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This novella is written in a first person narrative style, with the narrator being a teenage boy. It has been written in such as manner that I felt as if I were sat there with him while he related his tale to me, along with all its asides. The boy ‘speaks’ to the reader with a deep southern or hill country accent and, as I read I could hear his voice in my head with all the twists and nuances his accent provided. I did find the way the narrative was written to be a little daunting at first, and found myself having to reread portions of it to make sure I had truly understood what my teenage story teller was trying to get across. However, this did not detract from the novella as a whole, just made it a little bit more than an easy quick read.

Because of the way in which it is written, there does not need to be any deep character developments or plots; we are just being offered a slice of this boy’s life, and all it contains, with no frills. Having said that though, as the reader progresses through the novella, they are made to actually think and re-evaluate the things they come across in their everyday lives, and also the way in which they interact with the people in their lives.

This is a hard little book to write a review on as so much that could be said about it, would just be spoiling the whole experience for readers that pick it up. It is a special little book and, if I were more familiar with the vernacular used by the narrator, I would most likely have said it was an outstanding read but, unfortunately for me, the having to backtrack over some of the narration really interrupted the flow.

This is a book I would recommend to readers from teens up to adults. The only thing they may need to be aware of is the narration style, but other than that this novella is not offensive in any way and is worth your time to read.

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Melline | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 13, 2022 |
I won this from the Goodreads author give away. I have read this over and over again. Loving this quaint little love story. I can relate to the stone. One has no control over whom they fall in love with. Even if that someone else has changed and does not still feel the same way about you as they did in the beginning. The stone became sad but learned to be happy again. Also he kept searching for that love of his, never giving up. Thank you for writing this love story for us love sick people
CarolineCail | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 8, 2021 |
Okay, this one was a little hard to get into before it took me for a ride. I think it's possible that the author is a very good storyteller that knows where it's going but leaves a lot to the mystery that draws you on. KUDOS for that. I liked the nod to prayer and God but the monk indicated otherwise. Oh well, to each his own. But the description of prayer/meditation was right on the money. Thank you.
bdinsman | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 10, 2020 |
This novella is written in a first person narrative style, with the narrator being a teenage boy. It has been written in such as manner that I felt as if I were sat there with him while he related his tale to me, along with all its asides. The boy ‘speaks’ to the reader with a deep southern or hill country accent and, as I read I could hear his voice in my head with all the twists and nuances his accent provided. I did find the way the narrative was written to be a little daunting at first, and found myself having to reread portions of it to make sure I had truly understood what my teenage story teller was trying to get across. However, this did not detract from the novella as a whole, just made it a little bit more than an easy quick read.

Because of the way in which it is written, there does not need to be any deep character developments or plots; we are just being offered a slice of this boy’s life, and all it contains, with no frills. Having said that though, as the reader progresses through the novella, they are made to actually think and re-evaluate the things they come across in their everyday lives, and also the way in which they interact with the people in their lives.

This is a hard little book to write a review on as so much that could be said about it, would just be spoiling the whole experience for readers that pick it up. It is a special little book and, if I were more familiar with the vernacular used by the narrator, I would most likely have said it was an outstanding read but, unfortunately for me, the having to backtrack over some of the narration really interrupted the flow.

This is a book I would recommend to readers from teens up to adults. The only thing they may need to be aware of is the narration style, but other than that this novella is not offensive in any way and is worth your time to read.

Originally reviewed on:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
TheAcorn | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 8, 2019 |
I read the first book, how or why I'm not sure but this was just awful!
sundowneruk | Feb 2, 2016 |
Say hello to John Savas and his team for the third time. The journey we embark with them takes us into the dark side of the FBI and the tricks of the trade they have to employ to capture the enemy.

This novel is based around the cyber world and how one virus can bring the world to a standstill. When influential Ceo's from several different companies are signalled out and killed John Savas and his team have a race on their hands to not only find the killer but also to stop a worldwide virus affecting the global internet.

The writer takes us on a roller coaster of a ride where John Savas and his team have to defend not only their motives but their actions in chasing and trying to catch the fugitives whilst being investigated by the United States Armed Forces Special Tribune.

