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This was an excellent book of poems by Ellen Bryant Voigt. The poems are mostly sonnets about the 1918-1919 influenza epidemic that killed 25 million people worldwide. You can't really call a book of poetry prescient or prophetic if the poet is writing about events from history but, wow, it is more than a bit disconcerting how much the poems in this book speak to what is occurring on a daily basis all over the world right now.

The cover blurbs called the poems haunting and that is certainly true. Voigt intertwines poems about WWI and families experiencing the pandemic at home which, when you think about it, both caused a huge loss of life and devastated families. How many families had sons killed in the war and then lost sons and daughters due to the influenza and how many soldiers came home to virus devastated families?

Having only read the the book jacket information, I quickly realized how haunting the poems would be after reading the prologue:

After the first year, weeds and scrub;
after five, juniper and birch,
alders filling in among the briars;
ten more years, maples rise and thicken;
forty years, the birches crowded out,
a new world swarms on the floor of the hardwood forest.
And who can tell us where there was an orchard,
where a swing, where the smokehouse stood?

Below is what I consider one of the more moving poems:

To be brought from the bright schoolyard into the house:
to stand by her bed like an animal stunned in the pen:
against the grid of the quilt, her hand seems
stitched to the cuff of its sleeve-although he wants
most urgently the hand to stroke his head,
although he thinks he could kneel down
that it would need to travel only inches
to brush like a breath his flushed cheek,
he doesn't stir: all his resolve,
all his resources go to watching her,
her mouth, her hair a pillow of blackened ferns-
he means to match her stillness bone for bone.
Nearby he hears the younger children cry,
and his aunts, like careless thieves, out in the kitchen.

It is hard to read about any pandemic right now but I found these poems highly affecting and it makes me wonder what poets both present and future are and will be writing about our present pandemic. Let's hope they are as emotionally poignant as the poems in Ellen Bryan Voigt's Kyrie.
DarrinLett | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 14, 2022 |
Raw and hard to read, poignant
beebeereads | 2 weitere Rezensionen | May 7, 2022 |
No one comes close to Bryant's analytic skills. This volume was less useful to me than Syntax because I write fiction more than poetry. One reader called her a pain the ass because of what she requires of you in joining her penetration of the form. And even if I was more of a poet I am just not that interested in end rhyming and so her breakdown of sonnets and her presumption of my knowledge thereof made the Flexible Lyric chapter less compelling. However, her chapter of adjectives and on the structural subversion were brilliant. I also must note that I barely understand what she means by tone and that this, as far as I can, see represents the deep end of the pool, the area most worthy of more study. She begins and ends the volume with Bishop and the breakdown in the last chapter a Moment's Thought offers a middle path by which instead of erring on the side of inspiration or of analysis, the Dionysian or the Apollonian, she offers that the work inspires further work. Nicely done.
Hebephrene | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 18, 2017 |
First of all let's get some things straight. This woman is so damn smart it is ridiculous. I had to read very slowly just to follow. Incredibly dense but worth it since she introduces a framework for understanding the use of syntax and rhythm that plays and expands upon content. It could have been twice as long and I still wanted more. I could sit at her feet for a long time just absorbing. If you are serious about understanding the full potential of poetry start here. This is it , this is the deal. Remarkable.
Hebephrene | Jan 4, 2017 |
I absolutely adore this little book of poems. It is best read from cover to cover, as Bryant Voigt weaves a story of loss, illness, sadness and sometimes, joy. We have used this little book in our hospital reading group and find that it tells the story of a plague far better than much longer ones. A very gifted poet, a book not to be missed, even (especially?) if you think you don't like poetry.
1 abstimmen
sbelle03 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 27, 2008 |
Dense but intense. Thorough and thoroughly a pain in my - erm, neck - because it's taking me a long time to get through it and make sure it sticks in my brain. Covers gender, life and writing, Modernists and the adjectives, and more.
AnArtsNotebook | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 17, 2007 |
New York Times review: From the Farm Sven Birkets, 2/25/07
choriamblibrary | Mar 3, 2007 |
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