
Katie W. Stewart

Autor von Mark of the Dragon Queen

9 Werke 105 Mitglieder 9 Rezensionen


Werke von Katie W. Stewart

Mark of the Dragon Queen (2012) 38 Exemplare
Treespeaker (2011) 27 Exemplare
The Dragon Box (2011) 19 Exemplare
The Troll Trap (Smelly Trolls) (2013) — Illustrator — 14 Exemplare
Orlando's Gift (2012) 2 Exemplare
Famous Animals: Volume 1 (2015) 2 Exemplare
The First Trollogy (Smelly Trolls) (2013) — Illustrator — 1 Exemplar






I was surprised that I enjoyed Treespeaker. It is not an action packed traditional fantasy novel and that is what I usually read. The writing is excellent as is the world building. It is the characters who suck you into the story - they are complex and believable. It is a very spiritual tale, with an environmental message underlying it. Though it was not my usual type of read I really did enjoy it.
tracymjoyce | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 16, 2017 |
Dangerous children eating trolls; a genius but mad scientist; and a group of unsuspecting schoolchildren on a trip to Splendiferous Science Park, with enough weird and wonderful exhibits to exercise all the senses of any young adventurer.
A chase through the internal anatomy of the Rumbling Giant provides a science lesson while it entertains. I laughed as one child found that her only escape from a pursuing troll was … well, through the “great big, round pink bottom” of the exhibit.

Rosen Trevithick is very good at creating vivid images in the mind. At times as I read the book the images were as intense as in films such as Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. I began to see how Disney could build a Mr Splendiferous Science Park where even big kids like me could play.
You should try to read this on an eBook that displays in colour to fully experience Katie W. Stewart’s magical cover illustration.

If you want to open up your child’s imagination to the imagery that words can create and watch them laugh at the same time, then I’d highly recommend Mr Splendiferous and the Troublesome Trolls for reading to younger children, with the voices of course, and older children can entertain themselves with it. I’ve even heard that in England children are making trolls of their own.
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George_Hamilton | Sep 12, 2014 |
Originally reviewed at Witchmag's Boekenplank

I wasn’t that enamored with this story and it took me several attempts to finish it. There were just too many things that annoyed me, mainly someone named Kira. Your typical YA heroine without brains, or at least the ability to use them. And this behavior started right at the start. Cause how is it otherwise possible to think that, when you overhear a person talking about busting someone out of prison, it must be your dad they are talking about? He isn’t the only one in jail, you know. She really talked through her hat most of the story. And don’t let me get started about her egoistic and oh-my-god-did-she-really-do-that-? behavior, cause that was even worse.

Her father has similar problems, so I guess it runs in the family? Although his problem is that he wants to save EVERYONE. Which usually ends with more victims than when they started. Oh and don’t forget Aurun, who also seems to have problems with grasping the consequences of his actions. His biggest mistake is not tying Kira to a tree and instead letting her tag along. So much could have been prevented!

Okay enough about them, let’s talk about something more fun: dragons! Dragons are apparently wise and very dangerous creatures that inhabit the world Kira lives in. Then why did I get the feeling they were no more than lap-dogs who arrive at even the slightest sign of danger to save the day? I hoped so much more! Something in line with Saphira from Eragon. That’s what I call a wise and dangerous creature. But instead I got large lap dogs. *Sigh*

There also seems to be a lack of feelings for friends and acquaintances who get injured or die. Okay, Kiri is sad for a couple of seconds, before she continues her merry way. Where is the commitment? Those people / dragons died for you! The least you could do is give a moments thought about what they did and meant for you! I got the feeling that the only individuals that mattered where Father, Auran, Jan and his wife. Cause the world seemed to end if they got but the littlest scratch. Talk about priority!

Despite all above I still managed to give this 2 hearts. Why? Because the world they live in is interesting. That’s what kept my attention while reading the book. I really liked the idea of the crystals and what Kira’s role will be. It’s a refreshing take on the whole wizard / mage / magic experience.


2 HEARTS. The main characters annoyed me, especially Kira, with their thoughtless behavior. I didn’t like how the dragons are portrayed like lap-dogs. There also was a significant lack of feelings when somebody died. So why did I give it 2 hearts? That’s because of the world building. I really liked the crystals and what they do. And because I managed to finish it, without throwing it through the room ;)
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Iris-Boekenplank | Dec 8, 2013 |
Let me start by saying that this book probably wasn't written for me. You see I'm not a child and this is a children's story. There are some that would argue that really I am still a kid who has just kept growing over the years, but what do they know?

Now some would say that an adult shouldn't read a story intended for children and to them I say "Phooey! You're talking out of your pooh hole!" If people listened to such talk then they would miss gems like this. In some ways it was quite refreshing to read a story that is essentially pure, it lives in the imagination. Although on a few occasions I wonder if it was actually a clever allegory about immigration and new people adjusting to life in a strange land.

Whether that is the case or not is irrelevant, this is a fun story. Well written and full of the wonder I remember seeing in the world as a young boy. The book is illustrated with some charming cartoons. Well worth a read no matter what size child you are.
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MichaelBrookes | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 18, 2013 |



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