
J. C. RyleRezensionen

Autor von Seid heilig!

604+ Werke 17,779 Mitglieder 61 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 17 Lesern


The first few chapters are excellent and are a must read on the topic. However, as the book progresses the author becomes more and more pietistic and less applicable to the Christian life.
Aidan767 | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 1, 2024 |
Short and encouraging read on the greatest preacher (according to Ryle) who ever lived.
toby.neal | Dec 20, 2023 |
Para entender a fé cristã, é preciso entender o evangelho. J. C. Ryle ajuda-nos a fazer esta leitura, que é a mais importante da vida do cristão. As Meditações nos Evangelhos, de J. C. Ryle, foram publicadas pela primeira vez na Inglaterra no ano de 1879. Desde então, vêm sendo reimpressas e traduzidas para diversos idiomas, edificando e instruindo diversas gerações de cristãos de vários lugares do mundo. Esta obra faz parte de uma série de quatro comentários devocionais sobre os evangelhos. Consideradas um grande clássico da literatura cristã, as Meditações foram preparadas com graça, simplicidade, fidelidade ao texto bíblico e praticidade. Todos os que desejam conhecer e aplicar, em suas vidas, as grandes lições do ministério terreno do Senhor Jesus Cristo certamente se deleitarão com a leitura desta obra.

Top Highlights
“Observemos, nesses versículos, quantos dos doze foram chamados para ser discípulos, antes de haverem sido ordenados como apóstolos.” (Page 50)

“importância de ouvir e considerar bem o conteúdo da mensagem. Esse é um ponto ao qual nosso Senhor” (Page 66)

“Aprendamos, em primeiro lugar, que estar a serviço de Jesus não livra seus servos de enfrentar tempestades” (Page 77)

“Episódios assim são símbolos das misérias que prevalecerão no inferno.” (Page 82)

“Não podemos explicar por que a Palavra de Deus produz efeito numa pessoa e noutra nada faz.” (Page 70)
Rawderson_Rangel | Nov 16, 2023 |
Para entender a fé cristã, é preciso entender o evangelho. J. C. Ryle ajuda-nos a fazer esta leitura, que é a mais importante da vida do cristão. As Meditações nos Evangelhos, de J. C. Ryle, foram publicadas pela primeira vez na Inglaterra no ano de 1879. Desde então, vêm sendo reimpressas e traduzidas para diversos idiomas, edificando e instruindo diversas gerações de cristãos de vários lugares do mundo. Esta obra faz parte de uma série de quatro comentários devocionais sobre os evangelhos. Consideradas um grande clássico da literatura cristã, as Meditações foram preparadas com graça, simplicidade, fidelidade ao texto bíblico e praticidade. Todos os que desejam conhecer e aplicar, em suas vidas, as grandes lições do ministério terreno do Senhor Jesus Cristo certamente se deleitarão com a leitura desta obra. Em Mateus, o leitor é apresentado ao Messias, ao Salvador Jesus Cristo, prometido por Deus através das profecias do Antigo Testamento. Ryle ajuda o leitor a conhecer a vida e ministério de Jesus, o Messias. Com atenção ao aspecto devocional e prático dos textos, esta é uma obra que fala a todos os cristãos, em todas as épocas.

Top Highlights
“Se uma pessoa não tem o desejo de fazer o evangelho conhecido no mundo inteiro, bem se pode questionar se ela conhece mesmo o valor do evangelho.” (Page 364)

“Temos aqui um retrato bastante nítido do coração de milhares de crentes! Há tantos que, mesmo possuindo fé e amor suficientes para abandonar tudo por causa de Cristo, e segui-lo aonde quer que vá, ainda assim, estão cheios de temor na hora da provação!” (Page 86)

“Ao dar esmolas, tudo que é ostentação deveria ser abominado e evitado.” (Page 58)

“A única coisa de que podemos ter certeza é que, se o dia de amanhã nos trouxer uma cruz, aquele que a envia pode, e irá, nos enviar a graça necessária para carregá-la.” (Page 70)

“a principal arma que devemos usar para resistir a Satanás é a Bíblia.” (Page 37)
Rawderson_Rangel | Nov 16, 2023 |
Para entender a fé cristã, é preciso entender o evangelho. J. C. Ryle ajuda-nos a fazer esta leitura, que é a mais importante da vida do cristão. As Meditações nos Evangelhos, de J. C. Ryle, foram publicadas pela primeira vez na Inglaterra no ano de 1879. Desde então, vêm sendo reimpressas e traduzidas para diversos idiomas, edificando e instruindo diversas gerações de cristãos de vários lugares do mundo. Esta obra faz parte de uma série de quatro comentários devocionais sobre os evangelhos. Consideradas um grande clássico da literatura cristã, as Meditações foram preparadas com graça, simplicidade, fidelidade ao texto bíblico e praticidade. Todos os que desejam conhecer e aplicar, em suas vidas, as grandes lições do ministério terreno do Senhor Jesus Cristo certamente se deleitarão com a leitura desta obra.

