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This one’s a little out of my usual ballpark. I know MC Romances are popular and considered “dark”, but I don’t know if they usually get this brutal.

Dorian is a tattoo artist who does work for The Old Gods, a local Motorcycle Club. When he learns of his girlfriend’s infidelity with members of a rival club, he is afraid of reprisals from The Old Gods, and he decides to pre-empt this by giving her to them.

This story is tagged as Dubious Consent on Smashwords, but nothing is dubious about it. What happens to Scarlett is non-consensual, and the word “Rape” appears on the book’s cover, so readers should know what they’re in for.

So, I’m not classifying this as erotica. We often read about violence in gruesome detail, and I see no reason this story should be treated differently. Rape is an act of violence and, in this case, retribution.

As a description of a violent act, what occurs and the effect on the victim, I think Sterling Wilder tells his story well. I was happy with how the incident wrapped up and with the retribution visited upon those responsible.

I was only aware once I finished reading that this story introduces characters who will appear in an ongoing series. With that in mind, this feels like an “origin story” for Scarlett, and as we all know from superhero stories, a traumatic incident can inspire the victim to become a hero or a villain. I’ll be interested to see how she develops in forthcoming stories.

Know what you’re in for heading into this one. If you’re still interested, then I think it is well done.
anxovert | Jan 26, 2023 |
A Christmas treat from the pen of Sterling Wilder.

Greg is a photographer. His wife, Willow, works with him. At Easter she dresses as the Easter Bunny for client photos and at Christmas, they do a double act as Santa and an Elf at a shopping mall.

Greg isn't a very pleasant man. Willow does her best to placate and accommodate him, but on the day on which this tale occurs she has had enough and when he tells her he doesn't want her working with him anymore she decides to go along with his demand and go home and pamper herself for the rest of the day.

That is until she passes by a new, and somewhat unorthodox, service provided by the shopping mall to entertain dads while their wives shop...

A popular Christmas tune by Mariah Carey is mentioned several times in this story. Willow is not a fan. Perhaps a more apt tune would be the classic carol "O Holy Night" with its chorus which begins "Fall on your knees..."

This is a delicious slice of smut in which a frustrated woman finally gets some satisfaction, and a philandering husband's true colours come to light. Lines are crossed in the process but when all is said and done Willow is fulfilled and gets her happy ending, all with Greg's acceptance.

Very highly recommended.
anxovert | Dec 6, 2022 |
More than anything else, this short story from Sterling Wilder put me in mind of a gloriously bawdy horror comic. And that's a great thing!

Ever since she was a little girl listening to her Grandmother's stories, Kenzie has believed in monsters. Now an adult, she has enrolled at legendary Miskatonic University to follow her dream of studying cryptozoology.

Kenzie and three fellow students are accompanying one of her Professors on a field trip investigating a mysterious obelisk sighted at Charnel Rock near Cape Cod. And so the stage is set...

Before the night is through, each member of the group will be confronted by their greatest fear, and with no hero on hand to save the day Kenzie steps up, armed only with her belief in monsters and a rampaging libido.

This fun story features over-the-top Lovecraftian monstrosities being overcome by one woman's boundless sexual appetite. The steamy encounters come thick and fast, the villain suffers a suitably grisly comeuppance and the climax perfectly fits the horror comic ethos.
anxovert | Oct 19, 2022 |
Funny. Filthy. Fidelity. Well, two out of three ain't bad.

Bree's boss tells her there have been too many complaints to corporate about the mall booth she works in, and while he acknowledges that these incidents have not been her fault, he nevertheless needs them to stop. He leaves Bree as the start of her shift with the following instruction:

"Do whatever-and I mean whatever-you can do to keep people happy. That's the bottom line."

What's a woman to do? She's not authorised to give discounts or freebies, so she has to work with what she has available (and what she has available today does NOT include underwear, though her boss is certainly unaware of this particular wardrobe choice.

We follow Bree through her day as she does everything in her power to keep her customers absolutely satisfied. She really does give it her all and is well-and-truly "stuffed" before her husband comes to pick her up from work at the end of the day.

This is another filthy, funny fantasy from the mind of Sterling Wilder. The sex is hot, Bree is delightful - if a little *too* devoted to her work and a splendid time is had by all.

anxovert | Jun 6, 2022 |
If you could have anything in all the world, what would it be?

Damien is Rebecca's fantasy. They had been together only a week when he had to leave town indefinitely. When She hooked up with Seth she thought it would be a one-night thing, but they hit it off and now they've been together for a year and everything is great between them and now Damien is back.

For their anniversary, Seth offers her the one thing she wants most in the world, all she has to do is say it...

This the story of Rebecca and Seth's night as guests in Damien's basement BDSM dungeon. It is beautifully told with big, real emotions, desire you can taste and deliciously hot sex.

