
Rob RosenRezensionen

Autor von Divas Las Vegas

73+ Werke 345 Mitglieder 57 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern


I'm spoiled by Mr. Rosen's earlier books. While a fun read, this story just wasn't up to par.
Connorz | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 4, 2023 |
This was a fun story filled with Rosen's trademark sex and silliness. Tongue in cheek humor and a screw you to the bigots and liars.
Connorz | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 4, 2023 |
A lot more than stockings got stuffed!
Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
An absolute over the top laugh out loud fun read by one of my favorite authors. You've got to love Ma and her gang.
Connorz | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 4, 2023 |
I skipped stories from authors that rate all their books. It's not the case with those that only rate antologies; I still don't like it but I can understand it like a recognition to their co-authors.

The Legend of Mountain Ash by Ruth Sims - 3 stars
Inner Truth by Alex Beecroft - 2 stars
Turnabout by Lee Rowan - 2,5 stars
Under the Shadow of Your Wings by Gillian Palmer. - 2 stars
Home Cooking by Brian Holiday - 4 stars
Mister Right by Rob Rosen - Skipped
Two Men: A Fugue by Sophia Deri-Bowen - 5 stars!!
Stripes by Nigel Puerasch - 4 stars
Morbidly Obese by Rick R. Reed - 2 stars
The Song Inside by Nexis Pas - 3,5 stars
Hitched by Michael Gouda - 1,5 stars
Cakewalk by Nathan Burgoine - 4 stars
Ships That Pass by Jamie Freeman - 2 stars
Work Experience by Bruin Fisher - 3 stars
Even Guys Cry by D.C. Juris - 2 stars
Touche by James Buchanan - 2 stars
Mallory's Gift by L-J Baker - 3 stars
The Uneven Chance by Charlie Cochrane - 3 stars
Honolulu Hula by Neil S. Plakcy - Skipped
Elephants in Her Tea by Julia Rios - 1,5 stars
Aim Higher by J.L Merrow - 3 stars
Ganymede by Lenore Black - 2,5 stars
Marlobo | Dec 24, 2022 |
This book has until today sixteen 5-stars ratings; four of them are from its author: it is not an opinion, it's a fact.
Marlobo | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 24, 2022 |
I skipped stories from authors that rate all their books. It's not the case with those that only rate antologies; I still don't like it but I can understand it like a recognition to their co-authors.

Ninety-nine Problems by Becky Black - 3 stars

Bread and Butter Pudding by Jules Jones - 3 stars

Chanctonbury Ring by Sarah Madison - 3,5 stars

Wrong Number by Megan Redd away - 2,5 stars

In the Doghouse by Chris Quinton - 2,5 stars

The Benefits of Hindsight by MA Ford - 2 stars

Misadventures of Mislaid Men by Penny Hudson - 3 stars

Best Vacation Ever by Rob Rosen - Skipped

Rough Tackle by Annabelle Jacobs - 2,5 stars

Illumination by Sam Evans - 2,5 stars

The Jacobite by Bette Browne - 2 stars

Wag, Not a Dog by Theo Fenraven - 2 stars

Tops Down, Bottoms Up by Jay Northcote - 3,5 stars

First Contact by Rhidian Brenig Jones - 1 star

Apollo, Heathcliff, and Hercules by S.A. García - 2, 5 stars
Marlobo | Dec 24, 2022 |
Private eye Barry discovers his inner drag queen while trailing a possibly errant husband.

The author made the narrator's "voice" come alive but in such a way that I felt exhausted by the end of the first chapter. Fortunately the narration becomes less frenetic thereafter, though still full of incident. It was OK, but I don't think I will be reading any more by this author.
Robertgreaves | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 13, 2022 |
Utter thrash. Nonsensical. Boners were mentioned way too many times.

I loved it.
Jonesy_now | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 24, 2021 |
It may be a faux pas for the upper class to fraternize with the help, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. And when it happens, it's worth taking note. The Men of the Manor anthology gives readers thirteen short stories that explore these relationships, the power dynamics, and social norms involved. And what goes on behind closed doors, well, sometimes that's just not proper at all.

This was a quick and enjoyable read. Because the stories are so short, I'm not going to review each one would be difficult to do that without spoiling most of them. But despite their brevity, the stories are engaging and unique. And the heat factor is definitely there, too. Worth picking up and taking the journey if you're looking for something fun to get you through an afternoon.
crtsjffrsn | Aug 27, 2021 |
So far I've read 12 of the stories.

