20+ Werke 205 Mitglieder 3 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Henry Rousso is director of the Institut d'Histoire du Temps Present.

Beinhaltet den Namen: Henry Rousso

Bildnachweis: Henry Rousso en 2019

Werke von Henry Rousso

Zugehörige Werke

La Révolution inachevée, 1815-1870 (2010) — Préface; Herausgeber — 30 Exemplare
La République imaginée, 1870-1914 (2010) — Préface; Herausgeber — 26 Exemplare
La France du temps présent, 1945-2005 (2010) — Préface; Herausgeber — 20 Exemplare
Les Grandes Guerres (1914-1945) (2012) — Vorwort; Herausgeber — 19 Exemplare
Laval (1987) — Préface, einige Ausgaben9 Exemplare
Jean Moulin face à l'Histoire (2000) — Mitwirkender — 3 Exemplare
Le Débat (2000) — Mitwirkender — 2 Exemplare
Histoire des droites en France. Tome 2/3 : Cultures (1992) — Mitwirkender — 1 Exemplar
Les prisonniers de guerre français en 40 (2022) — Vorwort — 1 Exemplar



Rechtmäßiger Name
Rousso, Henry
Land (für Karte)
Le Caire, Egypte
Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Dossier 'Histoire et mémoire des années noires', Histoire, 20 00)
Agrégation d'histoire (1977)
Université de Paris 1 (Maîtrise, Histoire, Mémoire "Les Comités d'organisation, aspects structurels et économiques 19 40 - 19 44", 19 76)
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Saint-Cloud (1974l1979)
Azéma, Jean-Pierre (Garant d'Habilitation à diriger des recherches)
Vilar, Pierre (Directeur de mémoire de maîtrise)
Université de Paris 8 (Enseignant)
Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Enseignant)
Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre-La Défense (Enseignant, 20 01 l 20 10))
Ecole normale supérieure, Cachan (Enseignant, 19 96 l 20 01)
Institut d’études politiques, Paris (Enseignant, 19 88 l 19 90 puis 20 07 l 20 10)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut d'Histoire du temps présent (Membre, 20 01, Directeur, 19 94 l 20 05) (Zeige alle 21)
International Committee for the History of the Second World WaSecrétaire général, 19 90 l 20 00)
European Network on Contemporary History, Groupe de recherche (Coordinateur)
Center for European Studies, Harvard University (Professeur invité, 19 86 l 19 87)
New York University (Professeur invité, 19 92)
Dartmouth College (Professeur invité, 19 94)
Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, US Holocaust Memorial Museum (Professeur invité, 20 05)
Texas A&M University (Professeur invité, 20 07)
Jena Center Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts (Chercheur invité, 20 09)
Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism, Yale University (Chercheur invité, 20 13)
Columbia University (Professeur invité, 20 16)
Mémorial de la Shoah de Paris (Membre du conseil scientifique)
Mémorial de la Paix, Caen (Membre du conseil scientifique)
Jena Center Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, Allemagne (Membre du conseil scientifique)
Gedenkstätte Buchenwald, Allemagne (Membre du conseil scientifique)
Musée de la Seconde guerre mondiale, Gdansk, Pologne, (Membre du conseil scientifique)
Preise und Auszeichnungen
Chevalier de l'Ordre national du Mérite
Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentine (Docteur honoris causa)



La comparazione tra stalinismo e nazismo - uno dei temi dominanti non solo della ricerca storica ma anche del dibattito politico - ha avuto un nuovo sviluppo, dopo il crollo dell'impero sovietico, grazie anche all'apertura di importanti fondi archivistici. È stato ad esempio possibile mettere alla prova dei fatti accertati il concetto altrimenti generico di «totalitarismo», qui chiarito in alcuni aspetti essenziali: il ruolo del dittatore, le modalità della violenza politica, le risposte della società al regime, rispettivamente nell'Unione Sovietica staliniana e nella Germania nazista. Nella seconda parte del libro la comparazione investe la gestione del passato e il ricordo traumatico dei due sistemi totalitari: e qui si evidenzia come entrambi abbiano «lasciato in eredità ai posteri enormi questioni sul modo di scrivere la loro storia e di includerla in una memoria collettiva e in un patrimonio nazionale». (fonte: Mondadori)… (mehr)
MemorialeSardoShoah | May 29, 2020 |
The Vichy Syndrome is a history of a history. The target period is 1940-1944 France, during the Occupation by the Germans. The French reaction during the time ranged from outright active collaboration with the Nazis, to resistance from within France, and membership in the the Free French armed forces mostly under the control of de Gaulle in England. Genuine treason thus abounded during the period. Who the traitors were depended strongly on which year the judgement was being made, but they often included your neighbors and relatives and not just some remote faceless abstractions.

These labels didn't go away with the Liberation, and they remained stubbornly affixed to French names. In particular, the man memorialized as the Hero of Verdun became also the man who surrendered France to the Nazis and governed what was left of it for them. Rousso in this book describes how the events that took place in the Occupation were depicted as the years went by - from 1944 to the late 1980s when this book was written. The history of the Occupation mutated. What was accepted as 'correct' depended on what year you were asking in, the age of the person being asked, and their politics. Rousso sets out to capture this and I think succeeds, if only roughly. He describes, too, generally who was doing the rewriting and how the rewrite served their current purposes. That the current story of the Occupation was still a factor in French politics 40 years later he affirms.

This instance of evolving stories is not at all unique. I think it is what always happens and it has changed how I value a particular narrative of particular events. I now look to see when it was written and how the author personally was situated with respect to the events. Rousso encouraged this with his description of French reception of the American historian Robert Paxton's book 'Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order'. Rousso notices that Paxton had no stake in the then-current French politics and thus had no reason to be embarrassed about particular actions or stands. Outsiders see things differently.
… (mehr)
jjmiller50 | Jul 24, 2014 |
Ce qui fait la qualité de ce livre c'est ce qui fait son défaut, un ton un peu trop personnel... Mais ne boudons pas le plaisir de cette originalité!
Nikoz | Dec 1, 2012 |

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