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Über den Autor

Gregory Alan Thornbury (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) serves as dean of the School of Theology and Missions, vice president for spiritual life, and professor of philosophy at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee.

Werke von Gregory Alan Thornbury



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This biography was about the rise of Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) and about one of the founding godfathers of that genre, Larry Norman. Larry Norman was a rising rock star who looked and acted the part - at first. He was a virtuoso guitar player and poet. He counted among his friends Bono and Cliff Richard. His work was admired by Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. (All of these were his contemporaries as well as musical voyagers of the same era.) He grew up a Christian and his early work, while secular, was heavily influenced by his faith, but also by Elvis Presely and the Beatles. He was determined to make it as a Rock Star. He had the rugged good looks needed for the part, and a striking mane of long white blond hair - naturally that color. He looked like the quintessential California surfer boy rock star. He was a consummate showman. His concerts were events and contributed to his growing mystic and eventually his legend. A conversion experience in his early years as a Rock Star led him to a life as the founder of a new kind of music - Christian rock. The title for the book comes from one of his Christian rock anthems for which he became famous. He was also the person who trademarked the "One Way" sign of the single finger pointing upwards that became associated with the Jesus movement.

In his early days it was very hard to get a contract to produce Christian rock and the established Christian recording companies didn't know what to do with rock. For that reason he started his own recording company. He also started his own booking agency and became not only the first star of the Christian rock scene, but also one of its founding executives. This sounds like a success story. It wasn't. Norman had a difficult personality and two difficult marriages that devolved into scandal. There were sex scandals, drug scandals, and business scandals that followed him throughout his career. He spent large chunks of his life in Britain and found a following in Europe, particularly in Britain and the Scandinavian countries and he felt like it was a case of a prophet in his own country syndrome. He died in the early 2000's from congestive heart failure in his early 60's. Bono and Paul McCartney sent flowers to his funeral.

The book covered and area of the music industry that tends to not be taken seriously even though sales are now through the roof and CCM is a big, and still growing, part of the music industry. That meant that the subject was of interest. However, there were times, when the writing just wasn't that scintillating. The author is a reporter who covers the CCM part of music, and he admitted in the first pages of the book that he was a Larry Norman fan. Even so, there were parts of the book that were mundane when the life of Larry Norman was very exciting and cutting edge. In short, this book could have been more, but it was still a good 250 page introduction with endnotes and references.
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benitastrnad | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 11, 2019 |
Slanted look at the life of Christian rock musician, Larry Norman, by those who loved him and his music. Like other musical biopics, there are drugs, sexual encounters, and groupies. What is different is the gospel and prayer Norman includes in his music and everyday life. The book provides a good introduction to his life and exposure to the creation of Christian rock.
bemislibrary | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 2, 2018 |
Summary: Addressing an evangelical context that seemingly has lost a sense of its identity, core convictions, and model for cultural engagement, the author commends a re-appraisal of the work of Carl F. H. Henry as a source of wisdom for the future.

It seems there are numerous books being published at present addressing what is perceived the parlous state of the contemporary church in America. They seem to fall into two camps. Either they recommend innovation, or they call for a return or recovery of some lost tradition, whether the church fathers, Benedict, or the Reformers.

This book, written particularly for that part of the church that would identify as "evangelical" proposes that the way forward is to recover the philosophical, theological, and cultural vision of the movement birthed in the post-World War II years. This was the time of the founding of Christianity Today as a periodical of both evangelical conviction and theological and intellectual heft, befitting the concerns of two of its' founders, Billy Graham and Carl F. H. Henry. This work focuses on the work of Henry, who was evangelicalism's leading theologian, probably until his death in 2003.

Thornbury hardly consider's Henry to be perfect, and in the first chapter enumerates some of the flaws in both his personality and work. He also chronicles the "drubbing" Henry has faced from scholars criticizing his commitments to inerrancy, his epistemology, and more. Furthermore, what may be his most significant work, his six-volume systematic theology, God, Revelation, and Authority is also largely unread and unknown, particularly because few got beyond its first, densely written volume. Yet Thornbury commends Henry as a model of someone who brought a Christian mind to bear on both the theological and cultural questions facing evangelicalism, and as one whose example and advocacy paved the way for renewed efforts to bring Christian thought to bear in the academy and the culture.