What strikes me is that despite being set at Christmas very few feel like Christmas stories.
Lillian_Francis | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 26, 2021 |
DNF - 20%
The humour wasn't for me.
Lillian_Francis | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 26, 2021 |
So, the book started off slow for me. It was funny, but a little too campy, and most of the time I found myself rolling my eyes and the absurdity of it. Once I got used to the style and the story picked up, the book got more interesting and I began to enjoy it overall. There was a neat mystery-solving component, which added to the intrigue of the story. The idea of being sort of dead and the shenanigans the characters got up to was fun, but (like I said earlier) a bit campy. It was clever, though, and not something I had read before. It was different and cool.

I am voluntarily reviewing an ARC provided by Gay Romance Reviews
ktomp17 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 21, 2021 |
So far I've read 12 of the stories.

What strikes me is that despite being set at Christmas very few feel like Christmas stories.
Lillian_Francis | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 24, 2021 |
DNF - 20%
The humour wasn't for me.
Lillian_Francis | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 24, 2021 |
This is a "nice" ghost story. Nothing complicated or scary, just a ghost wanting to come out to play at Halloween. Add a little humor and it is a likeable little piece.
SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |
This is a short, really fun (and funny) story about - just what the blurb says. The way it's written made me laugh, and the whole situation was too ludicrous for words. But the descriptions were hot, I liked what happened, and there was even a little twist at the end which made me grin. 3.5 stars, really.
SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |
Wow! This is an amazing story which carries quite a punch. I cannot believe it is less than 15 pages long. Rob Rosen manages to make me feel with James as he does his job, discovers the container and meets the stranger. The twist at the end, offering the solution to the problem, is truly imaginative.

If you like sci-fi with a bit of a surprise, you will love this story. Oh, by the way: I want a novel-length sequel now! Please?
SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |
Short, fun, and very hot, this is a story about an unexpected encounter between two gay men who bond just before midnight on New Year's Eve. Over a baby that won’t stop crying with his assigned babysitter, but miraculously falls asleep when his uncle's neighbor turns up to complain about the noise. The situation quickly goes from "who are you" to a very passionate get-to-know-you-intimately scene.

The sense of humor is great, with one guy named Lewis and the other Clark. They take one look at each other and fall in lust. Since the baby is now fast asleep, they get to share some –very adult – time together. And, since it's a new year, they get quite celebratory.

If you like short, hot reads, if you enjoy stories about men who are unabashedly falling in lust only to proceed to a silently agreed "let's see what happens once we get to know each other" stage, and if you're looking for something that will make you laugh as well, you will probably like this short book.
SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |
This is a really funny short story, with enough humor to keep me laughing throughout most of it, and quite a bit of heat when the actual –uhm – mold of a certain body part is being made. David has to think on his feet to manage the deed, and Jay is blissfully oblivious what the real plan is – but he has a grand old time being entertained and distracted by his deviously clever boyfriend.

What happens with the actual gift, once David's plan has been put into action, is even funnier. The 'mistake' that was made was really logical, but annoyingly doesn’t lead to the planned result. David takes it all in good fun, and proceeds to the real business of Valentine's Day, making Jay even happier, and this time without any distractions. Jay is the kind of super-relaxed boyfriend whose only concern is David's happiness, so they truly are a good fit – with or without erotic molds.

If you like stories that will make you laugh, if you enjoy the mix of heat between two lovers and some humor in the way the story is told, and if you're looking for a short, romantic Valentine's story, you will probably like this short book.

NOTE: This book was provided by Torquere Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |
This short story reads like a fable. It is filled with animals who talk and have all sorts of human issues, but, basically they are animals. All except one, werewolf Jackson, and the other werewolf he meets, Frank. The whole situation of a "herbivore" wolf made me laugh. The story is well written and totally in the style of all fables - well, with one notable exceptions when the two werewolves become "more closely acquainted".

The basic issue this story revolves around is that Jackson doesn't want to eat meat and, in fact, hates seeing blood. Frank is of the same conviction, and together they dutifully attend the "carnivores anonymous" meetings organized by a bear. I can't tell you too much more without giving away the ending - which is brilliant and totally logical, yet, I did not expect it.

If you like fables that will make you think, if you enjoy reading about a different kind of werewolf, and if you're looking for a short read that is funny but with a serious message and a surprise ending, then you should give this short story a try.

NOTE: This book was provided by Torquere Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 19, 2017 |
The blurb makes it clear that the encounter between Dan and Patrick, form the way they meet to what they get up to, is somewhat odd. I thought the idea sounded intriguing and unusual, and started reading with an open mind. That was a good thing.

