
Masterson Elementary Students

Autor von September 12th: We Knew Everything Would Be All Right

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Werke von Masterson Elementary Students






This book was written by a class in response to 9/11. I find it really powerful because it follows the hope that young students have even after catastrophes. They wrote about the things they can think of that make them feel safe and grateful at the end of the day. This is a really sweet book that should be used not as an alternative to the facts about 9/11 but as a follow up. This could also be a great lead in for a writing project about gratitude.
Kyliehentschke | 21 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 24, 2018 |
This book is a tearjerker. It is written by a first grade class about 9/11. As a student who was in first grade when 9/11 happened, I can relate to this more than a lot of people would. I definitely teared up as I was reading this book but I don't think anyone should miss this book!
moore.allie1 | 21 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 29, 2016 |
When you feel like the world will never be put right again after a tragedy, read this book. First graders remind us that the sun will come up in the morning and world will keep spinning. We can mourn our losses after tragedy, but we have to remember that everything will be all right.
Katie_Manna | 21 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 31, 2016 |
This book, September 12th, is an excellent book for children, and for parents to read to children. It is written from the point of view from the child, the illustrations are very useful, and it talks about a real topic. This book was written by a 1st grade class about the terrorist attach on the world trade center in 2001. These students were telling the story of what happened on September 12th and why they knew everything was going to be alright. For example, "September 12th was a new day. We knew everything would be alright because[,] the sun came up and the birds started to sing." These are things that children notice after a terrible thing happens, so this makes sense to a child and they would connect with the book. In addition, the illustrations in the book are excellent and match wonderfully with the text. For example, "Our teacher sat and read us lots of good books." The illustration is a class sitting on the floor with the teacher sitting in a chair with a book in her hand. The pictures mirrors the words which is the way a picture book should be; also this is great for younger children who may not read well yet. Finally, this book discusses a real topic: 9/11 which was the terrorist attach on the world trade center, and many other U.S.government buildings. This is a talk parents need to have with their children so they know terrible things to happen, however everything will eventually be alright. This book is a great way to introduce a young child to terrorism, but also informing them that even though bad things happen, everything will eventually go back to normal and be okay.… (mehr)
rprotz2 | 21 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 25, 2016 |

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