92+ Werke 1,618 Mitglieder 112 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 2 Lesern


This book was unfortunately very nearly a 'never-finished' for me.

There were a number of issues I came across (including multiple instances of contradictory thoughts on major issues such as werewolves being 'discovered' by humans) that made me wince. In places this felt like reading a first draft that could have been tightened up and polished through edits and been a good, solid werewolf romance story.

Characterisation was another spot that kept tripping me up - Rylie's 'best friend' Jennifer, for example, seemed like several different people at different times, or perhaps just really prone to mood swings and even near-total shifts of personality.

Rylie herself had some similar major changes at times, though I was willing to buy that the stress of everything going on in her life was throwing her far from her normal patterns. It would for anyone, surely!

There's another spot that bothered me - surely even for a werewolf, at some point, the number of issues and out-of-the-ordinary things, threats, and people and/or werewolves she noticed around her, and was even terrified of, in places, would drive her to call the police?

Granted, calling the police would seem an understandably worrying thing to do for a possibly supernatural threat. What about the 'pack police' that were mentioned so often?

The wrap-up at the end, including several sub-plots that felt rather squashed into the novel, honestly, felt rushed to me, and the actual end of the book abrupt.

I really wanted to like this book - it sounded like a great, fun, probably funny read, and I like the kind of story generally - and part of the reason I kept reading, rather than letting this be a never-finished, was that I was waiting for it to become that good solid read that I thought it could be.
Kalira | 10 weitere Rezensionen | May 15, 2024 |
FROM AMAZON: Halloween LaVeau is descended from a long line of witches. Yes, her name is Halloween. The cosmic universe is definitely playing some kind of sick joke on her. She’s the ultimate witch cliché, complete with a black cat and spooky house. Thank heavens she’s missing the warts and flying broom. The first book in an all new series! When Halloween inherits her great-aunt’s manor, she decides to put the house to good use as a bed-and-breakfast. Her first guest is the sinfully good-looking Nicolas Marcos, but he’s not here for the continental breakfast. Halloween discovers a ratty old book in the attic. It’s written in an unfamiliar language. Halloween soon learns this is not an ordinary spell book. The tome brings her a new talent, but her new skills come with a catch. When a rival witch comes after the book, Halloween doesn’t know who to trust–the sexy vampire who says he wants to save the day, or the warlock who says he can destroy the book once and for all.
Gmomaj | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 1, 2023 |
Renegadefx | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 22, 2023 |
Macarons Can Be Murder by Rose Betancourt is the debut of A Paris Kentucky Bakery Mysteries. The story is told from Marci Beaucoup’s point-of-view. We are privy to her every thought and feeling (lucky us). Marci, of course, loves everything French. Marci opens La Belle Patisserie in her southern hometown of Paris, Kentucky. I was not a fan of Marci. She quickly got on my nerves. It is hard to believe that someone her age could be that naïve, especially in this day and age. Marci does not make the best choices (the words too stupid to live come to mind). Marci’s Aunt Barb has an overbearing personality. She is a human steam roller, and it is best to get out of her way. The mystery was straightforward. There is a limited number of suspects. There is an attempt at misdirection. The killer can be identified early in the story. Marci works to solve the crime so the building that houses her patisserie does not get sold to a developer and bulldozed. It would have helped if Marci had a cohort in crime so to speak. We would have had to endure less of her thoughts (and the endless repetition). Marci jumps to rash conclusions often (talk about annoying). Marci also believes she is smarter than the local police. Marci was very focused on Antoine not being the killer. The mystery needed work. There are French words scattered throughout the story (alas, I do not speak French). Macarons Can Be Murder has the beginning of one of my biggest pet peeves: a love triangle. I do not feel that romance was needed (let us get to know the main character before you get her involved with someone). There are a number of inconsistencies in the story and some details that seemed not to be researched. The pastry descriptions had me craving a flaky croissant (I love it when they are still warm). Macarons Can Be Murder was more fluff than substance. There is an overload of dialogue, the secondary characters lacked development (they were flatter than crepes), the storyline lacked development as well, lack of suspense, the mystery needed more thought (it was not thought out), and lack of chemistry between Marci and her two love interests. As you can tell, Macarons Can Be Murder did not suit me.
Kris_Anderson | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 10, 2023 |
Thank you to the publisher Crooked Lane Books, and NetGalley for the eARC.

