182+ Werke 3,350 Mitglieder 37 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 2 Lesern


beskamiltar | Apr 10, 2024 |
This was surprisingly informative - considering the other works of the author. Well-researched and conveyed in an objective manner, this book wants to be taken seriously. And, indeed, there is little to nothing to find fault with.
nitrolpost | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 19, 2024 |
aeceyton | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 17, 2022 |
Though of Scandanavian heritage, the author was initated into the Seneca tribe as a medicine man, thus becoming one of the few white men so honored. His adventures into the strange (to outsiders) world of Indian magic rivals the experiences best selling author Carlos Castanada might have undergone.

Over the centuries, the native American priests have practiced a system of magic so powerful that it enables them to control the winds and the weather, to foresee coming events, and sometimes even to change the future. They have always possessed the ability to heal the sick, to walk over burning coals, to read minds, to send and receive telephathic thoughts, to communicate with the dead, speak to animals, and control others at a distance.

This book is a practical guide which teaches, among other things, the American Indian's way to perfection, telling the reader how to:

Hold your own 'Vision Quest'

Communicate with spirits and angels and get them to assist you in all that you desire

Take total control of every situation and, through a formal agreement with the forces of nature, receive incredible benefits that can turn your life around for the better

Prepare your own 'Medicine Bag' containing common objects that, after a simple ritual, becomes sacred and highly charged to the bearer.

Send out 'smoke signals' using your mind to contact and influence others many miles away

To date, Brad Steiger has written over 100 nonfiction books with a total of over 15 million copies of his works in circulation worldwide. His best known books to date in the area of psychic research include: The Love Force, about soul mates and reincarnation, Mysteries of Time and Space, The Divine Fire Gods of Aquarius-UFOS and The Transorrmation of Man, and the very popular 'Star People' series co-authored with his wife, Francie. Brad Steiger is also an accompished biographer and has produced works on Judy Garland, Garbo and the silent screen's greatest lover, Rudolf Valentino, the latter being made into a motion picture by British director Ken Russell. Steiger's co-scription of Unkonwn Powers won the Film Advisory Board's Award of Excellence in 1978. He is former teacher of world literature and journalism, and has appeared on countless radio and TV programs including the Mike Douglas and David Susskind shows. He resides in Phoenix, Arizona where he currently edits the True Psychic Inquirer, a nationally sold newstand magazine.


Chapter One Indian magic can work for you!
Chapter Two The invisible dead of many tribes
Chapter Three The phantom Sioux warrior who races trains
Chapter Four A midnight seance on an indian reservation
Chapter Five A haunted house on sacred burial grounds
Chapter Six The spirit world is always near
Chapter Seven The indian curse that destroyed a state capital
Chapter Eight The terrible power of the Chindi
Chapter Nine Indian witchcraft
Chapter Ten The legend of the white buffalo
Chapter Eleven The symbolism of four
Chapter Twelve Kahuna magic
Chapter Thirteen Do the Hopis hold the key to American magic
Chapter Fourteen The seven worlds
Chapter Fifteen Conduct our own spiritual vision quest
Chapter Sixteen New tribes for a new age
Chapter Seventeen the coming great purification and earth changes
Chapter Eighteen Transform your ife through indian magic
AikiBib | 1 weitere Rezension | May 29, 2022 |
Train yourself to interpert dreams, heal the sick or travel out of body. These occult feats defy the logic of our modern world, yet they can be potent force in your life. The author, a well-known authority on psychic and occult experiences, shows how a knowledge of 'Huna,' an ancient Hawaiian religion, helps you master feats of occult magic.

Kahuna Magic is abased on the work of Max Freedom Long, a religious historian and psychic who first discovered the secrets of the Kahuna priests. Read what happened to one christian clergyman when he challenged a local Kahuna, or the young Hawaiian who defied a native taboo against entertainment in a certan temple. You'll also be able to explore the lomilomi and other healing techniques.

Steiger incorporates many concepts of the Western psychlogical tradition of Jung and Freud, and you'll discover that the Kahunas had known for thousands of years much of the psychology we have come to know in the last few years. He also relates the importance of Kahuna methods in dealing with phobias, depression, and mental illness.

Of special interest is the central concept that each person has three selves: the low self or emotive self, the self-operating or middle self, the spiritual being or high self. Learn how these three dimensions of self affect all levels of human behavior.

With this unique guidebook, you can teach yourslef the ancient Kahuna techniques. Use them to foresee the future, to increase your wealth, to control the weather and other ways to encrich your life. As the author says, 'I want readers to discover their ability to apply some of the psychic secrets employed by the Kahunas.'