The focus of Thornbury's discussion is volumes two and four of God, Revelation, and Authority (hereafter GRA) and Henry's much more approachable The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism. He focuses on four significant contributions of Henry that he believes deserve renewed attention. First was his rooting epistemology in a God who reveals God's self and does so in language and propositions. Second was that theology matters, and here, he focuses his discussion around the fifteen theses found in volume two of GRA. He engages the theology of speech-act theory and the work of Hans Frei and Kevin Van Hoozer, and still comes back to the idea that while language may do more than what Henry allowed, it does no less--that we may find more than just theological propositions arising from the scripture, but for a God who reveals God's self effectively, we will find no less.

For Henry, the inerrancy of scripture, so much under fire even in evangelical circles today, was of utmost concern because of its connection to the authority. His concerns were not merely liberal criticism, but the hermeneutical relativism of Continental philosophy. It was not that Henry was unmindful of both problem texts in scripture and the fallibility of interpreters. Rather, he was convinced that concessions here would cast a shadow over the whole of scripture and the Church's proclamation.

Finally, The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism was a kind of manifesto that brought to bear biblical thought on the social, political, and economic issues of the day. It lead to the recovery of a social conscience that had been lost in the fundamentalist retreat from society. It provided an argument that culture, and cultural engagement that was not culture war mattered deeply.

Thornbury concludes by arguing that our evangelical roots matter. To unthinking shift from these or to live cut off from our roots can be fatal. To re-examine these roots, in this case the roots provided by the work of Carl F. H. Henry, is not necessarily to affirm that these roots are adequate, but rather important and not to be neglected. It strikes me that in growing things, roots continue to grow as well as the plant above ground, and the plant draws nourishment from an growing root system, both new roots and old.

I have to admit that I have not paid attention to Henry in recent years, paying more heed to newer thinkers. Yet this book reminds me of the personal debt I owe him, and those like him. As a young Christian working in the university context, Christianity Today, which in the seventies still reflected Henry's intellectual influence and heft, was a great encouragement that I could both believe and think, that I could root my thought in a trustworthy and authoritative revelation that provided the foundation to wrestles with the deepest questions being asked in the university world. I could root a commitment to justice and compassion in the care and standards God established for human societies, and the words of the prophets who called a straying people back to such things. Reading Thornbury, I realized that I have often heard but never read Uneasy Conscience. It now sits on my TBR pile. Look for a review.
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BobonBooks | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 11, 2017 |
David Neff's review in B&C 11-12/13: foundations of evangelicalism revisited; "His project is positive: to rehabilitate the philosophical, theological, and ethical work of Christianity Today's first editor. " "Henry's message still rings true: the lack of social conscience is a scandal, while the failure to ground social conscience in a revealed gospel is courting disaster." "I welcome Thornbury's assertion that 'the greatest witness to the truth of an inspired and inerrant Bible will be a loving, gospel-motivated church engaged with the concerns, [ills,] joys, and sorrows of the planet around them.'"

Jurassic Evangelicalism
The legacy of Carl F. H. Henry.

Greg Thornbury, newly appointed president of The King's College, thinks theologian Carl F. H. Henry is a dinosaur—but a dinosaur whose DNA can be reanimated a la Jurassic Park. In Recovering Classic Evangelicalism, Thornbury attempts to re-establish the evangelical movement's genetic link to Henry.

Thornbury has written his book for readers like me—evangelicals who have not actually read Henry's six-volume God, Revelation, and Authority, but who have been turned off by its reputation as a cool, rationalistic, and impressively dense opus that reduces the truth of the Bible to a set of logical propositions. This reputation is the opposite of Pascal's heart-cry, "Fire. / 'God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob,' not of philosophers and scholars. / Certainty, certainty, heartfelt, joy, peace. / God of Jesus Christ. / God of Jesus Christ. / My God and your God."