For me, this book was just okay. The premise was not particularly creative, and it also got a little boring at times. I had to skim through the book to get to the end. It was not particularly engrossing for me, like other cozy mysteries.
JKJ94 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 27, 2023 |
I wanted to enjoy this book, but I just found it lacking. The story-line wasn't engaging or thought provoking in my opinion. The main character continually put herself in harm's way ignoring everyone else's advice. There is also a love triangle-eque romance that is building (assumedly for up coming books) but it was just wasn't interesting.

Note: I listened to this and personally struggled with the reader a bit and the pronunciation of various words.
mlstweet | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 16, 2023 |
702pippy | Jul 15, 2023 |
first-in-series, new-series, culinary, cozy-mystery, relatives, relationships, amateur-sleuth, bakery, baker, small-business, small-town, punny, pets, sly-humor, romantic, recipes,****

Nice lighthearted cozy mystery with a whiff of magic (denied by the shop owner). Things are almost pleasant until a customer's dead body is found on the sidewalk in front of her bakery in Paris, Kentucky. While sorting out just which man she is attracted to (despite what her aunt says) Marci starts snooping and sleuthing.
The series needs some work but looks to be a fun excursion once it develops a little more.
I requested and received a free e-book copy from Crooked Lane Books via NetGalley. Thank you!
jetangen4571 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 4, 2023 |

Loved the story, I was annoyed at the ending. Poor girl deserves at least one night of bliss, not to jump right into the next book plot. The constant bickering, side flopping and lack of information was super annoying through out the story.
SabethaDanes | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2023 |
It was fine not sure if I’d read more. Maybe me or two if cheap
liltastypuff | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 12, 2022 |
A little magic doesn't hurt...right?
Unless the spell goes to a hunky guy it wasn't intended to. Then all bets are off. There are actually two hunky guys, a crazy ex, and a girlfriend anybody would want to be friends with.
Elly had moved off to New York to be with her boyfriend. Her grandma called her home to take over the cafe so she could retire. An offer that she wasn't sure of but that was better than staying in New York with the boyfriend. What grandma left out until the last minute was the magic that she put into the food. The magic that Elly was now suppose to put in the food. With very little instruction, within 24 hours Elly finds herself in trouble.
This was a fun read. It is clean so you do not have to worry about teen reading. Let's face it, even when it is marketed for teens, the book is sometimes more than you want them to read. Not so In Rose Pressey's book. While alluding to normal feelings Mrs. Pressey leaves out the steamy scenes and manages a nice balance.
Wulfwyn907 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2022 |
This book is about a book store owner who can see and talk with ghost. In addition to the store Larue goes to haunted places and tries to help ghost cross over. At times ghost attach themselves to her. This can cause some difficulty, (and provides the reader with some amusement), until Larue is able to get them to cross over or leave. I am hoping that a particular ghost will make "guest" appearances in future books. I would like to see more of Larue going to haunted places and seeing what kind of adventures await her there. I think this is an area with a lot of potential to explore. There is a best friend, a hot guy and romance in this book. But nothing a young adult could not read and enjoy. I enjoyed it.
Wulfwyn907 | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2022 |
Another winner from Rose Pressey! Let the fun begin.

