
Constance Sharper

Autor von Airborne

4 Werke 116 Mitglieder 3 Rezensionen


Werke von Constance Sharper

Airborne (2011) 80 Exemplare
Grounded: The Airborne Saga #2 (2011) 18 Exemplare
Burning in a Memory 11 Exemplare
Windswept (The Airborne Saga) (2013) 7 Exemplare



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Lots of typos and strange phrasing.

The writing style was disruptive and the narrative confusing.I think I re-read the first part 5 times before I got a hang of it.

I also questioned the main characters decision to take a walk late at night with a complete stranger. And after he attacks her she remains surprisingly unaffected and accepting of all the strange things hes telling her about magic and harpies :/

I also wished the naming of the harpies had been a bit more imaginative (Mason,Jericho,Eve,Rafale) I thought harpies originated in greek myth?

I recognized the difficulty of having a friend date someone you dislike (though her friend didnt seem to have self-respect,letting her crush hit on her best friend while she was in the same room)So could sympathize with that. But at best the characters came across as flat.

The concept of harpies was interesting though,too bad the author failed in execution. I suggest getting an editor and make the plotting more tight.
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Litrvixen | 1 weitere Rezension | Jun 23, 2022 |
YES! YES! YES! YES! KNOCK OUT! Constance Sharper did it, she REALLY did it. Sharper surpassed every single preconceived notion of mid-series novels I have ever had and/or felt. She must have found the cure for the “mid-series blues” because there was NO sign of it here, I mean none, not even a hint. Beyond that, she created a second book with what I think is a stronger plot than the first.

Grounded takes off right where Airborne left us hanging, and yes, I do mean hanging because Shaper also created an AMAZING cliff hanger in Airborne (good thing I got to read both back to back because I’m extremely impatient!). She also ties up somethings in this book for me. I had some strange feelings about our main characters in the first book, not bad feelings, but just really different…
Expert from my review of Airborne:

Sharper also managed to do something with the main characters that I have never experienced before. She created a female-lead that meets my high expectations, she created a male-lead-love interest that I never fell for, but still love, and a female-2nd-lead (BF to the lead) that I love to hate – sounds interesting, right? That’s because it is and it is one of the things I fell in love with most with this book.
Quick overview of main characters:
Avery: is the type of heroine that I like to read, she’s strong, slightly “forward” and I just love female leads that aren’t whiney and scared. She’s strong and I definitely fell right in pace with her.

Mason: tall, dark, mysterious, slightly aggressive and while most YA authors fight to make you swoon for the male lead, I have to admit, I never fell for Mason. In my mind it worked out well, because it keeps me reading to see the relationship grow and try and understand Avery’s passion. So, maybe it will come, and I will swoon as usual!

Leela: well, Leela and I have a love hate relationship. I love to hate her. I’m not sure why, I still cannot pin point the exact reason that I have this feeling. And while I love to hate her, I love to read her. Another extremely amazing thing about Constance Sharper’s writing, it is not very frequently that I hate a character, but love to read them. I just think there is something buried under Leela that will come out…I will just have to sit back and wait!

So, in Grounded we keep all of the above characters and build a couple other prominent ones that I will get to in a minute, first, let’s revisit each character:

Avery: Sharper held strong with Avery, never abandoning the strong sense of who this character is.
Mason: Ok I was totally right, I think I started to swoon somewhere in Grounded, but I like that I had to wait and let my feelings for him develop, keeps it real and a lot less “loved you the moment I met you” which is very refreshing in a YA read.
Leela: well, I don’t like to include spoilers, but I will try and keep the spoiler rate low here, my strange feelings for her were totally justified and while I still have a love-hate feeling for her, at least now I understand why!

In this book we also add Mikhael, Patrick and Adelyn to what I would call the main character pool. Sharper also does an outstanding job with them, keeping up with her ability to create mystery behind each character to keep pulling you in. I’m still a bit floored at Sharper’s development of characters, I find it unique, but simple, she somehow knows when its right to give you just enough about a character to keep you going until she gives you a little bit more, building and building upon each characters background and present.

