
Andere Autoren mit dem Namen Jonathan Scott findest Du auf der Unterscheidungs-Seite.

11 Werke 138 Mitglieder 5 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Jonathan Scott is a freelance writer specializing in family history. He is a former deputy editor of Family History Monthly and writes the 'Best Websites' and 'Around Britain' column for Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine. He is the author of the Family History Web Directory, Collecting Children's mehr anzeigen Books and the Rare Book Price Guide. weniger anzeigen

Werke von Jonathan Scott



20th century
Kent, England, UK
Sussex, England, UK
deputy editor
record collector
Family History Monthly
[from Amazon website]
Jonathan Scott is a writer and record collector. His latest book is Into the Groove. It's all about the birth of recorded sound. His last book The Vinyl Frontier was all about that record NASA stuck to the side of Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. (No, honestly. It's true. They really did that.)

After studying archaeology at university, Jonathan worked as a reporter at his local newspaper. He joined Metropolis Publishing, becoming editor of Book Collector, while also contributing features, interviews and reviews to the magazine's better looking, better selling sister Record Collector.

Since going freelance in 2007 he's continued to write about collectable records, rare books, weird science . . . all alongside countless features for BBC's flagship genealogy title Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine. During that time he's also written some books.

He grew up in Kent. He now lives in Sussex.



People who really liked each other worked on and completed a project they were excited about. Such a pleasure to read.
Amateria66 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | May 24, 2024 |
Запишите диск, представляющий человечество с лучшей стороны. Вы включите туда 90 минут музыки, 12 минут речи, 120 изображений и диаграмм. У вас есть шесть недель. Да, и прежде чем начнете: не пользоваться компьютером, смартфоном, интернетом. Никаких мейлов, PDF, Google, цифровых файлов. Без Word’а. Разрешается писать бумажные письма, звонить по телефону, посещать библиотеки и книжные магазины. Допускаются слайды и курьеры. У вас шесть недель.

С этим вызовом столкнулись американские ученые, решившие в 1977 году послать «золотую пластинку» с двумя аппаратами «Вояджер», отправлявшимися за границы Солнечной системы. Что отобрать из тысячелетий цивилизации? Какие звуки и изображения живой и неживой природы? А что с копирайтом? Споры об их выборе не утихают уже полвека.
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Den85 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 3, 2024 |
The Voyager spacecraft were the first human artifacts to leave our solar system, and, barring unlikely accidents, they will be drifting around out there for a long, long time. Before the launch, a group of scientists and others, lead by Carl Sagan, got the idea to include a message for anyone who might, by unfathomable chance, find the spacecraft out there in the emptiness. So was born the golden record project, preserving a sample of the music, sounds, and sights of Earth for galactic posterity.

Jonathan Scott's book covers various aspects of the project: how it was conceived and carried out, the discussions behind the selections, the personalities involved and their relationships, influences from outside the project, and a bit of discussion of how the physical records were made and what the spacecraft accomplished. The author has an interest in astronomy but a passion for music (especially for writing about "unusual records"), and that makes him an interesting and entertaining person to bring us this story. His writing is breezy, informal, and fun, but his appreciation for this weird, wonderful, ridiculous, profound project, and for the people behind it, comes through very strongly.

Being the giant space nut that I am, I'd read a fair amount about this subject before, including Murmurs of Earth, which discusses the contents of the record in detail, with a complete set of the photographs and commentary from various people involved. (Scott draws very heavily on that book, unsurprisingly.) But I do feel like this volume gave me a greater appreciation for it all, and I come away feeling especially impressed by how anyone was able to pull something like this off in six short weeks, in an age when finding suitable materials and getting in touch with people about using them all had to be done via snail mail, landline telephone, and knowing someone who knows somebody who happens to be an expert on the musical genre you want to include, or who speaks the language you want to record.
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bragan | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 17, 2023 |
Into the Groove by Jonathan Scott is a detailed history of recorded sound, from the discoveries and experiments to the popularization and improvement of playback material.

This probably would have been more history than I would have wanted if it wasn't for the fact that Scott made it all so interesting. I learned far more than I expected, especially the time before records. Most people who came of age before the advent of CDs and all that has come after will remember their early experiences with records. Probably their parents' or sibling's albums. Both in my case, my dad's old 78s (mostly jazz and early swing) and 33s (swing and jazz again) while my sister had early rock and pop (Elvis, Sands, Haley, etc). Until I could use my allowance to buy my own, they bought records, mostly albums and a few 45s, for me. The first I bought with my own money was Revolver with my birthday money when I turned 8 in 1966. I never stopped buying them.

This book will both fill in any gaps you have (I had a lot) in the history of recording and playing back sound, as well as make you recall just how special it is to put an album on. He is absolutely right when he highlights how playing an album is different, and for many better, than just digitally pulling up a file.

I would recommend this to anyone with an interest in audio, from listening to the technical aspects. This is indeed a history, but one that is told in an engaging manner that keeps your interest piqued.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley.
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pomo58 | Feb 3, 2023 |

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