Veronica mason and the Voodoo Zombies are playing at a vampire bar, with a record producer coming out to hear them in a few days. All of a sudden mayhem breaks out in the form of a vampire bar fight. When the coast is clear enough Veronica starts making her way to her car. She stops by the new bass player's van and finds him in ashes. With a vision of the staking playing in her mind. So begins this delightfully fun book. Veronica is a witch. One who you could say that her major accomplishment is casting a spell that doesn't ignite. Her best friend Kitty is a werewolf. With staked vamps and visions of the murder on the rise, it is up to Veronica to figure it out. Oh and did I mention the hot new bass player who comes on the scene after her bass player dies? Is he there to help her or just a distraction? But really what's a little distraction when he looks this good?
Wulfwyn907 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2022 |
In How to Date A Werewolf we meet Rylie Cruz, owner of Get A Mate dating service.This isn't your average dating service and Rylie isn't your average business owner. Get A Mate caters to paranormals looking for that special someone and Rylie is a werewolf. One who has a family curse on her that is making her find a mate herself difficult. When a hunky guy rents the office next door, Rylie just may get her chance to break the curse. Of course, it might be easier if Jack were a shifter instead of a psychiatrist who wonders if Rylie needs professional help.And then there is that pesky Lily, an unhappy client who is happily causing problems for Rylie's business. Add in a couple of werewolves who are following Rylie around making her dating life a disaster. What's up with that? Rylie Cruz is doing her best to get it all figured out. She can't help it if she keeps having hilarious mishaps in doing so.
This was a fun, fast read. How to Date A Werewolf is the book that introduced me to Rose Pressey. I have since read her other books. Ms. Pressey does an excellent job keeping the reader entertained. Her characters are easily liked and you care about them, (even the ones you meet hiding out by the trash cans). This author has a great sense of humor that shines in her writing. If your looking for something fast and fun to read, pick up any of her books.
Wulfwyn907 | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2022 |
I have read a number of Rose Pressey's books. I think Haunted Fixer-Upper may be her best work yet. This is the second book in the series. You do not need to read the first one to enjoy this one but you may want to just for the laughs.
Alabama Hargrove is back. This time she is down in Georgia meeting her boyfriends family. While on the way to his daddy's house Alabama spots a house that just needs her touch. It is haunted of course. When Bama goes to meet with the owner she sees her boyfriend standing over the dead body with a hammer in his hand! Even though she does not tell the anyone about the hammer, Reed is under suspicion. Bama's best friend and momma come down to help out. If you read the first book then you know Momma Hargrove is a hoot. Even though she does not bring down the gold jumpsuits she stills lights up the page. I love Momma Hargrove. The conversations between her and Bama are always good for a laugh but also for demonstrating the loving relationship they have. Bama sees a man in the woods watching her. The workman Reed hired had a fight with the dead man the day before he died. A woman is following her around. Then Bama cannot get a hold of the three people she loves.
It is a fast, fun read. There is no language or hot sex scenes in the book so it is perfect for YA or those adults who would rather not read that in the books they choose.
Wulfwyn907 | Jan 30, 2022 |
It is a quick fun read. I just don't understand how come Rip only has one friend and no family interactions. Supposedly this is the town she grew up in. I expected people to know her. I also don't understand how she is the head librarian yet she exerts no power. One staff member should have been spoken to instead we got Rip trying to please her. I just didn't understand that. Because I like the mix of the paranormal and the library, I'll give the series one more shot with the next book. Hopefully it will improve.
Wulfwyn907 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2022 |
Enjoyed this one better than book one. Little slow on the reading of it from medical issues. Normally this book would have been read in a day or so. For me some of issues I had with book one were taken care of in this book. The first one felt like it was rushed to me. This book was more like the early books I read from this author.
Wulfwyn907 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 30, 2022 |
An interesting collection of unexplained occurrences within the Pressey family. Ms Pressey mentions areas that are known to be haunted, (and some areas you probably do not know of), and tells of creepy things that have happened to her or someone she knows. Not all of the stories are going to grip you in fear but there are a number where you will feel the chill run down your spine. While reading the book I was aware of every sound in my home. Many times I felt as though someone were watching me read and going into my bathroom in the middle of the night was creepy. I have noted the places she named and badly want to play ghost hunter on my next vacation. If you are looking for some stories to creep you out and you don't have a problem sleeping with a light on, (and maybe have someone to keep talking to during a middle of the night bathroom run), you will want to read this.
Wulfwyn907 | Jan 30, 2022 |
Well, that was just... bad. Really bad.