Full disclosure: I value the post-Henry evangelical theologies that emphasize the narrative nature of truth and that highlight the dynamic and dramatic quality of the biblical revelation and the church's reflection on it. I count as friends some of the key narrative thinkers and postfoundationalists that are the targets of Thornbury's complaint.

Fortunately, Thornbury is not out for blood. His project is positive: to rehabilitate the philosophical, theological, and ethical work of Christianity Today's first editor. Thornbury's complaint about John Franke and Stanley Grenz is not that they have got things all wrong, but that by dismissing the importance of epistemological foundations, they have created systems that are too weak to stand the test of time. However, the currently pre-eminent Kevin Vanhoozer wins Thornbury's guarded approval: his 12-page critique trumpets Vanhoozer's "brilliance" as much as it frets over the possibility that his foundations are not entirely trustworthy.

Thornbury apparently assumes that evangelical theology must be constructed according to an academic equivalent to the building codes communities require of contractors. But is evangelical theology like home building? Is there a code? Or is evangelicalism elastic enough to accommodate both Henry and Vanhoozer, both J. I. Packer and Grenz? Must we build our theological dwellings with 90-degree corners, with walls set on concrete foundations of a specified depth? Or can we make room for our theological Buckminster Fullers with their disorienting but efficient geodesic domes?

To recover classic evangelicalism, Thornbury wants to begin at Henry's starting point, tracing a path from epistemology through theology and inerrancy before discussing cultural engagement and social justice. But to persuade today's evangelical leadership, he should perhaps have reversed that order. After all, Henry published The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism, his jeremiad about the lack of evangelical social conscience, three decades before the first volume of God, Revelation, and Authority. A recovered social conscience is flourishing in today's evangelical movement, and Henry could be the patron saint of that recovery. Henry's message still rings true: the lack of social conscience is a scandal, while the failure to ground social conscience in a revealed gospel is courting disaster.

Thornbury avers: "Henry envisions a seamless garment linking biblical verities to social responsibilities." And Henry confirms: "Social justice is not … simply an appendage to the evangelical message; it is an intrinsic part of the whole, without which the preaching of the gospel itself is truncated."

Why not, then, persuade today's evangelicals by affirming Henry's social conscience and by anchoring that to his belief that, in Thornbury's words, the "redemptive energy of the Christian evangel in the active and practical opposition of social and spiritual evils" is "the only means by which substantive, meaningful, and sustainable change can be effected on cultural and social ills"? I have argued in various venues that evangelicalism's social activism developed historically by discovering social needs in contexts where it preached the gospel. But the fact that gospel proclamation has both historical and theological precedence does not make epistemology the most persuasive starting point for evangelical recovery.

Thornbury knows his hero has fatal flaws. His catalogue of Henry's weaknesses: Henry was not a good public speaker, was not politically astute, displayed a temper and a curt manner, was weak in exegesis, had unreasonably high standards, relied too much on big-event, big-organization evangelicalism, relied too much on Billy Graham, linked American democracy too closely to godliness, failed to stand up for civil rights, overstated evangelicalism's potential, and failed to think strategically with his own writings.

That's quite a list, and Thornbury illustrates the last item by calling the first volume of God, Revelation, and Authority "a terrible leadoff batter." It was "esoteric and turgid," he says. Readers should start with volume 2.

Ironically, it is volume 1, the least welcoming part of this magnum opus, that provides the material for Thornbury's major concern: the lack of practiced epistemological thinking in evangelical theologians since Henry. "Evangelicalism will never rise above the strength of its epistemological outlook," Thornbury writes near the end of the book, because that epistemology creates confidence in the Bible and in "the promise that through the life and work of Jesus of Nazareth one can 'rediscover reality.'" He worries that as evangelical theologians have dismissed Henry's epistemology without appreciating its nuances, something key has been lost: namely, the idea that "God, and God alone, is the source and arbiter of all wisdom and knowledge, and God himself determines the bounds and limits of all true knowledge." This is the argument Henry employed against various permutations of natural law thought. And without a theocentric epistemology—that is, with an epistemology rooted only in subjective experience or scientific observation of the world—there is no end to the ways both theology and spirituality can err.

