
A.M. Tuomala

Autor von Erekos

3+ Werke 46 Mitglieder 11 Rezensionen

Werke von A.M. Tuomala

Erekos (2010) 36 Exemplare
Drakon (2016) 7 Exemplare

Zugehörige Werke

Steam-Powered 2 (2011) — Mitwirkender — 20 Exemplare
Retellings of the Inland Seas (Feral Astrogators) (2020) — Mitwirkender — 1 Exemplar



20th Century
New York, USA
West Virginia, USA



Interesting world building and a decent attempt in the creation of one of the main characters, though the second lead is more a collection of capabilities. The side characters are decent and well embedded in the world building. The story keeps moving in fits and starts but that it gets anywhere is more formulaic than developed.
quondame | May 25, 2024 |
Drakon: Book One is an epic tale about Russia, the Ottoman Empire, borders, and the Tarasovs, the guardians against the Dragons. Based on historic alliances, the Tarasovs keep the Ottoman dragons from destroying the Russian border. The fantasy tale envelopes dragons into the 1880's in Eastern Europe. The dragons play a role in helping the Ottoman Turks extend the Ottoman Territory. The Tarasov family stands against the dragons, but the family has fallen on hard times and are at odds with each other. This complex tale is well written and intriguing. The author A.M. Tuomala weaves together a foundational story for the series. Liza, a main character, brings her family together to save the border and re-establish relationships with the dragons, with her brother Kesha's assistance. This is a readable tale highlighting world history and the fantasy of dragons sharing the world. Enjoyable reading… (mehr)
Sue_McFadden | May 18, 2023 |
I have to admit that I'm still getting used to reading e-books. I don't have a reader yet, and so read on my laptop. Some books, like Candlemark & Gleam's own Broken, are an easy laptop read.

Erekos, though, was a struggle, and it was difficult to keep returning to my laptop screen to continue reading. However, I recently won a hard copy paperback of the book and found myself immediately immersed in A.M. Tuomala's world. The language used is dense and beautiful. Tuomala knows how to write a sentence that makes me happy to read it. The story told is compelling and reveals itself at a luxurious pace. I like authors who can take their time and still keep me interested. The characters are intriguing and all sympathetic in their way.

My only criticism is that I found the ending a little unsatisfying. To be honest, I was hoping for more "zombis." Beyond that, though, I found it to be a fine fantasy read to curl up with away from any electronics. Can't wait for Tuomala's next one.
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MFenn | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 22, 2018 |
I liked Erekos, but I had some problems with it as well. It has a serious case of first-novel syndrome: there’s a lot of explaining going on in these first chapters, as though the book is terribly afraid you won’t follow what’s going on. That goes away, but unfortunately my other big problem with it sticks around: the point of view shifts. Sometimes it seems like we get a slice of the point of view of every character we meet, including the ratsnake that Achane uses to send a message home. I’m not sure if I got more used to the POV shifting as the book went on or if there were fewer shifts overall, but I did find this less annoying as I progressed through Erekos.

And once I got into it, I fell in love with it. This is an amazing world, drawn with all kinds of complexity. I’m always thrilled to see second-world fantasy which actually acknowledges the variety of human culture, not just between nations but within them as well, and Erekos does a great job of this. You get the swamp-witches, the riverlanders, the coastal fishermen, the blonde foreign Wiegenlanders and the hillfolk Wigs, the scholars and the kings and the hunters. It’s a huge world, and I’d love to see more of it. I loved, too, how little people understood about one another – how, for instance, the king is wholly impressed with Achane’s ability to raise zombis, where the other priestesses and witches all sigh and remember the time that they tried it, too, because everyone who works magic tries to rescue a loved one from death.

The characters are wonderful, too, even if there are enough of them that I can’t tell who the protagonist is supposed to be. Is it Achane the swamp-witch, or Shabane, the sister she raised from the dead because she couldn’t stand to see her go? The warlike King Milaus with his desperation to stand up to his father’s memory, or the scholar Erlen who went to the mountains to write his thesis and ended up joining the war against the Erekoi?

I also want to give a shout-out to Erlen and Jaiger’s relationship. I loved the pair of them as soon as we met them – and you know there’s something special about the two of them when the scholar will put his companion’s name down as co-author on his book – but it was this passage that really grabbed me:

There were talks that the two of them had not had, and probably would never have; they did not need to discuss whether this was love or what it meant that they slept beside one another, whether it meant that they were comrades or brothers or lovers. On that first morning, when the sun had risen on their new freedom and the two of them had sat on the mountaintop with their hands touching, Erlen had opened his mouth as if to speak, but the way that Jeiger had looked over the plains halted any words that he might have thought were important.

By taking him to the top of the mountain and granting him the gift of the sunrise, Jeiger had said without words, You make me feel this way. Like light coming into the world.

They are asexual life-partners, and I love them for it. In fact, there are no primary romantic relationships in this book (unless you count the mother and father gods, who do spend a little time walking around among men), which is a delightful change, and I really appreciated it.

As much as I wanted to love Erekos, though, there was always something distancing about it. It seemed like every time I started to get deep into the story, something yanked me back. I want to call it another symptom of first-novel syndrome; the narrator is a little too present, which adds another layer between the reader and the story. There’s a line from the climactic battle that seems to sum up both what I loved about Erekos and also the problems I had with it:

It was hell, but the Erekoi have no word for hell, so they called it war instead.

It’s that little reminder that I’m reading a story about a world that is not my own that shoves a wedge in between me and the characters. Still, despite the occasional attempts of the novel to the contrary, I enjoyed Erekos and would recommend it to anyone else looking for some original new fantasy.
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jen.e.moore | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 30, 2013 |


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