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Über den Autor

Lisa Whittle is the author of eight books and is a sought-after Bible teacher. A pastor's daughter and longtime ministry leader in issues relevant to the church. Lisa is the founder of Ministry Strong and the popular Jesus over Everything podcast, which debuted in the top twenty-five Christian mehr anzeigen podcasts. Her love runs deep to see people pursue Jesus for life, grow deep roots of faith, and walk strong in the midst of a world that so often seems to have gone crazy. weniger anzeigen

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“God Knows” by Lisa Whittle invites the reader to discover the depth of the title’s words so that we can both gain a right perspective and learn to trust our God who knows all even when we do not. The book covers topics such as how God knows our need for relief as well as our dreams, struggles, limits, etc.

This book wasn’t a huge hit for me and I struggled to get through the book. It wasn’t what I expected honestly. The writing was also a little awkward at times, making it more difficult to understand what was being communicated.

The subtitle, “when your worries and whys need more than temporary relief,” doesn’t seem fully accurate based on the content. From it, I thought this would be a book focused on addressing anxiety alongside God’s care and all-knowing attribute of omniscience. However, though His omniscience is mentioned once in a while in the chapters, the focus was more on the whys than worries and on various other struggles beyond worry.

I think it would be more accurate to take out the “worries” part of the subtitle and change it to “struggles” or another similar synonym that is more accurate for the book’s content so the reader will know better what to expect.

That said, I still think this book will likely encourage and resonate with those who need its message. A few highlights:

“We all want God to know what we are going through and, if we’re entirely honest, we want Him to do something about it.”

“. . . the One who knows everything about our lives is often our last resort.”

“…desiring knowledge is the place we have historically been the most tempted to challenge God.” She goes on to connect this statement to Satan’s first temptation of Adam and Eve in the garden, as he sought to get them to buy in on “the innocent packaging of the ‘good thing’ of knowing more.” (As humans, we like to feel in control and this is revealed often through wanting to know.)

“Jesus followers can still live for ourselves, but we will never ultimately have peace about it.”

“We may want it done quicker, or in our way, but if we want it done best we will let Him handle it.”

“An awareness of our limits is an invitation to embrace the never-ending limits of God.”

I received a review copy of this book for free from Netgalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. All opinions are my own.
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aebooksandwords | Jul 29, 2023 |
Author Lisa Whittle shows the importance of giving Jesus first place in your life while showing it isn't an easy thing to do using examples from her own life. While many women will gain much from the book, I think women younger than baby boomers (such as myself) would appreciate its writing style more.
thornton37814 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 19, 2021 |
This morning I finished Jesus Over Everything by Lisa Whittle. I appreciated how real the author was and I found this to be a quite convicting read. Although, she offers some examples of things she has done in her life in order to put Jesus first, I would not say this read is a step by step guide nor do I think it should have been. In the authors words, this book is more of a kickstart to encourage the reader to pray and seek transformative change in his or her own life. I definitely see myself rereading this book in the future. She gives the reader a lot of things to think about and I know I missed some along the way.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.
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Melissa_O | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 11, 2021 |
A special thank you to Harvest House Publishers and NetGalley for an ARC exchange for an honest review.

I WANT GOD by Lisa Whittle is a “must read”, for women of all ages “wanting” (not needing) to know God on a more personal and exciting level. Because deep down, we are all selfish, making time for things we are passionate about. And even the things we know we need, we do not always get because we do not really WANT them.

Like everything in our lives as far as exercise, taking care of our health, better communications with family, career, etc. – until the WANT matches the NEED, NOTHING will ever change. Needing without wanting is just really a good idea that never sees light.

There are things we want more than God, that keep us from wanting Him most. Those are the things which consume us. We need to identify them, pray and get rid of them. I WANT GOD is an inspiring guide to help us along the way- identify those things which get in the way, for a radical change. I WANT GOD is not a book to read once; however, one to keep as reference and guide, for daily reinforcement --to keep us on track.

This was my first book by Lisa, and love her fresh, honest, and real life-lessons’ approach. She has her flaws and fears, like all of us. I WANT GOD, is not about preaching or pushing religion down your throat. It is about being filled with joy, hope, purpose, and passion for GOD, with life changing steps, to help restore us to God--then He can begin his miraculous work within us.

It is realizing people who live all out for GOD are not superior or more special, they have experienced something good and kept going back for it. (Similar to turning vegan, or exercising, etc….and reaping the rewards). You can be quiet or loud about the success.

Stepping out of okay into the MORE. God can use anyone. If we only knew how amazing a life with God tasted, we would stop fighting so hard to stay comfortable and safe. So how do we start this revival for God in the midst of comfort? We put ourselves in positions that constantly expose us to the transformative work of God. Then we will know better. And our tastes will eventually change.

COMFORT hinders us from spiritual mobility. (Loved this section)! What comfort does to us: sabotages the things we really want---Future dreams, peace, fulfillment, spiritual mobility, joy. We become enslaved by its rules. We live for comfort----we make our immediate need for comfort the priority.

If God is ever going to invade our insides, and do that powerful work we groan for, we are going to have to stop sabotaging it by insulating ourselves to the point where neither He, nor we can move. There are so many things out there to scream for our attention – we have to choose what is more important.

A great line up of things (comfort, logical and reason, popularity, blessing) which get in the way helping us to WANT GOD MOST. We all find ourselves at times in a place of LACK--starving, desperate, missing something, and in a constant non-satisfying state- spiritually dead and have no clue how to change. A need of something MORE.

This short, yet powerful read is filled with call outs, anecdotes, references, insightful scripture, and at the end of each chapter helpful Questions for Reflection, and Take Your Own Inventory study guides. Ideal for study groups, or your own personal daily guide. RIGHT NOW is a great moment to start a new longing. Very much enjoyed this insightful and dynamic guidebook. Looking forward to following this author and reading more!

Judith D. Collins Must Read Books
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JudithDCollins | Nov 27, 2014 |

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