Not to be missed.
anxovert | Jun 6, 2022 |
She chose not to come quietly

Bryce and Henry have an established hotwife/cuckold relationship. Our story opens with then traveling home from a party. Henry is driving and Bryce is shaming/belittling him. Henry becomes upset and drives faster and as a result they are pulled over by police cruiser and you can probably guess where this goes.

Bryce's abuse of Henry is harsher than I like, and from most other authors I probably would have abandoned this free read after only a couple of pages - but even in his quick fantasy/smut stories I've come to expect decent characterisation from Sterling Wilder so I stuck with it.

Bryce's abuse and shaming of henry continues through her "interactions" with several police officers, all conducted outdoors in a clearing at the side of a quiet stretch of road. The sex is rough and unprotected and well-written and it's only after it is all done that Bryce and Henry get their emotional connection when she somewhat redeems herself for her abusive attitude.

Not my favourite from this author, but still an entertaining read.
anxovert | Jun 5, 2022 |
A collection of four erotic vignettes, almost too short to be called stories, but the author still weaves his magic and whet is here is highly erotic.

anxovert | May 19, 2022 |
The title says it all.

Chastity finds a creative and entertaining means of reducing her six-hour wait for service at the DMV.

There are two kinds of Sterling Wilder stories. Some have unusual warmth and character depth, and others (like this one) are deliciously fluid over-the-top free-for-alls.

Four stars. Would not queue to read this story again since I now know how to avoid that inconvenience.
anxovert | Mar 19, 2022 |
Ryan falls asleep on St Patrick's Day after a conversation with her husband about leprechauns and pots of gold, only to wake up in a strange place in the company of the most jacked leprechaun imaginable.

It has to be a dream, right? The fact that her husband is there insisting this is his dream is irrelevant - and since it's a dream then there's no reason she shouldn't do the things the leprechaun wants in exchange for his pot of gold...

This is silly, sexy fun and a fine treat for St Patrick's, or any day.
anxovert | Mar 18, 2022 |
This story slathers shame very heavily on poor Aaron. I understand it is a kink for some, but it seems odd to me that he appears to subconsciously yearn for something he has no knowledge of.

But enough about cuckolding. It is right there in the title so I knew it was coming, and Sterling Wilder gives us great insight into Aaron's conflicted and confused state of mind.

I like single point-of-view stories since that's how we all experience life, but I wish in this case that the story was being told by either Elizabeth or Trevor, who both have a more satisfying story arc in my opinion.

One for the shame-enthusiasts. If that's your bag, this one's a treat.
anxovert | Mar 3, 2022 |
Sterling Wilder brings depth and feeling to another erotic gem.

Annette works as a prostitute. She is in love with her childhood best-friend ("with benefits" since they were teenagers) and fantasises about making a life with him. But sometimes the object of our desires is not all we want them to be, and sometimes something better is just waiting to be discovered.

With steamy sex and real feels this was a treat. If you've read this author before then you know what to expect, and if you haven't then this is a fine place to start. Recommended.
anxovert | Feb 13, 2022 |
The second instalment in Sterling Wilder's Raynefall series is brief and sooo sexy.

Taken on its own merits, this is four-star smut, told with heart and a sense of mischief.

If you've read "Rayne's Free-Use Weekend" and experienced Rayne's catharsis and emotional healing in that story, this one will have greater impact and easily earns its fifth star. If you haven't read the first book, do yourself a favour and grab it before you read this one.

I'm looking forward to whatever comes next!
anxovert | Sep 16, 2021 |
Rayne is in a dark place when she agrees to a weekend of "free use" at the hands of her boss, ostensibly for a week's paid leave which she doesn't expect to use.

From that setup I was expecting thirty pages of smut, something I know Sterling Wilder writes well. Its all here, but there's a connection between Rayne and her boss and over the weekend she experiences emotional catharsis as she surrenders control and he provides the care she has desperately needed.

And the smut I expected is all here, but written with feeling, so a scene where the heroine is restrained and blindfolded while submitting to unidentified guests is somehow sweet and scorching hot at the same time.

This is a quick read with a likeable cast of characters and an ending that qualifies as an HEA, though a second book continuing Rayne's story has just been published and I'm looking forward to reading it.
anxovert | Sep 14, 2021 |
Chris and Blair are soon to be married and they have agreed, no strippers at their respective pre-wedding parties.

When Blair discovers plans in place for "special" entertainment organised by her fiancée's brother she sees red, contacts the woman engaged for the evening and arranges to take her place, masked and bewigged and intent on calling Chris on his dishonesty.

Of course, things don't quite go according to plan...

This is a familiar setup, handled well here by Sterling Wilder. I like Blair and I felt for her even as she makes some terrible decisions which nevertheless lead to a very happy ending for all concerned.

This is a quick read with scorching hot sex and an HEA ending. If it sounds like your thing then it probably is. Very recommended!
anxovert | Jun 26, 2021 |
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