meets David Bailey.

The crew of Voyage believe their ship crashed and they are stuck on a planet.

I, Voyager
An alien meets the Voyager crew.

Logs of the crew as they experience a trip through a nebula.

The Man Who Sold the Sky
A dying man received visitors.

the Girl Who Controlled Gene Kelly's Feet
A yeoman 3rd class is bored with her job and dreams of Gene Kelly in Singing in the Rain.½
nx74defiant | May 14, 2017 |
If I Lose Thee... Uhura travels back to the time of Shakespeare
The Aliens Are Coming! The Enterprise's & Quark's time travels cause a man to become obsessed with the idea that aliens will invade..
Family Matters Spock is the only hope to heal his cousin
Whatever You Do, Don't Read This Story A story isn't dangerous - or is it?
A Private Victory A member of the Enterprise crew tries to win his own private victory against the Borg
The Fourth Toast After the rip in time, he tries to cope with his knowledge of what is to come.
One of Forty-seven Guinan's experience in the mysterious energy ribbon
A Q to Swear By A dying Confederate soldier is contacted by a Q
The Change of Seasons Picard's thoughts as he waits for a recover of a personal item.
Out of the Box, Thinking Moriarty is the Enterprise's only hope.
Ninety-three Hours The first Ninety-three hours of joining.
Dorian's Diary A Red Squad surviver deals with survivor's guilt.
The Bottom Line As the first Ferengi in Star Fleet, Nog faces the Kobayashi simulation
The Best Defense.. In the Holodeck Bashir and O'Brien try to turn the Alamo into a victory.
An Errant Breeze A young Carradision during the Domion occupation.
The Ones Left Behind The wife of a Voyage crewman deals with being left behind.
The Second Star A woman recalls her encounter with Chakota and Janeway.
The Monster Hunters Kim and Tom chase a monster created to help Naomi with her fears.
Gift of Mourners Voyager finds a Cyborg with a gift from the mourners.

My pick for the top 3:

1. Whatever You Do, Don't Read This Story
2. A Private Victory
3. Ninety-three Hours.

nx74defiant | Jan 23, 2016 |
aulsmith | Jan 10, 2013 |
This book is technically six books, all revolving around the concept of the Klingon Day of Honor. We visit four different ST series in this book: TOS, TNG, DS9, and Voyager. While each book has its pluses and minuses, I have the same complaint for many of them that I had for many other Star Trek books. Build up, build up... crash to earth with a one chapter conclusion.

Ancient Blood: This book is the TNG entry, with Worf dealing with both the Day of honor and an undercover assignment. The crossing storylines make it interesting, though can get confusing as chapters alternate.
Armageddon Sky: This book is the first DS9 entry and one that deals with the Defiant going to a contested planet to work with the Klingons to fend off the Cardassians. This brings others the concept of the Day of Honor and shows battles with unique battlegrounds. One of my favorites in the book.
Her Klingon Soul: Voyager has its first entry here, with many questions happening, and showing B'Elanna's regular bad luck with the Day of Honor. It adds
Treaty's Law: The only entry from TOS, we see the creation of the Day of Honr, as Kirk helps Kor defend a planet the Federation lost in a treaty against the attacking Narr. I found this had too many shifting perspectives. Made it difficult to read.
Day of Honor: This is the novelization of the Voyager episode of the same name. Deeper into the Voyager Mythos, meeting the Caatati, the lost warp core, the exploding shuttle. This doesn't shift perspective as much. My second favorite of the group.
Honor Bound: This is the final selection in the book, and it deals more with Alexander's honor and his perspective on the Day of Honor. I'm not entirely certain I would agree that this is a DS9 novel, but it does highlight the issues of bigotry and stereotypes that we tend to cling on when caught with unknown circumstances.½
gilroy | Oct 20, 2008 |
Star Trek
A Little More Action
Prodigal Father
Tears for Eternity
First Star I See Tonight
Star Trek - Next Generation
Flight 19
The Promise
Prodigal Son
Seeing Forever
Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Captain Proton & the Orb of Bajor
Isolation Ward 4
Dr. James Wykoff writes of his experiences caring for Benny Russell
Star Trek - Voyager
Iridium 7 Tetrahydroxate Crystals are a Girls Best Friend
Uninvited Admirals
Black Hats
Personal Log
Welcome Home
Shadows in the Dark
nx74defiant | Nov 10, 2019 |
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