Dan is in trouble when his car breaks down (from heat stroke, I suspect) in the middle of nowhere. Not that he seems to mind too much, he's been amusing himself by talking to himself as he gradually takes off one piece of clothing after another in the heat that overwhelms him since the air-conditioning is broken. Now, driving along naked because of heat is sort of understandable, but when he starts walking to find help for the dead car, and he is still naked, using his shorts like a hat against the sun, it began to be a little odd.

But that is only the beginning. When he encounters Patrick, who lives in a trailer in the middle of nowhere, and gets invited to play chess, it gets really strange. The humorous tone throughout assured me this was all meant to be funny, not creepy, but it was a close call and definitely inspired an interesting mix of emotions as I read on.

As short stories go, this one has a definite Twilight-esque flavor, but it is also very funny. By the end of it, when the full extent of what was going on became clear to me, I was also very impressed with how cleverly it has been written. Chess players will probably understand this better and "get it" more quickly, but it took me, as only an occasional dabbler with the game, a little longer to get it.

If you like unusual, cleverly done stories with a twist, if you enjoy reading about unusual men who get up to unusual activities in somewhat unusual circumstances, and if you’re looking for a book with the potential to amuse and delight you, you will probably like this short story.

NOTE: This book was provided by Torquere Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |
This may not exactly be the traditional "cowboy and Indian" story, but this tale had me smiling from the start. The cowboy's horse has as much personality as one of the main characters, the "dangerous" Apache warrior turns out to have some unusual interests, and the scene in the outhouse had me laughing and cringing (think of the smells!) in turn.

Jed is a cowboy on a mission, He needs money, and the rodeo near faraway Tucson may be just the thing. Fifty dollars, in those days, was a lot of money, and he wants to buy his horse, Betsy, a new saddle, amongst other things. Except, he has to get there first and Betsy needs to be convinced. His "discussions" with her were hilarious. Meeting an Apache warrior, just after the Apache wars are over, is not what he expected, and he is ready to fight for his life. As it turns out, the warrior has other ideas.

Taza defuses the threat to his life quickly and effectively. Once he convinces Jed that giving each other pleasure is much more fun than fighting, the two of them get along famously. To the point where Taza accompanies Jed to Tucson, thinking he can also ride in the rodeo. Turns out that takes a bit of doing, and the outcome is somewhat different from what he and Jed expected, but Taza takes it all in stride.

If you like unusual angles on otherwise traditional story plots, if you enjoy reading about men from different cultures who are curious about each other for more than, um, a cross-cultural exchange of ideas and concepts, and if you're looking for a fun, hot read, then you will probably like this short story.

NOTE: This book was provided by Torquere Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 19, 2017 |
Super short and super cute story about two guys who meet over some mislabeled fireworks. All Todd wanted was a quiet day off, camping off in the woods somewhere, reading and drinking light beer in his hammock. When a loud boom interrupts his relaxation, he gets curious and finds a guy afloat on a dock in he middle of a lake, shooting fireworks into the afternoon sky. What does he do? Since the guy on the dock is pretty good-looking, Todd swims out to the dock and investigates further.

The story is written with a lot of humor, funny observations, and exaggerated descriptions of the various physical characteristics of both men. They don't have time for romance, these two go straight for the erotica, and, as a consequence, the fireworks are definitely not the only ones going off!

I you like stories that ooze humor and fun, if you enjoy reading about two men going straight from "hello" to getting most intimately exposed, and if you're looking for a fun, entertaining, and very hot read, then you will probably like this short story.

NOTE: This book was provided by Torquere Press for the purpose of a review.
SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |
Short and fun, this is the story of a Thanksgiving encounter between Paul, who dreads the return to his family table as the only single guy, and Roger, a cousin by marriage he hasn’t seen in ten years. Suddenly, the Thanksgiving dinner is no longer a task but actually becomes fun. Paul is still a bit hesitant, doesn’t quite know what to do, but he does notice how good Roger looks, compared to his pimple-covered and brace-wearing self when they were both fifteen.

Imagine Paul's surprise when Roger tells him he's been assigned the same bedroom as Paul. Before they know it, they're sharing the same bed and discovering some very common interests. Things heat up quickly, and thanks to Roger having planned ahead the conclusion is quite – happy. Both guys have lots to be thankful for at that point, that's for sure!

If you like short, hot stories, and if you're looking for something with a Thanksgiving theme, give this story a try. It's written with a wonderful sense of humor and will probably make you smile.

NOTE: This book was provided by Torquere Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |