
Hanna PeachRezensionen

Autor von Angelfire

44 Werke 400 Mitglieder 18 Rezensionen


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Before I start the review I'd like to thank the author for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I was really worried about starting this book, I as very interested but scared it wouldn't be what I hoped. It was exactly what I hoped and more! This book was such a good start to a series I'm really looking forward to continuing. The plot was well thought out and well executed, the characters were interesting and they progressed and grew as characters while we still got enough of a background to know who they used to be.

As for the writing, I really enjoyed it. There were a few parts where there was a lot of repetition, but it didn't bother me at all. I'm incredibly excited for the rest of the series. I highly recommend this book, and the entire series is currently on sale in celebration of the last book being released and I highly suggest you give it a shot, you won't be disappointed!
emilytimco | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 12, 2022 |
I was provided a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I really loved this book, its a 4.5 star book for me. Hanna is an incredible writer, and this is an incredible story.

This book picked right up where Angelfire left off, and the whole novel was very fast paced. The character profession was definitely there, even with the side characters. I read it quickly and had a hard time putting it down when I had to. I'm really enjoying this series so far, and I'm very excited to finish the series!
emilytimco | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 12, 2022 |
Before I start the review I'd like to thank the author for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I was really worried about starting this book, I as very interested but scared it wouldn't be what I hoped. It was exactly what I hoped and more! This book was such a good start to a series I'm really looking forward to continuing. The plot was well thought out and well executed, the characters were interesting and they progressed and grew as characters while we still got enough of a background to know who they used to be.

As for the writing, I really enjoyed it. There were a few parts where there was a lot of repetition, but it didn't bother me at all. I'm incredibly excited for the rest of the series. I highly recommend this book, and the entire series is currently on sale in celebration of the last book being released and I highly suggest you give it a shot, you won't be disappointed!
seraynea | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 29, 2020 |
I was provided a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I really loved this book, its a 4.5 star book for me. Hanna is an incredible writer, and this is an incredible story.

This book picked right up where Angelfire left off, and the whole novel was very fast paced. The character profession was definitely there, even with the side characters. I read it quickly and had a hard time putting it down when I had to. I'm really enjoying this series so far, and I'm very excited to finish the series!
seraynea | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 29, 2020 |
Cute story

The characters and storyline were sweet. Was the ice outlandish? Absolutely, but it still had my attention as I watched these characters get their happily ever after via a lottery and in more ways than one.
MagicalRi | Dec 22, 2019 |
Fantastic Read

Was blown away by this series from the opening lines till the end I was transfixed by the rollercoaster of a ride these books took me on ,I spent the whole first book trying to figure out the need for Cadens rules and my heart breaking for Kittens need to get closer to him, this was an epic love story with so many twists and turns and I really enjoyed both books kitten and Caden were so easy to connect and sympathise with and the story kept me guessing till the bitter end a series well worth the money.
carpathian1974 | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 7, 2019 |
Fantastic Read

Was blown away by this series from the opening lines till the end I was transfixed by the rollercoaster of a ride these books took me on ,I spent the whole first book trying to figure out the need for Cadens rules and my heart breaking for Kittens need to get closer to him, this was an epic love story with so many twists and turns and I really enjoyed both books kitten and Caden were so easy to connect and sympathise with and the story kept me guessing till the bitter end a series well worth the money.
carpathian1974 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2019 |
Fantastic Read

Was blown away by this series from the opening lines till the end I was transfixed by the rollercoaster of a ride these books took me on ,I spent the whole first book trying to figure out the need for Cadens rules and my heart breaking for Kittens need to get closer to him, this was an epic love story with so many twists and turns and I really enjoyed both books kitten and Caden were so easy to connect and sympathise with and the story kept me guessing till the bitter end a series well worth the money.
carpathian1974 | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 7, 2019 |
Fantastic Read

Was blown away by this series from the opening lines till the end I was transfixed by the rollercoaster of a ride these books took me on ,I spent the whole first book trying to figure out the need for Cadens rules and my heart breaking for Kittens need to get closer to him, this was an epic love story with so many twists and turns and I really enjoyed both books kitten and Caden were so easy to connect and sympathise with and the story kept me guessing till the bitter end a series well worth the money.
carpathian1974 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2019 |
Very steamy romance

