
Tim WeaverRezensionen

Autor von Never Coming Back

25 Werke 1,413 Mitglieder 110 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 1 Lesern


Questa volta il caso coinvolgerà in prima persona David Reaker che, tre giorni dopo Natale, si troverà a dover contrastare una donna che dichiara di essere sua moglie Derryn, morta però di cancro otto anni prima. Un’indagine particolarmente difficile che porterà Reaker a dubitare anche di sé stesso perché quella donna, oltre a somigliarle moltissimo, conosce troppi dettagli intimi e privati della loro vita insieme.
Un’altra storia avvincente che mi ha conquistato e mi è piaciuta molto anche se forse si basa su alcuni presupposti di certo un po’ deboli e che, nella realtà, credo, avrebbero trovato certezza e definizione in maniera molto più veloce. Comunque tutto questo, per me, non ha tolto alcun mordente alla storia che merita di essere letta.
Un consiglio a chi vorrà leggere questi libri: seguite l’ordine di pubblicazione della serie perché anche se ogni storia è conclusiva e a sé stante, alcuni rimandi e le evoluzioni dei personaggi ricorrenti seguono una logica temporale e, a volte, sono complementari alle storie stesse.
Raffaella10 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 22, 2023 |
Molto bello, nel solco dei precedenti, un altro imperdibile.
Raffaella10 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 22, 2023 |
I have loved and own every book written by Tim Weaver! I have to get them from England since not all of them are offered in the US. All of his other books feature David Raker who finds lost people. This is Tim Weaver's first stand alone book without David Raker being the main character (although he does have a very short cameo). Rebekah Murphy is alone on an abandoned island with a killer on her trail. Detective Frank Travis is looking for Louise Mason who vanished three months ago. Getting the answers makes for another great book from Tim Weaver!
Dianekeenoy | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 1, 2023 |
Primo libro di una serie già corposa che vede come protagonista un ex giornalista che, abbandonata la professione per seguire la moglie gravemente malata, si occupa di rintracciare persone scomparse.
Una storia che, sebbene ben scritta, non mi ha del tutto soddisfatto perché l’ho trovata eccessiva sotto molti profili a cominciare dalla trama e le situazioni raccontate.
Nel complesso risulta anche molto, anzi, troppo cruenta, con descrizioni talmente particolari che rasentano a tratti l’assurdo.
Al bel colpo di scena finale si contrappongono di contro la descrizione di fatti e situazioni talmente prolungate ed estreme da risultare del tutto surreali.
In sostanza una storia per lo più eccessiva ma che mi ha lasciato con la curiosità di scoprire come saranno i libri a seguire.
Effettive tre stelle e mezzo.
Raffaella10 | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 28, 2023 |
Questa volta Reaker dovrà mettercela tutta, non per trovare una persona scomparsa, ma per restituire l’identità a un uomo che ha perso la memoria e che, a 10 mesi di distanza dal suo ritrovamento, non riesce neanche a ricordare il suo nome e da dove venga. Una ricerca che si rivelerà difficile, insidiosa e molto pericolosa che lo porterà anche dall’altra parte del mondo.
Un’altra indagine avvincente ed emozionante che conferma una volta di più la validità di questa serie che è riuscita a conquistarmi completamente.
Un consiglio a chi vorrà leggere questi libri: seguite l’ordine di pubblicazione della serie perché anche se ogni storia è conclusiva e a sé stante, alcuni rimandi e le evoluzioni dei personaggi ricorrenti seguono una logica temporale e, a volte, sono complementari alle storie stesse.
Raffaella10 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 28, 2023 |
Bello, mi è piaciuto molto, più del primo, e Reaker entra di diritto tra i personaggi che continuerò a seguire.
Una storia terribile di ragazze scomparse e tra esse anche la figlia di Colm Healy. La capacità di Reaker di cacciarsi nei guai peggiori è unica e immancabile.
Un consiglio a chi vorrà leggere questi libri: seguite l’ordine di pubblicazione della serie perché anche se ogni storia è conclusiva e a sé stante, alcuni rimandi e le evoluzioni dei personaggi ricorrenti seguono una logica temporale e, a volte, sono complementari alle storie stesse.
Raffaella10 | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 28, 2023 |
Un altro bel libro della serie, un’altra scomparsa che proietterà Reaker in una nuova terribile avventura alla ricerca, su incarico della moglie Julia, di Sam Wren scomparso mentre andava a lavorare in metropolitana senza lasciare alcuna traccia.
Un finale particolare che lascia in sospeso e sembra segnare la fine di Raker.
Un consiglio a chi vorrà leggere questi libri: seguite l’ordine di pubblicazione della serie perché anche se ogni storia è conclusiva e a sé stante, alcuni rimandi e le evoluzioni dei personaggi ricorrenti seguono una logica temporale e, a volte, sono complementari alle storie stesse.
Raffaella10 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 28, 2023 |
Anche questa nuova storia mi è piaciuto molto, avvincente ed emozionante sotto molto aspetti.
Una vicenda che colpisce e che segna anche un’importante svolta nella vita di David Raker, incaricato da Emily, una sua ex fidanzata, di ritrovare la sorella Carrie, il marito e le due figlie, scomparsi da tempo senza lasciare tracce.