In his explication of volume 2, Thornbury's excitement for Henry's thought shines out. Here 15 theses form the backbone of Henry's theology. Those who know only Henry's reputation may be surprised. The theses do not dwell on propositional truth (although thesis 10 alludes to it) or scriptural inerrancy (although thesis 11 implies it). Rather, the theses offer a Trinitarian view of revelation, framed in both historical and personal terms, with a focus on the renewal of sinful people and their societies through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit superintended both the writing of Scripture and the church's faithful response to it, while highlighting the "climax" of revelation in Jesus of Nazareth and the "crowning revelation of power and judgment" at "the consummation of the ages." Henry even creates space for the future narrative interest of evangelical theologians by asserting the importance of the story of God's mighty acts in the lives of individuals and empires.

Thornbury shows from these theses that (unlike conservative theologians before and after him) "Henry does not oppose the meaning of the gospel with practices of living and fostering the kingdom. Instead, he combines them."

When he deals with narrative, however, Thornbury offers a critique (in Henry's name) of Hans Frei, John Franke, Michael Horton (not usually in the same circle), and Kevin Vanhoozer. He is particularly worried that Vanhoozer's attention to genre in Scripture opens "a Pandora's box" and validates Henry's fears. Anyone uncomfortable with what Scripture seems to be saying can claim previous interpreters were victims of genre confusion. This is an easy out when Scripture and other forms of knowledge clash. Yet Thornbury never explains why genre shouldn't be a primary concern in interpretation.

In his chapter on inerrancy, Thornbury provides familiar critical assessments of Clark Pinnock and Donald Bloesch (earlier defectors from the inerrancy ranks) and their more recent counterparts, especially Peter Enns. Henry himself (some readers may be surprised to learn) maintained that the first thing to be said about Scripture is not its inerrancy, but its authority. In "Living God's Faith in a Created World," an essay included in By What Authority? (Mercer University Press, 2010), I traced evangelical theologians' shifting emphasis on the Bible's authority, moving from statements of belief (typical of theologians of Henry's generation) to affirmations of the Bible's authority over the life, witness, and formation of believers and the church (represented by theologians such as Vanhoozer, N. T. Wright, Eugene Peterson, and Robert Webber). Thus I welcome Thornbury's assertion that "the greatest witness to the truth of an inspired and inerrant Bible will be a loving, gospel-motivated church engaged with the concerns, [ills,] joys, and sorrows of the planet around them." Unfortunately, he makes it sound as if a loving and engaged church exists for the sake of the Bible's authority rather than the other way around.

Thornbury's final chapter is titled "Evangelicalism Matters." Does it? I must think that evangelicalism matters, because I have invested most of my adult life in the movement. And yet a recurring question at Christianity Today has been the viability of the evangelical label. Has the word become so stained by association with homophobia and civil religion and televangelist greed that it has lost its potential? Indeed, as evangelicals have in effect trademarked Christian as their de facto brand, even that word communicates all the wrong things. Thornbury is aware of this challenge: "If the Christian community is indeed interested in reaching an ideologically laden age with the gospel, … then perhaps it is appropriate to begin not so much with an apologetic, but with the words, 'We're sorry.'"

Thornbury builds his closing appeal on our awareness of a failed evangelical movement. "Carl Henry died a disappointed man"—disappointed that "evangelical theology was abandoning its key epistemological distinctives" and that "evangelical institutions … failed to live up to their potential, choosing instead to protect their own interests rather than contributing to the common evangelical weal."

Henry was a visionary whose vision was never fully realized. The same can be said for others of his generation, Harold John Ockenga and Billy Graham among them. Surely the key to recovering classic evangelicalism, however, is not to posit a golden era that never existed, but to stand amazed at just how much God accomplished—and how much he continues to accomplish—through the flawed institutions of this movement.

David Neff is the former editor in chief of Christianity Today and the vice-chair of the National Association of Evangelicals board of directors.
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keithhamblen | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 22, 2013 |


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