
Andere Autoren mit dem Namen Frank Warren findest Du auf der Unterscheidungs-Seite.

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Bellissimo, così come il blog e le altre raccolta di segreti. Ho trovato interessanti gli articoli (tranquilli sono pochi, penso 3-4) che fanno da cornice a questo libro Ho versato parecchie lacrime. Secondo me questo libro può essere letto anche insieme ad altri (magari genitori, partner, amici intimi e sinceri) perché offre spunti di riflessione e soprattutto possibilitá di trovare il coraggio di aprire il proprio cuore agli altri.
Conisglio per gli interessati anche il blog (ogni domenica nuovi segreti) e il profilo instagram (dove sono ammessi i commenti che secondo me offrono un grande aiuto).
HelloB | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 11, 2023 |
Quante lacrime ho versato su queste pagine. Mando un abbraccio a tutti quelli che hanno una ferita di cui non riescono/vogliono/possono parlare con nessuno.
HelloB | 19 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 11, 2023 |
HelloB | 92 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 11, 2023 |
PostSecret is a wonderful museum in book form. Excellent emotional tool and an eye-opening experience to remind you of your human side and that you should always remember someone else is fighting a battle you don't always see. These books have personal accounts of real people who share their secrets on a handmade postcard- shipped anonymously to be featured and provide some sense of coping, closure or to even remind others of their own feelings from time to time. Inspiring community project that I think would be nice to see in classrooms (psychology classes or humanities classes)
am08279 | 19 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 19, 2022 |
A unique kind of book that has the power to humble the reader with its thought-provoking and eye opening 'secrets' sent in by anonymous people from around the world but presented in the form of a graphic design/art collage project. Definitely a proof-positive kind of book you reach out for if you are having difficult thoughts and need to be reminded you aren't alone, even if for a second. It gives exudes an honest, raw kind of energy- as if it reinforces a sense of connection or need for communication or community. This book is portable and small in size- so it doesn't take up much space at all in a bag or backpack.
am08279 | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 19, 2022 |
I like the idea of PostSecret and putting the secrets in a book is a nice way of collecting them all together. I do think the publishers went for quantity over quality though (although I realize these are people's secrets and what kind of qualities would I be looking for anyway? but I did find some of them repetitive)-- I would not necessarily have chosen every single one in here for print.
serru | 92 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 6, 2022 |

For three years Frank Warren has been inviting the public to sharing their secrets via an original postcard. This is the fourth installment.

Some will make you laugh. Some will make you cry. some will make you scream .. HEY THAT'S JUST WHAT I WANTED TO SAY!

Not sure if I read this book before or I saw some of the postcards already on the postsecrets website, but some of the magic was missing. Still, if you never heard the idea, jump in and see the private wishes, fears, dreams, and regrets of the individual people - and all of humanity. They post secrets every week and I often go there when I'm feeling especially jaded about people or to remember that we are are alike and connected.
wellington299 | 19 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 19, 2022 |
I remember feeling anxious while reading this book. I felt like I was doing something wrong.

It was fun getting a personal peek at people even though it shocked the heck out of me.

ETA: years later.... I am done with this book/project. I was even following the blog that posted Sunday Secrets. I don't want to know about peoples private hygiene nastiness. You can't un-see some of that.
Corinne2020 | 92 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 20, 2021 |
The Secret Lives of Men and Women: A PostSecret Book by Frank Warren (2007)
arosoff | 15 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 10, 2021 |
PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives by Frank Warren (2005)
arosoff | 92 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 10, 2021 |
My Secret: A PostSecret Book (Postsecret) by Frank Warren (2006)
arosoff | 17 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 10, 2021 |
Received this as a birthday gift from a friend. Makes for a unique coffee table book. An interesting social experiment delving into modern-day society's hidden psyche... however dark that may be. Just make sure the coffee table you place it is age appropriate.
thebookdaddio | 92 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 24, 2021 |
cougargirl1967 | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 19, 2021 |
PostSecret began in 2004 when Frank Warren asked members of the public to anonymously contribute a secret to a community art project. The secret could be a regret, fear, betrayal, desire or even confession of childhood humiliation and contributors were encouraged to reveal their secret on a decorated postcard and send it in. His goal at the time was to receive 365 postcards.

Much to Warren's surprise, the project took off and he has received well over a million secrets. Frank Warren has published six collections of secrets from the art project, with The World of PostSecret being his sixth, published in 2014.

The secrets cover the full gamut of topics and feelings. Some make you smile, like these two.

"I wear an AC/DC shirt under my clergy robes." Page 78

"Sometimes, if my dog refuses to eat, I pretend to cook his food on the stove. Works every time!" Page 84

Some secrets plucked on the heart strings:
"My wealthy husband has been divorced 7 times because he found out they were only with him for his money. He married me because he thinks I'm different. I'm not." Page 48

Others blew my mind a little:
"Everyone who knew me before 9/11 believes I'm dead." Page 122 (9/11)

This secret stayed with me for days, and the author has heard from someone connected with large-scale tragedies, who claims that "in rare cases, people have been known to use a large disaster as an opportunity to start a new life and leave behind a looming divorce or escape imminent bankruptcy."