Brad Steiger, an internationally known psychic researcher, has authored more than 80 books in the metaphysical, psychic and inspirational fields. The motion picture rights for two of his books, The Chindi and the Hypnotist, have recently been sold. Steiger was also a writer of Unknown Powers, a 1978 film that won the Film Advisory Board's Award of Excellence.

Some of his other works include True Ghost Stories, Astral Projection, Mysteries of Time and Space, Atlantis Rising and The Star People series. He and his wife Francie, a well-known psychic, live in Scottsville, Arizona.


1 Hawaiian words used in huna magic
2 How huna may be a workable system of magic for everyone
3 How the kahunas used the great ha prayer rite
4 How the three souls of man direct the force of huna
5 How the kahunas practiced telepathy and mind reading
6 Astral projection in the huna system
7 How to deal with the vital force of the kahuna death prayer
8 How the kahunas foresaw the future
9 How huna regarded the question of sin
10 The kahuna method of instant healing
11 The life-giving secrets of lomilomi
12 The horrid things of darkness
13 How the kahunas treated insanity
14 Max Freedom Long reveals huna's secret within a secret
15 Publications devoted to huna research (bibliography)
Appendix I-The ten basic elements in kahuna magic
Appendix II
AikiBib | 1 weitere Rezension | May 29, 2022 |
Amazing but true! With the anceint rites of kahuna magic you can... Heal the sick Control the weather Foresee and manipulate the future Reads minds and practice telepathy Reaise the dead Ward off evil Interpret dreams Develop a superior inteligence Obtain money and love Experience out-of-body travel With this unique guide you can tran yourself to master these and many other acts of occult magic. Here the supernatural art of an ancient religion is described in terms you can easily understand. Now, at last, the Secrets of Kahuna Magic are revealed to all who wish to defy the bonds of time, space and mortality. Contents Introduction Chapter 1 Hawaiian words used in huna magic Chapter 2 How huna may be a workable system of magic for everyone Chapter 3 How the kahunas used the great Ha prayer rite Chapter 4 How the three souls of man direct the force of huna Chapter 5 The ten basic elements in kahuna magic Chapter 6 How the kahunas practiced telepathy and mind reading Chapter 7 Astral projection in the huna system Chapter 8 How to deal with the vital force of the kahuna death prayer Chapter 9 How the kahunas foresaw the future Chapter 10 How huna regarded psychological complexes and the questions of sin Chapter 11 The kahuna method of instant healing Chapter 12 The life-giving secrets of lomilomi Chapter 13 The horrid things of darkness Chapter 14 How the kahunas teated insanity Chapter 15 Max Feedom Long reveals the secret within a secret and the practical use of huna magic Chapter 16 Publications devoted to huna research
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
2 or 3 page entries on virtually everything you wanted to know about everything hidden or questionable. Very well indexed.
Mapguy314 | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 22, 2022 |
I did enjoy this book even though at times it read more like an encyclopedia. Some more real pictures would have been nice, even if they were a bit blurry and ill defined. The numerous drawings seemed ridiculous at times and more like something that belonged in a 1950's pulp magazine or something.
mmtrick | Oct 23, 2019 |
This wasn’t my cup of tea at all. The information from witnesses to strange phenomena was interest and I liked reading Gene Roddenberry’s views on life and our place in the Universe. But there was just to much New Age clap trap and people who believe they are from Venus or another dimension. It’s surprising what people will believe.
Arkrayder | Jun 26, 2019 |
I never thought a book about zombies could be so boring.
rabbit-stew | Mar 29, 2019 |
This is a collection of Inspirational TRUE stories about our lovable, furry friends...our DOGS(Puppies)
SABC | Mar 9, 2019 |
There comes a time in every person's life when they discover a book they know they will love. They see the title and the cover and are instantly intrigued. With trembling hands they pull it from the case and read the back.

YOUR PET IS A SPACE ALIEN the text will scream from the back.

I had no idea, really. One in five pets in an alien from outer space? Which of my 8 hedgehogs falls into that classification? Inquiring minds need to know.

Yes, this book was every bit as ridiculous as I hoped for. I learned how to discover my pets Power Number, how to name it to correspond with its Power Number and keep it spiritually aligned. I learned how to discover my Totem Animal by visualizing myself as a Native American doing mundane tasks.

Truly an enlightening book.

It isn't as if science could explain almost every story within it....

I do appreciate the fact they acknowledge that animals are smarter than we think.

