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Werke von H.L. Wegley



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Riven is another inspiring, exciting, "mind-blowing" adventure in H.L. Wegley's newest series, Riven Republic! As with all of his series he offers insights into situations that exists shortly after his books are published.

In Riven, Aniece of the Governor of Oregan learned some things in college, most importantly, she learned of Jesus Christ and is now a believer, which does not fit in with her family's political agenda. She needs to escape but her Aunt does all she can to prevent that from happening. Her aunt has tried other tactics to force her away from Christianity, but all have failed.

Zach Tanner is a successful Conservative Talk Show Host whom the governor and President want to be eliminated. When he is shut down, his final remarks are that he will flee "to the hills" and urges all like-minded individuals to do the same and to fight back against the loss of America's Constitution.

Governor Sandra Harper's niece, Kate Alexander, follows that counsel as she flees for her life toward "the hills".

This is about a community who are forced to organize and work together to protect their freedoms and strive to win back their country.

The characters are very well-defined, incredible, and mostly, endearing. The scenes are vividly described and easily visualized. The reader feels like he/she is in the midst of the community.

This book was gifted me with no pressure to post a positive review. This is my honest review.
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LAWonder10 | Oct 20, 2022 |
Title: Slanted
Author: H. L. Wegley
Pages: 209
Year: 2019
Publisher: Trinity Press
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
I read this in one day! I was mesmerized from beginning to end. I had to remind myself that this is a work of fiction. The hardest part about convincing myself was that it was so close to reality I thought I might be reading someone’s personal experience. Yes, it is that good!
In the novel, readers find a young man who has researched and found that an IT company is manipulating the results people received when they do an internet search. Add to the mix a young lady whose broken past, scarred heart, and longing to be loved has made her into a spitfire! Then, add another character who is parentless. Her guardian is a young man who wrote a scathing report to be released to the public soon.
Now, mix all three characters up with the IT company’s nefarious actions and you have one thrilling, suspense filled book! Don’t worry, the author didn’t fill his fictional tale with a bunch of woes and leave it at that. Throughout the book, I enjoyed seeing the characters’ faith in action even when facing dangerous peril. The ending is superb with hope filling the pages and leaving readers with heart-pounding patriotism and, I think, a desire to share the story with others.
The author did a wonderful job, revealing the hope our nation still has and a brighter future if we act through the power of our votes to save America. I kept thinking as I was reading that I didn’t realize how much the internet really has influenced thoughts, actions, and decisions of people. Yes, sometimes what is posted or shared it isn’t good, but it can be changed as we learn to think for ourselves, pray, and talk with people.
I think many will enjoy the book and I hope to share it with friends and family!
Note: The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility.
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lamb521 | Aug 8, 2019 |
Title: The Janus Journals
Author: H. L. Wegley
Pages: 375
Year: 2019
Publisher: Trinity Press International
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars.
If you haven’t heard of this author, his books are exciting to read! There are his Against All Enemies Series, Pure Genius Series, Witness Protection Series plus a stand alone titled Virtuality. My favorites are the ones that have suspense with military and patriotic themes seasoned with faith, hope, and a smidgeon of romance. In his recent novel, The Janus Journals, readers will follow along as a young woman’s life is constantly in danger with her only choice to trust a young man named Grady.
The tale is of past choices that bring to the forefront danger, mystery, intrigue and looking for the truth. What truth? In the story, Allie is learning truth from her father who is believed to have died by the hand of an assassin. Now she must follow her father’s instructions to the letter without deviation, including reading the journals he left behind for her should something prevent him from revealing his past.
As Grady and Allie travel to where his parents now reside, Allie reads what her father wrote. Now don’t think that means it isn’t an exciting novel, because it is. However, the journals don’t reveal everything. The author doesn’t tell all at once which makes the suspense palpable in the book! There were times while reading I couldn’t figure out the ‘mystery” thread that starts from the first words of the book, but I kept reading as the tension kept growing. The twists and turns of the overall plot and the tension in the relationships was really entertaining!
Don’t miss Wegley’s latest tale!
Note: The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility.
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lamb521 | Apr 7, 2019 |
Title: Virtuality
Author: H. L. Wegley
Pages: 317
Year: 2018
Publisher: Trinity Press International
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
H. L. Wegley offers readers a thriller with a very poignant point that is revealed at the end of the book. With all the gaming systems and games developed and sold all over the globe, this novel really makes the uses of them for good or evil a reality. As the novel progresses, what quickly becomes apparent is how easily people can become ensnared in a world that is evil. What is also true is the way human desires can draw them to God or others into a world all their own.
Jess is woman who is brilliant in many ways with computer software and coding. Vince is a man whose brute strength covers up his tender heart. Jess and Vince have known each other for years. They can easily read the face of the other and know what is going inside their mind. What catapults them into meeting again after a 7-year separation is the death of Vince’s brother and the new position Vince has as CEO of his brother’s company.
The story takes many dangerous twists, turns with deadly action and adventure! H. L. Wegley’s novel is one that many should read to begin to understand the danger to society that people aren’t even thinking about when they have kids play constantly on any hand-held device. The tale is really interesting with Jess and Vince’s relationship and personalities. What makes it a must read is the truth about the possible dangers to our future generations.
The ending was outstanding and one I won’t forget anytime soon! The suspense and faith elements keep audiences turning pages until the very end. If you haven’t read any of this author’s work, start with his latest thriller that rings with truth and faith until the very last words. Here is a gift that will keep on giving for years to come. Read it and see if you don’t agree!
Note: I received a complimentary copy for an honest review of this book. The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility.
Other reviews can be read at Also follow me on Twitter@lcjohnson1988, Facebook at
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lamb521 | Dec 10, 2018 |



½ 4.7

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