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Has a good story line and good characters but needs some major editing, and normally I over look things like that but some of the edits and corrections needed made me jump out of the story.
MissEllie80 | Jan 18, 2020 |
So I enjoyed this book, it had a good storyline and I liked the heroine. I missed the Read to Review from Lovers of Paranormal but I ended up buying this book because the synopsis was really good!

What I liked:
The heroine is strong, she's young she's scared but she's gritting her teeth and dealing with what's been given to her without whining or being a baby about it. I liked how she wasn't treated like she was some precious jewel or a horrible disease by the boys at the school. Sure she got stares but she got a group of friends that just teased her and treated her how a normal group of teens would (minus the secretiveness and shape shifting).
The book/volume ended with a pretty good ending, it definitely ended so that the reader will want/have to buy the next episode to the book.

What I didn't like:
There's quite a bit so I'll do it in bullet points.
- Formatting is off? The sentences got weird a few times while I was reading it on my kindle. The font sizes change from the size I want to a smaller one, the same font problems persist in the other books (episodes 6-12). I have 2 screenshots of the sentence formatting errors. I can upload them with the Author's permission.
- Characters around the heroine act too rashly or just suddenly ok with her. Her phone calls with her father are short and I can't see the love/relationship between them, the guys became friends with her too well like it was all set up for her and she didn't have to look for people to be friends with her they were put into her group. I wanted to see more struggle with her trying to fit in a school full of boys and see her be by herself but from the moment she enters the school she's surrounded by friends.
- Spoiler about the father The adoptive father annoyed me. His character was fine, since he played a small part in the overall story but his speech really put me off. I know he's suppose to be Scottish but his Scottish brogue isn't consistent and more than ever I don't feel like its genuine and it was distracting and I didn't bother with what he says (skim read his parts).
- Spoiler about the heroine's hobbies Her hobbies really irked me. I loved that she loved Harry Potter (I love it too!) and Korean drama (I enjoy that too!) but it was unrealistic and overdone. The overdone part was with HP: not everyone would have watched the HP series so the references wouldn't have made sense to them, especially when a character's looks were compared as a love child of 2 of the characters from HP. Unrealistic part was KDrama: I love watching Japanese anime and drama but I would never say that I can speak a little bit of it from just watching shows. People can not learn language like that, few words here and there? Yes. Small conversation? No. I couldn't believe it and I've met people who say they know how to speak Korean/Chinese/Japanese because they watched SO many shows but they can't and they go to school trying to learn it and they drop out or fail because they realise that it was different or harder than they thought it would be. BUT I was excited to read that the heroine's hobbies/likes were similar to mine, just have to be more realistic about it.
- Spoiler about Triton I didn't like Triton because what he had said to her and treated her and when she got defensive, he's like dude chill but suddenly he's in the group of friends (made to be because of the head teacher) and he seemed reluctant at first, didn't want to be around her but he doesn't act like it and seems to be getting along really well. His character was a bit contradictory/confusing.

This was an ok introduction to the world, the ending is what made me get the other books and I'm glad because it got better.
t1774ny | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 16, 2018 |
It was really short compared to the other ones (of course since this is just 2 episodes!)

I'm liking it so far but everything is really rushed. I pre-ordered the next volume because I would like to know how this will all end.

Spoilers about relationships with the Avalon and the boys: It looks like she's doesn't have a love triangle but a love hexagon. Too many boys are interested in her or seems to be showing interest or she's interested with a boy (or a couple). I guess that's high school drama for you? I just hope that the author develops these relationships well and it doesn't end up with all the guys have a one-sided thing but have to accept her decision and "friend-zone". It would be nice to have her not choose a guy at all! Like they're all ok with being friends and they have higher priorities than "i like him/her what will I do now". Especially since the book ends with the idea that there will be a war that involves the Ancients. I would like to read the next books without having it be 80% "who do I love, does she/he love me" and 20% actual war/story/adventure. . That's just all my opinion on it so yeah..
t1774ny | Sep 16, 2018 |
This books was better, like I said from volume 1 review, the font/formatting was off sometimes.

I thought that the motives and actions of one of the characters were too blatantly unwise/stupid and very irresponsible but the book does talk about it (thank goodness) it's the mind warping that Rosemen did that was really unprofessionally done, the plan was too messy with too many holes. He isn't a smart cookie .

I liked how some of the characters that were written as unlikable are becoming more likeable. However, I don't see why they suddenly become likeable, they just start doing things that help the heroine for no reasons given Mirren's face got scarred by Avalon and he was a jerk for a while but suddenly he's ok and part of their secret group. Oh and no more mentioning of the scars, like its a big thing and we don't know if she's going to fully heal it or if he's ok with living with it.

I like how brutal the academy is, its not your typical nice school but its the survival of the fittest and it showed that the world of the dragon shifters is a dangerous place and its not just awesome-sauce because yay dragons.
t1774ny | Sep 16, 2018 |
2015 Rating System: 5

I reviewed the individual episodes.
ZetherBooks | Jun 15, 2016 |
*i was given this book in exchange for an honest review*

I usually don't go for books whose central point is an academy, they usually just have too much whiny characters, but I loved the last dragon book i read so i gave it a chance.

Avalon is a well rounded character, she is strong when needed and grows though out the book as needed.

This book kept my interest well, i finished it in a few hours, and i can't wait to read the next parts!

I love the very in dept details given though out the book, the only issue i had was at some points i think there was too much detail given. Books are supposed to help your imagination grow but i felt like some things were over described.

booklife4life | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 3, 2015 |
*i was given this book in exchange for an honest review*

I usually don't go for books whose central point is an academy, they usually just have too much whiny characters, but I loved the last dragon book i read so i gave it a chance.

Avalon is a well rounded character, she is strong when needed and grows though out the book as needed.

This book kept my interest well, i finished it in a few hours, and i can't wait to read the next parts!

I love the very in dept details given though out the book, the only issue i had was at some points i think there was too much detail given. Books are supposed to help your imagination grow but i felt like some things were over described.

brooke291845 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 29, 2014 |
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