Top Highlights
“Primeiro, aprendemos que o Senhor Jesus Cristo é eterno” (Page 18)

“Nunca esqueçamos que não podemos proporcionar a nós mesmos tão grande mudança. O nome que o Senhor atribuiu a esse acontecimento — nascer de novo — é uma prova convincente do que acabamos de afirmar. Nenhum homem é o autor de sua própria existência, nem pode dar vida à sua própria alma. É tão impossível um cadáver dar vida a si mesmo quanto um homem natural tornar-se espiritual por suas próprias forças. Para isso, é preciso ser posto em ação o mesmo poder que criou o mundo (2Co 4.6). O homem pode realizar muitas coisas, mas não pode dar vida a si mesmo nem a outros. Conceder vida é uma prerrogativa peculiar de Deus. Com razão, o Senhor declarou que precisamos ‘nascer de novo’.” (Pages 56–57)

“‘O Filho, que é o verbo do Pai e dele gerado desde a eternidade, o próprio Deus eterno, sendo um com o Pai, assumiu a natureza humana no ventre da bendita virgem; de modo que duas naturezas perfeitas e completas — a divina e a humana — uniram-se indivisivelmente em uma pessoa: Jesus Cristo, verdadeiro Deus e verdadeiro homem’” (Page 26)

“Temos as marcas que acompanham o novo nascimento — senso do pecado, fé em Cristo, amor ao próximo, vida de retidão e separação do mundo? Enquanto não dermos respostas satisfatórias a essas perguntas, não estejamos contentes.” (Page 24)

“A principal verdade ensinada nesse versículo é a realidade da encarnação de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, ou seja, o fato de se ter tornado homem.” (Page 25)
Rawderson_Rangel | Nov 16, 2023 |
A short but in depth book about repentance from Anglican J.C. Ryle. I was especially impacted by the survey of Scriptures about repentance and related parables even though I have read these at some point in the past. The book ends with an extra section of a biography of Ryle.
aebooksandwords | Jul 29, 2023 |
This is one of the greatest books for men - all men - in our day. As a pastor, this goes in the graduation gift-bag for all of our graduating young men.

One of the beautiful things about this book is that it IS so short. For young men - particularly ones who aren't overly keen on reading - this is book is easily manageable. There are versions offered with study guides and updated language that would be greatly helpful in this situation as well.
Pastor_Josh | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 18, 2023 |
Neste livreto J. C. Ryle oferece ao leitor, um guia simples e prático de princípios que promovem uma adoração cheia do Espírito, centrada em Cristo, que honra a Deus e nos enche de alegria. Embora esta jóia da literatura cristã tenha sido publicada originalmente no fim do século XIX, sua mensagem permanece atual e relevante - e de grande necessidade para os nosso dias. Sobre o autor: John Charles Ryle (1816-1900) serviu por quase quarenta anos como ministro do Evangelho, antes de ser indicado como primeiro bispo de Liverpool (Inglaterra), em 1880. Ryle era um escritor prolífico, um pregador vigoroso e um pastor fiel. Muitas de suas obras têm sido reeditadas e servido como fonte de instrução e consolo ao povo de Deus através das décadas. A Editora Fiel já publicou, em português, seus livros Uma Palavra aos Moços, Fé Genuína, Santidade e os quatro volumes de meditações nos evangelhos de Mateus, Marcos, Lucas e João.
Rawderson_Rangel | May 30, 2023 |
Solidly biblical
drmom62 | Apr 21, 2023 |
John Hooper, Rowland Taylor, Hugh Latimer, John Bradford, Nicholas Ridley - Why were these men burned at the stake?
Do Christians today share either their convictions or their faithfulness?
MenoraChurch | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 16, 2023 |
Very beneficial. I wouldn't say that I enjoyed it, for it pricked my conscience in a few places. I found it very encouraging, and occasionally sobering, but very helpful throughout. I would recommend this book to any who desires to learn more about what it means to be a Christian.