Another masterpiece from, in my opinion, a rising writer in the genre of thriller/mystery writing.
beckvalleybooks | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 2, 2015 |
Another excellent novel from a very good author who is now definetly on my reading list. The authors attention to little details are great, which make the characters and scenarios he is describing more believable and add essence and substance to the storyline.

Again as in the first novel the title cleverly describes the plot and sets the scene for a page turning roller coaster ride where two different sets of characters are looking for revenge for different reasons. It is very easy for an author to write a novel with the same chatacters from a very good first novel but this author has created two more which the reader will fall in love with and follow their journey and share their fears and success. The authors research and knowledge shine through in abundance and he also uses two people from different ends of the spectrum who will live and fight for a cause they deeply care about.

With short sharp chapters packed with action and very strong emotions means it is an easy read and if you need to recap it doesnt take alot of effort. Having a very creative mind the author binds the excellent characters from his first novel into this storyline to add a twist which will keep the reader guessing.

Excellent thriller with mystery and intrigue involved which make for a very good read.
beckvalleybooks | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 24, 2015 |
In difficult times where the world has a very serious threat from terrorists the author has tackled this issue and written an excellent novel.

When an unknown cell starts targeting Muslims the FBI have an urgent task to find out the perpetrators and bring them to justice. The very strong message that I got from the storyline is no matter what your beliefs are, killing and revenge are not the answer, there is more strength in forgiveness. The novels title says it all, taken from Norse Mythology Ragnarok was the Armageddon of Norse legend a final battle between good and evil to settle the stewardship of the world.

I found this book very hard to put down and from page 1 to the end there was a lot of action, mystery and suspense to keep anyone interested. As already stated above this novel will make you think about your convictions and beliefs whilst portraying the message that there is good and evil on both sides of the coin,people from the different cultures are fighting for peace and harmony and not just looking to dominate the world through terror. The text language and short chapters make it a leisurely read and the only disappointment is when the story finishes.,,..more please!!!
beckvalleybooks | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 4, 2015 |
A very fast-paced exciting story. This could really happen, maybe not on this grand of a scale, but it could happen. I live in the East Bay of San Francisco and I saw when the Anonymous group took over buildings and when they protested in the streets of Oakland. It was scary. This book had the same feel and it was exciting all the way through. I have not read any of this author's previous books, but there were references to characters that were probably in the previous books. It didn't take away from this story at all but it made me think that maybe I could get to know and like the characters. A recommended read!
JoanieChevalier | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 7, 2015 |
Having read a number of Erec Stebbins novels and having enjoyed them all, I decided to read his debut novel to see how good he was when he first burst on the scene as a published author. Overall, I was not disappointed but was not overwhelmed.

The story started out with high potential for an outstanding novel of intrigue and a great thriller. Halfway through I was thinking how great the book was and ready to rate 5 stars. The more I read I started to think that it was getting a bit wonky and far-fetched. I really have to wonder if the author was having a difficult time writing an ending that was worthy of the first half of the story.

The characters were well developed as expected from my previous readings by this author. I just wish the ending had been comparable to the beginning. Overall it is a decent read and does showcase the author's writing skills.
honoliipali | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 10, 2014 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
I have read several other books by this talented writer and was not disappointed by this book. This story is an almost non-stop action adventure. It is a pure adrenaline rush from cover to cover. There is a bit of a political bent to this story which may bother some people. The story casts a bad light on the federal government and the clandestine doings of the CIA. My opinion is that the author is sending a subtle message that the current administration is acting in a secretive manner in which this type of action is possible. This book may be a treatise that the federal government has become totally non-transparent and the American people need to understand that. Again, this is what I got from the book and may not be the intention of the author.

A bit of a warning to those squeamish readers - there is a fair amount of gore and graphic violence. To be fair to the author, the violence is important to fully develop the "Wraith" character. We gain an insight into the thoughts of this "bad" character which is the driving influence in the story. You hopefully will be disturbed by this evil character but you will slowly learn and understand his mission.

The bad aside, let's look at the other characters. It is a bit amazing that the author can generate such action and a evil character while developing a number of other characters that get the reader rooting strongly for their roles in the story.

