
Jamie Rix

Autor von Giddy Goat

53 Werke 398 Mitglieder 5 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Beinhaltet den Namen: Jamie Rix


Werke von Jamie Rix

Giddy Goat (2003) 35 Exemplare
One Hot Penguin (2001) 30 Exemplare
The Last Chocolate Cookie (1998) 28 Exemplare
Panda Panic (2012) 28 Exemplare
Panda Panic: Running Wild (2012) 13 Exemplare
Giddy the Great (2006) 13 Exemplare
Looking After Murphy (1656) 12 Exemplare
Mr.Mumble's Fabulous Flybrows (2002) 10 Exemplare
Johnny Casanova (1996) 10 Exemplare
The kiss of death (2002) 8 Exemplare
The Revenge Files (2005) 6 Exemplare
The Fire in Henry Hooter (2001) 6 Exemplare
The Last Chocolate Biscuit (2000) 5 Exemplare
Cool Guide (2003) 5 Exemplare
Esgarrifa't 4 Exemplare
Fatherchristmas.con (2003) 4 Exemplare
Joguines diabòliques (2009) 3 Exemplare
Free the Whales (Sprinters) (1998) 3 Exemplare
A Grizzly Dozen (2009) 3 Exemplare
The Vile Smile (1999) 2 Exemplare
Monstres egoistes (2008) 2 Exemplare
Adults perillosos (2008) 2 Exemplare
Wet! Wet! Wet! (Wizlets) (1999) 2 Exemplare
A stitch in time (1996) 1 Exemplar
Familiars fastigosos (2009) 1 Exemplar
Elaka små egon (2008) 1 Exemplar
La venjança de la natura (2008) 1 Exemplar
Jakop geit 1 Exemplar





In my opinion this is a really good book to read to children. First, I liked this book because the illustrations fit with the written text. For example, when Jack would ask each person if they wanted the cookie, there would be a picture of the person. Jack asked his Gran if she wanted to cookie and on the same picture there was Gran and Jack with the cookie. The illustrations also helps enhance the story because children may not understand the words, but will understand if they are shown the pictures. Second, I liked this book because the language was patterned. I found that the language was patterned because Jack would do the same thing when he would offer the cookie to other people. Also, when he was with the alien, the same thing happened with the alien when he would offer Jack to other people. Third, I liked how the writing can be engaging. I found that the writing was engaging because if the children found a pattern, they could jump into the reading and the teacher would pause for the children to answer. The big idea of the story is to show children how to use their manners and how to share things before just taking it.… (mehr)
lmenus1 | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 22, 2018 |
11-year-old Alfie Pluck starts life with extreme bad luck - Dahlishly grotesque aunts who treat him as their Household Drudge. He comes across a doctor who has created a 'good luck' gene. The gene is currently lodged in the brain of a very lucky chicken whose luck runs out when Alfie runs away with it, and eventually eats it. Then the race is on to get hold of Alfie, or perhaps his brain..

The book is fast-paced, probably best for boys of around 8-11. There are plenty of villains, highly caricatured, most of whom come to a nasty end. Not for the highly sensitive or squeamish, and not in the class of Dahl as far as humour goes - nonetheless, a readable book that could be popular with today's children.… (mehr)
SueinCyprus | Jan 26, 2016 |
In this series of Alistair Fury he has big problems. His brother, sister, father, and mother hate him and he would do ANYTHING to get revenge on them. Sadly, his father is dying. Soon it will be to late, or will it? I think this book is a page turner 'cause its super funny, and its full of revenge!
4dTarik | Jan 20, 2011 |
Margarit, tot i ser un cabrit, té por a les altures. Quan ha de moure's pel lloc on viu li roda el cap, es mareja... Podrà arribar a ser mai un cabrit com els altres? Un dia, després d'una baixada accidentada, Margarit es troba de panxa enlaire al mig del prat, entre les ovelles. El moltó més vell li diu que fa pudorassa i que els xais i les ovelles no s'han de barrejar i el despatxa. Margarit veu complicat tornar a casa perquè està molt amunt. Mentre va tornant, sent els crits de socors d'un xai que s'ha perdut a la muntanya entre la boira i, en aquell moment, Margarit treu la cabra valenta que porta a dins i ajuda el xai, en Borralló. Margarit, tot estranyat de trobar un xai tan amunt, li pregunta què fa allà dalt i el xai li confessa que vol ser escalador. Margarit li recomana que faci el que fa ell i el conduiex entre les cabres, que es queden totes estranyades. Quan es fa tard, Borralló estava tan cansat, que Margarit se'l va carregar al coll i el va tornar a les ovelles, que van rebre el cabrit com un heroi. A partir d'aquell dia, els dos amics es trobaven a mig camí del prat i la muntanya i, de vegades, es quedaven a dormir sota els estels.… (mehr)
neus.bertomeu | Nov 15, 2009 |


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