
Paul Pen

Autor von Glühwürmchen, glüh

11 Werke 649 Mitglieder 26 Rezensionen

Werke von Paul Pen






five stars in a disturbing way....this was a serious page turner. Things are not as they seem. Constant twists and action. Could not put it down. That being said...not a happy book. Similar to Room. You think things like this are not real, but after reading Jaycee Dugard story, you realize there are children and families living in hiding.
Asauer72 | 19 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 3, 2023 |
I really don't know how I feel about this book. I found the writing superb, the story is intriguing and totally pulls you in, but the characters are completely horrible people (with two exceptions).

This novel is not for the faint of heart. There's abuse (mental, physical, sexual) throughout. The message at the end seems to be that family is family and should be forgiven no matter what, and um, sorry(not sorry), but no. These adults are terribly abusive to their children and should never be forgiven.

I can't recommend this to anyone, but I did find it completely immersive, though disturbing. I feel like a good sum up is that it's a good book, but please don't read it.
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LynnMPK | 19 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 1, 2023 |
2.5 rounded up because it had promise.

I'm having trouble rating middle of the road books these days and this is one of them. There's nothing terribly offensive about this book but nothing leapt off the pages and grabbed me either. So basically it was ineffective in stirring any emotions in me at all.

Here's the set up: Rose and Elmer live in an isolated home in the Mexican desert with their beautiful daughters, all named after flowers. Cut off from civilization they are free to create any life that they want for their family. They also harbour secrets that will stay that way so long as they remain cut off from the rest of the world.

One day a young hiker comes walking up out of the desert seemingly looking for conversation and something cold to drink. The girls are excited to meet someone new and 16 year old Iris is smitten. But his questions are bold and he is much more curious than Rose and Elmer are comfortable with. He has his own secret and as the story unfolds we find that their paths are inextricably linked and we must question what a "family" really is.

I understand that from that description you'd be well intrigued... As was I, my friend. And I assumed shit would get dangerous, creepy, bloody, emotional, suspenseful... Any combination of those would have worked. Hell, any ONE of those would have done me.

Saldy, though, none of that
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Jess.Stetson | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 4, 2023 |
Arenas de la Despernada es una tranquila localidad residencial de la sierra madrileña. Pero tras su plácida apariencia se esconde un misterioso enigma. Un día se produce un robo en una tienda y David, uno de los clientes, es tiroteado de gravedad al tratar de salvar a un niño. Su mejor amigo, Aarón, corroído por la culpa, investiga el asalto, intrigado por el hecho de que treinta años atrás ocurrió otro muy similar en la misma tienda. Sin embargo, para su sorpresa, descubre que forma parte de una serie de atracos que se reproducen en el tiempo y en idénticas circunstancias. Siempre se hallan presentes cinco personas de una edad determinada, y todos finalizan del mismo modo: con la muerte de una de ellas. Dentro de nueve años se producirá otro atraco y entonces la víctima será un niño. Esta es la conclusión a la que llega Aarón tras estudiar los extraños sucesos. Decidido a impedirlo, trata por todos los medios de averiguar su identidad para hacerle llegar el aviso de que no acuda al lugar donde se cometerá el próximo atraco. Pero el azar es muy caprichoso y, mientras el reloj del tiempo avanza implacable, puede provocar un cambio en los roles de asesino y víctima.… (mehr)
Natt90 | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 23, 2023 |


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