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Bildnachweis: Eye on Books

Werke von Tiffany L. Warren






The Outside Child by Tiffany L. Warren is a captivating novel about a marriage that is tested by always being in the public eye and later, a tragic loss that pulls the couple apart instead of bringing them closer.

Chenille Abrams is not looking for love when she meets popular football player Brayden Carpenter. In fact, she has no idea who he is and when she finds out, she is skeptical about his intentions. However, Brayden quickly proves he is looking for more than a one night stand with a groupie and Chenille is willing to give their relationship a chance. Their unexpected romance flourishes despite the demands of their careers and living in separate states and Chenille is shocked when Brayden proposes to her. Although they manage to traverse the normal ups and downs of married life, how will their marriage fare after suffering a devastating loss?

Chenille is a fiercely independent, successful businesswoman who does not trust easily following the end of her previous relationship. She is instantly attracted to Brayden but under the circumstances in which they meet, she is leery he is not looking for anything serious. She is soon convinced he is sincere in wanting a long term relationship but Chenille wants a low-key life out of the limelight.

Brayden absolutely loves his career and unlike his teammates, he does not indulge in casual sex with the numerous groupies vying for his attention. He is drawn to and completely appreciates Chenille's strong personality but he does not always respect her career aspirations. Brayden is also occasionally annoyed by her lack of interest in the public side of his career.

Despite these issues, their courtship and marriage are mostly trouble free and quite happy. But after their son is born with a serious medical condition, Chenille is frustrated and angry when Brayden makes major decisions without any input from her. In the aftermath of tragedy, their once rock-solid marriage begins to crumble under the weight of grief and anger.

The Outside Child is an engrossing novel that is quite moving. The characters are wonderfully developed and likable but some of their reactions and decisions are frustrating. The storyline is engaging and Brayden and Chenille's romance moves at a realistic pace. A gentle undercurrent of faith adds depth and substance to the characters and their relationship. An absolutely marvelous novel that old and fans of Tiffany L. Warren are sure to enjoy.
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kbranfield | Feb 3, 2020 |
It’s been awhile since I’ve been so conflicted about a protagonist. To say that I wanted to see Nikki lose isn’t entirely accurate, but I definitely wasn’t rooting for her happily ever after, either. Nikki is portrayed as a flawed, yet persistent woman. I can always understand her choices, even if I didn’t always respect them.

Her Secret Life follows Onika “Nikki” Lewis through her young adult years, alternating between her high school graduation and early years of college to her post-graduate mid-twenties. In vivid flashbacks, Warren dredges up painful memories of a drug-addicted mother and grandmother who is too consumed with her daughter’s “sickness” to love and nurture the granddaughter who’s left behind. Nikki’s escape comes in the form of a full scholarship to the prestigious Robinson University in Atlanta, a beacon of excellence for the most promising black scholars. It here where Nikki opts to create a new identity. No longer known as the daughter of the town whore, she vows to become successful and sophisticated.

I thought the hardships of her youth and her tenacity to succeed would serve Nikki well. Unfortunately, she squandered her opportunity, instead being thrown out on the streets — literally — when her relationship with a wealthy playboy abruptly ends. The bulk of Her Secret Life focuses on Nikki as she reconciles who she thought she’d become with her new reality as another unemployed, homeless person on the streets of Washington, D.C.

What soured me on Nikki was her pride and greed, and her greatest character flaw was dishonesty. Although it was easy to understand her decision-making, Nikki’s lies only dug her into hole after hole after hole. It got particularly old when it interfered with the growth of her relationship with Graham. It was as it she didn’t learn her lessons, and was doomed to lose, even when it looked like she might start winning. Her inability to make smart choices when people from her past popped up kept me shaking my head in disdain. Nikki’s arrogance — even in the midst of her own downfall — was frustrating. Her condescending attitude toward those trying to helpful and her mockery of their faith was grating and bordered on disrespectful. I kept wanting her to be able to simply acknowledge others’ faith without always having to get the last word in about how her own faith wavered.

After finishing the book, however, I realized Nikki’s journey was the entire point. Her struggle to put her past behind her without reconciling the true impact it had on who she became was a major theme. Even when she had the opportunity to pursue a healthy, promising relationship with Graham, her constant paranoia about her past and her present situation was always a roadblock. Only when she is forced to face her past head on does Nikki truly show growth.

Her Secret Life is a compelling read. Despite my mixed feelings about Nikki, I couldn’t put it down. I would be particularly interested to see a sequel to Her Secret Life, whether following Nikki and Graham or one of their Graham’s friends. They served as foils throughout the story, often providing cautionary advice or simply support to the main characters. However, they all seemed to have more lurking with their own situations.
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words_reviews | May 15, 2017 |
In "Nothing But Trouble: Shady Falls Book 2 by Tiffany L. Warren, there is love, romance, family and drama on top of drama. There is also a situation facing a Baltimore community in a court room. A crime has taken place. A crime no one wants to face in their life time. In the novel, the narration is told from different viewpoints. I clung to the viewpoint of Yolanda, the woman of the man in trouble, Danny. I liked Yolanda's love for her family. I also liked the way she stuck by her boy friend through thick and thin. Women are able to become strong and stronger during tragic situations.

While a man is pictured on the cover of the book, I came away with the tender feelings of the women more than the men. For example, there is Tennessee, Yolanda's son. I did not learn enough about him. It is his sisters who stand out: Dakota and Indiana especially Dakota. There is also Danny's brother. Where did he come from? I would have liked to learn more about him along the way.

I concentrated on a strong sister, Dakota. She wants to do the right thing all the time. She cares not only about her mother, but she also cares for her friends, Cupcake and Sunshine. As Dakota strives to care for both worlds, her choices become more difficult. For example, should she move to Raleigh, North Carolina and live with her friends?

It is never possible to leave the court trial behind nor the passionate feelings of a man which can not go ignored. The case is tragic and delicate. Tiffany L. Warren writes about circumstances that can happen to any one of us.

The details of this case might make us, as readers, wince. It might makes us say it won't happen in my family. Many thoughts will travel through each person's head. Perhaps, a need at judgment about the immediate people involved in the case. Congratulations are due to Tiffany L. Warren because with God and faith at the forefront she tackles this heartbreaking situation. Is there victory, or will all of the people involved fall to Satan's power?

Each character is so very different. There is a wish to examine the behaviors of all even Steve Benning. Yes, color comes into the picture. It is always necessary to spotlight justice. I thought about the people on the jury. It is vastly significant who is there in those seats because sadly we judge others by the color of their skin.

It is amazing how one act can spread to each person in a different way. All of us have a feeling of wanting to protect the innocent and right a wrong. There is no way to know how this important case will end. Please go in with your eyes open. The author does not mince words. She is frank. In our society, perhaps, there is a need to lay it all out on the table before we can truly feel, take our rose colored glasses off and put our fairy tale endings away. Reality is never all sun and roses, and this is reality. It is so bitter. It is so tender. Then, Tiffany L. Warren brings us back to God and faith once again.
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Topazshell | Mar 18, 2017 |
The story progressed quickly, giving snippets of characters' personalities. The plot seems typical, a woman scorned, but twists in wonderful ways right up until the end. Intense enough to read in one sitting. I enjoyed it.
DelRica | Jan 20, 2016 |



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