
Leonard Pitts

Autor von Freeman

16+ Werke 504 Mitglieder 30 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern

Über den Autor

Leonard Pitts Jr. writes a column for the Miami Herald on family and social issues that is syndicated in more than 150 papers nationwide.
Bildnachweis: Author Leonard Pitts, Jr. at the 2015 Texas Book Festival. By Larry D. Moore, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Werke von Leonard Pitts

Zugehörige Werke



Rechtmäßiger Name
Pitts, Leonard, Jr.
Miami Herald
Preise und Auszeichnungen
Pulitzer Prize (Commentary, 2004)



Freeman is one to read again and again. It is a saga of love, hatred, hope, and pain. Also interesting how a leader is described exactly as a modern radical person, but this was published ten years prior to our more recent insurrection...
rosenmemily | 18 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 7, 2024 |
I read enough (about 1/4 of the 400+ pages) to know that this is a powerful novel, dealing with a difficult subject---the plight of freed men and women in the South immediately after emancipation. I grasp the enormity of the problem, and thought it terrific material for fiction, but felt these characters were a bit one-dimensional, their actions predictable after a few incidents, and I couldn’t feel terribly sympathetic to the single-minded cluelessness of two of the major players, so I gave it up.
January 2023
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laytonwoman3rd | 18 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 20, 2023 |
I had read many of Pitts's columns over decades and was confident this book would be good, but was not prepared for it to be stunningly enlightening. It was. The book is extraordinary.
RickGeissal | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 16, 2023 |
When the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, George Simon, a nineteen-year-old marine badly injured from a fall in a wounded warship, survives only because a Black messman, Eric Gordy, makes a superhuman effort to save his life. Though they’ve probably seen each other daily, George doesn’t know Eric’s name or anything else about the “messboy.”

Growing up in a well-to-do Mobile, Alabama, home, George recognizes only two Black faces, both household servants. All others are invisible to him. Moreover, in the hours before a rescue team saves the small group of survivors in the sinking warship, Eric slips, falls, hits his head, and drops into the oily water, drowning before anyone can reach him.

Wracked by survivor’s guilt and determined to honor Eric Gordy’s heroism, George tells everyone who will listen about his savior’s courage and strength. But no good deed goes unpunished, for when George recovers enough from his injuries to walk on crutches, he’s sent home to Mobile with a mission. He’s to ask Eric’s widow, Thelma, who also lives there, to travel around the country, telling their story to raise war spirit among “the colored.”

To his credit, George balks. (The narrative never quite explains how he gets away with disobeying a direct order.) More importantly, when he visits Thelma, he sees at once the depth and intelligence missing in his fiancée, Sylvia, a beautiful airhead who uses racial slurs as casually as "hello" or "goodbye." George’s attraction for Thelma remains largely unconscious.

But her moral authority prompts him to entertain an idea he’s never encountered, that his race prejudice makes him less than the man he wants to be. And when he learns that Thelma's parents were lynched and burned alive, which explains the unveiled hostility George meets in her older brother, Luther, the young marine begins to see how little he knows of life.

Dutifully, he tries to explain his confusion to Sylvia, who laughs in his face. Her reaction makes him think of how Alice and Benjamin, the two Black servants, must feel in the Simon home.

A more potent, timely premise would be hard to find, and, for the most part, the various narratives retain power until the end. The reader follows George as he returns to combat, first on Guadalcanal; Thelma, as she goes to work in a Navy yard, spray-painting warships; and Luther, after a draft notice requires him to fight for a country he detests.

In this novel depicting wartime, I like the Stateside narratives the best. The racial conflicts at the shipyard and at Luther’s army camp call out on every page, Just what the hell is wrong with our country? Pitts takes no prisoners, nor should he, and though many plot points seem predictable, what he does with them lends a dash of the unexpected. In the main, the story works.

The battlefield sequences ring true, yet the military narratives surrounding them feel truncated, as though the author doesn’t want to linger. He’s got places to go and people to see. You can understand, considering that at five hundred pages, The Last Thing You Surrender is plenty long as it is. Nevertheless, about halfway through, the novel loses some immediacy. It’s as though the story must pick up pace, or . . . . Or what?

I suspect that the search for redemption is at fault here, and the book has to get going so that it can happen. You can tell which characters will see the light, though I’m not sure they all earn their epiphanies, which come about through witnessing or experiencing degradation so powerful it shakes them to their roots. Maybe Pitts is saying that’s what it takes to change; you have to see just how vicious people can be before you can give up hatred.

Not everyone here does, and the violent racists in this novel are duly unrepentant. But Pitts immerses those willing to open their eyes to events that are so well known they’re practically tropes, sort of like ticking boxes off a list of meaningful historical incidents that everyone has heard of.

That’s my major objection to The Last Thing You Surrender, how the narrative grunts and strains to give characters famous external circumstances by which they can reach internal change. Is that how it happens? And if it does, why rely on such events, when everyday observation, if written vividly, might work as well—and, because it’s unexpected, carry more tension?

That said, the novel asks that all-important question—what will it take before we treat each other respectfully, righteously?—and Pitts offers a thought-provoking answer.
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Novelhistorian | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 26, 2023 |



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