This book was a lot of fun to read. It's set in Ireland with strong, handsome, Irish brothers, so I was hooked right away. Savannah is a pretty tough girl and she deserved better than her shitty fiance. The brothers all needed to come together and be a family and Savannah did that. There were plenty of romance scenes and a little bit of drama to keep things interesting. Definitely worth reading!
AlyP59 | Apr 25, 2019 |
Really lives up to the Quick and Dirty theme

I really liked this book. It was fast paced and got into the romance very quickly. I love that it's set in Ireland and the characters were Irish. Each of the men are hot in their own ways. The gang aspect was interesting and I liked seeing characters from the author's other books. X was my favorite guy because he so dark, but I loved Jace and Magnar also. This was a quick read, but very good.
AlyP59 | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 25, 2019 |
3.75 stars

Certain parts of the story I loved. Others frustrated me because the storyline had such potential. I wanted the story fleshed out more. It seemed so rushed.
MagicalRi | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 15, 2019 |
3 1/2 stars. A fun saucy read that slowly reveals the truth about both characters as you read. I was really excited when I finished this book to read book two once but releases.

It's a lot of build up to some extremely action packed chapters in the end. Highly recommend if you want something different but filled with a bit of mystery.
rabidgummibear | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 28, 2018 |
This is the story of kitten, who is on the run and caught up in a sexualized relationship with Caden. He controls everything about their relationship, and is very secretive. Kitten accepts that, though she pushes the boundaries a bit and wants more. We learn that she is on the run from another man, who was extremely controlling (college girl as possession). After she escaped his clutches, she's been on the run, working cash jobs and keeping everyone at a distance. Caden is the first person she's allowed herself to care for, and it seems as if he has betrayed her, too -- and is not what he initially seemed.

The book is written in the first person, present tense, which I personally don't care for. The sex scenes were steamy, but I wanted more depth to the relationship. Also - and this is very nit-picky, but it pulled me out of the story -- Caden's nickname for the main character is kitten and it's not capitalized. Also, we never learn the character's real name. As the reader, I wanted that - I wanted to feel as if the character telling the story was being honest with me.

It was an enjoyable read, but not compelling.
LLRobinett | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 29, 2017 |
I never read reviews prior to reading a book and choose books based upon the cover and book description. Although, I rarely read fantasy novels, I was intrigued by this story line and decided to take a chance, expecting an adventurous wild ride.

The story grabbed me from the beginning, but let me down the more I got into the story - only because it seemed confusing and bogged down. I was intrigued with the the main character and her rebellious attitude and thought the story was going to be along the lines of a Harry Potter novel. Instead, I got a lot of descriptions of various "bloodline" tattoos without seeing how they are used, met many new characters and found myself confused at times, wondering where the story was going. The last several chapters cranked up the action, giving me a wild ride for a short period before suddenly ending, with mouth agape, I thought it ended way too soon.

Angelfire took me over a week to read because on a few of those days I lost interest in the story within an hour and moved on to something else. To this day, I can honestly say that I have never put a book away before finishing it...this one was a struggle to keep my record intact. I also noticed typos and added / duplicated / missing words in sentences throughout that were distracting and difficult to overlook.

I do give the author kudos for writing this tome - it takes a lot of sacrifice, dedication and many, many hours of hard work to publish a book - let alone a series. Thank you for the opportunity to read your imaginative tale, unfortunately, it just wasn't what I expected. I wish you well on the series.

John Podlaski, author
Cherries - A Vietnam War Novel
JPodlaski | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 19, 2015 |
I received a free copy of this book from the author on GoodReads in exchange for an honest review. The ultimate battle for the Earth will apparently be between angels and demons, at least according to most fictional literature. I figured Angelfire would be another average supernatural/fantasy book. Boy was I wrong and happy to admit it.

Angelfire (283 pages on the Nook) had me completely sucked in. There were some grammar and spelling mistakes that I was surprised were missed in editing. It didn’t have a slow start, but the author throws you right into the main character, Alyx’s world, which was kind of confusing. I felt like I was playing catch-up trying to figure out who people were and how things worked in this novel’s world. It was well worth the effort of sticking with it though.

The last time I was so completely enthralled in a story was in Panem with Katniss Everdeen. Frankly, I’m not really sure when or how it happened. I was reading along and next thing I know I’m done, it’s dark out and after 11pm. I had to show some self-control and not immediately buy the second book to continue the saga.

