10 Werke 62 Mitglieder 1 Rezension

Werke von Matt Palumbo



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If it weren't for the last two years I would have dismissed G. Soros as one of so many predatory businessman that found out they can do whatever they want with minimum risk, especially in 1990s but also during crisis years in 2010s and 2020s. I mean, he would be neither first nor last with God-syndrome, petty little tyrant enjoying walking over the corpses to gain wealth.

But if anything, last few years have shown how dangerous is influence of non-elected personas on the life and well being of the population of every state and nation on this planet.

And when one such person is very active in a very interesting destabilizing and (security wise) dangerous projects to enforce certain views as predominant ones - that is signal for pause. First, to think this is possible without amen from worldly powers is ridiculous. But after getting acquinted through this book with what must be utterly schizophrenic set of activities that to anyone looking at them can only be seen as way of stirring up ultimate chaos, one question arises - what is the goal here? Causing multiple systems failures in order to get rich? Sounds too shallow IMHO. While maybe most influental i think G. Soros is just one of the wheels in the mechanism.

Something is going on in the world, dramatic changes that have shown elitism of ruling classes (bureaucracy and media/influencers) and how they despise ordinary folk. They behave like French nobility during the revolution, completely unaware of their general insignificance when the masses get upset - entire talk about energy is like Marie Antoinnette's comment on bread vs cakes.

Time will show what is/was going on and books like these one are very important to connect the dots and maybe come to those AHA! monents.

Lots of details in here as this book is more of a register of all areas where G. Soros put his feelers and started dictating terms and conditions (his influence on govermental departments is terrifying). At times due to this book might become somewhat difficult to read, but again keep in mind that this is register, reference book for days to come.

And while we can ridicule quasi religion movements like Scientology, this book very clearly shows how cult of personality can lead to (in lack of better word) zombification of part of society and turning them into uncompromising crusaders. For that I can only say - use your brain and do not follow the masses because that way only destruction can be found. And dont sell yourself for few coins, ever.

And so if all of this indoctrination and speculation and God playing was only to get richer then it shows pettiness and total lack of imagination. Which I dont think is case here (unfortunately). Time will tell.

Highly recommended.
… (mehr)
Zare | Jan 23, 2024 |

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