I enjoyed the pace and writing style. If you enjoy fast paced books with extreme action, this book is for you.
honoliipali | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 28, 2014 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
[Reader] the first installment of the [Daughter of Time] series by [Erec Stebbins] had a really great concept. The writing just needed a little more organization. I enjoyed it but it was like looking into an person with ADHD's mind at times.
MsHooker | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 18, 2014 |
Short book and as a result, tightly written. I found it lyrical as well. I enjoyed the blooming relationship between the young boy and the older man in the transformation of the junkyard. That the other adults in the boy's world saw this relationship as maybe abusive is the way our world reacts to anything different. Maybe there was abuse, maybe there wasn't, but the boy's life will never be what it was before the man entered it.
susanbeamon | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 7, 2014 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
What a great fast-paced action novel! I really enjoyed Houston and Lopez's journey about getting the truth behind all the recent deaths and the killers that were on the loose! There is an underlying reason that this government agent and the brother of a killed soldier are being chased, and a story that no one wants anyone to know about! I loved reading their close mishaps with getting caught or possibly killed! Lopez, a priest, was the last person you would suspect ending up involved in such a situation, but due to unforeseen circumstances he has no choice but to continue his journey to find his brother's killers and the reason why, with Houston by his side. I didn't want to put the book down because there was always something going on! There were twists and turns that I didn't see coming and I was constantly wondering what would happen and if they would get killed along their journey. However, if you loved fast-paced, intense action novels this is a good read for you!
CTRanch | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 26, 2014 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Reader Daughter Of Time Book 1
By: Erec Stebbins Sci-Fi / Thriller
Pages 253. 2013. Copy Courtesy of Early Reader Librarything Reviewed by: tk

Ambra Dawn is 17 years old, and the
future of the Earth is her burden. Taken
from her parents, seeing them murdered,
forced to under go many tests and
surgeries on the brain tumor that is growing
at an amazing rate, blind and alone; it is
Ambra that must save us all.

Astounding plot with many colorful
characters make an amazing journey into
what could be the end of times for our civilization
on Earth. Highly perceptive and realistic story
of inner strength, survive, loneliness and sacrifice.
Highly recommend. 4.5/5
doseofbella | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 17, 2014 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Extraordinary Retribution is just one of those books that makes you feel like you can imagine everything going on. When reading this action filled story, I coul not help but feel like I was watching a movie. If you love action and suspense this is definately a great book for you. I really enjoyed it, from start to finish!
danielle1990 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 7, 2014 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
This was an enjoyable read, I found the point of view of a (pre) teenage girl to be unique aspect of the plot, even though so much of the plot seemed to be lifted from DUNE or shades thereof, that I began to wonder if perhaps I've read the genre too long. Well, other reviewers will, typically, rehash the story line for those who want that type of preview; and I will offer that while entertaining, the book makes a good first novel for a series, and will be awaiting the second and third installments to see if something unique is forthcoming.
dmclane | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 1, 2014 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
As I have long suspected, the galaxy is in fact ruled by evil bug-eyed monsters.

Ambra Dawn, the teenage heroine of Reader, is taken from her home by the men in black suits. She is forced into a horrific institution where a benign tumour in her brain is fostered to help her grow an extra sense - not quite psychic but that sort of thing. She is taken from this hell by a squid-like alien who sells her to smugglers as a navigator/slave.

We find that this extra sense that her captors were developing, allows her to navigate between ancient, mysterious orbs - a sort of hyperspace jump. Mere humans turn out to be quite good at it so they are farmed by the aforementioned bug-eyed monsters.

The book drives along at a gripping, break-neck speed, reminiscent of some of Robert Heinlein's better juveniles but with a richer text. It should not be given to young readers however as some of the scenes are fairly bleak.

The only real criticism I have of the book is that the last part, where the heroine is attempting to undo the great catastrophe (which I won't tell you about here), slows down the pace significantly.

I think this is basically because Stebbins is attempting to condense into a few chapters what should really have been the second book. There is certainly enough material there to make a complete novel and a good one at that.

Nevertheless a fast-paced and compelling read. Recommended.
StephenHart | 6 weitere Rezensionen | May 31, 2014 |
I won Extraordinary Retribution through Goodreads. I’m very appreciative for the effort the author made in getting this book to me so quickly.
Generally, action isn’t a favourite genre of mine. But Extraordinary Retribution was a pretty good read. Incredibly fast-paced and engrossing, an interesting and well described plot, and the characters were easily emotionally accessible. I look forward to reading more by Stebbins in the future.½
reakendera | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 18, 2013 |
Emotional love story for kids and young souls.