The story line was a creative take on well-known figures, Seraphim (or angels). If you go into Angelfire expecting traditional angels then you are going to get one heck of a shock. These angels kick some major butt and harbor secrets that rivals those of the demons.

I personally can’t wait to buy book #2. Unless you absolutely loathe the fantasy genre, I would highly recommend Angelfire.

For more reviews, go to!
ReviewsInAPinch | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 21, 2014 |
2.5 stars -- would have been a 3 star read if the ending made more sense. I can't tell if the entire love story was a lie of if the hero loves her and is trying to save her. I guess I should also mention that I don't really care enough to read the second book.
sharonhd | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 13, 2014 |
Angelfire (Dark Angel #1)Review

Wow, this was an amazing book. I really got into it, and could see the world through Alyx’s eyes. I will admit a few parts did have me confused, as in I was not sure on the whole wings part, like if they only show when she is in her own realm, and not when on the Earth plane? As it has her still flying, but never mentions the wings. I assume she has them, as the cover shows them. But other than that, I had no problems with this story at all.

I am anxious for the next book, AngelStone (Dark Angel #2)

I was able to connect really well with the main character Alyx, she is strong minded, and fierce, which I love to see in a female character.
I was not sure of Isreal at first, but he grew on me, but will say, I really like Jordan, he seems to care what happens to Alyx, and think there will be more to that in the future books.

Here is a cute part where Alyx first meet the mortal she is connected too, I thought it was funny:

“You’re being here is no coincidence, is it?” His eyes narrow. “What are you?”
“What a silly question,” Alyx says, trying not to let her panic show. “I’m a mortal just like you.”
He grins. Alyx feels like an animal that has just been caught in a trap.
“Firstly,” he says, “a real mortal would never call herself a ‘mortal’. And secondly, real mortals don’t come falling out of the sky to land delicately on the ground. No, real mortals break bones doing things like that,” he says this last sentence in a mock hush as if he was revealing some great secret. “Just keep that in mind when you try to pass yourself off as one of us next time.”
Alyx’s breath sticks in her throat, a strangled sort of cry.
But it only seems to amuse him further. “Yes, I saw you drop down to the ground before you knifed that thing. Scaring the living hell out of me I might add.” He glances up at the buildings that loom over them. “What is that, five storys that you just jumped from? Neat little trick. No you obviously aren’t human and you don’t look like one of them. So the question is... what are you?”
“It’s dark. You shouldn’t have seen that.”
“My night vision is fantastic.” He shrugs as if in apology. “Okay. Maybe ‘what are you?’ is too personal a question to ask so soon after we just started our friendship?”

Here is a little of a steamy part for you, much later on in the book:

Alyx traces her fingers across his top lip and presses her mouth to it, soft like the first drops of spring rain, her thumb trapped between the corners of their mouths. A rush fills her head. He gasps. Or does she? She isn’t sure.
She pulls back to look at him. The way he is looking at her is... like he is seeing the stars for the first time.
She kisses him again, cutting him off. The world around them dissolves like sandcastles until there are just his lips and his hands.

Also this part with some steam:

Alyx traces his collarbones with her fingers.
“I am sure. I want you. And. I want you to have me. All of me.”
Israel nods. He kisses her again before pulling away. He slips his fingers under her shirt finding her skin. She lifts up her arms. He draws her shirt up off her, his hands dragging along her sides.
Alyx can’t meet his gaze. It is too much. She lowers her eyes as Israel drops her shirt. She can feel him staring at her. She moves to cross her arms over herself but he catches her hands.
“You have no reason to hide,” he says. He leans down to kiss her bare shoulder then runs his lips along her neck up to her ear. “You are so... painfully beautiful.”

Yeah, this book is great. It has it all, you have some great steamy parts, great exciting story with many twist you won’t see coming. I was shocked at one of them. I sure can’t wait for the next book.

I highly recommend this book, it’s a great Paranormal romance, its YA, but with clean steamy parts that will satisfy those that love some swoon parts. It has the suspense and action too. Written very well too.

5 out of 5 stars for sure. A Must read!

Check out the Special Media Coverage at my Blog, and the Authors. There is special content for this book at many blogs. Here is direct link to mine, with links to more there. Direct link to that is Here>>
ConciseReviews | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 11, 2013 |
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