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Six stories, some better, some disturbing, some worse.
I really liked the idea of the shared opening and the different stories. And my favourite was the steampunk version
Serpina | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 13, 2023 |
Overall, I enjoyed reading this but I was annoyed by how obtuse Dan was about how Molly was treated by the residents of the town. Molly had some pretty valid reservations, ones that were borne out by her reception the first day at her mother's home and I wish that Dan had actually listened to her instead of constantly brushing it off.

I did admire that Dan broke off the first relationship when he found out how young Molly was, even if he was a total ass-wagon about it. And I liked Molly's growth over the story. I do think that the book would have benefited from a couple more chapters as some things were wrapped up too neatly, but that's often my complaint with category novels that deal with slightly heavier issues.
wonderlande | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 1, 2023 |
Okay marriage in peril story. I enjoyed it but it didn't stick with me very well.
Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
this was basically the story of a man who spent all of his time going off to hot spots throughout the world on humanitarian missions and ignoring his father. he meets the heroine who is his father's nurse and they have a 3 month affair during which he continually leaves her to jet off around the world. she wants him to not put himself in danger and for her to be more important to him than his work. they break up and she finds out she's pregnant. Most of the book is the affair and the secret baby is only at the end and it was too much waiting for the other shoe to fall for me.
Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
This one was okay. I never really felt that he loved her. I like books where they had a relationship where she lied about her age and as he was older , he freaked out when he found out how young she was. But here I never really got the impression that he cared all that much that he had to dump her for her own good. And when they meet again it takes him until the end of the book to realize he loves her. He spends most of the book telling her to get over herself.
Luziadovalongo | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 14, 2022 |
This was an okay quick read. Never really felt drawn in to the story.
Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
You know what? If I'm going to read Harlequin Presents, and I think we all know by now that I am, I want the guy to be all in. I don't mind if he hates her at first or denies to himself that he is falling for her. But I want to be able to see from his actions that he's got it bad for the heroine. Here that was so not the case. One instance of "I'm never going to love you," is fine but this guy kept it up and kept on telling the heroine that until nearly the last page. Still if was readable.
Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
Pretty good HP. Hero, Jackson, is a surly loner whom the heroine, Laura, meets on the beach at her Grandmother's house. Even though he is constantly belittling her and telling her to leave him alone she just can't. She is an upper class girl and he seems to be a poor drifter. He isn't of course 'cuz it's an HP. They can't seem to stay away from each other and end up in bed but he continues with his "we can't be together" spiel. He eventually fesses up that he is an ex-con and finally chases her away even though to her credit she tries to overcome her shock at his revelation. He goes and gets his life back together and eventually comes after her.

No real surprises plot wise. Still it was well written and held my interest. Her character was pretty well developed. His not quite as well but not bad. Jackson's assholeishness was not real annoying because of the set up. He was actively trying to chase her away and to be alone to heal which you knew from the beginning so he had a reason and you knew it wasn't his personality. She was pretty much a moth to flame.

Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
Actually an excellent harlequin - the main character is in a house with a lot of elderly in a small town who could not take care of themselves. She never had a family growing up so is trying to fill a need. The landlord has returned to town to sell the house and get rid of his memories of the place, while the townspeople shun him for his actions when he was younger. It was fascinating with different layers and I fell in love with the mixture of characters. Eleanor, who is nearly senile, has a surprise twist at the end. Lillian is the aristocratic and proper woman who likes arguing with Dorothy, who is dedicated to reading her tea leaves. They have Florence, who cooks for everyone, Henry who is proud of his garden and ale making and in love with Prudence, and Bill. All work together to make an interesting story. The love story itself was so sweet too. Maybe a little sappy at the end, but it worked well. There wasn't unrealistic chemistry, instalove or instalust. Definitely recommended for Harlequin fans who like this sort.
ErinPaperbackstash | Jun 14, 2016 |
kick-ass chick ... an assassin (for the good guys) w a Vampire partner ... how fun! not the most original, but still fun ... am planning to read the rest of the series.
GeetuM | Jun 3, 2016 |
Arlene meets Domenico in Sardinia when she visits his family's successful vineyard seeking advice on how to restore the rundown vineyard she's just inherited in Canada. Domenico decides to take her on as an apprentice during her stay in Sardinia to show her how to get her vineyard up and running. They also spend time together in Paris and find themselves falling in love.

For the most part, the story was well done, scenic and romantic. Unfortunately, as the story progressed, the heroine became too unreasonable and untrusting of the hero causing me to not care about her anymore. The hero was wonderful, though, and charmingly smitten. He made the book.
PaulaLT | Jan 18, 2016 |
I only read the short story by Nancy Warren about Charlotte who broke her engagement with John. It was cute but nothing special.
Dawn772 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 29, 2015 |
It has simple but strong language that really touches heart and play with emotions!!!!
IslandGarden | Mar 24, 2010 |
Jenna Sinclair decides after her fiance gets his best man to jilt her on the altar. She decides to go on the honeymoon anyway and meets Edmund Delaney, with whom she has one passionate night.

The night has consequences, but Edmund's wife called him away so what can she do. Her family are pressuring her to marry her ex-fiance.

Oh yeah, pretty typical, but readable and a short diversion from deeper reads. I did want to slap both characters but the personalities were pretty well realised, even if things did resolve themselves a little easilly. But then again it's a romance.
wyvernfriend | Jun 10, 2007 |
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