Very entertaining read.
Lepophagus | Jun 14, 2018 |
So, this was obviously repackaged (actually I'm not entirely sure if this is the writer's earlier Sex and the Supernatural or a completely different book, but I believe so) to take advantage of the popularity of Rosemary's Baby. There's even a short chapter in the end specifically talking about the young director's (Polanski! before everything) technically brilliant, if wrong on witchcraft, movie.

Anyway, it is more evenhanded than I would have expected from something that is obviously... the literary equivalent of "The Big Bird Cage" or any of those other sexpoiltation movies. Not that anyone is expecting like, a detailed history or intellectual rigor when picking up this thin book. Haha, maybe a different kind of "rigor," YKWIM? It's not exactly terrible, though obviously none of the stories within should be taken as completely factual. I mean, I give props to the writer, Brad Steiger, for writing like, 50 books... and he is still writing! Another book of his comes out this year (2013). But whenever I did I quick google search on a particularly interesting story it turns out to be a lot less titillating than presented, if I could find anything at all. Like, apparently that whole San Francisco story, about a vigilante group in the old west being sekret satanists!! was actually written by the original writer to be historical fiction, not fact. And then it was "discovered" by some author in the 60s and taken as OMG fer realz. And then it ended up in this book. Aaaahahaha. But what the hell was I looking for reading this book, restraint? Whatever.

But there are interviews with pagans/occultists, and they are presented as reasonable, philosophical people. So not terrible.
Joanna.Oyzon | Apr 17, 2018 |
So surprised she gave this to me. Good for my inquiring mind. Us vs . them. Eye- opening. This explains why everything is not the way it should be. We are on our own.½
jenniebooks | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 7, 2017 |
I enjoyed reading this book. I believe in ghosts.
dstawarz | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 29, 2013 |
My favorite month out of the year is Halloween and it is never a wrong time to read ghosts stories. Although it is not October yet, I still love to occasionally soak up a good tale. This book is a an accumulation of different stories that all sorts of people have experienced throughout the world. It is quite thick so it will take some time to read, but it is worth it. I highly recommend this book and think it brings something fun to the table for those that are avid lovers of the paranormal.
Jennifer35k | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 18, 2013 |
This book presents us with a few practical guidance’s into past life exploration. There's this scientific attitude in the study and verifications of reincarnation. It's a great read for people who are more serious about this topic and want a little more advanced approaches and backgrounds into past life research and experience.

If you ever wonder why you fear things, don't like certain people or where birthmarks come from, this book on reincarnation will answer these questions and spark your interest. Author Brad and Francie Steiger offers an in depth look at past lives and ways to remember them.

This book has been so powerful at making sense of what I was already thinking and feeling. I found the way they explained things such as why we are here and to let life happen has put my life in a perspective with such harmony and joy that now I enjoy my life as an adventure more than ever. It helps to have direct exercises to open our spirit to become more in tune with why we are learning the lessons that are in our life now.

This was an interesting book that really fired the curiosity about learning about your past lives. This book somehow taught me to live a healthier lifestyle, to be happier and really enjoy my life, my friends, and my family. I'm now reading it for the 2nd time and I'm enjoying it just as much as the first time.

I was given this book on Schiffer Publishing.
MaryAnn12 | May 28, 2013 |
This is a collection of true canine stories. The dogs in this very poignant book have all been lost, but unbelievably found their way home. Finding the homes and families that they knew they belonged with drove them onward.

The canine instincts and intuition of these amazing dogs helped them against seemingly insurmountable odds. These stories also highlight the intelligence and courage of the “family dog”.

Fighting natural disasters, predators, injuries, unknown conditions of both weather and terrain, these dogs not only survived but persevered until attaining their goal of reunion with their family.

Following a tornado, Mason the terrier crawled home on two broken legs. Buca sat for over two months on a Utah hill, overlooking an Interstate, waiting for his family car to return for him. A Beagle named Eddie walked over 450 miles to reunite and help his disable little boy. These are just some of the examples of canine love and loyalty.

The book is filled with heartwarming stories. I highly recommend this book to animal lovers, especially those who have ever loved and been loved by a dog.½
nightprose | Apr 24, 2013 |
I've just downgraded my rating on this book from 3 to 2, based on having read it again after 30-odd years. Really, it should be a 1 star, but I've succumbed to a nostalgic leniency.

On its own terms, and if you subscribe to the authors' beliefs in UFOs as highly advanced flying craft of a super-intelligent race, then it probably rates 4 stars. And, on its own terms, it is an enjoyable read. However, as it purports to be "the truth" I don't see how anybody with a reasonable degree of the critical faculty could accept it as such (which I did when I was 10 years old, but not now), hence my low rating.