they forgot to proofread the last several chapters. I noticed more than a few misspellings and missing punctuation marks and such. lol
Michael_J | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 2, 2022 |
AMAZING! Everybody should read this, especially men between the ages of 16 and 24. critical reading.
Michael_J | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 2, 2022 |
1900's language, so it takes a little work if you're not used to it, but a short piece packed with biblical parenting wisdom that stands the test of time.
RPCA | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 16, 2021 |
I am forever thankful to God that I was blessed to place this man's books into the precious little hands of my young daughter. I am struck with tears to hear my child thank God for the writings of the good bishop. This books peaks strait to the youngest of readers or hearers. Praise be to God for giving the church of Jesus Christ such an amazing giant of theological clarity and patience.
FORTBEAUPRE | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 18, 2021 |
Excellent read! Ryle’s work here is well worth returning to over and over.
joshcrouse3 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 17, 2021 |
you can never go wrong with Ryle.... i had never heard (i don't think) of this title by Ryle.... each chapter is like a long sermon with so much teaching, so much begging to truth! i listened on audible - unabridged.... finished it in 2 days... just couldn't put it down! and when it finished... i still wanted to listen. so the next day, i started it again :)

great theology. you can hear scripture coming through as he explains. a must read for any believer!

now i need a print or kindle copy... cant seem to find one...
Isaiah40 | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 7, 2021 |
i loved the organization of this book... topic by topic, outlining the importance of each, the definition of each, the proof of having or lacking each.... and the conclusion that addresses unbeliever, believer-but-not-surrendered (the hesitant, or "rich young ruler"), and the believer.

honestly re-read most chapters just because they were so good :) here are some highlights:

"Jesus commands us, "Strive to enter in." We can often learn much from a single word in the Bible, and we may
certainly learn much from this one word "strive".
"STRIVE" teaches us that we must use diligently the means which God has appointed for us to seek him. We
should attend diligently to reading the Bible and to hearing the Gospel preached.
"STRIVE" teaches us that God will deal with us as responsible beings. We must not sit down and do nothing, for
Christ says to us, "Come - repent - believe - labor - ask - seek –knock.” Our salvation is entirely of God, but our ruin if
we are lost is entirely of ourselves.
"STRIVE" teaches us that we may expect opposition and a hard battle if our souls are to be saved. The devil will
never let us escape without a struggle. Our own hearts which have loved sinful things will never be turned to spiritual
things without difficulty. The world and its temptations will never be overcome without conflict. And none of this should
surprise us, for neither in the natural nor in the spiritual realm is any great good done without great effort.
"STRIVE" teaches us that salvation is worth striving for. People strive for all kinds of things far less important than
their salvation. Riches, greatness, education, promotion, are all corruptible. The incorruptible things are inside the
narrow gate: the peace of God, the sense of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, the knowledge that our sins are forgiven.
These are things truly worth striving for!
"STRIVE" teaches us that it is sinful to be lazy in spiritual matters. God has commanded you to strive and you have
no excuse if you refuse to do so.
"STRIVE" teaches us the great danger of being outside the narrow gate. To die outside the narrow gate is to be
lost without hope for ever. The Lord Jesus saw that clearly. He knew the shortness and uncertainty of time, and he
urges us not to delay, but to act quickly, not to leave it too late.
This word "strive" condemns many who call themselves Christians. They have been baptized and belong to the
church. They do not murder or steal or commit adultery, but they certainly are not "striving" to be saved. They may be
active enough in the things of this life, but in spiritual matters they make no efforts at all."

"Neglect of prayer is one great cause of backsliding. It is possible to go backwards in the Christian life, after making
a good start. The Galatian Christians progressed well for a time, and then turned aside after false teachers. Peter
loudly proclaimed his love for the Lord, but in a time of trial denied him. And to be a backslider is miserable. It is one
of the worst things that can happen to a man. I know that real grace in a man cannot be destroyed. I know that true
union with Christ cannot be broken. But I believe that a man may fall away so far that he loses sight of his Christian
standing and despairs of his own salvation. And this is the nearest thing to hell. A wounded conscience, a mind sick of
itself, a memory full of self-reproach, a heart pierced through with the Lord's arrows, a spirit broken with a load of
inward accusation—all this is a taste of hell. Consider the solemn words, "The backslider in heart shall be filled with
his own ways" (Proverbs 14:14).
Now, what is the cause of most backsliding? I believe it is generally caused by neglect of private prayer. It is my
considered opinion, and I repeat it, that backsliding generally begins with neglect of private prayer.
Prayerlessness in daily life and decision-making has led many Christians into a condition of spiritual paralysis, or to
the point where God has allowed them to fall badly into sin.
We may be sure that men fall in private long before they fall in public. "