I liked how the Stone was fighting for his love while was helping & protecting the beautiful garden.
florryalyna | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 8, 2013 |
Ambra Dawn has a brain tumor, but instead of removing it, "doctors" take her away from her parents to become a Reader for alien overlords most people don't even know exist. After multiple surgeries to expand her cranium to make room for this tumor that provides her with such a powerful sixth sense, Ambra is taken to become a navigator for spaceships using the "Orbs" - a network of hyperspace jump locations. Human beings as a species are largely seen as only useful for their large percentage of Readers. This all sounds terribly complicated (and it is), but it's not too confusing since we the audience are learning about this universe as Ambra does. Ultimately, Ambra learns to harness her power to the point where she can spearhead a revolution against these galactic oppressors. It's an interesting piece of science fiction, part Ender's Game, part something quite new. I liked the very non-human aliens and the attention to small details, like aliens having little understanding of what would be an acceptable atmosphere for human beings. I was less impressed by the "audience involvement" aspect of things near the end, but I am curious to see where the series goes. It is certainly unlike most other science fiction I have read, so if you're looking for something different from much of the rest of the genre, give this a try.
melydia | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 14, 2013 |
Reader: Erec Stebbins

When the past collides or intertwines with the future what exactly do you see? What happens when your life is no longer your own, the choices you normally would make are no longer an option and your world has become dark? Ambra Dawn awakened one morning to a world filled with sunshine and two parents who loved her. But, that was just you might say a mirage or an illusion as what would transpire next would do more than change her life but destroy the lives of those she loved. As he father tossed her up in the air and she experienced the feeling that she was floating or flying Ambra describes what she sees, hears and feels before landing in his arms. But, the expression on her mother’s face would more than tell a story that no one wanted to hear and no one could change. Three men in dark suits claiming to want to help Ambra in order to cure an illness within her brain were really there for another purpose. Within her mind she was able to see and feel things that no one else could. Early on as she relates the story and narrates it even her mother realized that she was different. She had what some might call a sixth sense. She could send her thoughts to the past and even reflect on the present. Within her dreams she would experiences events that most would shy away from, fear and not understand whereas Ambra new them as “strange and wild.” But, what was about to happen to her was terrifying. Why was she brought to the attention of as she puts it “the Dark Forces?” Was this a gift that she had or what was it? Within her brain she had a giant growth or tumor that was getting bigger and the people that took her and decided to enslave her and so many others did not care that it was growing. Sold into slavery she was beaten, prodded, tested and ignorant of her fate. As she describes the treatment she received you wonder why the cruelty, the hate for those so young and the real purpose that they had in torturing these children. Those able to understand what they saw and pass their tests just might survive and those that did not you can guess their fate. This might say is Survival of the fittest to the cruelest degree. Within Chapter 6 we are enlightened just a bit as one tester explains to her that she’s so special, her tumor so large and almost treats her as you might say some type of oddity. Operations to further their experiments and then the end result would me total blindness for this young girl. But, Ambra was strong, unique in her talent and what she finally realizes is her sixth sense and her skill as a Reader might get her through.

Erec Stebbins: Reader: One powerful novel that will make not only adults think about what happens when humans and aliens take it too far and decide who lives and who dies and teens might appreciate what they have after hearing what Ambra has to say. Ambra’s life was consumed with fear, tests, others controlling her movements. But, one thing that they could never take away is her spirit and her ability to seek out the past, revisit so many things that others would never be able to and foretell the future. At one point the past was so strong that the future was blocked.

