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Lucinda is the owner of a pawn shop which has the power to appear anywhere in the world. Only those who are going through some kind of moral conflict can enter; once inside, a dark object calls out to them. This object will have the power to greatly influence their lives. As the devil's daughter, Lucinda collects these objects at the behest of Satan. Because she is also the daughter of Eve, Lucinda still has a human soul and heart and this means that sometimes she's able to cast wrench into the devil's plans. Lucinda has been playing the long game for quite sometime but when Dominic makes his way to the shop, Lucinda finds herself tempted by a human for the first time in a long. The fact that he is able to enter means that despite is apparent goodness, there's something dark about him as well. Will Lucinda have the courage to explore her feelings or will she get caught up once again in one of her father's demonic schemes?

I honestly had by doubts about this book. I read the description several times and because I kept coming back to it over the course of several days, I decided to read it. It's a decision I absolutely do not regret. There have been lots of tales about Satan and his evil plans for this world and so it wouldn't be fair to say that the Devil's Daughter is unique but yet, I found it a compelling read and simply could not put it down. I love the idea that the devil can not act directly and so is forced to create far reaching plans, moving people around like pawns on a chessboard, instead directly influencing humanity. Free will in this universe is paramount, making the evil that we do entirely of our own creation. Yes, each person reaches a critical moment when they must choose between right and wrong but the choice at the end is always theirs. It is however worth noting that there are times when the authors stray and become somewhat didactic as it relates to things like pre-marital sex and the importance of believing in the divine.

This notion of free will and the potential intrinsic evil of mankind only really becomes a problem for me when the authors bring up the holocaust. The authors claim that Hitler was influenced by the devil and this is what lead to the holocaust. Lucinda blames herself in part because she didn't see the plan coming together until it was too late. Appropriating an atrocity in this fashion is never going to be acceptable because it reduces human lives to a plot point. Given that intrinsic evil is something the authors explored there's no reason supernatural machinations needs to apply to Hitler.

On some level, I found each of the characters interesting. Lucinda and her self doubt about her own goodness based on her parentage reminded me of the question of original sin. Even Eve, who didn't physically appear in this book finds redemption when the writers suggest that Eve isn't the one was cast out of heaven, nor did she eat fruit from a forbidden tree. Eve chooses to join Adam on earth after being raped by the devil. The authors didn't directly paint what happened between Eve and Lucifer as rape because it is rape by deception but at no point did they imply that this act isn't an extreme violation. Nathaniel, the enigmatic angel fascinated me the most. He's a fallen angel and yet he promises to watch over Lucinda. I very much get the feeling that he was assigned to fall to guide and help Lucinda. I really want to know his backstory more.

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FangsfortheFantasy | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 30, 2016 |
The Devil’s Daughter is a paranormal, supernatural and magical book that pits good against evil. This original storyline has a twist from the norm.

Lucinda runs a pawn shop. Be careful when you go in, because she may have just what is looking for you. Could it be a gift? Could it be a curse?

Lucinda is the daughter of Lucifer and Eve. At first, I thought she was evil, but there is more to Lucinda than meets the eye. She has her own agenda and is often at odds with her father. She wonders why God has forsaken her. Her world turns topsy turvy when she meets Dominic Adeodatus Amado, whose name means Gift of a loving God. Hmmm…

I love this unique and unusual version of the battle between good and evil. I loved the characters, both good and bad. They did their jobs well. As I read along, I grew to like Lucinda more and more, but her partners, not so much. I felt really bad for Mona, but that is a story you will need to find out for yourself.

Humanity has its own struggles, some choosing the good path, some not, and some caught in Between.

So…come in to Lucinda’s Pawnshop. She will make sure you find…something.

This is the first book in the series and I am looking for Book II…

To see more visit
sherry69 | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 13, 2016 |
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