
C L Stegall

Autor von The Weight Of Night

2+ Werke 11 Mitglieder 5 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Bildnachweis: Self-shot image.

Werke von C L Stegall

The Weight Of Night (2011) 10 Exemplare

Zugehörige Werke



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When I sat down and read this book, I really did not know what to expect. It honestly took me a little while to get into the novel, but once I hit the meat of the story, I was pleasantly surprised at what I found. I found a story that sucked you into the middle of it without warning and without you even realizing what was happening. I found characters that were likable and believable. I instantly felt a connection to Alexis Rain as the events of her life unfolded and could feel the emotions as a palpable being rolling off of her throughout the novel as her story unfolded.

I do not hand out 4 star ratings lightly, and while there were a few grammatical and spelling errors within the novel, I still feel as though the rating is warranted. It is huge for me to be able to ignore minor grammatical errors and still enjoy a story. I have been referred to as the grammar Nazi based on other reviews. Poor grammar is the fastest way to get me to not enjoy a story and yet I found that this was of little consequence here.

I feel that this is a must read for everyone who is a fan of fantasy, or who has any interest in mythology. Aside from some minor language, I felt the story line was related in such a way to reach a very wide audience. There are some mature scenarios that one needs to take into consideration but, with careful discussion from a parent, even the youngest fantasy and mythology fans can enjoy this novel. I was able to share parts of it with my 9-year-old son who loves all things magical, mythical and historical. He was hooked and wanted to read the story too! This from the 9-year-old poster boy for ADHD and the attention span of a gnat!

So, go, buy the book, read it. Enjoy it. Tell your friends. You do not want to miss this one and I cannot wait to see what the author has in store in the future.
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destinyisntfree | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 23, 2021 |
When I sat down and read this book, I really did not know what to expect. It honestly took me a little while to get into the novel, but once I hit the meat of the story, I was pleasantly surprised at what I found. I found a story that sucked you into the middle of it without warning and without you even realizing what was happening. I found characters that were likable and believable. I instantly felt a connection to Alexis Rain as the events of her life unfolded and could feel the emotions as a palpable being rolling off of her throughout the novel as her story unfolded.

I do not hand out 4 star ratings lightly, and while there were a few grammatical and spelling errors within the novel, I still feel as though the rating is warranted. It is huge for me to be able to ignore minor grammatical errors and still enjoy a story. I have been referred to as the grammar Nazi based on other reviews. Poor grammar is the fastest way to get me to not enjoy a story and yet I found that this was of little consequence here.

I feel that this is a must read for everyone who is a fan of fantasy, or who has any interest in mythology. Aside from some minor language, I felt the story line was related in such a way to reach a very wide audience. There are some mature scenarios that one needs to take into consideration but, with careful discussion from a parent, even the youngest fantasy and mythology fans can enjoy this novel. I was able to share parts of it with my 9 year old son who loves all things magical, mythical and historical. He was hooked and wanted to read the story too! This from the 9 year old poster boy for ADHD and the attention span of a gnat!

So, go, buy the book, read it. Enjoy it. Tell your friends. You do not want to miss this one and I cannot wait to see what the author has in store in the future. Thanks to AToMR Blog Tours for a review copy.
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destinyisntfree | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 28, 2015 |
When I sat down and read this book, I really did not know what to expect. It honestly took me a little while to get into the novel, but once I hit the meat of the story, I was pleasantly surprised at what I found. I found a story that sucked you into the middle of it without warning and without you even realizing what was happening. I found characters that were likable and believable. I instantly felt a connection to Alexis Rain as the events of her life unfolded and could feel the emotions as a palpable being rolling off of her throughout the novel as her story unfolded.

I do not hand out 4 star ratings lightly, and while there were a few grammatical and spelling errors within the novel, I still feel as though the rating is warranted. It is huge for me to be able to ignore minor grammatical errors and still enjoy a story. I have been referred to as the grammar Nazi based on other reviews. Poor grammar is the fastest way to get me to not enjoy a story and yet I found that this was of little consequence here.

I feel that this is a must read for everyone who is a fan of fantasy, or who has any interest in mythology. Aside from some minor language, I felt the story line was related in such a way to reach a very wide audience. There are some mature scenarios that one needs to take into consideration but, with careful discussion from a parent, even the youngest fantasy and mythology fans can enjoy this novel. I was able to share parts of it with my 9 year old son who loves all things magical, mythical and historical. He was hooked and wanted to read the story too! This from the 9 year old poster boy for ADHD and the attention span of a gnat!

So, go, buy the book, read it. Enjoy it. Tell your friends. You do not want to miss this one and I cannot wait to see what the author has in store in the future. Thanks to AToMR Blog Tours for a review copy.
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destinyisntfree | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 28, 2015 |
This was a very interesting book. I wasn't sure what to expect when I read the synopsis, but it sounded intriguing, so I wanted to read the book. I am happy to say I was very pleasantly surprised by this novel. The story centers around Alexis and her best friend Keats. Alexis is 18 years old and she and Keats are about to graduate from high school. They have been best friends since they were 6 years old. Alexis has always known she was different. For example, she is super smart and seems to know the answer to every question asked, she only sleeps two hours a night, and she has this thing about being outside and staring in the night, at the stars. Keats is also on the genius level himself, and has a great sense of humor. He has been her rock, the one who keeps her grounded and out of trouble, taking up for her, protecting her, her only friend.

When Alexis' mother is killed in a car accident shortly before they graduate, things seem to be set into motion that change her destiny forever. As Keats begin to investigate his theories regarding Alexis and her abilities they begin to uncover more than they bargained for. Alexis confronts her father regarding a memory and finds that he knows a lot more than he let on, and that her whole life is not what it seems. As she and Keats investigate further, they are lead into the world of Greek mythology, with Gods, demigods, the progeny. Alexis is determined to find the killer who destroyed her family, but a evil God is determined to find her and use her abilities for his own purposes, and uses the one she loves the most to try to manipulate her into doing is bidding. Will she be able to stand up to this evil God and save the one she loves before it is to late?

Alexis is one kick butt heroine, and Keats isn't too bad at holding his own in that arena either. She makes some bad choices, but she is honest, devoted, loyal, and determined. I enjoyed the relationship between Alexis and Keats. They were best friends, knew each other about as well as they knew themselves, and were completely devoted to one another. There isn't a whole lot of romance in the book, but Alexis finally realizes how she feels about Keats, and Keats finally determines that he is going to tell Alexis how he feels about her. After the history is laid in the first couple of chapters, there is pretty much nonstop action. This book is definitely fast-paced and really keeps your interest. I really enjoyed Segall's take on mythology, and the Weight of Night is filled with it. If you enjoy fantasy and mythology, then The Weight of Night is one book you won't want to miss.
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alwaysyaatheart | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 20, 2012 |

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