An example of the authors' incredulity, whether simply naïve or wilful, is that of the "Eltanin Antenna": the Eltanin was an Antarctic research vessel that in 1964 was surveying the ocean floor by dragging along the sea-bed a camera which periodically took photographs. One of those photographs was of an object (the authors call it "a device" from the outset) estimated to be about 2 feet tall with a number of evenly-spaced spokes radiating along its length, each terminating in a small globe. The Eltanin scientists were not immediately able to identify the object, when ufologists stepped in and proclaimed it be non-human-technology: an antennae made to study the earth's seismic activity and transmit the data to its unknown creators for unknown (but impliedly sinister) reasons. In fact, the "antenna" had been scientifically described decades earlier from examples dredged from the sea-floor. It was a type of sponge, scientific name Cladorhiza concrescens. It had never before been photographed in its natural setting, hence the initial difficulty in identifying it. A quick internet search found - an article in the Fortean Times and - an article on the Treehugger website - with more recent and better quality photos of the sponge in its habitat.

Now, hindsight is a marvellous thing and it's easy to mock the theories of those past commentators who did not have access to our store of knowledge. However, in the face of the unknown you can either theorise within the realm of the possible, even if improbable, based upon the foundation of what is known to science, or let your fancy take flight and indulge yourself in unfounded speculation. The authors and their ilk do the latter, hammering together ill-fitting pieces of various enigmas to create a collage of the picture they already have in their minds.

In the face of scientific advance, it seems there are a range of possible responses:
1. Accept the new findings and abandon your previous theory;
2. Ignore the new findings and continue with your previous theory as if nothing new had been found;
3. Accept the new findings but remove your theoretical construct to another area in which science has yet to form a definite view;
4. Denounce the new findings as a cover-up and use them as evidence of a conspiracy designed to silence the "true believers".

Sadly, despite their belief in "advanced science" and therefore, presumably, the scientific method, many ufologists seem reluctant to adopt response 1 and all too ready to adopt the other responses.

It was interesting for me, personally, to revisit these haunts of my youth, but I don't think it will be a trip I need to make again.
Michael.Rimmer | Mar 30, 2013 |
This is a sweet and varied collection of tales about cats, ranging from the miraculous to the famous to world records. Most of the stories are quick, lasting only 2-5 pages, and entertaining. My only complaint about the book would be that I would have loved to see pictures of at least some of the cats (though I'm sure that would have raised the price of the book...). In the end, I enjoyed the stories, and wandered through this book at a leisurely pace, often holding one of my own felines while reading.½
whitewavedarling | Jan 8, 2013 |
If you want to take your study of werewolves and other shape shifters out of fiction and into the realms of history, science and the occult this is the books to start with. Not only does The Werewolf Book have entries on all manner of shape shifting beings from myth, and accounts of supposed real life were-critters, it also encompasses the books and movies that influenced the image of shape shifting and werewolves throughout history and made it what it was today.
Nothing is treated as trivial, not even the effect comedy, such as Abbot and Costello's monster movies, has had on the mythos. And while the encyclopedia isn't exhaustive in its entries it does offer a plethora of titles to seek out for further research. Certainly a core directive in the study of shape shifting beings The Werewolf Book is an essential part of collections that cater to researchers, occultists or fictionists.
Contains: some disturbing descriptions of witch trials and tortures
Michele_lee | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 27, 2010 |
This rather credulous account of the founder of Eckankar's apparent spiritual attainment, including accounts of miraculous healings, control of the weather, and more; and his sage spiritual advice to devotees, is made all the more fascinating after one reads more critical accounts written later, uncovering Twitchell's rather 'unenlightened' background and his profuse plagiarizing of the metaphysical written works of others.

That the spiritual movement of Eckankar continues to this day (despite many disheartened defectors, and its label of 'cult') is proof that Twitchell nevertheless touched, however imperfectly, some aspect of our connection to Source that people are hungry for. However, I'd venture to say that the lesson is--no one can have true spiritual growth from cheating off his neighbor's test, or by reading the Cliff Notes!½
seagreen | Mar 3, 2010 |
This is a nice book, but it is obvious that the author did not do much fact checking or much research. It's all true, but for a certain value of true.
fullyarmedvishnu | Jan 20, 2010 |
Great book! Nice and thick, so lots of good, scary stories. Only a few too gruesome to read - most were fine. Perhaps not well-researched, but wonderfully chill-inducing.
Jaie22 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 24, 2009 |