Un’indagine intricata e difficile che lo porterà fino a Las Vegas dove lo attende un finale mozzafiato e del tutto inatteso.
Un consiglio a chi vorrà leggere questi libri: seguite l’ordine di pubblicazione della serie perché anche se ogni storia è conclusiva e a sé stante, alcuni rimandi e le evoluzioni dei personaggi ricorrenti seguono una logica temporale e, a volte, sono complementari alle storie stesse.
Raffaella10 | 15 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 28, 2023 |
Questa volta Reaker deve vedersela con un caso del tutto inaspettato, la scomparsa del padre di Melanie Crow, una vicenda che riserverà peraltro molte sorprese.
Il libro è molto bello e intrigante e, come già avvenuto precedentemente, la storia non trova interamente soluzione fino all’ultima riga. Da parte sua Reaker acquista sempre maggior spessore, profondità ed umanità ad ogni nuovo libro e anche il rapporto con la figlia concorre a questo accrescimento.
Una serie che mi appassiona sempre più.
Un consiglio a chi vorrà leggere questi libri: seguite l’ordine di pubblicazione della serie perché anche se ogni storia è conclusiva e a sé stante, alcuni rimandi e le evoluzioni dei personaggi ricorrenti seguono una logica temporale e, a volte, sono complementari alle storie stesse.
Raffaella10 | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 28, 2023 |
Un’altra storia complessa che mi ha intrigato e che mi è piaciuta molto.
Il brutale omicidio irrisolto di una madre e delle sue due gemelline ha segnato in modo indelebile la carriera e la vita di Colm Healy, cercare di risolvere il caso ad anni di distanza è l’unico tenue filo che tiene ancora in vita l’ex poliziotto.
A dargli una mano è rimasto solo Reaker che, riuscirà con il suo intuito, tra non poche difficoltà, a dipanare il bandolo di una intricata matassa che trae origine da un terribile passato.
Un consiglio a chi vorrà leggere questi libri: seguite l’ordine di pubblicazione della serie perché anche se ogni storia è conclusiva e a sé stante, alcuni rimandi e le evoluzioni dei personaggi ricorrenti seguono una logica temporale e, a volte, sono complementari alle storie stesse.
Raffaella10 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 28, 2023 |
Un’altra complessa ed avvincente indagine per David Reaker specializzato nel ritrovare le persone scomparse.
Linda Korin, vedova di un noto e controverso regista, sembra essere sparita nel nulla subito dopo essere venuta a conoscenza di oscuri segreti sulla vita del marito. Reaker si metterà alla sua ricerca non immaginando in quale abisso di grettezza e crudeltà si stia cacciando e quali oscuri ed efferati segreti si celino dietro questa scomparsa.
Un’altra storia coinvolgente ed emozionante, narrata dettagliatamente e con competenza, con accenni anche alla storia del cinema degli anni 50.
Un consiglio a chi vorrà leggere questi libri: seguite l’ordine di pubblicazione della serie perché anche se ogni storia è conclusiva e a sé stante, alcuni rimandi e le evoluzioni dei personaggi ricorrenti seguono una logica temporale e, a volte, sono complementari alle storie stesse.
Raffaella10 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 28, 2023 |
I've been reading Tim Weaver's books since his first David Raker novel Chasing The Dead in 2010. I preorder them from England and look forward to each one! This book, his 11th David Raker book is just as good as each of his others! In this book, a young couple, Cate and Aiden Gascoigne are recorded on CCTV laughing and happy. Then, their car plunges into a ravine and catches fire. When the emergency crews arrive, they find the vehicle empty. Cate's family hire David Raker to find out what happened. Empty your schedule, you won't be able to put this book down!
Dianekeenoy | Jun 30, 2022 |
I would not start reading the David Raker series with this book -- start at the beginning of the series... and yet, this book looks back at the start and some of the history of the Raker series. I completely respect Tim Weaver's storytelling and I love that Raker is just a man trying to find missing persons -- not former military or a former cop. In fact, the character is a former journalist. You should definitely be reading this series, though this book is a bit different than all the others because instead of searching for a missing person/persons, Raker is faced with dealing with his decisions from the past and uncovering an odd character from his past.½
Randall.Hansen | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 6, 2022 |
I love every word that Tim Weaver writes! This is a departure from his novels in that we have "Four Stories. Four Cases. One Connection. There are four novellas that feature some main characters from his other books with the connection being David Raker himself. This book was simply amazing!!
Dianekeenoy | Nov 28, 2021 |
I've got to report this: the story does not end until the period on the very last sentence.
AZBob1951 | 15 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 27, 2021 |
Rebekah Murphy finds herself stranded on a seasonal holiday island off the New York coast after a failed attempt to murder her. Not only is she alone on the island with no communications to the mainland, but she does not know who wants her dead, or why. She does know that when the island reopens in the spring, her killers will be back.

