
Fran PintaderaRezensionen

Autor von Why Do We Cry?

26 Werke 139 Mitglieder 12 Rezensionen


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When a thunderstorm causes a power outage, a little box asks, "Dad, have you ever been afraid?" Max's dad answers honestly that everyone is afraid sometimes, and lists some different types of fears, which are pictured as dark egg shapes. Max's dad's straightforward answer gives Max the courage to ask for scary stories by candlelight, even after the power returns.

Back matter includes several paragraphs about fear, and some questions and writing/drawing activities.
JennyArch | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 7, 2024 |
Niño caníbal, como el resto de su alegre tribu, está siempre atento para ver a quién le puede hincar el diente. A priori, nadie está a salvo de esta voraz pero simpática gente, acostumbrada a resolver sus problemas en la mesa; ni el vendedor ambulante, ni el perro, ni los alumnos que desafinan, ni tampoco —¡ay, qué pesar!— la mamá.
bibliotecayamaguchi | Aug 9, 2023 |
This book looks at common fears, people have, and why this makes them afraid. It starts with a power outage and a child learning that fears are important, but they can always be defeated. The illustrations in this book are simply beautiful and are a joy to look at when turning page to page. The story is well done and is a great example of why fear is OK. Overall, this book is lovely and there will be some who want to read it over and over again.
LibrarianRyan | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 23, 2023 |
translated from Spanish.
lovely book
melodyreads | Feb 16, 2023 |
Um autêntico álbum ilustrado, com frases curtas em forma de poesia, que se conjugam perfeitamente com ilustrações metafóricas.

O Fran Pintadera é autor de numerosos livros infantis e acaba de receber o XI Prémio Internacional Compostela de Álbum Ilustrado 2018.

A Ana Sender é uma ilustradora que se está a dar a conhecer em Espanha e também na Inglaterra, onde trabalha para diferentes editoras.

Um conto (com um completo Guia de leitura) que fala das emoções sem limitá-las, sem que se apresente como um manual.

Uma maneira inteligente e sensível de tratar as crianças e de mostrar-lhe que todos podemos chorar, que é bom chorar.
Luis_Contente | Oct 18, 2022 |
Note: I accessed digital review copies of this book through Edelweiss and NetGalley.
fernandie | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 15, 2022 |
This was so cute and heartwarming to read! The art style was very different to what I've been seeing lately and I really enjoyed it.
managedbybooks | 4 weitere Rezensionen | May 3, 2022 |
Beautiful book, on a topic we can all learn more about.
melodyreads | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 5, 2021 |
¡El señor Ponte no podía creerlo! ¡Había un pelo en su sopa! ¿Quién será el culpable de semejante descuido? El enfadadizo señor Ponte no descansará hasta averiguarlo y dar su merecido al culpable. Desde la camarera hasta el agricultor, nadie se salvará de sus acusaciones. ¡Descubre el sorprendente y divertido desenlace!
bibliotecayamaguchi | Oct 9, 2020 |
Looking for an explanation on crying for a preschooler. She had questions about why not everyone was crying at a burial and this helped.
geraldinefm | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 11, 2020 |
Wonderful illustrations, coupled with simple, but profound answers to the question in the title. All are offered by a mother when her young son asks the question. All are great answers, but the one that jumped out at me was this one: "We cry because, sometimes, we don't understand the world, and our tears go in search of the answers we need."
sennebec | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 5, 2020 |
Denak gara desberdinak. Premisa horrekin ageri zaigu Kandido: pertsona xelebrea, inguratzen duen munduaren aurrean den bezalakoa azaltzeko premia duena, onartua izateko premia duena. Harrigarria da hain testu soil honek nola eragiten duen hain gogoeta sakon eta beharrezkoa, gure gizarte zail eta katramilatu honetan.

Album irudidunak egiteko Nazioarteko XI. Compostela Saria irabazi duen ipuineko protagonista bitxia arraroa sentitzen da; irakurleekin batera begiratzen die beste pertsonei, eta ohartuko gara nola begiratzen dioten denek berari. Gizartearen aldaketei eta joera berdintzaileari ezikusia eginez, lekuz kanpo sentitzen da, baina, aldi berean, oharkabean pasatu nahian. Sentibera da, zalantzati, norbait baita, kontuan hartzekoa. Eta mundua toki arrotza bilakatu bada ere pertsonarentzat eta naturarentzat, zerbaitek lotzen du beti Kandido mundura, besteengana. Agian ez denengana, baina hori beste kontu bat da...
bibliotecayamaguchi | Mar 28, 2019 |
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