Sharper kept up with her action in this book as well, and dare I say that I was further on the edge of my seat for this book than in the first?! I think I can, because I was surely immersed, ignoring phone calls and all to keep reading!

Now I sit, attempting to reign in my impatient attitude, for the release of Windswept…don’t know the official release date yet, but be sure to watch for an Anticipation update for it!
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KimberlySlicedOpen | Jun 4, 2012 |
Review by Sliced Open Reviews

I have fallen head over heels for this series! I have had both Airborne and Grounded on my Nook since January and never got around to having time to get into both of them and this weekend was a perfect opportunity! And, I would like to add, I am almost GLAD I waited, because as soon as I finished book one I had to jump right into book two, so it’s good that I waited until I could stay up for hours on end to finish!

Airborne follows Avery returning to her school in Alaska after a summer with her brother in California. Upon her return to Mayweather Academy for her senior year, and within the first PAGE I was hooked! I love openings to books that get you right away and I mean get you like hook, line and line and line!

The overall concept for this book revolves around harpies, which in all my Mythological knowledge, I lacked any understanding of. This turned out to not really matter as my post reading research has turned up with stuff that would have utterly confused me if I had known prior to starting. Let’s just say that Constance Sharper’s version of the harpie world is much better! It was such a creative, distinctly original concept and contributed greatly to my new found love for this series. I will let you know though, that the harpy are the only Mythological concept within this book, there is no venture into other concepts, so don’t go into reading thinking you will be immersed in a Mythology setting, cause it’s not.

I will warn you that Constance Sharper is a self-published author, so editing could use some improvement, but things like that I can look past while reading, because to me, it’s not about grammar and punctuation, it’s about the story. Yes, yes I understand that we are reading works of writing, but when you pick up self-published titles you have to have an equal understanding of forfeiting editing for knock out finds, and this is definitely a knock out!

Best thing overall, ACTION ACTION ACTION. It didn’t stop, there were no lolls in chapters where you are just reading dialog or character thought that drags on. The story keeps going and never lets you sit back in your seat to take a breather. I think part of this stems from excellent character development. To me a huge contributing factor in staying hooked in a book is making sure that each character is fully vested in their initial mannerisms. Now, this doesn’t mean that characters can’t grow as the book and/or series progresses, but it means that you can’t let the character forget their roots; the end of the book needs to reflect characters who may have grown emotionally, but not CHANGE the way they act and talk. Constance Sharper was 100% in line with her characters and never faltered in remembering who they were and how they act. Sharper also managed to do something with the main characters that I have never experienced before. She created a female-lead that meets my high expectations, she created a male-lead-love interest that I never fell for, but still love, and a female-2nd-lead (BF to the lead) that I love to hate – sounds interesting, right? That’s because it is and it is one of the things I fell in love with most with this book.

Quick overview of main characters:
Avery: is the type of heroine that I like to read, she’s strong, slightly “forward” and I just love female leads that aren’t whiney and scared. She’s strong and I definitely fell right in pace with her.
Mason: tall, dark, mysterious, slightly aggressive and while most YA authors fight to make you swoon for the male lead, I have to admit, I never fell for Mason. In my mind it worked out well, because it keeps me reading to see the relationship grow and try and understand Avery’s passion. So, maybe it will come, and I will swoon as usual!
Leela: well, Leela and I have a love hate relationship. I love to hate her. I’m not sure why, I still cannot pin point the exact reason that I have this feeling. And while I love to hate her, I love to read her. Another extremely amazing thing about Constance Sharper’s writing, it is not very frequently that I hate a character, but love to read them. I just think there is something buried under Leela that will come out…I will just have to sit back and wait!
Fast pace, action, romance, harpies, suspense, kick-ass girl heroine, what else could you ask for in one book? Nothing – so go pick it up or download it, ASAP, a definite must read!
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KimberlySlicedOpen | 1 weitere Rezension | May 30, 2012 |



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