The story of how Rebekah survives on the island for five long winter months is interwoven with her life before and the events leading up to her visiting such a remote place. The sections dealing with her island isolation are terrific. We get a sense of her terror, her resolve to survive, her growing strength as she learns to adapt to her situation and her paranoia as she dwells on who could have wanted her dead and why. She, and we, struggle to understand why no one has come looking for her. Has her estranged husband conspired with her best friend to eliminate her and start a new life together?

The first three quarters of this book are excellent. We get excitement, action, plenty of suspects and twisty turns plotting. By mainly seeing things through Rebekah’s eyes we are hooked into her conspiracy weaving and flights of fancy. The view glimpses into other events and characters are vague enough to leave us wondering, like Rebekah, where this is all leading.

The last quarter of the book, as the island opens up again, is a disappointment. The driver behind all that happens to Rebekah is a rather mundane cover up of another, admittedly horrific, set of crimes completely unrelated to anything that Rebekah was considering. The perpetrator actions seem over elaborate and the key change of heart by the ‘mastermind’ seems false.
pierthinker | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 24, 2021 |
Lynda drives to a secluded beauty spot on the Somerset coast. CCTV watches her arrive, but never sees her leave. She is never seen again. Her sister calls missing persons investigator David Raker. For him, the mystery of where she went is only the start. The real question is why a woman with no reason to run would choose to leave her entire life behind? Missing and presumed dead, only Lynda knows the truth . . . Was it her decision? Or did someone make it for her? 'In Broken Heart, Weaver moves up a notch - to excellence. I can't remember a thriller containing so many twists and surprises. It grips from the start' The Times, Book of the Month
Lin456 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 20, 2020 |
In Tim Weaver's eighth outing in the David Raker series, he turns the missing person scenario around. The client is the "Lost Man", an amnesia victim that requests Raker's help to determine his identity.
A bit of a slow start as the background is established, but then the suspense builds. One of the things I enjoy most about this author is his ability to incorporate actual locations into the story. The Empress Islands exists, but most readers will have no preconceived ideas.
(Aka the Tristan da Cunha Island Group, an archipelago of five volcanic islands resting on the east slope of the mid-Atlantic ridge, midway between Africa and South America.)
If you haven't previously discovered David Raker, this novel does well as a stand-alone, free from many of the peripheral characters found in the series.
MM_Jones | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 31, 2020 |
This was Tim Weaver’s first novel. I came to it after reading a positive review of his third novel “Vanished”. I’m sure his is a name that will become prominent in British crime fiction.

