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Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
"A Black and Solemn Silence" by Danielle Thompson is an engrossing tale of shape-shifting kitsune, forbidden love, and the complexities of morality. The story centers on Kuro, a kitsune who enjoys the peace of the mountains alongside his ally Jaden, a demon with sinister ambitions. The tranquility of Kuro's life is shattered when a photograph threatens to expose him, compelling him to venture into the human world to prevent its publication.

Thompson excels in character development, particularly with Kuro, who is torn between his aversion to violence and his instinct for survival. His internal struggle is intensified by his relationship with Jaden, whose dark tendencies are a constant reminder of the path Kuro refuses to take. This dynamic sets the stage for a gripping narrative that explores the tension between one's nature and one's choices.
The novel's setting, transitioning from the secluded mountains to the bustling city of Asheville, adds layers of intrigue and danger. Kuro's encounter with Caroline Lahey, a police secretary who inadvertently captures him, is a pivotal moment that drives much of the plot's tension. Caroline's initial hostility and subsequent interactions with Kuro provide a compelling enemies-to-lovers arc, filled with suspense and emotional depth.
Thompson's writing captures the nuances of Kuro's precarious situation as he balances his need to keep Caroline safe from Jaden while concealing his own true nature. The theme of trust and deception is central to the story, creating a complex web that Kuro must navigate. The romance between Kuro and Caroline is a slow burn, built on mutual respect and a gradual understanding of each other's worlds.
The inclusion of adult themes and the cliffhanger ending suggest a series that will continue to delve into the darker aspects of Kuro's world. Thompson's narrative is rich with tension and moral ambiguity, making "A Black and Solemn Silence" a thought-provoking read.
Overall, "A Black and Solemn Silence" is a beautifully crafted urban fantasy that blends paranormal elements with deep emotional resonance. Danielle Thompson's ability to weave a story that is both thrilling and contemplative makes this a must-read for fans of slow-burn romance and complex character dynamics. This first installment in the Color by Numbers series promises a journey that is as challenging as it is captivating.
Araskov | 2 weitere Rezensionen | May 23, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
This book was gritty. I read about a quarter but was not griped or convinced. It is all hardhsip and pain and violence and no glimpses of levity at all.
Stephanie2024 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 16, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Very interesting read. Kuro was my favorite character I really liked how he was processing new emotions and thoughts he had never experienced before. The shape shifting element was fantastic and I’m really curious to find out more about kitsune. Check this book out if you enjoy reading paranormal romance with shape shifting!
Avy9891 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 26, 2024 |
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