
Joanne LaRe Thompson

Autor von A Date with the Devil

4 Werke 7 Mitglieder 3 Rezensionen

Werke von Joanne LaRe Thompson



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This is the second book in the series. If you haven't read the first book of this series, then don't read this one until you do. You will have no clue as to what is going on and it will only frustrate you. Once you've read that one, come back for this one.

We pick up right where CCC left off. Sasha is driving Tavin away from Alex's house. He's so angry at her, and Tavin is broken up about it. He just doesn't understand what's going on and what just happened. He thinks that she purposely did what he thought she did, but the fact is that she had no choice. She's devasted, but at least Sasha, who knows most of what's going on, is there to help her.

Alex, on the other hand, really has no one to help him. All his friends are telling him good riddance to bad rubbish. He's just lost and floundering and knows that all he wants is Tavin. When he learns more about her story, his viewpoint is completely changed.

While it may look like this story is about a whole lot of things, what it breaks down to, at least for me, is what love is. The question is can someone love someone else no matter what horrible things they've done in their lives or been forced to do? Can that someone actually believe that they are loved and that they deserved to be loved? No matter what's going on, that's what Sweetened Suffering is to me, one person loving another unconditionally and fighting to deal with horrible things that have happened to the person that they loved. Alex sometimes gets really angry at what happened, which does sometimes scare Tavin, but he's rarely angry at her, more like angry for her. Totally different thing. Even through some extreme tests, he doesn't change and he tells her that he will always love her.

Charity has followed up CCC, which was an amazing debut, with a book that holds its own against that first book. That can be hard to do, especially with as strong a showing her first book had. But, she manages it quite well.
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tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
Oh man. The final book out of Charity B's Sweet Treats series is just amazing. It fits in with the rest of the series so well. It gives us some backstory for Toben and Tavin, and gives us some context into what happens to them in the first two books.

Toben and Tavin are best friends from the moment he gets shoved into the basement where she's been kept her entire life. A few months later, everything changes and their bond goes from being just best friends to being the other half of each other's soul. They spend 5 long years locked in that basement together, with only each other for support.

There are so many layers and levels in this book. Charity B has done something that a lot of veteran authors would have a hard time with, coming up with a story that is so involved and so deep and one that makes you feel for a character that might otherwise be completely hateable. It's a true talent to do that. Charity does it so well. I look forward to seeing what else she has to come, because I think it's going to be great.
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tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
Hidden is Stephanie's second book in the McKenzie Ridge series & her second published book. Colton is a firefighter & is hot, sexy & determined. One way or another, he is going to get to know Megan, even if only as friends. Megan has only been in town for a few months but loves the town. No one knows what brought her into town but they all like her even though they sense she has secrets.

It really feels like Stephanie is a seasoned, established author rather than just publishing her second book. Her writing style is descriptive & well established. The plot is easy to follow with twists, turns & surprises to keep you on your toes. There is a intense, sexy, hot chemistry between Megan & Colton that defies common sense with the secrets Megan holds. These characters are complex & driven. Stephanie has a way of developing the main characters & supporting cast that enables you to see the friendship, concern & love they have for each other. I was drawn into the plot right from the beginning & couldn't put it down until the end. I hate the wait until Book 3!!

I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest opinion.
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Pam50627 | Sep 14, 2016 |