What I enjoyed most about “Chasing the Dead” was the strong sense of place, the willingness to confront the seedy and unpleasant without wallowing in it and mastery of pace shown in the writing and the plotting.

The novel is centred around a big secret. This is a plus for page turning appeal but requires more than a little effort to suspend disbelief.

The big secret generates violence that escalates and becomes increasingly and disturbingly intimate as the story progresses. The violence is graphically and skillfully described. It’s not the kind of gratuitous “serial killer porn” violence that has stopped me reading Val McDermid, but it is very unpleasant. This made the book harder to read and, by the end, harder to believe. Our hero is subjected to treatment that would put someone in hospital for weeks and perhaps cripple them physically and emotionally for life and still puts up a fight. I found this implausible.

Nevertheless, the book is well written, well plotted and has a strong central character. It’s easy to see the sequels following thick and fast.
MikeFinnFiction | 13 weitere Rezensionen | May 16, 2020 |
I wanted to like this book. I really did. I got to Chapter 28, page 127 before I finally gave up.

The premise of this book does sound intriguing which is what drew it to me. However, it just left me so confused. I didn't know what was going on besides teeth being pulled out and something about hands missing. It just dragged. The pacing was so slow, and it just didn't feel like it could actually happen. I found myself not caring about any of the characters. David, the main character, wasn't fleshed out enough, and even he was just boring. It's a shame the author didn't write from Alex's prospective as well. I just couldn't muster up the interest to care about what really happened to Alex.

I wouldn't recommend this one. It just drags on and on, and it's just really confusing. Sorry.
1 abstimmen
khal_khaleesi | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 16, 2019 |

5 Stars
Arc Book Review
Release Date-17/5/18

I really loved You Were Gone (David Raker #9) like so much more than I was originally expecting, but had absolutely no bloody idea it was part of an ongoing series; no matter this can totally be read as a standalone no issues whatsoever.
So this was a mind-Eff of epic proportions and I couldn't put it down such an engrossing read this was.
This had me second guessing along with Raker everything I thought I knew to be true.
Could it be true? was David losing the threads of his very sanity? Who was this woman who claimed to be his wife? Where had she come from?
This had so many twists and turns throughout I felt lost in a maze with no clear exit.
So cleverly executed and with such finesse, this was a pleasure from start to finish.
Not my usual genre but so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone.
This will have you psychoanalysing and dissecting every actuality for hidden messages and meanings and when events eventually reached a conclusion I was seriously shocked at the identity of the puppet master himself.
This was a fabulous addictive Crime Mystery that was glued to my hand till the final curtain.
A complete surprise hit for me.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of "You Were Gone (David Raker #9)" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
carpathian1974 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2019 |

