
Über den Autor

Bruce Tulgan is the founder of Rainmaker Thinking Inc., a research and management training company based in New Haven, Connecticut. He is internationally recognized as a leading expert on leadership and performance management. He is an advisor to business leaders all over the world, the author or mehr anzeigen coauthor of seventeen different books including the classic Managing Generation X and the recent best-seller It's Okay to Be the Boss. He is a sought-after keynote speaker and seminar leader. weniger anzeigen

Werke von Bruce Tulgan

Winning the Talent Wars (2001) 26 Exemplare
FAST Feedback (1999) 24 Exemplare
Não Tenha Medo de Ser Chefe (2009) 18 Exemplare






Bruce Tulgan, renomado consultor na área de liderança, reuniu nesse livro as melhores soluções para os 27 desafios que todo chefe deve enfrentar. De forma prática, ele explica como fazer para garantir que os funcionários tenham a orientação, o direcionamento, o feedback e o treinamento de que precisam para alcançar a excelência.

Conheça alguns dos desafios:

• Passar de colega a líder

• Formar uma nova equipe do zero

• Ajudar um funcionário que tem dificuldade em administrar o tempo e precisa melhorar a produtividade

• Lidar com conflitos entre membros de sua equipe

• Manter o foco quando mudanças e incertezas são uma constante

• Gerenciar um funcionário que sabe mais sobre o trabalho do que você

• Administrar pessoas de línguas e culturas diferentes

• Renovar seu relacionamento gerencial com um funcionário desmotivado

Para manter um alto padrão de liderança, tenha esse livro sempre à mão e retome-o quantas vezes for necessário. Assuma o compromisso de fazer o melhor pela sua equipe e torne-se um gerente cada vez mais engajado. Isso vai facilitar a vida dos seus funcionários e, claro, a sua.

"Esse livro é um guia prático, inteligente e fácil de usar escrito por um dos mais brilhantes pesquisadores do gerenciamento. Bruce Tulgan desenvolveu um manual conciso e obrigatório sobre como lidar com os mais complexos problemas de gestão. Está tudo aqui." ― Alan Greene, vice-presidente executivo e chefe de negócios da State Street Corporation
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Twerp1231 | Oct 10, 2023 |
Sort of a pocket sized workbook for "It's OK To Be The Boss"
BizCoach | Jul 22, 2020 |
[Note : Video Review of the book using the text of this review can be found here. ]

This book talks about how to collaborate and become a go-to person at the workplace without affecting your mental peace and health.

These days doing your job has become a lot harder, it requires a lot more that it ever did. You collaborate with a lot more people than ever before. you have to collaborate not only with your boss and your peers, but all over the organization chart - up, down, sideways and diagonal. In addition to your direct boss, immediate teammates, you probably serve a seemingly unlimited number of people in these internal teams in your organization. And your colleagues are also in the same boat with you.

You and most of your colleagues make commitments and promises to deliver for each other. Most everybody wants to be that indispensable go-to person and depend and deliver for each other.

But if you are not careful about your commitments then you may end up doing over commitments which can muddle your priorities and your important tasks are left undone or done ineffectively. If you are not able to finish your own work, how would you become indispensable for others ?

As collaboration is the latest revolution sweeping across the workplace because of the globalization, We need to look at it more closely. Collaboration manifests in different ways with different names in any organization. It can be called matrix management, dotted-line reporting, cross functional coordination, self managed project teams, lateral cooperation, interdependency etcetera.

The main goal of collaboration is speed up and improve -
-- information exchange,
-- decision making,
-- planning,
-- resource sharing,
-- execution.

In a collaborative working environment you should be ready to work with everyone and anyone. Think about corporate departments that provide common services to all other departments, like the IT department or the Payroll department. If Anyone in the organization has a problem either with their computer or paycheck they come to these two departments. In a collaborative environment you are required to manage more working relationships and produce richer, more flexible products and services faster.

What is the main problem with collaboration ? Getting what you need from your lateral colleague is difficult because there is no way to hold them accountable without clear authority. The author here talks about something called over commitment syndrome. Which is defined as -

Inundation of requests + No Accountability + EIMJ (Everything is my Job ) = Over commitment Syndrome

This syndrome emerges when everything in your list is told to you as urgent and important by the persons who made the request. New priorities are added to the list everyday. There is competition for resources. You keep saying yes to each other but at the end of it you let down each other.

And, if this continues and you remain over committed then the time will come that you would start feeling to resist any new work coming towards you and you will also become more aggressive while making requests to others for some work. It ends up with spoiled working relationships. and , it becomes detrimental to your goal of becoming that GO-TO person in the organization that you always dreamt to become. Author calls this - Siege mentality which is more like you are fighting your rescuer when you are in over your head.

Most people bounce back from the siege mentality sooner or later but they start saying “Yes, Yes, yes” again and it leads them back to the overcommitment syndrome which again leads them back to the “siege” mentality and which again leads right back to saying “No, No, No”.

So, How to get out of this no-win cycle ?

It is a fact that in any organization everybody needs something from others all the time. And above all the lines of authority are usually unclear and there is always a room for confusion. In this situation the author suggests to use real influence where people work for you because they want to. But he wants us to adhere to two things.

What is the first thing ?

The First thing is, Regardless of how much influence you have, never ignore authority. Somewhere someone is making decisions. You should ensure that you are aligned with your boss and the leadership.

What is the second thing ?

The Second thing is, do not put pressure of any kind on people to get them to comply. That will make people root against you, and wish for your failure.

Now the author says that, The real influence a go-to person achieves by serving others. Stop focusing on what other people can do for you and focus instead on what you can do for them. Make yourself super valuable to others. The more value you add, the more truly invested others become in your success. The author says that - that’s how you become indispensable. That’s how you use real influence and become a real go-to person.

As per the book following are the characteristics of a go-to person with real influence -
#1 incredibly valuable to others.
#2 Are very good at their job.
#3 have positive attitude and double on hard work
#4 Take personal responsibility and get things done.
#5 Are creative and tenacious but do the things by the book and follow orders.
#6 Do all the things consistently, almost every time.

Now, if we talk about the structure of the book, There are 8 chapters in this book .

The first chapter “Fight over commitment syndrome” talks about the over commitment and it’s affects..

The second chapter “The peculiar mathematics of real influence” is on how to create real influence.

The third one “Up and down chain of command” talks about alignment on ground rules, priorities etcetera with your boss and leadership.

The Chapter 4, talks about when to say no and how to maximize your gains while saying yes.

In the chapter 5 “Work Smart”, the author talks about mastering the best practices, repeatable solutions and job aids.

In chapter 6 “finish what you start”, the author talks about how to finish one work at one time and how to have and manage a long to-do list.

In chapter 7 “Keep Getting better and better at working together”, the author talks about building long lasting work relationships.

In chapter 8, Go-to-ism is the art of being indispensable at work, the author talks about finding and building new go-to-people wherever and whenever you need them.

Finally the verdict, This book is highly practical in the suggestions that it makes and the approach that it suggests. I liked this book and now I think that I have some idea about how a person can become indispensable in any organization.

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jitendra.vishen | Jul 22, 2020 |
Taddone | Nov 25, 2019 |

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