"True Christianity is never popular
I want you to be a Christian in heart. But I want you to realize that such Christianity will never be popular. It never
has been, nor will be, as long as human nature is as the Bible describes it. Most men will be satisfied with an outward
religion. It satisfies the conscience that has never seen its need of Christ. It pleases our self-righteousness. It pleases
our natural laziness, for heart-Christianity is not easy, whereas outward Christianity need cause us no great trouble.
The history of religion demonstrates what I am saying. In Israel's history, from the start of Exodus to the end of the
Acts of the Apostles you will find the same thing. The Old Testament prophets constantly denounced the people for
practicing outward religion, when their hearts were not in it. The Lord Jesus denounced the Pharisees and scribes for
the same thing. After the days of the apostles, how quickly heart-Christianity gave way to something merely outward.
This has always been the popular form of Christianity, while true heart-Christianity has been rare.
Heart-Christianity is too humbling to be popular. It leaves a man with no room for boasting. It tells him he is dead in
sin and must be born of the Spirit. It tells him that he is guilty and hell-deserving and must flee to Christ to be saved.
But human pride rebels against being told such things.
Heart-Christianity is also too holy to be popular. It requires a man to change his ways. It requires him to forsake
the world and his sins, to be spiritually minded, and to love God's Word and prayer. How could such a thing ever be
popular? It was never popular in the past, and it is not popular today.
But what does popularity with men matter? We shall not stand before men in the judgment, but before God. And
the glory of heart-Christianity is this: it has "the praise of God". God is pleased with what he sees of true heart—
Christianity in the present life. Wherever he sees repentance, faith, holiness and the love of God existing in the heart,
God is well pleased. Is that not worth more than the praise of men?
On the Day of Judgment, God will proclaim his approval of heart-Christianity before the whole world. He will gather
his saints from every part of the world into one glorious company. He will place them at the right hand of Christ’s
glorious throne. Then, all who have loved and served Christ from their heart will hear him say, "Come, you blessed of
my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matthew 25:34). Outward Christians
will look on with envy, but these words will never be addressed to them. On that great day we shall see and
understand fully the true value of heart-Christianity. In this life you are likely to have mockery, unkindness, opposition
and persecution. "Through much tribulation we must enter the Kingdom" (Acts 14:22). But whatever you may lose in
this world, the praise of God on that day will make up for it all."

"1. First, I ask you to consider very seriously whether Christ is your Friend, and you are a friend of Christ. I am
grieved to say that thousands upon thousands who call themselves Christians are not Christ's friends at all. They are
outwardly Christians, but they are not friends of the Lord Jesus. They do not hate the sins which he died to put away.
They do not love the Savior who came into the world to save sinners. They do not delight in the gospel of
reconciliation. They do not speak with the Friend of sinners in prayer, or seek close fellowship with him. Such people
are not Christ's friends. I appeal to you to examine yourself. Are you or are you not one of Christ's friends?
2. Secondly, I want you to know that if you are not one of Christ's friends, you are a poor and miserable being. You
are in a world which is passing away, and a world of sorrow, yet you have no real source of comfort or refuge in time of
need. You must one day die, but you are not ready to die. Your sins are not forgiven. You are going to be judged, but
you are not prepared to meet God. You could be, but you refuse the one Mediator and Advocate who can save you.
You love the world more than Christ. You refuse the Friend of sinners. I say again that you are a poor and miserable
3. Thirdly, I want you to know that if you really want a friend, Christ is willing to become your Friend. He is calling
you now through the words which I write. He is ready to receive you, however unworthy you feel, and to number you
among his friends. He is ready to forgive all your past, to clothe you with his righteousness, to give you his Spirit and
to make you his own child. All he asks is that you come to him. He tells you to come with all your sins, acknowledging
your vileness and confessing your shame. Come just as you are, not waiting for anything. You are unworthy of
anything, but he bids you to come and be his friend. Will you not come?
4. Lastly, I want you to know that if Christ is your Friend, you have great privileges, and ought to live in a way worthy
of them. Every day, seek to have closer communion with him, and to know more of his grace and power. True
Christianity is not simply believing a set of abstract truths. It involves living in daily personal communion with a Person.
The Apostle Paul said, 'To me, to live is Christ" (Philippians 1:21). Seek daily to glorify Christ in everything. "A man
who has friends must himself be friendly" (Proverbs 18:24) and no one is under a greater obligation than someone who
is a friend of Christ. Avoid everything which would grieve him. Fight hard against besetting sins, inconsistency,
slowness to confess him before men. When you are tempted, say to your soul, "Is this your loyalty to your friend?"
Above all, think of the mercy which he has shown to you, and learn to rejoice every day in your Friend! You may be
sick; your troubles may be very great; your earthly friends may forsake you and you may be alone in the world. But if
you are in Christ you have a Friend—a Friend who is powerful, loving, wise, unfailing. Think much about your Friend!
Soon, your Friend will come and take you home, and you will live with him forever. At that time the whole world will
acknowledge that the truly rich and happy man is the man who has had the Lord Jesus Christ as his Friend."
Isaiah40 | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 7, 2021 |
a favorite book when it comes to parenting. so biblical, so practical... and i love book with lists :) while this book is great encouragement for parent-stewards, it also cuts to my heart and reminds me of how needful i am of a savior, biblical teaching, and discipleship & fellowship with others who love the Lord :)
Isaiah40 | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 7, 2021 |
A must-read for anyone interested in Jesus, especially those like me who are really dissatisfied and disillusioned with the faith. There is a big difference between Jesus and Christians, especially most Christians. Why? Because in a lot of ways, people don't really want to know him or follow him. What does it look like to follow Jesus? How do we obtain true life? How then should we live?