This was the absolute bomb, I enjoyed this book just so much.
I am a relatively new reader of this author after I requested the previous book in this series without realising it was part of an ongoing series.
I was that impressed with it that when I read the description for this instalment I just had to get my mitts on it.
I actually didn't think anything could surpass my previous experience here but this managed to surpass it and then some, I am super impressed.
There is some previous stuff going on here that maybe it would enhance the whole read if you started at the beginning: but personally, I think there is enough backstory explained here that it's not hard to catch on I managed to easily and I started at book nine myself.
This story focuses on another mystery one that was just so fascinating and is what initially captured my attention and this had so many twists and turns at times I felt absolutely giddy.
Set between Hollywood and the UK and spanning 33 years it was hard to see how the two were actually connected.
But when the cogs start to click into place here and so seamlessly at that, this was just pure genius.
Got to say this was such compelling stuff and a real page-turner of a story.
Loved how everything just slotted together the further you went and I could literally feel a veil metaphorically being lifted from my eyes as this played out.
This was also deeply moving and rather than just being told a story the author has managed here to transport the reader right into the tapestry of the story.
This was a five-star experience all the way and I recommend this series highly.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of No One Home (David Raker #10).

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2019 |

5 Stars
Arc Book Review
Release Date-17/5/18

I really loved You Were Gone (David Raker #9) like so much more than I was originally expecting, but had absolutely no bloody idea it was part of an ongoing series; no matter this can totally be read as a standalone no issues whatsoever.
So this was a mind-Eff of epic proportions and I couldn't put it down such an engrossing read this was.
This had me second guessing along with Raker everything I thought I knew to be true.
Could it be true? was David losing the threads of his very sanity? Who was this woman who claimed to be his wife? Where had she come from?
This had so many twists and turns throughout I felt lost in a maze with no clear exit.
So cleverly executed and with such finesse, this was a pleasure from start to finish.
Not my usual genre but so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone.
This will have you psychoanalysing and dissecting every actuality for hidden messages and meanings and when events eventually reached a conclusion I was seriously shocked at the identity of the puppet master himself.
This was a fabulous addictive Crime Mystery that was glued to my hand till the final curtain.
A complete surprise hit for me.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of "You Were Gone (David Raker #9)" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
carpathian1974 | 5 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2019 |

This was the absolute bomb, I enjoyed this book just so much.
I am a relatively new reader of this author after I requested the previous book in this series without realising it was part of an ongoing series.
I was that impressed with it that when I read the description for this instalment I just had to get my mitts on it.
I actually didn't think anything could surpass my previous experience here but this managed to surpass it and then some, I am super impressed.
There is some previous stuff going on here that maybe it would enhance the whole read if you started at the beginning: but personally, I think there is enough backstory explained here that it's not hard to catch on I managed to easily and I started at book nine myself.
This story focuses on another mystery one that was just so fascinating and is what initially captured my attention and this had so many twists and turns at times I felt absolutely giddy.
Set between Hollywood and the UK and spanning 33 years it was hard to see how the two were actually connected.
But when the cogs start to click into place here and so seamlessly at that, this was just pure genius.
Got to say this was such compelling stuff and a real page-turner of a story.
Loved how everything just slotted together the further you went and I could literally feel a veil metaphorically being lifted from my eyes as this played out.
This was also deeply moving and rather than just being told a story the author has managed here to transport the reader right into the tapestry of the story.
This was a five-star experience all the way and I recommend this series highly.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of No One Home (David Raker #10).

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2019 |
A small village in Yorkshire, nine neighbours all gather for a dinner together. It's Halloween and all nine neighbours disappear without a trace. David Raker who investigates the missing is called in to try and find out what happened.

This is book ten in a series and I have previously read one of the other books before. I do prefer to read in order but with a premise such as this one has I couldn't wait to read it. It didnt matter either that I hadn't read the whole series.

I enjoyed the book but the story wasn't what I expected. Nine people vanish without a trace, and I was expecting to perhaps followed one of them to see what was going on. The whole situation is explained and why, once Raker has figured it all out. For this reason I was left feeling a little disappointed.

The reader follows David Raker as he follows leads to find out what has happened. The story however goes back to the eighties to America and an investigation into a murder which for one cop is never solved. There was a lot going on with this story and at times I really had to keep up.

I think the premise alone drew me in but the story wasn't what I expected but I stuck with it. An ok thriller for me but complicated at times.
tina1969 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 9, 2019 |