Then, she and so many others were taken away and sent into orbit to work for a group and learn that she was someone’s property and that someone was there to examine her. If she failed well the consequences would be dire. Leaving where she was might not have been so bad until you, the reader learns more as so many were taken and the end result horrific. But, before leaving a revelation was made, a certain prayer you might say was revealed and Ambra knew what she must do. Her journey and the final destination is not anywhere anyone should be or would want to be. Just who are the Sortax, what is their goal and why did they need these children? As you read each chapter there is a profound saying and equation to whet the reader’s appetite before reading the events that befall Ambra and so many others. Page 67 is quite interesting as it begins with Leonhard Euler’s equation V-E+F=2. : To delve into the deepest mysteries of nature and discover the underlying truth has been denied us, but with the right imagination, a hypothesis may explain many phenomena.” Read the chapter to truly comprehend the meaning. Tests are all about scores, as you will learn within this chapter and what happens when Ambra’s fall guess?

We often have to compensate and use other skills to stay alive and survive. Ambra take readers on a journey within her thoughts, mind and hopes showing us how she uses her sixth sense, delves back in time to her personal experiences from the past and hopefully will understand the future. Her description of the trip to Point T her feeling about floating in space and her description of what she wants us to see as she witnesses her home sun and the feeling in her stomach alerts readers that danger was near and the fear instilled within her from the voices she heard was real. What she saw, witnesses and the odors and smells would defy all your senses and instill more than just fear in your heart. Two different universes were presented to her. Trying to understand the truths, the picture of a putrid world she faced and the indignities she was to face would send anyone over the edge.

When the Dram is defeated and Ambra is taken aboard another ship she learns more about her purpose, her powers and her future. Can she heal and find her way back to what she is supposed to be? Meet the XIX who were sent to rescue those along with Ambra that were abused and hopefully guide her to understand her place in the world as it is. However, she wants to return to Earth and learns more about the fate of the people there, the Dram revolution that took over her planet and hopefully she will be able to guide them into the future. But, things change and her powers do increase and even though she is able to guide them back home she soon learns the unhappy truth. Those that she formed a bond with no longer exist as the Dram once again take over and those that were kind to her perished. But, Ambra hears the voice of a friend, regains her strength, decides to defend her position and she is no longer allowing herself to be held at anyone’s mercy. Thel the one alien that befriended her met a terrible fate and now Waythrel an Xixian medic has taken over and she is about to learn Dram law and custom. Learning about the two religious castes on Dram, their civilization, the faiths and more created a conflict within her. Imagine hearing a conversation in one ear and a commentary in the other. Next, he explains the Orbs and which ones are vital to each religious caste. Imagine having to learn all of this as the author outlines it on pages 156-157, having to remember it all and then being questioned. What would the end result be and why would the XIX risk it all for her? She learned a startling revelation within this 26th chapter: reader and also a writer. What does that mean and how will that impact her future remains to be seen? Charges are presses against her and she is brought in front of the High Inquisitor. Ambra stands her ground and does not fall prey to what she is told. Will she face execution? Will she be tortured for refusing to give them what they want? Who will prevail: Believers or Naturalists? Which religious caste and what will the end result be? What happens to her will horrify you and help you understand the gravity and lengths these creatures will go to in order to get what they want? What they do to her is unforgiveable and when the Xixian medics examine her harsh truth is confirmed.

When Ambra faces her inquisitors and hears what they want the end result will surprise readers and let you know that Ambra just might have the upper hand. Can she take down the Dram? What is her plan? Will someone foil it or will Ambra finally see the future for what she wants it to be? What she does will mystify readers and what she is able to do to the Dram Emperor quite compelling. What happens to Earth and the end result is explosive? When the angel of death wins who dies? What is Ambra’s choice? Which world survives? Loyalties, deceits, betrayals and one young girl’s hope to live to save the lives of so many more. Ambra is blind yet she can see. The visions within her mind and her journey is compelling and when she comes to the harsh realizations that her visions are fading what her friend from the past is saying what will the end result be for everyone?

The final chapters will explain what happens as the Readers and our narrator explains how they became a closely-knit group and just where civilization winds up. Betrayed by her own kind, mutilated and then the sacrifices made to survive. What is next for our reader and who lives in the mind of the author? Minds and lives destroy what is next for Ambra? Her story must spread and you must endure her pain and take the journey with her. Author Erec Stebbins creates a plot so intricate, so complex and yet so simple that the reader or review understands that the world is not always what it seems, that your faith is often tested and the end result as he states: Do we dare to believe?

Take the journey and understand.
Fran Lewis: Reviewer
fran.lewis1 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | May 17, 2013 |
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