This book is free on kindle and podcast! I mostly just listened to it, but kept the kindle handy for highlights.
christian.c.briggs | Apr 15, 2021 |
This is a book that shows what a serious Christian life should look like, why one should aim for such a life, and how to go about it. It's just as relevant today as it was back in 1879(?), if not more so.

Ryle is a bit insistent on the Anglican church (I suppose one should be convinced in their own mind), but his concern for true core matters makes it still very useful for people of other reformed persuasions. I highly recommend it.
lachlanp | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 14, 2020 |
Nesta obra prima da literatura cristã, Ryle fala aos nossos corações de forma clara, persuasiva e franca, ensinando-nos sobre a santidade de Deus e do nosso dever de vivermos vidas santas.
livros.icnvcopa | Feb 20, 2020 |
JC Ryle is the man, basically a mere christianity for the 1700's
Perlsowisdom | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 16, 2019 |
Conviction, encouragement, and hope abound. Ryle’s classic is still eerily relevant for today. It’s value to the church and to Christian men could not be calculated. Will be going on my mandatory reading list for my boys when they are older.
1 abstimmen
alan.r.skiles | 5 weitere Rezensionen | May 25, 2018 |
Ever since reading Holiness many years ago, I have been a fan of J C Ryle (1816-1900). I have read many books by him; recently I have read two books about him. The first was Ryle's biography by Iain H. Murray, J.C. Ryle: Prepared to Stand Alone, which was very good. Now I have completed Bishop J. C. Ryle's Autobiography: The Early Years.

Editor Andrew Atherstone prepared the book from the recently-recovered manuscript of Ryle's autobiography, which he wrote for his children. As the title indicates, Ryle covers only about the first half of his life (his children were familiar with it from that point on). As one interested in the Victorian Age generally, and Ryle particularly, I found the book fascinating as the man tells his own story. Ryle went from riches to rags, from nominal Christianity to true faith in Christ, from a would-be lawyer, then banker, to a reluctant minister of the Church of England, only to become one of the outstanding evangelical preachers and writers of his day.

In addition to Ryle's autobiography, the book includes some of Ryle's early tracts, a funeral sermon he preached for a beloved parishioner, speeches from his Eton days, and other artifacts. Perhaps the most delightful element of the book is the many photographs of Ryle, his family, and places he lived and ministered. Many were taken by his third wife Henrietta, an early amateur photographer. Her photos include some of Ryle and others acting out scenes from Christian history and the book Pilgrim's Progress.

I have long been blessed and helped by Ryle's books, so naturally I was fascinated to read of his life. I recommend this book to anyone, but especially to a reader of Ryle. Yes, he ended his ministry and life as the first bishop of Liverpool, but he went through many afflictions and much heartache along the way. His steadfastness in life and ministry inspire and encourage.
Bibliophilus | Mar 7, 2018 |