I've been seeing this author's SP books around for ages, but never tried them because, SPA. But when this book was announced by Kensington, I figured this was a good time to give her writing a go, knowing there'd be professional editing behind it. It had elements I knew I'd enjoy: psychics, ghosts, vintage clothing and cats. Sadly, it didn't have any strong story-telling behind it.

Mostly, the book felt like as though the author was making it up as she went along. Dialog was choppy, it felt unnatural, and was often repetitive or contradictory. Or both. The plot was just weird - and not in a good, twisty way. There were holes - big holes that went right through key parts of the plot.

For instance, 4 identical handkerchiefs appear in the story that were all a part of a pack of 3. The person eventually unmasked as the murderer keeps trying to buy the victim's clothing back from Cookie and it's explained at the end it was because she thought Cookie had bought the murder weapon - a scarf. The same scarf the murderer threw away and was later found on the curb by Cookie's best friend. If she had it to throw away, why was she trying to buy it back from Cookie right up until the very end?
(hide spoiler)

I liked the psychic cat - except for her name (Wind Song???) but the cat was nowhere near enough to cover up the rest of the book's shortcomings. This is one for the give away box.
murderbydeath | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 22, 2022 |
Celeste Cabot is an artist who has the uncanny ability to paint, unbeknownst to her, a picture inside her artwork of an unsettled ghost which results in their manifestation to her. They do this at a time when a murder has occurred in Celeste's area. Celeste feels that the ghosts are there to help her find the murderer and she throws herself into unusual situations that she should have just left alone.

I was really hoping that since there was a bit of a change of scenery for this craft fair (Biltmore in NC) that things would change , but, alas, same old, same old.
Celeste Cabot is the stupidest character I have ever come across in my reading of cozy mysteries and I can't tolerate her lack of discipline. She complains about her brothers always getting into trouble without thinking, this the pot calling the kettle black.

I will not be continuing this series.½
cyderry | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 29, 2021 |
Celeste Cabot has an unusual talent, she is an artist who when she paints unknown to her as she paints, she inserts the spirit of a wondering soul who will then manifest itself to her. That would be okay if this didn't always happen when a murder has occurred. Because she has these ghosts hanging around she gets herself and others into some IMO stupid situations.