I find that astonishing to consider. I know some people voluntarily disappear to begin a new life, but presumably they plan to do so beforehand. A new identity requires money and a plan, so I can't imagine how a person could re-invent themselves after an unexpected event like 9/11. You couldn't pack a single thing and you'd never be able to travel again with facial recognition cameras everywhere for a start. Boggles the mind. Unless they chose a life of anonymity on the streets. I wish I knew more about this particular secret.

There were secrets that made me angry, like this one:
"I can't make you love me... but I can make something that you'll love." Page 245

And gross secrets, like this one:
"My husband and I shower together almost every day... He has NO idea that I pee in there EVERY TIME! Hehe :-) " Page 257

Firstly, that's disgusting! Secondly, of course he knows. How could he not know?

The scope of the PostSecret project is enormous and this particular collection comprises a great variety of secrets, including secrets from the short-lived PostSecret App that was closed down in 2011 due to malicious and uncontrollable content.

I was surprised to find that Frank Warren is looking for a new partner for the project and potentially someone to take over PostSecret for good. I wonder what it takes to run a project like this. I know I don't have the stomach for it, that's for sure.

The World of PostSecret is a look into the hearts and minds of everyday people like you and me, and I found pondering its pages produced a mixed bag of emotions. I think I'll be glad to return it to the library and be thankful I don't have any secrets like that. Or do I?
Carpe_Librum | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 18, 2021 |
It's a nice book and a nice addition to the series; I believe this is his third book. However, if you have already seen the website, then you pretty much know what this is about. There is a bit of everything in this book from funny secrets to moving secrets to poignant secrets. The various postcards do create a nice blend of art. I am sure most readers will find something they can relate to. I know I did. A nice quick read too.
bloodravenlib | 15 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 17, 2020 |
I think the first PostSecret book is the best. After that, I think they went a bit downhill - and by that I mean that while the secrets themselves, the postcards and how they're presented are often fantastic, funny and special - but now they're not as varied. I know, I'm spoiled. Still, it's interesting, but I think I would have edited it all differently.
pivic | 17 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 20, 2020 |
Une jolie découverte. Le principe est surprenant et créatif. Certains secrets partagés sont sombres et d’autres plus légers voire drôles, le tout étant assez encourageant sur la nature humaine et sa capacité de résilience! Une simplicité et sincérité de l’artiste transparaît aussi dans les pages rédigées.
LNL | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 19, 2019 |
Provoking fo thoughts and feelings...
Brightman | 19 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 21, 2019 |
I checkout the Postsecret webpage every Sunday. This book was like getting several Sundays all at once. I loved the information that he gave about certain topics and the story about his maillady. Great read.
LVStrongPuff | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 29, 2018 |
A collection of artfully written and illustrated postcards from teens who all have a secret to tell. Most are poignant and traumatic, but a few are lighthearted, and all are relatable.
aratiel | 17 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 5, 2018 |
No one wants to drown in her sorrows or enjoy others' torments, but there is a wonderous, small lifting of loneliness when we discover that perfect strangers share our deceptively unique fears and hidden truths. POST SECRET stings you with the little messages scattered throughout its pages of anonymous postcards sent to Frank Warren, the man who put together this book.

I'm obviously not referring to the postcard from a man stating he survived 9/11 and never told his family or friends. Nor am I thinking of the Starbucks employee who gives decaf coffee to the customers who tick him off.

The postcards that resonate with many readers are the heart-breaking pleas, rants against the self or the endearingly honest confessions of childhood memories they cannot let go of easily.

The simplest ones, accompanied with beautifully constructed drawings or collages, hit home the hardest. One POST SECRET contributor, for instance, sent in a picture of her dog, along with the words, "I'm afraid no one will ever love me as much as my dog does."

POST SECRET reminds us that sometimes we can see ourselves in strangers more than we can in our friends or families. It's a scary thought, but it's also a strangely comforting one.
booksandcats4ever | 92 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 30, 2018 |
Post Secret is a beautiful, beautiful thing. It can be humorous, disturbing, shocking, touching, and at times even life-changing. I do not say this lightly, either. The book is something that will make you question your own life, something that is always a fascinating thing. I'd recommend this to everyone, and someday hope to go to the Post Secret Exhibits myself.
Lepophagus | 12 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 14, 2018 |
This book made me cry.

I'm so sorry.
Lepophagus | 19 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 14, 2018 |
Post Secret is art, but at its heart it is healing.

Somewhere within the secrets you're forced to face yourself, you're forced to realize different aspects of your own life and psyche and come to terms with them. That's what Post Secret is about, to me, acknowledgment.

I just wish I had the courage to send in my own.
Lepophagus | 92 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 14, 2018 |
A brief window into people's lives, Post Secret collections are very interesting.
m_mozeleski | 19 weitere Rezensionen | May 13, 2018 |