
Über den Autor

Jennifer Robins is the bestselling author of Paleo Cooking with Your Instant Pot, Down South Paleo, The Paleo Kids Cookbook and co-author of The New Yiddish Kitchen. She is also the founder of Predominantly Paleo and the creator of Legit Bread Company. She lives in O'Fallon, Illinois.

Werke von Jennifer Robins






From reading the synopsis of What Happened to Anna I thought it had real promise, and looked forward to reading it. Sadly What Happened to Anna did not live up to my expectations.

What Happened to Anna could have been a wonderful mystery but the structure of the story was choppy and not written well. I felt that What Happened to Anna jumped around, and added in things that didn't play into the story line. There are times throughout What Happened to Anna that the story just falls flat, if it wasn't for those part I think What Happened to Anna could have been an enjoyable read.

One part of What Happened to Anna that I liked was Andrea reliving Anna's life through her dreams and her falling prey to the demon that haunted her house. It was an interesting twist.

I normally am not one to have to force myself to read something but honestly I stuck with What Happened to Anna to find out what happened to her. I can say that even with the choppy plot, What Happened to Anna had enough mystery to keep me reading it.
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MDobson84 | Jul 16, 2010 |
Abuse Me No More - by Jennifer Robins is an intriguing story about a love that went terribly wrong and the ability to accept love again. Kristina, she is also called Kris is the main character who faces the challenge of recovering from a brutal attack inflicted on her by someone she loves.

Kristina struggles to move forward while living within the meager monthly disability income that she receives and a small schooling allowance granted to her by the state of Illinois under the Victim’s Law Act.

Life in Grover Falls is by no means easy as Kristina struggles for both physical and emotional healing. With multiple surgeries in her future, it seems her only comfort is knowing that Jason is incarcerated. She has to trust the justice system as memories haunt her.

When it seems that life will not give her a break and everything around her seems to be breaking down to the point of her roof leaking and her car is need of repairs, a man named Brian will gently give her the courage to look in the mirror again and risk loving and being loved.

Kristina draws her strength from her cat named Sissy and a painting on her wall that brings back precious childhood memories of her grandmother. It is her spiritual connection to her grandmother that enables her to find restoration and healing after the panic attacks. “Morning sun danced into the room, perching on her grandmother’s painting, illuminating it like a dim golden spotlight. The stream of water in the painting seemed to come alive flowing lazily to the bottom of the frame. She could almost feel the soft breeze through the trees and meadow in the background. Grandma made her paintings come alive in detail as if it were a video. She rested her head on the back of the sofa and felt the tranquil effect of a loved artistic hand.”

Is her faith strong enough to allow her to trust Brain and allow herself to love again? “Birds chirping outside the bedroom window announced the dawn of a new day. Sun rising in the eastern horizon gave promise to a nice day. Brian stood by the side of the bed with his arms stretched up over his head, a wide yawn coming from his open mouth. The stream of light from the window shined on his strong half-naked body like a spotlight entering the stage. The muscles in his bare chest bulged as he tightened his biceps. She raised her head from the pillow to smile in delight at this wonderful figure standing before her.”

What will the future bring, what dark forces will try to hold her captive, how does abiding love bring resolution and do “dreams have a way of awakening one to life’s realities”.

Cold Coffee Press endorses ‘Abuse Me No More’ by Jennifer Robins as an example of one rising above a victim mentality to embrace life, love and even help from those who have passed on to the other side.

‘Abuse Me No More’ was given to us by the author in a PDF format for review. The review was completed on December 13, 2014. For more information please visit

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coldcoffeepress | Dec 21, 2014 |



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