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Werke von Hannah Shah



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I read this book in almost record time for me reading a 270 page book. The book is absolutely fantastic! If true (more on this qualification bellow) the West is faced with some horrifying problems. The first two-thirds of the book reads like a real-life Stephen King novel; the world of some Muslim "families" is one of violence and extreme sexual perversion. Love is replaced by domination and hatred. Contact with the outside world is kept strictly limited. Any violation of the strictures results in severe beatings, and sometimes rape. The subject of the book was regularly raped from age six until 16, when she fled.

Why did she flee? She fled from an arranged and forced marriage to a distant relative in Pakistan. Her family did not let her be. At one point her father located her. He headed up a 40 member gang of knife- and hammer-wielding assailants. I won't spoil how she avoided being killed (spoiler alert). But the world she fled to was infinitely kinder, more loving and fairer.

She details how she read the Koran in translation and a lot of what she was told were Koranic dictates in fact were not. Islam seems itself to be a sane, often beneficent religion, much like the other great monotheistic religions. Tribal customs from areas it rules, in this case Pakistan, are engrafted into the religion and become mandates whose violations are punishable by death.

Why the doubt (a minor one) on the book's veracity? Every person described, including herself, has their name changed for obvious reasons. Same with the identity of municipalities. I hope that publishers do some fact checking. Same with the various media outlets that publish her and other accounts.

I have to assume they do.
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JBGUSA | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 2, 2023 |
Its about the daughter of immigrant Pakistani parents who live in the UK. The father is an iman who is a zealot when it comes to islam but who isnt very passionate about anything else.

Well almost, he also devotes a great amount of time to beating his wife,ignoring his children and hating everyone who isnt a muslim.
One day Hannan fights back and yells at her father to stop hitting her mother.This makes him start to target her also and eventually sexually abuse her.

She is 6 years old.

Her mother knows but does nothing.She is too cowed and afraid to do anything.Her husbands word is law and hes a holy man so it only increases the importance of him in the community.

The we follow her as she endures her fathers curel treatment until one day she breaks down and reveals to her kindly teacher that she is being beaten at home (she is too ashamed to admit the other thing her father forces her to do though.

She decides to leave home forever. No matter how people try to convince and coerce her to come home.

In the end Hannan finds religion and love in christianity.She even changes her name to "hannah" Making her even more hated by her father who feels that the only way to end the disgrace is to either force her to come back and accept islam and have an arranged marriage or die.

Sometimes I feel very bad for reading these kinds of books,they do call them "feel bad books" but they seem to find their way into my reading.It also allows you to see things from another perspective. We cant very well pretend these issues dont exist.

But it warmed my heart to learn that Hannan got help at last and out from under her fathers rule.

I gave it a three star rating because I felt it was a bit preachy about the joys of being a christian.
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Litrvixen | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 23, 2022 |
Autobiografie van meisje dat thuis mishandeld wordt door haar vader; een imam die in de moslimgemeenschap hoog wordt aangezien. Haar moeder helpt haar niet. Naar de buitenwereld toe houdt iedereen de schijn op. Maar Hannah blijft zich verzetten en zoekt wegen om zich los te maken van haar familie. Dat lukt vaak maar tijdelijk; dan moet ze weer verhuizen omdat de dreiging te groot wordt.
Verhaal wordt chronologisch verteld in de ik-vorm.
Ook uit dit verhaal blijkt dat zowat elke godsdienst dezelfde basisbeginselen heeft, wat min of meer neerkomt op: Wat gij niet wilt dat u geschiedt, doe dat ook een ander niet.
Maar op de een of andere manier lukt het mensen altijd om de dingen zó uit te leggen zoals het hun op dát moment het beste uitkomt. Zo wordt er vanalles geroepen onder het mom van dat staat zo in de Koran, dat staat zo in de Bijbel, ....
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Cromboek | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 14, 2018 |
I thought that I had experienced the ultimate in literary horror when I read Eishes Chayil's "Hush." However, although steeped in and drawn from reality, it was nevertheless a work of fiction. This book was the unvarnished paralyzing, stultifying horrific truth. How she survived intact from this hellish nightmare is beyond my understanding. They should bottle her courage and dole it out to those in despair. Her capacity to forgive is beyond my comprehension as well. The book clearly highlights the forces of good and evil, but I'm afraid the evil in this book consumes all the good. A profound lesson as well is that there is no horror like betrayal and no joy like having people have your back. Even writing this is an emotional experience for me. I'll end with a blessing: Hannah Shah should be praised and blessed for her bravery, and may the good in this world outweigh, outshine, obliterate and consume the evil.… (mehr)
1 abstimmen
MartinBodek | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 11, 2015 |

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