The mystery didn't real hold my attention and the main character for me needs a major rewrite. I will try one more in the series, but if there is no major character development, I will abandon this series. The idea is good, but the execution poor.
cyderry | Mar 29, 2021 |
Murder Can Haunt Your Handiwork by Rose Pressey an amusing cozy mystery. Celeste Cabot is on the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina for the Fifth Annual Biltmore Estate Craft Fair. She was touring the Biltmore Mansion with her family until her father and brothers got them kicked out. Celeste realizes she has lost her keys and returns to look for them. Instead of her keys, Celeste finds a strangled female employee. Celeste returns to her pink-and-white trailer where she is compelled to paint a man from a time long past. When the ghost of the man in the painting appears, Celeste knows that she must get answers regarding the murder. Murder Can Haunt Your Handiwork is the 3rd A Haunted Craft Fair Mystery. Everything a new reader needs to know is included. I thought Murder Can Haunt Your Handiwork was easy to read thanks to Rose Pressey’s engaging writing style. Celeste Cabot is a quirky main character who makes her living by selling her paintings at craft fairs. She has a cute pink truck which pulls her pink-and-white vintage trailer. Celeste has an adorable Chihuahua named Van (after Van Gogh because of his floppy ear). Celeste’s family is in Asheville with her along with her best friend, Sammi and her two detective love interests, Caleb Ward and Pierce Meyer. I do not know how Celeste puts up with her family. The father and brothers would drive me crazy within five minutes (they are always getting into or causing trouble). Celeste’s grandmother is a sweetie. I liked the ghost, Mr. Vanderbilt. He made some funny remarks. I would have liked to know more about him and the reason for his appearance. The mystery was straightforward. There was a small suspect pool and pointed clues. Celeste follows suspects, asks questions, and eavesdrops on conversations. She is told repeatedly to stay out of the investigation by Caleb and Pierce (she ignores them both). I found Murder Can Haunt Your Handiwork very similar to the first two books (craft fair, murder, ghost, she clumsily investigates, her family causes chaos). I was left with unanswered questions at the end of the book especially regarding the ghost. The whodunit was simple, and it was no mystery as the identity of the killer. The love triangle between Celeste, Caleb, and Pierce continues. I had hoped the author would have resolved it by now. There is also a repetition of information. We get it the first time. I found this A Craft Fair Mystery to be lacking (as you can tell). It could have used a good rewrite. Murder Can Haunt Your Handiwork is a droll cozy mystery with a mysterious manifestation, an executed employee, spooky paintings, a frenzied family, and a prying painter.
Kris_Anderson | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 27, 2021 |
This was a story with supernatural elements, art, and a quirky family! While preparing for an art fair at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, at which she will exhibit her paintings, Celeste discovers a dead woman. (Well that's what she gets for running in the opposite direction of the people leaving the scene!) Celeste becomes involved in solving the crime, and also encounters art thieves and ghosts that pop out of paintings. Her two potential suitors play a key role in the story, as do her crazy and destructive family members.

I really liked the grandmother character and her feisty attitude. Brothers Hank and Stevie were also humorous, and I could easily picture them from the descriptions. I also loved the idea of Celeste's pink and white truck and her trailer. Readers who enjoy mysteries with a paranormal twist may enjoy this one, although they might have to suspend some disbelief and skepticism while reading.

I received this book from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.
LadyoftheLodge | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 18, 2021 |
**I voluntarily read an Advanced Readers Copy of this novel from Kensington Books via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.**

Although my idea of fashion is comfy sweats, a team jersey during football season and mom-jeans, I very much enjoy the Haunted Fashion Mystery series by Rose Pressey. The newest installment in this fun, quirky mystery series, Haunted Is Always In Fashion, just came out this month!

The basics: An author, Juliana McDaniel, contacts Cookie Chanel, owner of It's Vintage Y'all, because she is doing research on vintage fashion. They set up a meeting to discuss vintage clothing, but on her way to meet with Cookie, the author is shot dead in her car. Cookie is once again on the case with the help of her cat and ghostly buddies.

Haunted Is Always In Fashion is the 4th book in the Haunted Vintage series. I enjoy the quirky characters and humor of this series. Every book is fun to read! Cookie goes after murderers with the help of a cat who communicates through a Ouija board, a ghostly former socialite, and her spiritualist BFF. It's difficult for Cookie to appear sane to other people when she's talking to ghosts that nobody can see but her. Charlotte, the ghost of a snooty socialite that Cookie met in the first book, still hangs around and helps solve cases, while offering unwanted advice in other areas.

This is a charming, funny series. The mystery is always well-done with plenty of suspects and surprises. The background flavor of vintage fashion is always evident, but not overdone. Readers who aren't into fashion will still enjoy this series. I am completely uninterested in fashion, but this is one of my favorite cozy series. It's the humor and interaction between the characters that keeps me coming back to read the next book, not the vintage fashion tips.

It isn't necessary to read the series in order. There is enough background given in each book that a reader could jump in at any point in the series and still enjoy the book.

Rose Pressey is also the author of several paranormal romance series including the Rylie Cruz and Halloween LaVeau series. For more information on the author and her books, check out her website at:
JuliW | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 22, 2020 |